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Everything posted by 100Proof

  1. Nor me either. If I want to watch people banging, there's the appropriate real stuff, lol. It is something that always irritated me in many of these dramedy cable series... the absolutely pointless constant throwing in of sex scenes simply because its cable and that they can. Really? Plot and character acting alone isn't enough to carry viewership?? lol
  2. I love (sarcasm) the pointless jumping into the sack moments under the most inane circumstances... 'Lip! Baby daddy beat the s*** outta me so I ran out the house then got gang raped behind a dumpster in some ally then shot at by a drive-by on my way here to ask if you can put me and my kid up cuz I'm scared to go home but then got knifed by a mugger cuz I had no money..... let's have sex!' lol.
  3. My thought was that he/it tastes like squid
  4. So how does this work? The world is going through a biological apocalypses, aliens are invading, Scully's frantically looking for her missing babies, the smoking man is doing dr mengele style fetus/impregnating experiments, yet Molder & Skully are doing investigations oblivious to all those happenings going on in the world? Brian Huskey (Reggie) from "People of Earth" looks exactly like a balding Stephen Colbert. Similar comedic 'quirkiness' as well
  5. I see. Sorry. The way I interpreted.... >>wouldn't even be the first time this decade that Isaacs has played a character unhealthily obsessed with a lookalike of his daughter. There has been all this stuff about why on earth he ended up doing Star Trek, apart from being a fan, and this kind of twisted storyline is totally what would make him agree to do it.<< this was that 'all this stuff about why' was gossip that had something to do with his personal behavior and that perhaps there was a crossover in the roles he chooses, lol. Alright, all cleared up. Case closed
  6. Not getting this. Are you implying the actual real life person has some kind of sordid real life issue or do you have trouble separating the actor from their role? I remember him from the OA, which itself started out intriguing but went ridiculous towards the finish, lol
  7. Yer probably right. I could've sworn it was 'sinister'. <shrug> :)
  8. There is a thing I noticed in the first season half when 'Michael' was first bunked with the spore engineering woman... her name Tilly? (I swear I don't know how ya'll keep all these characters names straight.... especially klingons... they all look alike to me! lol) Anyway I swear when it was time for both of them to bunk down and sleep, they did one of those things they do all the time on tv and the movies.... the camera does a closeup on 'Tilly's' face who's turned away opposite from michaels bed... and she gave one of them weird 'stare' look.... like there's some kind of hidden evil thing going on. But nothing surfaced as far as I know with that character
  9. Was he high??? He certainly didn't behave any different. He thought he might get high was, again, being clueless in thinking you can get high from a couple drops of infused oil rubbed on the skin. That Dr Oz saying he was high was because he was talking like a buffoon. Oz shining a light in his eye was no 'proof' imo.... just Oz being 'showbiz'.... as shown by Oz then unveiling the internal organs body suit in front of him and then out to start his show thus himself becoming a sort of 'showbiz clown'
  10. After this episode I really started to hate this guy. What a clueless irritating obnoxious a__hole
  11. So if alter lorca is not the real lorca and j. peterman, is not really j.peterman but actually cosmo kramer, why was he wearing the very same pants he was returning to barneys?
  12. I'm trainwreck watching this show now. I believe the descriptive term is ham-fisted
  13. Not a fanboy of anything so much as to blind me to bad storytelling. I managed the first set of episodes despite intergalactic travel via *shudder* 'space fungus' (oh god). Now we got this crew member/loverboy who constantly sweats, has the DT heebeejeebees by way of some klingon voodoo and yet is trusted with assignments. Who writes this crap. Aside from that, when he first came onto the scene I thought loverboy was played by Ralph Macchio. C'mon, tell me he don't look like him, lol
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