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Everything posted by LordOfLotion

  1. There's enough room for the text of Gone With the Wind on there
  2. Mr. Lotion is predicting they'll break the diet in the first week.
  3. Make sure you get a highly rated seller so you don't get stuff that's been sitting around for a year. I've never had a problem but you never know.
  4. Mr. Lotion says there was a turkey baster involved. No way the laws of physics permitted the horizontal mambo to happen.
  5. They had them on Amazon last time I got them. I haven't gotten any this year so I don't know if there are any listings. Oh my Superior Being, someone help those kids.
  6. Has anyone else noticed they don't have any hair on their legs?
  7. I get ones with real sugar shipped to me from England. They're uncommonly GOOD.
  8. The older one is not afraid for the younger one. Older brother is afraid younger brother will no longer be able to bring him FOOD.
  9. He's got on underwear! I'm pretty excited! Mr. Lotion is here tonight so it's going to be a great episode.
  10. I should know better by now than to drink and view this forum :-)
  11. Whitney sure as hell didn't stop because she was going to be Jewish.
  12. I feel bad for Babs about the pig. FWIW, I was really hoping they were just out of cake.
  13. NOPE no baby talk, definitely get another cat.
  14. Whitney stahp! Remember the Prime Directive!
  15. My purse is constantly on the ground. Is that what I've been doing wrong?
  16. OMG they can get rid of Milquetoast Heather too.
  17. I care more about the pig and the cats TBH. I don't really like Buddy on this show. I don't know how he is IRL but I'm totally done with him on this show.
  18. "I've done it in Heather's previous relationships" Relationships plural. So, Heather had multiple failed relationships, and what do they have in common? Whitney meddling in them. Hmm.
  19. I don't even like to be the one to tell people the mail didn't run today. Why she takes delight in stuff like that is beyond me.
  20. What happened to Cyrus's illness? Did he go into remission last season and I just spaced out on it?
  21. As a young child, I knew there was something funny about the fruit salad. It had marshmallows in it and my mother loved it too much. They said there was whipped cream in it, but there was something... off about the taste. I took one bite but I wouldn't eat it. The adults mocked me, called me spoiled, but try as they might, I would not eat anything that had a creamy texture after tasting that fruit salad. My sister was born when I was six years old and she too was suspicious of the creamy fruit salad with the funny flavor, and we both avoided the creamy looking jellos and other desserts for many years. Finally, one day, I saw my mother preparing the fruit salad, and there on the kitchen counter was a jar of the most noxious concoction known to mankind-- Miracle Whip. It's not mayo. It's the salad dressing of doom. Mom had been putting huge dollops of it in the fruit salad all this time "because it makes it creamier." It also makes it taste like rotten death slime. The thought of mayo and bananas is... triggering to me.
  22. It's not that suitors see four cats and think that she's not wife/mother material. It's that they see four full litterboxes and a woman who can barely move to clean them.
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