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Everything posted by LordOfLotion

  1. Oh please she was never going to convert!
  2. OMG Whitney looks so gigantic in that dress.
  3. Yeah I'm on my couch watching on the 60" TV in the living room so I can see everything life size. I don't know why, but I'm hungry. :-P
  4. I forgot to quote this last night, but she's totally doing this too. A few people told me to kill myself, so I have this lifetime coupon to do whatever the hell I want, and not only does everyone have to support me, they have to cheer me on. And I like the attention and being cheered on. It's so much better than people talking about my crappy diet and the awful way I treat my family and "friends." Now put my shoes on, Whitney Jr, and fetch my rag on a stick! I have men to stalk on my scooter!
  5. I believe there probably are people who tell her to kill herself. This is the internet; welcome to thunderdome. However, she is implying that it happens constantly, and she seems to be lumping it in with anyone who criticizes her. So criticizing her equals telling her to kill herself from what I'm seeing in the clip. I have never seen anyone tell her to kill herself, and if it's happening that often, she needs to be taking screen shots and talking to the police, not crying about it on the show. Without being able to see this in its original context, it appears to be her throwing another one of her toddler tantrums while taking up an entire sofa.
  6. I don't. Even in Sycophantia, they're not going to click "like" on a workout post. They don't even want to see it. If she's working out, then people are going to ask them why they're not working out. They don't have a Will or Jessica, so if they get a trainer, they might have to do it for real. I could go on, but you probably get the idea.
  7. Certainly you would have to meet the squashee in person. I couldn't begin to speculate about insurance.
  8. You don't have to meet them in person. Some of them just like to watch you eat... or whatever. These guys will order food for the obese women to watch them eat it. If they want to see the women eat pancakes, they will pay for pancakes. They will buy the outfits for the women to wear while they eat the food. I'm sure they will watch other men being squished, and the women will do it, all for a small fee. Use your imagination.
  9. My brother in law turned out like this, and his dad was there the whole time. The other 2 boys didn't have issues.
  10. That was beautiful. I have tears running down my face.
  11. Wait she got approved for surgery? What did I sleep through?
  12. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaan you feeeeeel the malnourishment toniiiiiight..... Sing it!
  13. I'm renting a bus for anyone else who needs a ride. My husband is bringing a cooler with beer.
  14. We're doing it our own way! How does that usually work?
  15. "You still need to get up and do your exercises--" As she flops back onto the bed....
  16. Whitney Thore doesn't eat until after 9PM either.
  17. I get Mexican Coke in the bottles. I drink it because it's there :-)
  18. If Morgan Freeman narrated these episodes, I'd replay them 24/7.
  19. They need a separate trailer for her massive, all-encompassing bosom.
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