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Everything posted by babyhouseman

  1. He's looking at his food like he wants to marry it. Will he cheat on his wife with food?
  2. Caleb said he hoped she wasn't the roll away bride. Well. she ain't going to run away. Julia Roberts, she's not. I was asking about his family, and they showed his nephew who was young and fit. In the next season, are the newlyweds going to still be lovey dovey or screaming at each other? That was a very nice lhealthcare worker helping with Caleb and the pants that wouldn't fit. She even found nice pants from another overweight resident, I'm guessing. I wouldn't have been so patient with the pants meltdown. He was marrying Tammy, not the queen of England. Them having simultaneous meltdowns would be fun.
  3. The crew on Good Morning America was still wearing masks recently. Maybe Kelly is like her former Hamptons friend Howard Stern. He hasn't even been back to the studio.
  4. I don't believe the transgender thing, but I love how it would blow the Duggars' minds especially Boob and Mechelle.
  5. Reality shows break up relationships. Maybe they hope the divorce will have the chaos of Jon and Kate. lol
  6. According to twitter DWTS group, they're just keeping 3 judges. At least, Julianne has been part of the show. After Tyra, nobody seems that bad.
  7. I don't know if you can post IG on here. I saw the video, and it was cute seeing the people who played Patti and Nina back. it starts out with the bug and Phyllis. Sitting down, Victor, Nikki and Victoria do a busted up version of Grease's The Hand Jive. Lord help us, the actor who plays Billy had a solo dance and was wearing an ugly suit. Nicholas was with Sally, but even their moves weren't that annoying. Michael and Lauren were charming. You can tell the actors really like each other. Jack and Diane were in there too. The food always looked so good. When Jill was there Mamie should've dumped orange juice on her head.
  8. I guess the headbands are to signify it's a girl, but it just looks like a baby with a black blob on her head.
  9. I'm liking the show OK, but the book just had a certain quality a movie could never duplicate.
  10. I've always wondered this. It's just speculation, but I wonder if she was abused. She's so prickly about therapy. She doesn't have to tell all her secrets, but you get curious when you see someone on a reality show.
  11. Good night. That blonde in the pink shirt needs a better bra.
  12. I'm tall, and if I saw Dr. P, I would want to pet him on the head, and he wouldn't like that.
  13. Bosch has a company here in Eastern NC. Know people who work there.
  14. They're wasting Dr. Now's time. Just go there, get weighed in, and the plain looking nurse can give you the book.
  15. The mother looks like kind of an older Ellie Mae Clampett.
  16. I wanted to know if he has family. I think I read he has a sister. Does he have parents, kids, siblings, etc.? If he does, are they going to be as useless as him?
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