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Sandy W

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  1. I think she is trying to set herself up as some sort of Life Coach. I will not be enlisting.
  2. Something went awry once Kody married Janelle, long before the catfish put the final nail in the coffin. Could be that Meri defensively lorded it over Janelle and then Christine to maintain her position of power. This was not the harmonious blending of happy homemakers that Kody had envisioned.
  3. That's going to be a challenge to identify fixed vs not fixed when rounding up. Maybe get as many as possible and mark the fixed kitties with a harmless food dye.
  4. They could have left "the tenders" with the nanny. No reason for the older 3 not to be there ...if they were not.
  5. Shelbi did caution them about rodent hazard but they bought anyhow. Most people would have been scooping their kids up and hightailing it out of there.
  6. She should invite Meri over and say... I can look at the mountains anytime I want.
  7. It was resin. Surely if thay was her taste, it would not have been too hard to find a pair of well worn cowboy boots in a thrift shop. At least that would have been authentic. She could have had some bonding time with Meri and they could have made the conversion to lamps quite easily.
  8. Hanging around the emergency department so she could learn to mimic the facial expressions of those in need of critical care.
  9. I thought it was Truely too. It seems the angle of her face looking up makes her face appear slimmer than a straight on photo.
  10. Tacky, tacky, tacky. Would rather wake up to Janelle's flaming ass stallions.
  11. In other words, Amos had no ambition to build an empire and may have been content to ride Meri's coattails. Does anyone know what he did to earn a living?
  12. I had always envisioned them floating around the celestial planet in diaphanous white robes. But Meri has always thought of herself as "edgy" so...
  13. The only way she would be welcome on their planet is if there was a market for LLRags among the celestial entities.
  14. I wonder if you laid them on top of something like the bbq or a bin and they are covered with a blanket of snow?
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