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Everything posted by Jess14

  1. I’m positive that’s what it’s for. The problem isn’t a fraternization policy, it’s how it’s structured that’s an issue IMO. Most employers would never put in place that places a higher burden on the less powerful, lower paid workers (or at least would not be recommended to do that; in reality, employers do a lot of stupid shit against advice). However, in the case of the Cowboys, they’re dealing with a players union and a bunch of powerful, grown men who are not going to be told who they can and cannot have a consensual, sexual relationship with. Therefore, it falls to the cheerleaders.
  2. Yeah, what bothers me the most about the fraternization policy isn’t just the double standard, but it’s the fact that the burden is put on the party with less power. It’s like telling the secretaries that they can’t sleep with managers of the company, and then not putting the managers under the same conditions. Or like putting in a student policy handbook that students cannot fraternize with professors outside of academic settings, but allowing the professors to do that. It’s just a terrible policy. I get that the Cowboys are a different type of business, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. As for the bold, I completely agree. Even as someone who does not live in Dallas and has no inside information whatsoever, it’s obvious that Kelli plays favorites and is selective in her punishments. She’s great at her job in many ways, but thats a sign of poor management. Let’s just hope that she (and the org) never gets hit with a real discrimination-type suit, bc a bunch of disparate punishments for similar offenses can really complicate a defense for an employer, even if its not related in any way to discrimination.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking. Everyone in the back looks off to me, but I’m thinking that some of it may be the image on instagram. I’ll reserve judgment until I see a picture that is clearer. I think there are way too many people kneeling on the floor. That’s the biggest problem with the picture for me. The 2015 one that was posted above looks much better.
  4. Oh yeah, that’s right. She’s the one who was featured during the episode where a Kitty worked on power. I remember now. For some reason, she looks different in the picture to me.
  5. Who is the girl on the back row to the right (on the end)? Has she been featured?
  6. See, I heard that as when the TCCs are on their own time practicing together, Gina gives out correction to other girls, but that the corrections are wrong. Maybe I misinterpreted it, but I just don’t see the issue in its face, assuming that it’s a mutual thing where they’re all trying to help each other (it’s not mutual for Gina, which is my problem, not the giving corrections itself). I think it’s perfectly fine for Keyra or Tara or Kalyssa to give a correction to a fellow TCC if they have are doing it wrong as well. When I was on cheer teams, that was pretty common.
  7. I don’t think there’s an issue with Gina giving corrections. You don’t have to be senior to someone to help them, and it’s not unusual that some girls may have a better grasp of some choreo than others and can help them, and vice versa. Rather, I think the problem is two-fold. 1) She doesn’t seem to think that SHE needs any help from the other TCCs. Even when she was talking to K&J, she referred to helping the other girls. I don’t recall her saying that they help each other or that help her too. She clearly thinks she’s better than them and doesn’t need their input, while they desperately need hers. 2) Because of her arrogance in thinking that she doesn’t need help, she can’t seem to grasp that sometimes she is the one who is doing it wrong sometimes. I think that is what Lacey was talking about. Gina tries to correct other girls, when they’re the ones who are right. I doubt she’s intentionally trying to screw someone over by purposely giving bad corrections. It’s just arrogance IMO. I think many of us have worked with ppl like Gina. Some just need a humbling experience to learn that they’re not better at everything than everyone else. Others will go their entire careers acting like that and will be disliked everywhere they go. Up to Gina to decide which category she will fall in.
  8. Well, I'm glad that the dam seems to have broken regarding information on Erica's exit. In a period of 3 days, we went from having zero information on the board to knowing the infraction (drinking while on the job), who posted the incriminating information (Erica), and to what social media medium it was posted (snapchat?). Nice! If K&J don't want both situations covered on the show, I'm assuming that there was no real choice but to feature the Holly/Jenna issue rather than the Erica one given that it involved 2 veterans and resulted in changed formations, etc. However, from a practical standpoint, drinking on the job is far more straightforward. Obviously rules are rules and a breach of a contract is a breach of a contract, but the fraternization issue opens up the sexism complaints given that its one-sided. I'm actually surprised that it appears that they will address it and not just focus on the underage alcohol issue. When it comes to Erica and alcohol and work, outside of social functions, I would imagine that most people are not allowed to drink on the job, and if its not actually spelled out, it should be common sense.
  9. Yeah, the treatment that Whitney got in comparison to some other stuff doesn't add up. I don't know what happened behind the scenes, but her behavior was an embarrassment and got the team lots of bad press. Outside of the Zeke angle with Holly (he's already in the news a lot), I don't think most people would think that the stuff Holly/Erica/Jenna are said to have done is scandalous. I think lots of people assume that the players and cheerleaders date anyway. But yet, Whitney was put front and center (or may have already been there and stayed there- can't remember). She was definitely a fabulous dancer, so based on that alone, I had no problem with her at point, but if point is supposed to be someone who is an example to the team and has good judgment, she shouldn't have been there lol.
  10. Could be, but Jenna wasn't even at the HOF game though so someone would've had to have told her for her to then report it. The lack of besties thing could just that Jenna has a boyfriend now, which based on her instagram, coincides with all of this. She could just be one of those girls who spends every minute with the new bf and only has minimal time, if that, for friends when in a relationship. Also, I don't think we know enough about the team to know who has had infractions and who hasn't or who was a leader and who wasnt. I think I started posting back on TWOP in season 6, so I've been on the boards during Jenna's whole tenure. Up until last year when we heard the rumor that she had been dating/hooking up with a player, there had never anything (that I remember) said about her breaking rules. Now, reading some posts, you would think she's been a constant rule breaker since she got there. I'm not saying that it's not the case. It could be true, but if so, her infractions were not making it to the board. Likewise, Erica could have had multiple offenses, and we've just never heard about it. Same with anyone else. I'm not saying to expect the worst of anyone just that I don't think we get a full picture, and sometimes, I question even the "insider info" that we get. I appreciate hearing gossip for sure, but I have no idea who is saying it or any motive that anyone who posts here may have.
  11. Very true. None of the things that these girls are accused of doing is all that bad in the grand scheme of things. They're not defrauding anyone, stealing, etc. They certainly need to learn from all of this and the punishments seem just as you can't just not follow rules that you don't like or think are stupid and get away with it (at least not always). However, they're young. You live and you learn. If they go to their next jobs and pull the same types of stuff, then that's another story. ETA: I'm not sure where the digs about Erica's religion are coming from (I'm not referring to the quoted post to be clear). That seems a bit out of line based on what is alleged to have happened. It's not like she's a congressman who is trying to shove her religion down everyone's throat, while simultaneously having extramarital affairs. She's apparently a Christian who drinks....what is the problem?
  12. Well the Erica news is interesting and sheds light on the hush-hush way they have treated her departure if true. Also makes sense that they won't air it. That's a lot of bad behavior from well-known, senior and popular vets in a short timespan and reflects poorly on K&J as well in some ways. They can't control how ppl behave, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have let a lot of bad behavior from favored or more senior cheerleaders go in the past. I may be off base and that may not be the case at all, but people tend to stop respecting rules when they're not regularly enforced or when slaps on the wrist are handed out.
  13. Maybe it was like with a few of the vets back in season 8, where they didn't even take cameos, and K&J just used pictures from the prior year. Again though, as mentioned in last week's episode, this is an issue with editing and storytelling. The audience has been told that Selina is struggling with weight, so we want to know how her picture went. Instead, we get nothing. Agreed with whoever commented on the strange menu for fancy meal. I've only been to a couple of five and six course meals (way too much food for me and crazy expensive), but pasta as the heaviest dish seemed odd to me. It seems like a steak/lamb/fish (like a filet) would make more sense. And I love seafood but oyster and shrimp was odd. Who knows though, I'm definitely not an expert.
  14. Was anyone able to pause the preview of next week's episode when they're talking about the contract? In the really brief clip, the hair (of the person Kelli was talking to) looked red but a bit lighter than Holly's hair. I kept trying to pause it though and gave up when I kept hitting pause at the wrong second lol.
  15. Gina came off terriblly in the office. Anytime a girl goes straight to other people being "jealous," it's a red flag. So glad that Kitty brought attention to her attitude, and good to know that those of us who caught a whiff of her attitude in the last episode were not off the mark. She needs to be brought down a peg. I actually liked the guest choreographer, and the improv party looked super fun. Nice to see more of Keyra and Taryn this episode. I had no idea that Keyra had tried out 4 times. Anyone know how old she is? After a slow start, I feel like the show has really picked up. I've enjoyed the last few episodes. Lauren is really likeable and relatable IMO. I find myself smiling when she's on screen. Next week looks like a must-watch episode!
  16. I like Judy. She can be bitchy, but I typically feel like she's objective. I've always felt that Kelli lets her personal feelings about people get in the way of things. She just reminds me of one of those supervisors who really plays favorites, whereas I don't get that vibe from Judy.
  17. Doesn't this logic apply to everything? If K&J know what they're doing and their decisions shouldn't be questioned, what is there to discuss? I may be misunderstanding the post, and some discussions go in circles no question, but I'm not sure why who is at point, Kashara right now, is any less of a valid topic than anything else that gets discussed here.
  18. Yeah, it's weird. Was this person going to stop following DCC had Holly just retired? I mean, Holly was only there for 2 years lol. Its fine to have favorites, but It's not like she was there for 10 years and then just got ruthlessly cut....DCCs come and go quite frequently.
  19. I think the answer is that the girls who are better dancer/performers than Kashara (and not less senior than her) either retired (Amy/Megan/Melissa/Jenn K/Claire) or got in trouble and/or were released (Jenna/Holly/Erica). Lacey is the big glaring question mark, and I guess Jinelle for people who are big fans of her (I'm not in terms of dance/looks, but I like her personally). Dont get me wrong. There definitely appears to be favoritism here, but her rise isn't as shocking to me given everyone who has left, voluntarily or involuntarily. Now if she had originally been at point over Jenna or if Amy T/Megan/Erica were on the team and healthy, and she were point over them, then I would be shocked.
  20. Yeah she listed out some factors on twitter, and tenure and dependability were two of them. That struck me as a nod to leadership (dependability), but I guess she could be pointing specifically to dependability regarding dance.
  21. Yeah, the seconds last year were Erica, Melissa, Lacey, and Jinelle. So with Melissa and Erica leaving and Jenna being the only group leader to return, there had to be a new person as a GL this year. No doubt though that the person who has benefited the most from the departures from last year's team and the Holly/Jenna/Erica stuff is Kashara, but hey, that's life. Take advantage of opportunities when they come. I still don't get the "point needs to be the leader of the team thing" considering that's it's a dance formation, but Kelli cares about that.
  22. Right! If anything, the fact that it's not a requirement for TCCs, who may be weeks from being actual DCCs, kind of bolsters the point that it doesn't appear to be a super strict rule. It's not like these are summer interns who will be coming back a year later to work as employees. If they don't have a job or are not in school during training camp, why would they be expected to do so once they make it a few weeks later....
  23. Shelby who was a TCC a few years ago told Kelli that she quit her job to focus on DCC. It's probably not a hard and fast rule (doesn't appear to be a "if you lose your job, you get cut from DCC too" type thing). It may just be what they like to see, kind of like how a lot of jobs require or strongly encourage employees to be involved in other professionals organizations, but if you're not, and they like your work product otherwise, you're probably not losing your job.
  24. Am I just off the mark or is 111 pounds for a women who is 5'5'' extremely small?
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