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Everything posted by Jess14

  1. Was just thinking that. While I think Group 3 is pretty strong as well, Group 1 is stacked IMO, especially compared to Group 2.
  2. Yeah, I just went back and watched a performance from last season to see what they replaced. I actually prefer the new choreography.
  3. Did they always transition into the wide formation outside of the triangle for Thunderstruck, or is that the new part?
  4. No idea on the last point. It just seems to me that threatening to release information about the way the DCCs do business (if there is something controversial there) would be a more viable threat, at least from a PR perspective to the team, than her actually having a legal cause of action if they showed her cut. If it's true that she posted a picture of snapcaht of her drinking (truth is almost always a defense to defamation/slander type claims) and signed all of the applicable releases for the tv show, I don't see anyway that she has a viable claim against CMT. Again though, I am purely speculating. Elizabeth and then Miranda are to Jinelle's right in the two formations of that dance.
  5. Definitely a risk for her, but does the massive DCC org really want to sue a cheerleader? Seems like that would be a bigger PR problem for them than letting it go. I don't know what she would have to say though, so I'm purely speculating.
  6. Maybe she threatened to spill everything she knows about the org. I'm sure there are some salacious things in there. She's a young and pretty and the NFL is already in the news. If controversial enough, she could maybe make the news for a day or 2. In terms of lawsuits, the CMT/DCCs probably have an arbitration clause anyway, so her legal options are probably limited, realistically speaking. Practice videos from this morning. I really find Group 2 to be rather blah and mediocre.
  7. I don't think your viewpoints or experiences are out of the norm at all. Right or wrong, I don't think most people run and tell on their co-workers for anything other than for the most serious sorts of things and typically only the things that could rebound to them. I know I wouldn't unless my job was threatened by the behavior. Outside of the very real risk of being blackballed, many managers tend to dislike people who do that. Beyond that however, I simply don't want any involvement in someone losing their job or being demoted...none. People are nuts, and I don't want any taking their rage out on me. That's just the truth.
  8. If Cersten gets into medical school, I think she will be gone. Jenna and Jinelle are two others that I think will retire, and I could see several of the three years girls leaving too. It seems like lots of them are mid-20s in age, and therefore may be starting to look at transitioning to long-term careers.
  9. I’m talking about the suggestion that she should be put in the back row. Obviously, she wasn’t and is still in the triangle, so it’s moot but that was discussion. Im not even taking up for Jenna. I get the whole don’t break rules if you don’t want want to face the consequences but I actually find that irrelevant to the point I was making. It’s more of a management point than anything. As an example, a seven year associate at a law firm who royally screws up is most likely not going to stay if they get demoted to a 2-year associate as a result. And if they did, there would be little value to the firm bc their work product would probably fall off so much that it would be a waste for all parties. If the infraftion is that severe, cut your losses and move on. That’s really all I’m saying.
  10. Yeah agreed. I find the suggestion that she should’ve been kept out of Canton, stripped of a group leader position, lost point and been put in the back row to be unrealistic. If they were going to do all that then it would make more sense to just cut her, or I would assume she would quit. As a manager/supervisor, there’s a fine line between a punishment that corrects whatever problem there is and pure humiliation. If you’re going for the latter, then it’s best to just cut ties. For all of Jenna’s faults, her main value to the team is that she’s a fantastic dancer. Putting her in the back for the season to sulk accomplishes nothing and adds zero value to the team. In that case, you may as well just pick another rookie to dance in the back and hope to mold them into a great DCC.
  11. Yep. I don’t buy for a second that those friendships just happened organically. Not saying that it’s dumb, as making strategic friendships has helped a lot of people get ahead in life, but still, it is what it is. The Holly/Jenna “friendship” seemed strategic as well for both, which unfortunately ended up being more trouble than it was worth.
  12. I’m actually surprised that they’re continuing to drag out the Jenna stuff in the next episode, but may not touch the Erica thing at all. Holly and Jenna apparently aren’t as savvy as their buddy, Erica lol. With that said, so over the Jenna/Holly thing. Between the months long discussion (and mostly speculation) about what happened and the way the show addressed it (beyond confusing), I’m ready for the show to move on.
  13. I feel the same way. I feel she’s being shoved down my throat, and it begins to get annoying after a while. It’s not even really a Kashara thing though, as I like her, and she seems like a fun person to be around. If it was anyone else, I think I would like feel the same way. I always wanted the show focus on the vets more, but between the Kashara overload and all of the Jenna/Holly nonsense that I’m so over, I’m starting to think that heavily focusing on the rookies isn’t so bad.
  14. Spoilers are fine in here. Taryn and Erica are the last cuts.
  15. Yeah, exactly. I think we (collectively, not anyone in particular) put these girls in positions where they can’t win. When Holly was being immature and posting petty stuff, she got called out for it. Now, she finally shows some graciousness, and she is criticized as well. If Jenna puts on a happy face and pretends to be happy for her teammate, she’s being fake. Yet, if she sat back and said nothing, she would be called a brat. I mean, putting on a happy face and pretending like to had/have a great experience at your job is what most people do in public and most businesses wouldn’t function well if people didn’t. Even if Holly is now pretending to be happy just to save her career and not out of any personal growth or maturity, I’ll still take it and see it as a positive sign.
  16. Well, it doesn't look like the team is being named next week, so it is still possible that they will address, even if just in passing, Erica's departure. I think she was released the day the team was announced.
  17. I don't get the Brennan cut either. Savannah, Alexandra, and Christina all should have been gone before her IMO.
  18. Anyone think she may try out to be a Laker Girl? In terms of prestige, that’s probably the closest to a lateral move that she can make as far as pro sports team, right? Im genuinely curious. I watch NBA, but don’t realky know what dance team, if any, is considered the best. Regardless, I hope she lands on her feet. Ive never been a Holly fan, but I certainly don’t wish ill will on any of these girls.
  19. I 100% agree. She would probably see dancing on a college team as a downgrade, but I think she would be best served by going to college somewhere, living the undergrad life (IMO, the best and carefree time you’ll ever have), and dancing there. I know several people have mentioned before that she should go to LA or NYC, but I don’t know. If she can’t keep her shit together in Dallas, not sure she’ll fare better there. Every team, every job has rules.
  20. It’s not like Kashara is the first point girl that people have disagreed with. I remember that lots of people on the board didn’t want Jenn K to be point. Some people thought Emma should have been point over Holly H. If Jenna were still point, there would people saying that they don’t think she should be point because they’re over her and don’t like her scar. If it was Lacey, some people would say she’s too lyrical. If it was Holly, some people would say she’s too extra and shouldn’t be point. It would just be just as acceptable for people to not think any of those 3 should be point, as it is for people to think Kashara shouldn’t be. People are allowed to have opinions, and no one has to defer to Kelli and Judy in expressing such opinions.
  21. Completely with all but especially the first paragraph. I just don’t think it’s that deep one way or the other. I don’t think Jenna tried to lay down the law or tried hard to get Holly not to go in the clubs or hang with players m, nor do I think she “took Holly to club,” like I’ve read a few times on here. Holly is not a little high school girl following behind her college-aged sister on campus one weekend. She’s about one year shy of being able to be legally in all of those clubs and she very like either 1) used a fake Id to get in or 2) or knew the guys at the door and used her local celebrity to get in. I would imagine that Holly hanging out on the club scene preceded her “friendship” with Jenna. We know that Caila also used to be in 21 and up clubs when she was underaged bc it was posted here. I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal to any of these people where someone would’ve said, “Wait! You’re not allowed to be here! You must go home now!!!!!!” More of a “if you want to take your chances and get in the club, then cool, you’re in.”
  22. The team is still holding it out to the public that Holly is a DCC too. She still has a twitter account that they control and apparently refuse to release, and everyone involved with team who has made public comments of some sort (Kelli on twitter, Shelly here) has refused to confirm that she has left the team. I actually don’t blame Holly on this one for now. Hard for the DCCs to argue that the brand is being tarred by a former cheerleader pretending to be current when they’re doing the same thing.
  23. I wonder why the team always puts the two year vets who end up in the second row on the end. It seems like it would make more sense for them to be in the middle. For example, seems like Kelsey should be where Savannah is in the formation. Maybe it's based on the triangle formation, and it's not a big deal by any means, but I've always been curious about it.
  24. I don’t see the need to hide the team once it has been announced anyway. I don’t really see the logic in hiding their twitters and team photos, while the girls are simultaneously dancing in front of thousands of people for the games. It’s not a secret.
  25. Robin is behind Kashara in the triangle. When they transitioned and widened out the formation, Robin was then to the right of Kashara with Lacey to Robin’s right. Jenna is to Kashara’s left. It looks like Maggie made an error in the group 1 video. I don’t make much of these small errors. It’s bound to happen every once in a while when they have so many dances, but I haven’t been all that impressed with Maggie....at least not how I was expecting to be.
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