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Everything posted by libgirl2

  1. For a minute I thought I was in a time warp! She looks great! I was thinking the same thing too. I didn't see Leonard at all, he was David again.
  2. I don't know if they do anymore considering some of the stuff that is on there.
  3. When I saw that, I remember that they say that is what happened to Rosemary Kennedy. You beat me to it.
  4. I was sad to see him get exiled. I liked Dwight. I hope it was.
  5. Neither do I, it seems to always look messy.
  6. They were both quite mobile. I also didn't think Marissa looked like she weighted that much. Jennifer has a very beautiful face. Its interesting because I didn't think it looked so full when she was at her largest.
  7. When I heard they were having a girl, my first image was of their little girl in some cute little dress (nothing second hand) with a big bow in her hair, with mommy and daddy dressed to the nines.
  8. The nearby gas station where I live has healthy options like hard boiled eggs, fruit cups, and small salads! I call it laziness, much easier to phone up and get a large pepperoni than it is to actual think about what you can eat.
  9. She really seems to have gotten a good one or at least a normal one!
  10. I know a lot of people here and on other sites were going to report her. I think she doesn't get the money, but I don't know enough about Go fund me.
  11. I think she doesn't say because the plans are for them to just live (and eat) off that money. There is no way this money is going to any kind of weight loss program or surgery!
  12. Schenee is now on FB trying to raise $50K. she says she was dragged to Houston and humiliated on TV. This whole set up was a scam imho. TLC fell for it. She humiliated herself.
  13. I saw it this morning. What a Godly woman (and crew)--- not. Who knows what the heck is up with that guy.
  14. Because they were too much in a rush for the "magic" surgery that would make Schenee skinny yet still able to eat 10000 calories a day.
  15. Oh gosh, yes. You can't have normal pallbearers, the coffin alone is going to weigh a lot add an obese body and its too much.
  16. She miscarried twice already. I highly doubt she will ever get pregnant again.
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