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Everything posted by libgirl2

  1. I don't think its a sin either but if someone is going to get all sanctimonious about God, they should consider it a sin. And I agree, a bedridden person doesn't just happen, the enablers let it happen by catering to them and not getting them to do things for themselves.
  2. If she is a real believer, she would know gluttony is considered a sin. The woman ate ALL THE TIME.
  3. How romantic! I think there is a reason he doesn't drive.
  4. When I saw her, after Dr. Now told her to lose 30 lbs, and she was eating a boatload of food, I thought this isn't going to work. Everytime they showed her she was eating. Tacos (that a friend was giving her) when they were moving, the bag of some kind of chips that she were nasty (but kept eating)..... plus she has the enabler Freddy, who denied she ate the pizza! She will be 1000 easily by the end of the year, bedridden, with Freddy continuing to wipe her a-- and it will be too late.
  5. I didn't view the sink thing as corporal punishment at all. Actually, I could see my mom doing that to me if I mouthed off and behaved like Harris has been. The last scene had me in hysterics!
  6. It really wasn't her place to run to them. All she could do was encourage Magda to tell them.
  7. I wrote it off to that. Better as she is now then on heroin. Work on one thing at a time.
  8. She felt guilt over it, she even said she felt sick over what she did and then she confessed to Dr. Now.
  9. I think she must have eaten the whole pan and more. I'm glad she got rid of temptation and only kept healthy foods on hand.
  10. She is on FB and posted to the 600 lb page. She can't wait for people to see her "where are they now" episode. She also looks pretty good. Not skinny, but much better than she was. I hope she can keep it off. She is a lovely woman.
  11. She worked hard and made no excuses at the gym. I was also pleased to see she wore actual work out clothes.
  12. I liked it. I enjoy seeing people actually succeed. She had setbacks but she really focused at the end there. She was also honest with Dr. Now when she cheated. She didn't try to hide it and she went in right away to get weighed. Yes, you can eat out and still make healthy choices. Subway is a good example like you said.
  13. With ghastly, I was really expecting the worse.
  14. I only saw a quick second of a tic. I expected more. that is a good theory and makes sense, but he was also so cruel in how he killed them. He could have easily just suffocated them.
  15. The cat scene was a bit too much for me as a cat owner!
  16. Maybe not, but I do think they need another nun in there somewhere.
  17. What Mr. Gelin said to his wife as she lay dying was so very emotional.
  18. She was in Jewel in the Crown ages ago.
  19. I love Shelagh! I like her an awful lot too. I do think they need more nuns. There were several in the church scene but we haven't gotten to know them. I also am somehow getting a feeling Lucille will become a nun. They really stressed her faith. I thought it was pretty obvious but what can they do?
  20. She was in the preview for epi 3.
  21. these constant repeats get tedious. Is there nothing else going on?
  22. I hope not! For the first time, I did, but I do watch with captions and that helped. There were some moments that made me smile. Dr Turner telling Shelagh about the good conversation he had with the au pair and how much he enjoyed her coffee as opposed to what he usually gets. The look on her face. The actress can say more with a look than with words. I don't think Dr. Turner will stray, I just think it is going to eat Shelagh up having this woman around.
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