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Everything posted by libgirl2

  1. I have never seen The Bear. Is it funny? It doesn't seem like it would be.
  2. I think that was my favorite bit of the night.
  3. Without my meds, my BP is worse! And I weigh a fourth of his weight.
  4. I guess they tried? Maybe they were turkey dogs?
  5. I could see having what they call a sprinkle. Get some girly things after having two boys. And have it be immediate family, not a huge production number in a venue. Just be at home.
  6. We know Rosalind as she has actually spoken on the show.
  7. Jill posted pics of her and her best friends out for coffee (surprise). Hannah has been Jillified and filtered that I thought she was someone else. Poor Sofia is wearing huge bows in her hair and looks so sad and forlorn.
  8. It really made for a creative variety of desserts. I love carrots and the whole time I wanted carrot cake.
  9. That is what I thought. He doesn't strike me as someone who would used packaged ones.
  10. If they didn't have a Pack and Play, a blanket on the floor would be okay, but not the way they have him "pillowed" up.
  11. I think that speaks for how good everyone is. One small mistake or a bad night and you are bottom two.
  12. I agree, just what is their point? Do we even know their names?
  13. I thought he baked them.... mmm. As much as I liked Kate, I agree with you. While the dessert was really neat looking, it really wasn't baked. It was the right decision.
  14. Oh, that could be a problem. I don't like things that are super sweet.
  15. I really want to try a Nanaimo Bar, but there was no baking really involved and they were right to send her home. I do seem to remember a baker on here who got away with not baking. Am I right or am I thinking of another show?
  16. That is just terribly sad. And yes, there are things worse than death. I can't remember why this little girl fell in the water. Her parents would not allow her to swim unless my parents invited her and no one was in the water. Maybe she tripped because she wasn't the kind to just jump in. She was smart enough to know she couldn't swim. I'm still friends with her and I wonder if 50 years later, she remembers anything.
  17. We used to have pool parties often. I remember one year, our neighbor's daughter fell in our pool. She was maybe 4 and our pool was new. She had been swimming in there before but always had a on a life jacket and us kids in the pool would keep an eye out on here. Her mother and my mom would sit near by and keep an eye out too. This time, everyone was milling about and no one was swimming. I remember her father jumping in without hesitation to get her. She didn't sink and was perfectly fine except for crying. After that, her parents made sure she learned how to swim. My parents lived there for many years more and as she grew up, she swam often at our house. But things can happen in a split second.
  18. I get you don't have to be married to have a child, but they are so focused on having a child, why not get married too?
  19. I thought so too but maybe it was when they officially became her Foster Parents?
  20. This is an era when the man would hide things like this because they have to appear to be strong.
  21. I had a pool growing up and I can attest to that! I remember one year, my friends and I swam way too early in the season (my dad had just opened the pool) with no heater. We had blue lips and shivered but we didn't get out.
  22. Wow, yea, I didn't even think about that! Not my favorite episode. I did like the young couple with the girls. That was a good storyline.
  23. I believe she is 9. Why is that baby on the floor like that? Not to mention a propped bottle (water, juice, sweet tea?).
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