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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. hee - why does this remind me of young Dean? He's cute...shame we don't get to see more skin now. lol
  2. I think that is why I love them so much. I would put some higher but the voters have voted, so I must just "Carry On." :) + "Beautiful Loser" from Exile on Main Street -- "Spirit in the Sky" from Good God, Y'all -- "Bad Moon Rising" from Devil's Trap 28 - "Renegade" from Nightshifter 24 - "Oh Death" from Two Minutes to Midnight 23 - "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" from Dark Side of the Moon 18 - "Don't Fear the Reaper" from Faith 17- "Beautiful Loser" from Exile on Main Street 17 - "Simple Man" from Free to Be You and Me 17 - "The Gambler" from Weekend at Bobby's 16 - "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" from A Very Supernatural Christmas 15 - "Bad Moon Rising" from Devil's Trap 15 - "Spirit in the Sky" from Good God, Y'all 15 - "Heat of the Moment" from Mystery Spot 15 - "All Out of Love" from Slash Fiction 14 - "Wanted Dead or Alive" from No Rest for the Wicked 10 - "White Rabbit" from Hunted 11 - "Man in the Wilderness" from We Need to Talk About Kevin 09 - "Supernatural sitcom theme song" from Changing Channels Sent off after 3 encores and a lighter tribute and one drunk guy throwing a beer bottle.... "Cherry Pie" from Reichenbach "Bending Spoons in My Mind" from from Changing Channels "I'm Too Sexy" from Black "Stonehenge" from Simon Said "Silent Lucidity" from Heart "You Shook Me All Night Long" from The Slice Girls "Rock of Ages" from Swan Song "Thunderkiss '65" from Sex and Violence The Ghostfacers theme song from Ghostfacers "Hey Man, Nice Shot" from Skin "Run Through the Jungle" from Sin City "Vincent" - from Survival of the Fittest "Head Full of Doubt / Road Full of Promise" from Halt and Catch Fire "Rooster" from Folsom Prison Blues "The Famous Final Scene" from Road Trip "Cherry Pie" from The Song Remains the Same "Smoke on the Water" from Two and a Half Men "These Boots Are Made for Walking" from Meet the New Boss "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" from Skin "Play with Fire" from The Man Who Knew Too Much "I'll Just Wait Here Then" from Fan Fiction "Miracles" from Mommie Dearest "Can't Find My Way Home" from Do You Believe in Miracles "The Weight" from Hibbing 911 "Back in Black" from Bloodlust "Do You Love Me?" from The End "Goodbye Stranger" from Goodbye Stranger "Laugh, I Nearly Died" from Bloody Mary "Behind Blue Eyes" from Book of the Damned "Single Man Tear" from Fan Fiction "A Well-Respected Man" from It's A Terrible Life "The Road So Far" from Fan Fiction "Space Oddity" from Clap Your Hands If You Believe "Carry On Wayward Son" from Fan Fiction
  3. With this logic the same could be said about Sam. This is my problem. I started out as a brother fan. I rooted for Sam and Dean. Then somewhere along the line I started liking Dean more. I should relate to Sam more on some levels but Dean hits in a way that I relate more to him. Plus I love the eye candy. So I'm tired of which brother has the better storyline. Don't care. I am in waiting mode. If the purpose of this season makes the darkness interesting for 3 eps at the beginning, a few at the middle and the solution at the end of the season then I could get on board. What is the purpose to Sam's storyline...I think for Carver it was let's show Sam from Mystery Spot. His single mindedness. Once he makes up his mind there isn't any listening to anyone. He has done this every season. You can love or hate it about him. For those that hate Dean for X, Hate Sam for Y...I'm not there. Period. I still love both brothers. If the narrative allows for GROWTH which is a big IF??? -- Then perhaps the storyline could get interesting. The characters are compelling and that is where I want the storyline to go. Bring me a compelling reason to love the brothers again. They both suck right now in equal measures. They have destroyed the world at the expense of themselves. Now they must do something to repair that so they can be the hero's of the story again. Dean is a natural born LEADER he does see things that others miss. I think for some of the writers he is the brother / sister they were jealous of. Sam has a talent of finding information and the cheerleader when Dean can't see to go on. They have natural strengths that work together. If they will unite they can do amazing things. This is why so many fans love them. I understand both fans feeling let down. They have been. Dean has gotten the shaft and been given crap storylines. Sam has gotten the shaft and been given crap storylines. Honestly for me it is pretty equal despite the times I've been told otherwise. I'm not calling someone out on this forum nor do I feel you need to agree with me. We are fans of this show and we are drawn to it for individual reasons. Some may be the same and create unity. Other times it will never feel that way. I hold my views as truth over someone else. I expect others to feel the same. I'm also fine with some of us never agreeing. But I think life lessons that you've dealt with can sway you one way or the other. Hopefully this makes sense and I did not intentionally mean to offend. But Han Solo could have a story all to himself that would be interesting. I would even enjoy watching his adventures. I think Dean is the same. The years he was apart from Sam, there is much dirt to craft there. Personally I think Carver has kind of ignored 6 & 7 and just did his take of what happened after season 5. It makes sense on some weird level. :)
  4. Actually in Plays the more interesting characters are not the leads but the Character Actors. The ones you go who played that...I've seen them somewhere. I don't mind the Han Solo sidekick feel of season 1. I felt he had an important role and it got bigger as they saw what Jensen could do with his acting skills. I can see the idea of caring for someone is a part of who Dean is. He does get joy from helping others. I just personally want a balance. He can serve Sammy his hamburgers but I also want smart and badass Dean. I want to see him laugh and get excited about something small. Loving life. I want him to have something unique that he contributes to the storyline. I want to be excited to see both boys on screen and rooting for them to win. I want to see hope exists. I have enough darkness in my own life...so I don't need a depressing story to follow. It can have depressing moments but I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  5. Jared's sideburns just need to go... :) I'll offer my services to help him out...nah I can't betray Jensen like that. But it is funny how people will get all obsessed about a guy's hair. I know they did the same thing on other shows. I just liked Sam's hair when it is a bit shorter. But a few of the times his longer hair did look good. But it seems to be rare. :)
  6. The joy of seeing a student figure out they have a talent they never knew they possessed, seeing a student going from making bad decisions to good choices is a reward that is priceless. But I will admit I'm tired. I've fought for a long time, the grind, the lack of support from administrators and other issues is taking a toll. I need more time to prepare, lower class loads. The expectation of what they do to young teachers is criminal. This is a really difficult job due to way too many factors to mention. Many are quick to judge instead of support. Not everything, I've learned the hard way, works with each class or group of students. If they don't make changes, they won't have teachers. Yes it can be a calling...but if you feel so beaten down you won't stick with it pass the hard learning curve years. We need a change soon, because many of us will be leaving soon and the number coming in isn't high enough. But I do believe in a higher power, God. I do believe he knows I'm at my limits. I am having better classes even though my energy just can't keep up. My goal is 4 to 5 more years if my health will allow. Then I will have to do what the kids are doing...what do I do now??? I did like that J2 did acknowledge their teachers. I will admit it is about time that Theatre teachers get acknowledge as much as music teachers. All teachers are important and all provide something. Theatre teaches way more than just to be a professional actor. Of course in my world all students need several years of Theatre. :)
  7. Nipples?... Such a fun moment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDiCQBsKtCI + "Beautiful Loser" from Exile on Main Street -- "Bad Moon Rising" from Devil's Trap -- "Space Oddity" from Clap Your Hands If You Believe 28 - "Renegade" from Nightshifter 24 - "Oh Death" from Two Minutes to Midnight 23 - "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" from Dark Side of the Moon 18 - "Don't Fear the Reaper" from Faith 17 - "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" from A Very Supernatural Christmas 17 - "Wanted Dead or Alive" from No Rest for the Wicked 17 - "Spirit in the Sky" from Good God, Y'all 17 - "Beautiful Loser" from Exile on Main Street 17 - "Heat of the Moment" from Mystery Spot 17 - "All Out of Love" from Slash Fiction 17 - "Simple Man" from Free to Be You and Me 17 - "Bad Moon Rising" from Devil's Trap 17 - "The Gambler" from Weekend at Bobby's 12 - "White Rabbit" from Hunted 10 - "Man in the Wilderness" from We Need to Talk About Kevin 09 - "Supernatural sitcom theme song" from Changing Channels 03 - "Carry On Wayward Son" from Fan Fiction Sent off after 3 encores and a lighter tribute and one drunk guy throwing a beer bottle.... "Cherry Pie" from Reichenbach "Bending Spoons in My Mind" from from Changing Channels "I'm Too Sexy" from Black "Stonehenge" from Simon Said "Silent Lucidity" from Heart "You Shook Me All Night Long" from The Slice Girls "Rock of Ages" from Swan Song "Thunderkiss '65" from Sex and Violence The Ghostfacers theme song from Ghostfacers "Hey Man, Nice Shot" from Skin "Run Through the Jungle" from Sin City "Vincent" - from Survival of the Fittest "Head Full of Doubt / Road Full of Promise" from Halt and Catch Fire "Rooster" from Folsom Prison Blues "The Famous Final Scene" from Road Trip "Cherry Pie" from The Song Remains the Same "Smoke on the Water" from Two and a Half Men "These Boots Are Made for Walking" from Meet the New Boss "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" from Skin "Play with Fire" from The Man Who Knew Too Much "I'll Just Wait Here Then" from Fan Fiction "Miracles" from Mommie Dearest "Can't Find My Way Home" from Do You Believe in Miracles "The Weight" from Hibbing 911 "Back in Black" from Bloodlust "Do You Love Me?" from The End "Goodbye Stranger" from Goodbye Stranger "Laugh, I Nearly Died" from Bloody Mary "Behind Blue Eyes" from Book of the Damned "Single Man Tear" from Fan Fiction "A Well-Respected Man" from It's A Terrible Life "The Road So Far" from Fan Fiction "Space Oddity" from Clap Your Hands If You Believe My problem is many are pretty much tied or just a little above another. So if you take one of my favs out I will be looking to see which ones belong in that pack as well. But I love a broad base of music and musicals is one of them.
  8. Thanks for the internet hugs and well wishes. I need the weekend. Luckily I have students that I enjoy teaching and I'm thankful that my classes are pretty decent. Still working on letting go but basically had a better day today. I'm trying to see the yuck I dealt with today and yesterday as a wake-up call for how nice my students are. I can't reach all kids. Guess mini rant...Tired of how teachers are supposed to give their all for no pay. Even the worst Teacher works hard. It's time we respect those that teach...many would not survive it. Hard to believe I've done middle school over 20 years. Sometimes I still feel like I'm five! Plus dealing with emotions is difficult to manage day and day out. I need to try to vent in stories or plays. Draw or something. I did go swimming today to get rid of the energy that was going nowhere. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. At least I could vent here without worrying about losing my job because the wrong person saw my post. The Dean's hug really made my day! Luckily tomorrow is another day and I'm sleeping late in the morning... :)
  9. I think from seeing a few of the clues that the Darkness creates a reality for the boys and they may not know that they aren't experiencing an hallucination or altered state like "What Is and What Should Never Be" They could be stuck in the car dreaming or out of it and believe they are experiencing something they aren't. I'm a little more excited but still waiting till I see some eps before I make up my mind about anything. It is cool that Jensen mention an Edlund type ep coming soon. It wasn't done by him but it had the feel to it.
  10. Sue B, the sad part probably not. Since I didn't get hurt it won't be seen as a big deal. The family most likely has lots of issues and will play "But he didn't mean it" card or "my boy wouldn't do that." I will admit I lost my cool and told him if I had been hurt I would press charges. I would skip the school and go straight to a real police report. You're lucky I'm not hurt. They argued with me that the police officer would take their side. I think they were surprised when he didn't. I'm trying to believe that I went through this to help them realize that their actions aren't games and that they need to become responsible even if their parents don't demo that or they ignore their parents. I think if I started writing right now, Dean would be punching their lights out and I would be cheering on the side. Bad teacher. So I'm trying to find the humor and let it go. I guess I should go hunting Dean pics to distract me. Tomorrow is a new day. The lucky part for me, they weren't my students. They were out of control in another class, so that teacher got a break today. At least the weekend is near. :)
  11. Thanks, I really needed the laugh. I dealt with an attempted assault today. Luckily for me I moved out of the way before the student hit me with the door. Needless to say I've been upset and angry. Student thought it was funny until the police officer turned on him and said your lucky you didn't hit her. She could press charges. I never even got I'm sorry. Some kids...I won't finish that thought, but sometimes it is really hard to want to continue teaching. :(
  12. I liked the actress in another show. She worked really well and was abrasive and full of vinegar but also allowed to grow and be motherly. Missouri was just badly written. How she treated Dean, unforgivable and badly written. She did come off as just plain mean. I just rewrite it in my head that she meant to distract him as she could feel how upset he felt and it came off wrong. I have to work hard for that, and I shouldn't have to. So not the biggest fan of Missouri. I do like that they didn't make her physic abilities a joke. Her being too Sweet to Sam makes me not like Sam. Like Sam can't see how much his brother is hurting. Really, he's that blind? Sam gets blamed for Benny's death because he brought in the hunter. So yes he does own a bit of that. But Martin owns the rest. He was warned to stop, he didn't. So the big blame goes to Martin. Charlie gets the big blame for being stupid enough to leave the safety net of Cas and not able to escape fast enough. Sam does get her involved, but Charlie could have walked away too. But the biggest blame goes to bad writing. So let's have a story were we get to string up the writers and have Sam and Dean talk about the merits of saving their asses...Or NOT! :)
  13. For those that see a strong bro romance it could be that way but I can see the Destiel as well. I liked the full circle of course it was what they like to do in Supernatural, rinse and repeat but this one doesn't bother me as much because it hasn't been beaten to death like the brother's fighting. :)
  14. I guess I believed that Crowley was bored. Really bored. It started out as a game. Then Dean got under his skin. He shares some of the same issues Crowley had as a human. He wanted someone to show off his world ideas and Dean fit the idea. Doesn't have to be a romantic idea. Plus Dean did prove himself trustworthy in a weird mixed up way. He told Crowley he lied...he could have said nothing. Plus he isn't stupid, killing the Winchesters or trying has ended badly for anyone that has gone up against them. Crowley does love to survive. :) Besides look how cute it was to watch Crowley drink his fruity drink while Dean drank his hard liquor. :)
  15. I won't be happy if Dean's storyline is once again, not much... but the question I wonder...why are Sam and Dean near the impala with a wheelchair? What does that picture mean? Of all the pics they could use? I'm still hoping...maybe slightly Pollyanna that the reason we aren't getting that much is because they are sitting on something really cool..."I wish" (Maybe I've watch "into the woods once too many times. Stage version not movie.)
  16. Faith is one of my favs, same for What is... So I can agree with the list but there might be others I like more on some seasons. I get why they picked Bobby's Death because if he hadn't come back, that ep is really well done, acting, directing and shooting wise *camera*. Also Jensen talked about why the cat scream was so big. The director wanted more. He gave three takes before he said I can't keep doing this if you want me to talk for the next scene. The ending is the mess of the ep. If I forget about the ending, I can enjoy the beginning. I read the TV Guide as they were trying to be objective. I can't be because I'm hooked on the show, now. At the beginning I could. But I enjoyed the pilot. But ten years we have seen a lot of changes in acting. A really great show should show major changes in 10 years. It's why MASH is considered such a great show, the growth still stands many years later. I think the acting on the show of Supernatural stands out over ten years. The women issue, that is an issue that is almost as old as dirt. We are making progress but still too many shows don't show case strong women. It's a change I root for, but I don't expect every show to be on board with that, if that makes sense.
  17. -- "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" from A Very Supernatural Christmas + "Beautiful Loser" from Exile on Main Street -- "A Well-Respected Man" from It's A Terrible Life 28 - "Renegade" from Nightshifter 24 - "Oh Death" from Two Minutes to Midnight 23 - "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" from Dark Side of the Moon 21 - "Don't Fear the Reaper" from Faith 21 - "Supernatural sitcom theme song" from Changing Channels 19 - "Bad Moon Rising" from Devil's Trap 18 - "Beautiful Loser" from Exile on Main Street 17 - "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" from A Very Supernatural Christmas 17 - "The Road So Far" from Fan Fiction1 17 - "Carry On Wayward Son" from Fan Fiction 17 - "Wanted Dead or Alive" from No Rest for the Wicked 17 - "Spirit in the Sky" from Good God, Y'all 17 - "The Gambler" from Weekend at Bobby's 17 - "Heat of the Moment" from Mystery Spot 17 - "All Out of Love" from Slash Fiction 17 - "Simple Man" from Free to Be You and Me 15 - "White Rabbit" from Hunted 15 - "Man in the Wilderness" from We Need to Talk About Kevin 13 - "A Well-Respected Man" from It's A Terrible Life 13 - "Single Man Tear" from Fan Fiction 11 - "Space Oddity" from Clap Your Hands If You Believe 04 - "Laugh, I Nearly Died" from Bloody Mary 03 - "Goodbye Stranger" from Goodbye Stranger 01 - "Behind Blue Eyes" from Book of the Damned Sent off after 3 encores and a lighter tribute and one drunk guy throwing a beer bottle.... "Cherry Pie" from Reichenbach "Bending Spoons in My Mind" from from Changing Channels "I'm Too Sexy" from Black "Stonehenge" from Simon Said "Silent Lucidity" from Heart "You Shook Me All Night Long" from The Slice Girls "Rock of Ages" from Swan Song "Thunderkiss '65" from Sex and Violence The Ghostfacers theme song from Ghostfacers "Hey Man, Nice Shot" from Skin "Run Through the Jungle" from Sin City "Vincent" - from Survival of the Fittest "Head Full of Doubt / Road Full of Promise" from Halt and Catch Fire "Rooster" from Folsom Prison Blues "The Famous Final Scene" from Road Trip "Cherry Pie" from The Song Remains the Same "Smoke on the Water" from Two and a Half Men "These Boots Are Made for Walking" from Meet the New Boss "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" from Skin "Play with Fire" from The Man Who Knew Too Much "I'll Just Wait Here Then" from Fan Fiction "Miracles" from Mommie Dearest "Can't Find My Way Home" from Do You Believe in Miracles "The Weight" from Hibbing 911 "Back in Black" from Bloodlust "Do You Love Me?" from The End
  18. I've been dealing with a terrible migraine all day. So to clear up my misunderstanding. I don't think that Jensen would set up the fans for a story line they want to see, if something wasn't written in the script. Will Jensen mislead to throw the fans off, of course. But IA that he does it to have fun with the fandom. He has said over and over that it is a Season 1 & 2 with the boys on the same page. How long they stay that way he has no clue. The point I may have made badly was that he wouldn't lead the fans into a really false hope that they want if it didn't have any moments that could give that impression. He wanted the Demon story line to go longer but alas Carver did not. He didn't give away that the demon story was over after 3 eps, but he didn't exactly say it continued either. He knew how much the fans wanted Benny back. Hence the picture to give the clue without really telling us yes...we are getting Benny back...just not the Benny you know. Hopefully that clears up the miscommunication. I think Jensen wouldn't lead the fans on to a false hope. He wouldn't have a problem teasing us. So I fully expect to see the boys united. The in fighting will come later when Carver decides they need the angst. Does that clear that up? He has to give just enough truth so the fans won't want to harm him later. :)
  19. Jensen will always get some dramatic arch because he is good at delivering it. Therefore, the angst will be created so he has a moment to give. Jensen learned a lot from Dark Angel. From what I could find and a few interviews, It was hell on wheels to work on that show. He never wants that again, period. Many point to infighting over who got the most lines and they even changed Jensen's character so that another actor could be the hero. It just didn't work. Jensen has stated he wants it to be fun. He gets to do stunts, play with guns, and have dramatic and comic moments. Does he agree with everything, I doubt it. But I also think he doesn't add sunshine to deliberately set people up. It may change but I think we will see some of the things he is talking about. Otherwise, people will say he's just a liar and I believe he is an honorable person. I don't know Jensen, and yes he is willing to be in the supporting role. But he has come out with at the beginning it was suppose to be all about Sam and Dean was the supporting role. ETA: I'm sure we will see Jensen has told us the truth but there may be some parts that are left out to be revealed later. Now has he wished things had gone a different direction, sure. He's even said it. But I think there is so much wiggle room for everything that has been given. I don't expect a big arch for Dean right now. But I do expect he will have something that is important even if the fans are in disagreement about that. Most of all I expect the pattern of how they write the show to be the driving force. Much like we want the 200th to be special and no Demon dean so they ended it sooner. Had the 200th been a few eps later, it might have given a bit more time for the storyline, but I really think for the most part they do about 3 eps for myth arch, now oops time for a stand alone, and that drives it more than anything else. JMV
  20. Sam hadn't been obeying Dean all season. I don't have a problem with Sam not calling. There was a lot going on. I think that may have been missed by some of the fandom, that both things were happening at the same time. You can't show it that way but I can go with the spell and Sam begging Dean not to go away with Death happened to close together. Sam didn't obey Dean but he also pretty much told Dean he had to do anything he could to save him. So for a moment he may have agreed to follow Dean's orders, but he had been disobeying Dean several times already. Plus Charlie willingly put herself in danger. The stupidity of how she left the safety net, still gets me so mad at the writers. Charlie wasn't that naive. She knew she was being chased. I'm also tired of stupid Cas. But I think Dean without the mark will realize how he couldn't let Sam go either and did some really terrible things trying to save his brother. I hope that they will go okay, we screwed up, killed people we loved...No longer will we let others in cause it's not safe for them to be around us...Time to clean this up. I expect disagreements on cleaning it up. I expect issues of older brother vs younger brother in solutions. I also expect the big bad won't be more than the 6 or 7 eps as they have stated (I believe it was a interview with Singer.) They follow a pattern. The big bad showing up at the last minute was following the pattern. Badly set up IMO, but it is still close to what they have done in the past. This season will either make the show or break it. It all depends on the execution of the ideas. It does sound like they may have some good ideas...but I would rather be in low expectations and enjoy it vs have high hopes and be furious. JMV
  21. The fact that Jensen is getting a shout out in 11 years and Jared's name isn't there is interesting. I think Jensen can do something if he wants after Supernatural. I think many are willing to help him out once he is done. The real question will be what will Jensen want to do? :)
  22. Jensen's comment that he talked with Cas and they are okay...tells me that they aren't going to do much on the boys blaming each other. Too much blame to go around anyway. If Dean hadn't saved Sam in season 9. Taken on the mark and etc...There wouldn't have been a need to get rid of the mark. Dean knows that Sam wouldn't give up if he could find a way to get rid of it. He's already blamed Charlie's death on the book of the damned and confronted Sam about it. If he wanted to fix it, he could have killed Sam and gone with Death. He didn't. So spell or no spell that is on Dean. His main upset with Sam last time in season 5 was that Sam picked a demon over him. That was the point he couldn't get past. People have trouble getting pass a betrayal...it takes time. Jared has said that the boys keep reinventing their relationship. He knows more now. He knows he can't leave the life. He also knows he needs his brother to do it. So this one is so even, I don't see it being let's do 5 again. I think it will have part of 4 and the boys trying to figure out what is happening... But most of all I think the fandom is sick and tired of the boys fighting against each other. I think TPTB know this. I'm there will be some conflict in Dean wanting X & Sam wanting Y but that would be different. I don't think Jensen would set up the fandom by saying the boys are united only to tell the story that they are blaming each other again. I think he is smart enough to know what to say without giving the big surprises away. Eye opener had meaning after you saw it, but before it had lots of wiggle room. JMV
  23. I loved Kansas and Carry On way before I ever knew anything about SPN. 80's music is popular with certain crowds but I think it has to do with the 20's and 30 year old's being raised with the ones that loved old rock. But I know some kids that like it that are teenagers. Usually it is because they had someone playing it when they were young. I know I still like some of my parents music even though I don't really listen to it now. They loved the big band era. Also bars have a tendency to play a mix of song, some really old and then the latest. I just stop going to bars since I could handle the smoke anymore. I thought 2.15 was awesome but I haven't seen that low although we did have a short time under 2.00, it was like 1.99. But I doubt it will stay that low as the high places are 2.45.
  24. I do love a happy Dean driving his baby. But I guess it is time to move this game along. -- "Space Oddity" from Clap Your Hands If You Believe -- "White Rabbit" from Hunted + "Beautiful Loser" from Exile on Main Street 27 - "Renegade" from Nightshifter 23 - "Oh Death" from Two Minutes to Midnight 23 - "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" from Dark Side of the Moon 21 - "Don't Fear the Reaper" from Faith 21 - "Supernatural sitcom theme song" from Changing Channels 20 - "Beautiful Loser" from Exile on Main Street 19 - "Bad Moon Rising" from Devil's Trap 19 - "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" from A Very Supernatural Christmas 19 - "The Road So Far" from Fan Fiction 17 - "Carry On Wayward Son" from Fan Fiction 17 - "Wanted Dead or Alive" from No Rest for the Wicked 17 - "Spirit in the Sky" from Good God, Y'all 17 - "The Gambler" from Weekend at Bobby's 17 - "Heat of the Moment" from Mystery Spot 17 - "All Out of Love" from Slash Fiction 17 - "Simple Man" from Free to Be You and Me 15 - "White Rabbit" from Hunted 15 - "Single Man Tear" from Fan Fiction 15 - "Man in the Wilderness" from We Need to Talk About Kevin 15 - "A Well-Respected Man" from It's A Terrible Life 13 - "Space Oddity" from Clap Your Hands If You Believe 07 - "Behind Blue Eyes" from Book of the Damned 06 - "Laugh, I Nearly Died" from Bloody Mary 05 - "Goodbye Stranger" from Goodbye Stranger 03 - "Do You Love Me?" from The End Sent off after 3 encores and a lighter tribute and one drunk guy throwing a beer bottle.... "Cherry Pie" from Reichenbach "Bending Spoons in My Mind" from from Changing Channels "I'm Too Sexy" from Black "Stonehenge" from Simon Said "Silent Lucidity" from Heart "You Shook Me All Night Long" from The Slice Girls "Rock of Ages" from Swan Song "Thunderkiss '65" from Sex and Violence The Ghostfacers theme song from Ghostfacers "Hey Man, Nice Shot" from Skin "Run Through the Jungle" from Sin City "Vincent" - from Survival of the Fittest "Head Full of Doubt / Road Full of Promise" from Halt and Catch Fire "Rooster" from Folsom Prison Blues "The Famous Final Scene" from Road Trip "Cherry Pie" from The Song Remains the Same "Smoke on the Water" from Two and a Half Men "These Boots Are Made for Walking" from Meet the New Boss "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" from Skin "Play with Fire" from The Man Who Knew Too Much "I'll Just Wait Here Then" from Fan Fiction "Miracles" from Mommie Dearest "Can't Find My Way Home" from Do You Believe in Miracles "The Weight" from Hibbing 911 "Back in Black" from Bloodlust
  25. I'm not interested at all on who's to BLAME. Could care less. That said...I get the feeling that Dean and Sam are separated when the darkness hits. Perhaps in a dream state and don't realize they are alone. Remember when Sam had the torture device in season 9, he didn't know he was dreaming. What if it is happening again here too. The dream state could allow both boys to visit other dimensions. I suspect that they will shake things up but my excitement is still low, But if they can get it together, Perhaps it can be a strong season. Only time will tell.
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