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Everything posted by Dessert

  1. Gary’s video was awful!!! I’m so sick of vacuous inspirational quotes & his video was incredibly excessive. I hated it!
  2. Poor Kate hit another iceberg ...or iceberg-sized shark. No lifeboats this time.
  3. I prefer my predicted ending where a giant meteor hits the fishing camp. It’s actually more believable.
  4. This ending was so ridiculous it actually made me angry. Absolutely preposterous. Just my opinion. Zabel died in vain.
  5. I hope Ryan isn’t the killer. If he is, I get to say “We’re gonna need a bigger boat”. Evil Knievel couldn’t jump a shark that gigantic. Ryan is still really young. What on earth would a boy his age be doing running around in the middle of the night, much less meeting a prostitute in a park? If he was with his father, why on earth would John take his fairly young son with him to meet his teenage cousin/aspiring prostitute/statutory rape victim/possible baby momma/possible blackmailer in some park in the middle of the night ...with a gun? Why would his mother not even notice he’s gone? I could buy Zabel rising from the dead before I could buy that.
  6. I sort of agree. Mare shouldn’t have been there at all, but it was Colin’s job to interview those people. It would have been an incredible dereliction of duty, almost a firing offense, not to do so. He should have taken another armed officer with him. My hope, now, is that Mare has a flat tire on the way to the cabin, the “fishing trip” turns into an impromptu Ross family reunion (complete with Kenny, who breaks out of jail), Dylan party crashes, and they’re hit by a giant meteor - solving many of Easttown’s problems in one fell swoop. I also think that Zabel is secretly alive. He and Mare should both quit the force, move out of that godforsaken house, get married in a double wedding (Mare’s mom and Richard are the other couple), and live happily ever after in a land far, far away. Siobhan goes to Berkeley and is never heard from again. Frank keeps Drew (the cleanest little boy in the world) and lets Drew’s mother live with him on the condition that she never bathe him again.
  7. Mare’s therapist asked why she’s still living in that house. Good question! I see Mare of Easttown, Season 2 as a haunted house miniseries. I now accept that Guy Pearce just likes working with Kate Winslet and was willing to play a small part as her relatively sane love interest. Who can blame him? I hope Mare jumps in Richard’s car and they escape for parts unknown - never to be heard from again until Richard’s new true crime book makes them millions.
  8. I’m beginning to think that the casting of Guy Pearce was the ultimate red herring. I couldn’t believe he would just be a minor character - a love interest for Mare, but it’s looking that way. Oh well. We see him packing his car. I envision Mare screaming “Help! Take me with you” and driving off into the sunset with Richard.
  9. As much as I loved Zabel, it was his job to question the owners of those vans. He was the officer in charge of the investigation, not Mare. He’s the one who called in and got a list of vans matching the partial license plate, because that was his job. Mare was on leave and had no authority. He could have and should have requested that another officer accompany him. He should have called for backup. HIs death was heartbreaking, but not Mare’s fault.
  10. Frank isn’t the father. They checked his DNA. Same with Dylan.
  11. I think he was growing on her. They were fairly honest with each other - mainly at his insistence. At the end, they were confiding things that they didn’t share with others. The look on her face after the kiss suggested mild surprise - not giddiness, but a slight re-evaluation.
  12. I think we got the answer this week. Frank’s DNA test came back negative. If his son were the father, Frank’s test would have shown that a close relative was the father. Unless Kevin was adopted, that rules him out.
  13. I was trying to notice the hair at the back of his neck. I didn’t think it quite matched Zabel’s & I thought the hands were too beefy, but I could be wrong. It definitely wasn’t Richard, any of the bearded guys, or Mare’s cousin.
  14. Speculation: Guy Pearce can’t just be some romantic interest for Mare - he must play an important in the mystery. I think it will have to do with his son. When Mare asked him if things were better with his son, he brushed it off in a way that seemed suspicious to me. I think his son lives in the area and that’s why he took this particular job.
  15. I liked the “I love you” scene. It was way overdue, but well-done and beautifully acted. Meloni is a brilliant actor and very charismatic. He’s been missed. The organized crime plot doesn’t interest me as much - over the top. I prefer the old format that seemed, at least somewhat, tied to reality.
  16. Mia Farrow acted twice after their break up - twice in the past 29 years. She has many dependents. Clearly, Ronan was able to get an education and become successful without Woody’s help, but I don’t doubt that he was offered bribes by that sicko. Of course he’s a liar! We don’t need armchair psychologists. Many testified at the custody trial and, apparently, they were scathing. I read an article yesterday (I’ll try to find it) by a woman who had been a huge fan of Allen’s and attended the trial. She was shocked by the testimony - especially by the many, many therapists. One of them was asked if they thought Allen was evil. According to this article, the therapist paused for a very long time and then said that they didn’t make those kind of judgements.
  17. I can’t place the cocaine sneezing, but the two other scenes are from Annie Hall. The clips I see from Annie Hall make me cringe now. Annie is so childish.
  18. I keep thinking about Hannah and Her Sisters. Isn’t that the one where he’s involved in or married to Mia Farrows’s character and has affairs with both of her sisters behind her back? It’s very indicative of his lack of respect for family boundaries. It disgusted me at the time. I agree about not thinking movies should be pulled from distribution. I stopped seeing Woody Allen films before the Soon-yi scandal because I didn’t think they were very good. Afterwards, I vowed never to see another one because I don’t want to give him one penny of my money. I do, however, watch Polanski movies. Chinatown is one of my favorite movies and I refuse to give it up. The Pianist is brilliant, too. I don’t think he should be let back in this country. Let France, or wherever he’s living, deal with him. I do think he should be prosecuted and punished for any crimes he has committed. I can also understand anyone not wanting to watch his movies.
  19. Lolita is one of my favorite books. It is NOT a May-December romance! Humbert Humbert is the ultimate unreliable narrator. He is also a pedophile who kidnaps a young girl and destroys her life. Nabokov, himself, referred to Humbert Humbert as a monster. Woody Allen is also a monster. It’s been obvious since came to light that he had sex with Soon-yi, his son’s sister. Even if she was of age when the sex started, the incestuous nature of the relationship is grotesque. From the beginning, Allen has controlled the narrative of this nightmare through his sycophants in the press & movieland. I remember watching in disgust as it rolled out. Poor Dylan has grown up, not only having to live with memories of the abuse she endured, but seeing herself depicted in the public realm as insane. I’m glad that this documentary has finally been made. May he rot in hell.
  20. I am increasingly disappointed in this season. Most of the baking doesn’t measure up at all. They completely lost me when no one could make brownies. I understand that finding contestants who could participate must have been a challenge. Everyone seems nice, but now the few competent bakers are falling by the wayside. The humor has also been god awful. I think I’ve had it.
  21. Very interesting analysis, but I have to nitpick. Morse doesn’t tell Violetta that he doesn’t believe in forgiveness; says he’s not good at forgiveness. Big difference. I would say that, at the end, she gets her answer - he does forgive her. Whether he forgives himself is another story.
  22. I know many people are upset by Endeavour’s affair with a married woman. Of course it was wrong, but people make mistakes. This isn’t his first time at least trying to start things with a married woman. In the pilot, he tried to kiss the opera singer even though he knew she was married. With Violeta, Morse was completely swept away and living in a fantasy - the one where he gets the girl and she leaves someone else for him instead of the other way around. There were a few wonderful details that demonstrated it without saying so explicitly. For instance, my favorite bit of dialogue in the whole series was when Violetta first asked him if they could continue their affair. He said that sleeping with married women was “not my scene.” I almost laughed out loud. It was so unlike Morse to use that sort of “hip” slang. He was trying to sound sophisticated and blasé, but was way out of his depth. I thought “Oh, Morse! You are in so much trouble!” Another example is the set design for Morse and Violetta’s love shack. It was hilarious and brilliant. There he was, in someone else’s bed (a dead woman’s, it turns out, LOL), telling Violetta that “we’re all adults”, “these things happen” “it’s no one’s fault”. All this is said in a preposterous bubble of a fantasy apartment unlike anything Morse would inhabit in real life. It was the perfect visual embodiment of how out of touch with reality he’d become.
  23. Yes!!! The counterculture episodes are painful. I’m old enough to remember what it was like. I agree that the explanation of Ludo’s insurance scam doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. At the end, he seemed to claim that Violetta, his “assistant” was going around sabotaging their marks’ ladders, welding, etc. I.don’t.think.so!!! Even if she wore disguises, a beautiful, exotic, Italian woman would be noticed skulking around strangers’ houses. Ludo’s operations also seemed to require a lot of cooperation from other people. Did he hire those faith healers ...and the pickpocket who stole Morse’s wallet? Surely one of his operatives would have turned on him. Nothing new. The plots usually have some glaring inconsistencies. I don’t really care, though, because the real mystery is one of character development - how does young Endeavour become the older Morse, the child is father to the man, and all that.
  24. Why would it be classism? Morse’s family is working class. He knows more upper class people because of his time at Oxford, but that doesn’t change anything. I think Morse hadn’t forgiven Thursday for his association with Box and his temporary corruption. When Morse came back, Thursday avoided him and seemed to prefer the company of Box and his cronies. He was disappointed and hurt. I think they’re trying too hard to explain Thursday’s absence in the later series. There’s a lot we don’t know about Morse. Of course, Strange never mentions Thursday either (since he hadn’t been created). At least they’ve paved the way for McNutt!
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