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Everything posted by Dessert

  1. I think they cut the entire scene. There was also a brief scene with Miss Fraziel at the murder scene that was cut.
  2. As I recall, it happened after they told Trewlove about Fancy and after they find out The bullets that killed Fancy were from a gun not found at the scene. Morse goes to Bright’s house to discuss trying to find the killer. Bright dismisses the idea, but offers Morse a drink. That’s when Morse sees the the photograph of his daughter.
  3. I’m sorry. It’s been widely published and doesn’t actually give any of the plot away, but I’ll hide it.
  4. I thought I had already replied this, but it didn’t show up, so I’ll try again. LOL. I apologize if this is a double post. I do think both examples were foreshadowing. Fancy wasn’t careful enough with surveillance (although he didn’t have much choice in this instance) and it probably got him killed. Bright’s crew was really left in the dark, with tragic results. The transfer to Thymes Valley doesn’t bode well for our guys. Should make for some great drama, though. There is treachery afoot. They’d better watch their backs and sleep with one eye open.
  5. Yes, I remember that Morse was furious with him for playing the radio during surveillance and calling attention to himself. That was definitely foreshadowing. I hope we’ll get more of a forensic analysis in a future episode. For instance, was his gun drawn? Had it been fired? Were there fingerprints or any other evidence in the car?
  6. I’ve decided that Fancy is Icarus. His going into a confrontation between two groups of armed mobsters with no back up was just crazy. He was jealous of Morse and did want to impress everyone - especially Trewlove - but that’s nuts! I originally thought that the killer might have caught him watching them, but surely they would have just shot him in his car. Maybe the killer was part of another group and dragged Fancy into the bar to throw the police off and make it seem like he was killed during the battle.
  7. I don’t get that either. Icarus is usually used as a metaphor for tragedy caused by hubris or reaching for the impossible, but I’m not seeing the connection to this story. It also has the theme of a father’s grief over his failure to protect his son or causing his death. One boy died before the episode began. Maybe Fancy was supposed to be Icarus. Bright’s crew was left in the dark about the underworld connection to the school. Thursday said he would have handled things differently if he had known and might not have put Fancy in harm’s way. Morse’s class was reading Icarus. I would love to read an explanation. Surely they will give us some follow up to the Joan/Morse cliffhanger. To have such a prolonged buildup followed by nothing would be terrible storytelling. Personally, I would like to see them be together at least for a little while. We know it won’t last, but just because Morse ends up alone in late middle age doesn’t mean he was never involved with a woman for more than a few weeks or months when he was younger. Poor Thursday! Not only did he lose his life savings, he’s now living with the fear that the check he gave his brother will link him to Charlie’s criminal activities. I don’t think they would have brought that up if it wasn’t going to be a subplot at some point. I hope Morse finds out and works to clear Thursday’s name.
  8. The newspaper that the valet is ironing says June 1968.
  9. Great finale to a fine season! Very moving. Poor Fancy! Poor Thursday! Morse reveals himself as a true romantic. Give that man some coffee! It’s an emergency!
  10. https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2018-07-25/endeavour-series-six-filming-new-pictures-shaun-evans-moustache-itv/ Here’s another article about the new season. There are quite a few spoilers about new cast members and guest stars. Digital Spy claims thatMorse will be working as a uniformed policeman, but I’m skeptical.
  11. I like to think Claudine has been chatting with Joan about Morse and has given him good reviews ...but that’s just my fanfic.
  12. I’m confused by that scene. Some viewers on Twitter are absolutely convinced that Joan was coming on to him and that he turned her down (I think he has to turn her down at least once to not seem too pathetic!). I read it that way, too, at first, but I can sort of see it as an invitation for a chat. His response could be seen as “I’m not a eunuch and I’m not your pal. What I need from a woman right now doesn’t involve coffee”. I’m still leaning towards the first impression. Joan seemed a little shy and nervous when she was asking and when he turned her down. I’m not quite old enough to know whether, in the sixties, asking someone up for coffee was the same code for sex as it is now. I do know that asking a single man, especially one who has been drinking, up to your apartment at night could be interpreted that way. They’re both bumbling and awkward to say the least. That Jane Austen quote. Yikes! What was she thinking? Teasing a man whose marriage proposal she turned down, about becoming a good marriage prospect, was cringeworthy. I don’t think she meant it to be. Why did he suddenly kiss her on the cheek? He’s never done that before. Was it just a plot device so that he could smell her perfume and solve the crime? Strange!
  13. Ah, I missed that. They will probably deal with the moon landing in the next series. It was such an overwhelming event - worldwide.
  14. The headline was about the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, which took place in October of that year. I think they also referred to it in the episode.
  15. The name is Bond. Endeavour Bond. Fun episode. The plot was well done and that was one scary foreign language tutor. Poor Morse! Thursday tells him to be more careful because his girlfriend doesn’t need a dead hero. Meanwhile, she leaves him for Vietnam Nam.
  16. All of my relatives smoked. They have come up with better treatments for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other illnesses.
  17. That just goes to show how much perceptions vary. I’ve always thought that Shaun Evans and Sara Vickers have amazing chemistry and have done some their very best acting in this series together.
  18. They have come up with better treatments for certain illnesses, but life expectancy has always been somewhat determined by genetics and luck. My ancestors, going back at least as far as the early 20th and late 19th centuries, tended to live into their upper 80s, 90s, and even past 100.
  19. I haven’t seen many Morse episodes, but John Thaw in Morse looks decades older than Shaun Evans in Endeavour. No offense meant to John Thaw’s memory. He was great. I find Endeavour to be one of the most poignant depictions I’ve seen of a young man’s gradual slide into the alcoholism that will kill him. His colleagues occasionally comment on his drinking, but it’s presented as a given without too much fanfare. At this point, he still has hope for happiness, but we know his fate. It’s heartbreaking.
  20. Boy, I hope she isn’t trying to “let him down easy” and signal that she’s not interested in a romantic relationship. Considering that she already turned down his offer of marriage, that would be unnecessarily cruel and disrespectful. It would be one thing if he were pursuing her in any way, but he’s not. There’s nothing to suggest that he hadn’t accepted her answer as final. He hasn’t called her or contacted her at all. Their only meetings have been when their paths crossed because of his job and their conversations - on his side - have been, for the most part, cordial pleasantries. She has flirted with him, but he hasn’t flirted back. She went to him at the the lowest point in her life, when she had no one else to turn to, and he helped her - even proposing. He made himself vulnerable and she (understandably) said no. To decide, months later, to rub his nose in it for no reason would be awful. It’s insensitive even without that interpretation. I like the character of Joan, so I’m hoping she just wasn’t aware of the depth of his feelings, but has a clue now, after his hurt response to her matchmaking. I think that Joan wants Morse in her life, at least as a friend. By inviting him to her party, and setting him up with a friend, she’s making him part of her social circle in a way that has, for the first time, nothing to do with her father. We’ll see how that works out.
  21. I thought Nikki’s father had a great scene. It was fun seeing him tear J a new one. Unfortunately, his daughter is a complete sociopath, so ...good luck. I think Smurf called their bluff and they had to let her go because they couldn’t prove anything. I’m just glad she’s out. There’s going to be hell to pay!
  22. There were huge plot holes in this episode’s mystery, but that may just point to exceptionally stupid murderers. They would have been found out very quickly, even without Morse. The murder was in the newspaper. Neighbors, friends, and coworkers would have been coming by. Jilly’s disappearance would have been noticed. As for Joan and Morse, I don’t think she is nearly as aware of his feelings as the viewers are. He hasn’t pursued her at all. Even when he located her in Leamington, it was because she called him and hung up. The last time he saw her before she returned to Oxford, she was in the hospital, unconscious from a “fall” and miscarriage, but for the months before her return, he apparently never even called her to see if she was all right. Since her return, he made no attempt to contact her until she invited him to her party. Yes, he proposed to her, but she assumed it was out of pity and more an offer to rescue her from a bad situation than a declaration of love. Of course, we know better. I think she knows that he cared at some point, but thinks that those feelings are over. Her attempt to set him up with Claudine was sort of hilariously revealing, though - telling him that he needs to be taken care of. What part of Morse’s life does Joan think needs attention, LOL? Claudine isn’t the type to iron his shirts and pack sandwiches for his lunch. Joan seems to be spending a lot of time thinking about Morse’s sex life.
  23. Here’s the longer version:
  24. I have no sympathy. If they want to include commercials (which is what they are) they can add another 5 minutes to the scheduled program.
  25. The scene with Joan on the roof is still there, but it is longer in the BBC version. What they use in the PBS version serves the plot, but loses a little of the emotional resonance. I was also waiting for a scene where Morse recovers his records or is at least told about them. I have no idea if that is in the BBC version or not. Now I wonder about everything. I know PBS edits many programs, but I don’t understand why. Do they not think we can sit still for an entire show, or don’t have the attention span to follow it? Do they think their schedule is so sacrosanct that it musn’t be tampered with?
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