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Everything posted by Swartz

  1. I know he was brought back today but I've been reading hints by those who do spoilers that he may be gone. He's in Beyond Salem 2 as so he'll at least be around for July but not sure afterwards. I was a huge Chad and Abby fan in 2015/16 but they aren't the same couple anymore. I'm not a fan of MMs version. IF it were KMs Abby I'd be sad about her upcoming death but I think Ron has ruined the couple. That and the recast
  2. Has anyone heard that Lucas Adams is gone from the show? I've been reading rumors but nothing seems confirmed. I was kind of looking forward to how Stephanie reacts to him
  3. SN and MBE always bring it when they are given the material. Ron doesn't write depth so actors like them suffer
  4. Steve, Kayla and Tripp scenes were well done. I've always been on the fence about Tripp. I kind of resent that he's there and Stephanie and Joey are not but I do like him in moments like this with Steve and Kayla. I still hate that he's never held what Ava did to his family against her but that's Ron. He has people ignore some of the most evil things characters have done. I don't really like Tripp and Allie together but I'm not sure who I'd want Tripp with. There's nobody left so unless they are bringing someone on for him not sure he'll be sticking around. I noticed a lot of folks on twitter criticize Tripp for some things he has said about Allie but she did accuse him of rape and she did cheat on him . Anyone would be angry or hurt about that. The story this show should have done with Tripp and Ava is Ava hating Kayla and Tripp's relationship. Tripp became a doctor because of Kayla and Ava should hate that. Kayla vs Ava would be good drama but Ron seems to prefer manufactured drama
  5. I read this criticism on twitter and my response always is do you think this show actually writes for character? I don't think these writers even realize they have Kayla break Hippa rules. They are so stupid or just don't care that they'll continue to write this way until somebody there gets a clue or just reads twitter
  6. I dunno. This Ben and Ciara stuff and the devil SL is as bad as anything Dena ever did
  7. I think 92/93 is the last years of the show that I enjoyed. The JER years afterwards and the devil possession changed the show and not for the better for me
  8. I really do not enjoy MM as Abby. She's got that southern twang and hand movements going and its so freaking annoying. I think she's a terrible actress.
  9. Clyde raped his own daughter. Ron is such trash to still have this character still around Eric called Rafe a good guy. Do these writers really believe Rafe is a good guy? He's already cheated twice
  10. I still can't believe all these irrelevant characters are leading stories. Worse the show has been in a long time
  11. Xander is the reason Eve tortured Jack and Jen for over a year. Has Xander ever apologized to Jack for that?
  12. Xander has done worse crimes than Gwen. I mean they both are terrible people but I don't understand ignoring Xander's crimes towards folks in Salem I wish everyone on todays show would be gone. The cast is too big and these are some of the cuts I think the show needs
  13. It's more important to Ron that Marlena have scenes with Ben than it is for Kayla to actually talk to her family in Shawn and Ciara. He sucks
  14. Xander has hardly been redeemed. The show just ignores his crimes now. Ben has had more of a redemption than he has. Granted its been a half ass redemption but still more than everyone ignoring Xander's crimes
  15. Xander caused Maggie and Sarah pain yet these writers have forgotten his past
  16. Gwen is awful but please...Ava and Xander have done worse! These writers have no idea who these characters are
  17. I don't know who Ron thinks he's writin for but this isn't Ava. I hate that he feels the need to redeem almost all the characters. He even has Ava dining at the Brady Pub. The bitch killed Shawn Sr. yet no one mentions it anymore Is Ron trolling fans with having Sarah behave like a child? With the ratings he has why would you do this nonsense
  18. I remember when Steve use to call him Shawn Dudeless. lol. Or the Dimeras the Dumberas.
  19. I hated when Bo had a nickname for Carly. I forgot what it was but that seemed something special for Hope and the writers tried to recreate it with Carly. Hated that. I love Steve using "Sweetness" because I remember when he used it to piss Kayla off. The writing was just so much better then. With Allie and Chanel it does feel forced.
  20. Listen to the podcast. The real Pam was even worse
  21. The only reason for the double wedding is plot. Ron is going thru his rotation of stories. Masks, brainchip/amnesia, big wedding interruption. That's pretty much all he does. He thinks we're still in the 90s
  22. I wasn't a fan of the original possession but it was legitimately creepy. Ron has turned it into a joke . Everything folks complained it was in the 90s it is actually now.
  23. I honestly have no idea why we're watching half the characters on this show
  24. I never read anything about KA not getting along with the Aiden actor either. He was a better actor than GG too. Sad that we're still stuck with Rafe. I wish we knew why KC keeps him around. I read the rumours about his wife loving GG but that seems ridiculous but who knows with this show. KC is probably friends with GG and keeps him around. That seems to be why JT is still around but he at least has a long history with the show. From what I understand KA left because she wasn't willing to take months off which is what producers wanted to her do. So it seems more like a contract dispute bts but I'm sure she wasn't happy with the writing either. I thought I read her comment on how she didn't like that Rafe cheated on Hope with Carrie. I agree. Ridiculous! But Ron clearly favors Deidra over KA and if I were KA that would annoy me too
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