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Everything posted by Sasha888

  1. That was part of my point, though. I'm not saying they literally weren't invited. He makes rules that these adult children, some of whom have to hold down jobs, cannot follow, and then acts like they just don't WANT to see him. And if their mothers want to spend time with their own adult kids, same thing. He makes it about obedience and loyalty.
  2. Kody says he wants the whole family together, but what "family" is he talking about? Because it sure seems to me he is intent on cutting his adult children out of the family completely. Newsflash jackass - Aspyn & Mitch, Tony & Mykelti, Paedon, Garrison & his girlfriend, and Gabe & his girlfriend ARE ALL PART OF THE FAMILY, TOO. Not just minor children (and of course, all of Robyn's kids, minors or not).
  3. I didn't say she had no fault. I was talking about Kody.
  4. Truely almost died on your watch, asshole. You have NO room to talk about anyone causing a death in the family.
  5. If Kody gave me that self-satisfied, creepy ass smile while he threw down ultimatums at me, I'd do more than just tell him to f*ck off. Janelle let him off easy. I'd have slapped that psychotic look off his face.
  6. Well, your name's on Robyn's mansion, Kody. Why don't you "evict" some well over 18 kids from THERE?
  7. He throws an ultimatum at them about cutting off their adult children, and then says he's NOT telling them what to do. And then says do what you want, but you're a bad person if you do, but this isn't a guilt trip. Dude, you couldn't be more clearly telling them what to do and guilt tripping them! You can't just SAY you're "not doing" whatever, do it anyway, and then expect people to believe you. Okay, Cult Leader Kody, you're not telling anyone what to do...you're just calling them "independent women" but then handing out the punishments if they don't do what you say...yeah that's not cult-y at all. No wonder Janelle tells him to f*ck off.
  8. Exactly. Kody has a lot of narcissistic tendencies. The only way to deal with these people is to go no contact. That would be hard to do because of Truely, but even in her case I'd go as close to no contact as possible. Talk only about the child you have in common. Narcissists want to drag their victim back into their web of control. It isn't even about wanting you back as a partner, it's just that they can't stand anyone getting free of them. Talking to him daily, if true, is a horrible idea. He will use it to manipulate, shame, control, blame...any number of things but none of it will be good or healthy for Christine.
  9. 😆 If you ever think you've ingested poison, just remember that a romantic, waxing poetic Kody is a great way to jump start a vomit. "Transfixed by her spirit"...yeah, I'm sure when she walked by you thought "Look at the morals on that girl! ", right Kody?
  10. Kody's kids are pretty much done with him. Good for them, he never gave two shits about them anyway. They sure seem to want to be with their mother and Christine though...the two people who actually raised them and were there for them. Interesting how that works, KODY. And then he had the nerve to say in his talking head last week that if his wives weren't going to put forth any effort "that's not going to be good for the relationship 10-15 years down the road." Yeah, kind of like how you put no effort into your kids for the past 10-15 years and now have no relationship with them, genius?
  11. She should have known that at least the "divorced" and "in debt" parts weren't going to bother Kody! 😆 They love being in massive amounts of debt and Janelle's divorce sure didn't bother him. 🤣 Per the book, Kody narrating - "The minute Robyn and I hit the dance floor, I became transfixed by her spirit. I couldn't deny the spark I felt - not the kind of spark you feel in your loins, but something deep and transcendent. I guess you could call it love at first sight." Why does he feel the need to even bring up his "loins"? Not every reader's mind was going to go to your LOINS just because you said you felt a spark... Translation - Kody got a boner when he danced with Robyn, and like everything else in his dumb life, he believed his little woody was ordained by God and thus, he must marry her and make her queen of his financial house of cards. How touching. Hallmark movie stuff right there, folks.
  12. All the sycophant comments about how great her hair looks! 🤣 It looks like something a 3 year old who got ahold of some scissors would do to a doll.
  13. Thanks @lindalouwho. I would be so embarrassed to basically be officially told I was a huge pest. These people. 🙄 Agree. I think she also realized around this time that Kody was WAY more smitten than she ever dreamed he would be. I always think of the scene at Robyn's birthday party. She opens a gift from Meri, and Kody, stupid, insensitive ASS that he is, says with a giddy, lovestruck smile on his face, "I'm not the ONLY one in love with Robyn!" and Meri looks like she wants to crawl in a hole and die. It was pretty arrogant, to believe that no one could replace her as top dog.
  14. Yes, I for one would like to see the quality of these many, many "offers" Robyn was receiving when she chose Kody instead. Let's see the parade of hideous circus freaks that were proposing to you, Hot Stuff. 😆
  15. FFS Meri, enough with interjecting your "begging for Kody time" crap into every possible conversation, no matter what it's about. Real or fake, this broken record shit is really getting on my nerves. It's every episode and virtually the only thing she talks about. It's like watching somebody constantly drunk dial their ex. If it's real - get yourself down the 7-11 and buy a bag of clues, Meri, he's not coming. If it's fake - shut up with your phony bullshit, pathetically humiliating yourself for money.
  16. Just curious, @MelissaMinion, was there any mention during the building of Meri being asked to stay away from the build site? Or stop asking for changes? I have a memory that Meri was so controlling during the building of the Vegas houses that she was asked by the construction crew to stop coming by...but it's fuzzy and unclear. I don't know if it was asked to stop coming by the construction site, or asked to stop trying to make changes to the plans, or what. I also can't recall if it was mentioned on the show or if it was something I read here on the forum.
  17. It's a matter of opinion, I suppose, but to me, the answer is yes, he has definitely had at least something to do with her. Especially considering we are talking about a douche who for the most part has no time for non-Robyn children. He went to Meri's to do a joint phone call with Mariah in regards to her leaving Chicago when the pandemic hit. Mariah was present at Kody's birthday party when she announced her engagement. There was a scene where he is on the phone with Mariah discussing Covid and the economy. He was playing the big Father of the Bride role when Mariah looked at wedding venues...he made the trip to Utah to do that. That's just a few recent examples I can think of. She isn't going to be treated as well as a Robyn kid, but probably better than a Christine kid.
  18. I couldn't remember who it was, thanks. Yet he was fine with Meri jumping in and yelling at Christine's children, because Meri was defending Robyn's kids. There's arguments to be made about who is allowed to discipline whom and I'm not trying to start that fight...we'd probably each do things a little differently. My point is just that Kody's "rules" appear to be that anyone can correct or yell at the children of the lower wives, Christine and Janelle, but no one had better have even a cross word to say about Saint Robyn and her spawn. If Meri jumped in and did some similar disciplining of Robyn's children instead of Christine's, Kody would bite her head off. And, Meri would never do it in the first place, because there's an unspoken class system in this family. To some extent that class system is still in place today, even though Meri and Kody's relationship is basically over...and by that I mean, it exists within the children of the mothers. Think about if you really believe Kody will hold Princess Mariah to the same Covid standards as Hunter, for instance. In regards to the waiting while Robyn applies her makeup - it was also an issue on a camping trip as @Awfarmington said. I remember Hunter getting angry and Janelle telling him he didn't get to criticize the adults...he was angry that they were all waiting around while Meri and Robyn both fussed with their makeup.
  19. As long as the cat is actually in the room with Christine and can tilt its head quizzically and meow in response once in awhile, I will watch one full hour of Christine carrying on a conversation with a cat rather than subject myself to one talking head with Robyn. Get on it, TLC. (It has to be on the show though, I'm not paying for a Cameo!)
  20. I would believe what they had to say much more than I would the adults...if one of them wrote a "tell all" book they'd be trying to make themselves look good while throwing each other under the bus. It would have to be taken with a major grain of salt. The kids might whitewash what their own mom did a little bit, but tell some major truths about the others. If it was one of the kids I would buy the book outright, but if it was one of the adults I'd probably do what I did with their "Becoming Sister Wives" dreck...spitefully buy it second hand on Amazon so they don't get a dime. 😄 Interesting. This statement was made by @Mstree....I quoted it, responded, and you, @LilyD, later quoted it out of my post and it attributed the statement to me. Now I was able to quote it from your post and it attributes the statement to you! Sorry....I am a former software developer and I like finding "bugs". 😁 I guess it's not strictly a bug, but it's a little odd that it behaves this way.
  21. I did too, and it was a good reminder that everyone on this show save Janelle was raised in a cult...for me, it reminded me that as inconceivable as it seems to us, Meri may actually believe some of the things she spouts. Like the speech she made to Christine in the final episode of last season. We were all furious that she basically preached sunk cost fallacy to her ("I didn't put in 30 years to walk away, and neither did you") and told her to shove her head deeper in the sand and just suck it up ("Look at the mountains"). This is the polygamist way, and Meri is not as cosmopolitan and modern and she would like to believe (and like us to believe). Meri sounded like a true believer in that moment. At times like that, I believe that the Miserable Meri we see on the show begging for Kody's scraps is the real Meri, and Internet Tough Girl Meri is the fake one. I mean, I don't think real tough, independent women who are happy with their lives are surfing "BossBabe.inc" looking for their daily bullshit platitude to post. 🙄
  22. To me, this is less embarrassing than selling Plexus. I might be alone on this one. 😉
  23. I bounce back and forth on the issue of "does Meri really want Kody back or is it all for the show." I'm starting to think the reason I can't make up my mind is because it's possible this is not an either/or question. There's probably enough cognitive dissonance in Meri's brain that she can simultaneously believe that she is a tough, strong woman even as she embarrasses herself begging for Kody's scraps. This detachment from reality in her mind could also possibly enable Meri to believe that she can remind Kody and the Gang that they will have no show without her, thus forcing herself on them, and yet still believe she can repair some of those relationships. I'm not sure yet about her motives, but I do think Meri believes she can treat people however she wants, behave terribly in the moment to get whatever it is she wants, and then just come back later and "fix" everything. She doesn't count on the fact that people eventually reach a breaking point and are just done with her.
  24. This not only sums up Janelle's thread but her entire life. 🤣 Life is what happens while you're looking for your sneakers!
  25. "I'm no longer tolerating shit that takes away my peace." 🤣🤣🤣 You're tolerating the bitch who took away your piece though, aren't you, you crazy loon! Janelle and Meri's completely unaware social media posts are more entertaining than the show.
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