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Joe Hellandback

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Everything posted by Joe Hellandback

  1. Wokeness killed this show, it is so appalling, I hate Ryan, she has ruined everything, they should have just given Kate a load of plastic surgery and cast a new actress. Kill Ryan off and bring back Kate, I'm only watching now for Alice and hoping she brings Kate back.
  2. Gave up on this after 5 mins, I could just see what was coming a mile off, once again the SVU abuse their position to play politics and go after the old white rich guys? And exactly how is the original case a "slam dunk"? A he said/she said with alcohol which waited 2 months to report and willingly went with the accused? In the real world it's doubtful this would ever have seen a courtroom.
  3. Not as bad as I feared. The guys own fault for being arrested and he was wanted on warrant so perfectly legitimate. I'd have liked Olivia to tell him (and the loathsome IA cop) to get stuffed at the end but that was never going to happen. What I did like is the cynicism of it, when Hector Williams warns her and Fin that none of them are safe, even the black officers. I liked the way the rapist (was he guilty? Or was he just in the closet and freaked out during his tryst in the park? What evidence is there against him with the victim in the coma?) was able to get off by exploiting the hysteria, showing the consequences of people's hypocrisy towards the police.
  4. 2 good things in this, firstly Mary coaching Ryan into heroic poses (no hands on the hips, leave that for WW). Secondly Ryan giving her "If she was white" nonsense and the look of incredulity from Sophie.
  5. 1. An NSA officer accused of rape in a foreign country uses their diplomatic immunity to flee to the US. When the accuser and their family come to the US to try to influence the extradition hearings (the SVU brought in as expert witnesses) the NSA resolutely refuse, arguing he would be a security risk in prison. 2. A college professor is 'cancelled' after producing a controversial study of rape statistics by racial group. Things get more complex when one of his former students then accuses him of sexual assault. 3. When the SVU go after a pornography producer who claims he didn't know some of his stars were underage he takes revenge on them by filming the porn parody 'Sexy Vixens Unit' with characters based on the SVU members, leading to a battle in court to get it banned (largely just to see the porn star versions of the SVU cast).
  6. I like Mark and the boys but I love the Buffy/Joyce scene at the end of this ep, one of my favourite in all of Buffy,
  7. As a comedy ep it's fine but compared to what Buffy can achieve?
  8. Just watching and old ep of Baywatch and guess who showed up? CC!
  9. Willow has already had sex with Tara under the "Great roofie spirit" in OMWF?
  10. Early season 5 Dawn yes, season 7 never, no longer needs spanking.
  11. Apologies, didn't realise you were spoilerable? Well, Buffy is not exactly a happy show but I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
  12. And I say no, Buffy may have peaked in 2/3 but it's still better than 99% of everything else on TV, I love Dawn and it's nice to see her blossom in the last 2 seasons, we have OMWF, Tabula Rusa and some other stunning individual eps and the happy ending of season 7, the Scoobs deserved to go out on a high and so did we,
  13. I'm just noticing Buffy's top in the central pic with Willow, is that a fairy or is the girl sitting on a chair or throne?
  14. Will there be a resurrection? They forgave Mel Gibson.
  15. According to Slayers and Vampires that was ALWAYS the storyline for season 4, what they changed was that CC herself was to play the Jasmine role but with CC's pregnancy that was out the window. She did agree to 'You're Welcome' although she was reluctant. That was the funniest gag of the movie, Don't know what her problem was, Lynda never objected to getting knocked out and tied up all the time.
  16. Actually the s4 hunting Angelus arc is my favourite in all of Angel.
  17. This still seems a storm in a teacup, everyone worked long hours, got ratty, Joss was a commanding figure on set and folks were jealous about his affairs and favouritism? (part of me wonder is that why SMG and AH reputedly fell out or at least weren't as close as they were rumoured to be in the early years?). And not everyone got his humour?
  18. Yes, that's what I'm wondering, we know he had his favourites (AD and AA) but doesn't everyone? Were people just keeping him away from MT because he swore in front of her?
  19. Entrapment; the SVU go to arrest a suspect for online grooming but instead nearly find themselves killed by a booby trap. The bomber has deliberately targeted them and lured them to the scene with a false profile and now demands they stop all internet stings or the hunters will find themselves the hunted. Fantasy; the famously pro-feminist celebrity creator of 'Devil Battlergirl' is accused of sexually abusing one of the underage teen actresses on his show. As fans and cast members take sides the SVU must decide if this is a case of the casting couch gone wrong or a genuine crime? (What was the name of the ep where they had the teen actress who played sexy undercover agent who gets raped in her trailer and turns out to be be secretly married to her producer? It was back in the Stabler years? I always wondered if that a sly dig at Joss Whedon?)
  20. Hey, people are only human and it cuts both ways, takes 2 to tango. These girls had what he wanted, he had what they wanted, it may be a seedy trade off but it is not one sided blame.
  21. 2 way street, the person behind the desk has what the actor/actress wants but the actor/actress has what they want. How does the actor/actress not exploit as much as the person behind the desk? That they did this to further their career but now regret it? They are not allowed to feel they've been exploited, that's hypocrisy. For the Ally McBeal era Miracle and Amber were thick girls. Even today they'd be unusual for Hollywood. Yes, Marti convinced Joss that she had that quality they needed which he didn't see at first. He never said she's too fat. The way I would interpret the fat joke was that it was funny because she was so clearly pregnant. he was being deliberately ridiculous and she took umbrage because she didn't get it, I've had similar experiences myself. I put him asking CC if she was keeping the baby just from him being stunned, same with apparently laughing at the crying writer, it was nervous, incredulous laughter that an adult could act this way (again, happened to me). He has more passion, these projects are his babies, he threatened to quit if they didn't allow the Willow/Tara kiss. People are treating Joss as if he's something different in Hollywood but it seems his pro-feminist credentials are causing this particular backlash. Where do you get that from? Amber herself said she refused because she thought it was a betrayal of the character. Other people, Mark Cherry on DH etc have talked about feuds on set, Joss seems to have thought everything was fine and now been blindsided (something which has happened to me with my students)
  22. Or chivvying them along with humour that they didn't get, encouraging healthy competition and pushing them hard but himself harder? On the DVD commentaries he says that every time he asked more and more of his cast they rose to the occasion. I would imagine virtually every show runner did similar things and Hollywood is full of feuds (CA, X-files, DH etc) but remember Joss had more passion for his project than they did.
  23. And she (or he?) will have power over him (or her?), two sides to every story. Who's exploiting who exactly? Takes two to fill the casting couch? It's not convenient, it's reality. Some of the allegations are just plain stupid. Joss didn't employ minorities? Well tell that to Gina Torres, J August Richards, DB Woodside etc Joss didn't like thick girls? But he cast Riff Reagan in the pilot and Miracle Laurie in Dollhouse, not to mention wanting to bring Amber back,
  24. Yes, he was; Buffy star Nicholas Brendon reveals he was sexually abused as a child | Daily Mail Online It's not bullying, Joss wasn't stealing their lunch money, he was driving hard to get the shows made (and make them all rich and famous), he was Perry Cox or Buffy in season 7 (which is lot more interesting to watch now?). It does matter, if this is how Joss always acts that's one thing, if this was just a sleep deprived, stressed out Joss overwhelmed by his workload that's different. But put yourself in Joss' place? If people act like everything is fine and keep saying how great you are, that's what you believe, how would you know otherwise? That they're lying to your face?
  25. I heard that but I think it was because being the muscleman just didn't suit Joss' vision of Xander's character (he's notably bigger in DMP, too many burgers?). Only time you found NB attractive? Not even Go Fish?
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