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Everything posted by Angeleyes

  1. Angeleyes

    S01.E01: Will

    Julia grew up in Georgia. Why is her southern accent so bad? Did real life Martha sound that way? ETA: Nevermind. I found some footage online of an interview Martha gave and her accent was particularly strong. I’ll give Julia a pass on this one. Lol
  2. At the time I remember thinking that it was such a letdown that her appearance was so short and that she came across as not wanting to talk about it and just being over any and all drama with him and her family in general. The two of them hadn’t spoken in years and it just felt like a missed opportunity for them to have a real conversation about it in retrospect.
  3. The last time Deacon was on a few years ago Bridget made a brief appearance in town and they ran into each other at Eric’s house. He started apologizing to her for everything that had happened in the past and her response was basically, “Let me stop you there. That was a long time ago and we’ve all moved on. We’re never going to be friends, but I don’t hate you and we can be civil for the sake of my sister.” Show could completely forget about all of that since they seem to be rewriting history lately. I just hope they keep her around.
  4. In real life they would also have to consider funeral plans for Finn. No way would any of them miss that, especially Sheila. Plus, I would think Li would want Steffy’s input about the arrangements. Instead, on B&B we just get the hand wringing of the cover up and everyone moves on.
  5. I know there are fans who loved the Steffy/Liam pairing, but at this point are there really fans out there who are happy with this storyline? Would it have been that hard to improve the writing for Finn. I think a recast would have been better than killing him off for this mess.
  6. He appeared in the adult film industry under an assumed name, but his real identity eventually came out. It caused a scandal because he is the child of a famous actor and because he had appeared on B&B when he was younger.
  7. Ah, thanks. I’m behind on watching season 2 and I haven’t kept up with the latest. I just saw the blurb the DMN posted and thought it was a new announcement.
  8. The Dallas Morning News is reporting that Netflix has confirmed that Season 3 will be set in Dallas. A lot of reality shows cast here so I can only imagine the fame ho’s that will apply for this one.
  9. Go Li! She continues to be my favorite. Why couldn’t we have had more of her instead of the return of Sheila? I want to see Li personally take Sheila down. I did not need Taylor’s spoken word poetry recitation of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It was all kinds of cringe.
  10. Maybe every cast member needs to wear the jacket at some point so they can get their money’s worth out of it, sort of like The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
  11. I’d like an investigation on why show spent $4000 on the leather jacket Thomas has been wearing. https://wornontv.net/278300/
  12. Yeah I don’t remember Deacon being on during the time Maura West played Diane. I missed most of Deacon’s tenure on Y&R, but I’m pretty sure it was before that. It’s probably just another case of lazy writing, but it felt like such a specific mention that it made me wonder if Deacon will figure into that storyline at some point.
  13. For those that don’t watch Y&R, Deacon was mentioned briefly by Jack’s ex Diane. She claims that Deacon aided her in faking her death several years ago by somehow obtaining a body from a morgue. I’m not sure if that story is a one-off or if this will figure into the storyline later and Deacon will be used in a crossover event with B&B.
  14. Pffft, this show never does anything that makes sense. With JMW’s last pregnancy they had the perfect excuse to have her offscreen with her drug rehab storyline. Instead, they go the extra mile to write her pregnancy into the storyline with her randomly getting together with Liam again on mannequin night. This time they don’t write her pregnancy in, but interestingly TN’s wife is pregnant in real life too and he probably would have been going on paternity leave the same time as JMW. Show could have easily backburnered them both for a few months.
  15. I don’t watch, but I know his wife Kayla Ewell is on Roswell as well. Also, they are expecting their second child this summer so it’s possible if he stays with B&B he will be on paternity leave soon.
  16. I only got to see the lady from MS’s performance on Instagram, so I did not see her intro package. I grew up in Mississippi and the crooked letter/hump back thing is how we are first taught to spell it in schools. Plus, you’d be surprised how many times people ask us to spell it when placing orders, conducting a business call, etc. Also, people misspell it all the time. I’m guessing she was trying to be cute, but spelling the name of the state was not necessary here. As for her performance, it seemed like her performance wasn’t matching up to the song. She was trying to do too much for the type of song that it was and that was distracting. I wonder how they chose these performers because I know my home state has a lot of great song writers and performers.
  17. I liked Alexa the K-pop girl from Oklahoma. I’m thinking she’s going to hit it big even if she doesn’t win this contest. I also thought the guy from Puerto Rico had potential. The others were just meh for me. I’m not sure when his episode will air, but the guy representing Texas is named Grant Knoche and he’s from Frisco (DFW area). He’s a pop guy.
  18. Katherine Kelly Lang, Don Diamont and Jack Wagner on The Talk today promoting this week’s anniversary show.
  19. I saw an article on another forum where an executive producer named Casey unofficially confirmed there would be no time jump.
  20. Yvonne Zima who played Sheila’s daughter Daisy is on episode 5 of the HBO show Our Flag Means Death.
  21. Let’s also remember that Steffy wanted forgiveness for jumping Liam on mannequin night because they got drunk together despite her recently going into recovery as a drug addict (for which she also wanted her behavior forgiven).
  22. I think it’s going to be over-hyped nothing. Remember when Thomas was supposed to die in the vat of chemicals? Both Steffy and Ridge will need to be off the show for a bit show could do something interesting like have them both be on a plane that goes down via Sheila’s tampering. It will probably be something boring and stupid per usual.
  23. B&B to air special episode for KLL’s 35th anniversary with the show on March 23. It will feature her past loves and weddings. https://www.etonline.com/media/videos/the-bold-and-the-beautiful-star-katherine-kelly-lang-recalls-her-characters-21
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