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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 3 hours ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

    Accents can most certainly disappear, diminish, or change over time. We’ve seen this on the show with Angela’s Australian accent fading, Yuko’s becoming less prominent with her better grasp of the English language, and even Colby having a British accent after living abroad for many years. Kashara’s was so heavy during introductions this year that I literally couldn’t understand what she was saying. It was not even that heavy in her first year, and it seems like she’s going overboard trying to hang on to it. She’s on her fourth year away from KY - I find it hard to believe that it not only hasn’t faded somewhat, but that it’s gotten heavier. Others may find it endearing, but it grates on me.

    She might also have just returned from spending time with family back home - my accent is much more muted and faded when Im away from DC (I now live in London) but the moment I talk to a friend from back home or go to the States, BAM that accent comes out full force and it takes a good while to fade again once I go home.  if she's been around family her accent is going to harden up again. I don't find it remotely strange.  she might be living away fromt he area now but that doesn't mean she stops talking to people back hme or never visits and that will 100% affect her accnet

    • Love 6
  2. 1 hour ago, SSAHotchner said:

    Haven't read all the posts yet, so someone else may have mentioned this, but I'm wondering if Kelli feels the need to squash any suspicions of nepotism after all the hubbub about Cassie. I never thought Cassie was good or pretty and she got way too much screen time. I also didn't think she looked good enough to be in the calendar. Anyway, I think they're just trying to nip it in the bud right away so nobody thinks Dayton is getting a pass because of her mom.

    If that's the plan, then she's 100% going about it in the wrong way. she's absolutely feeding suspicions of nepotism when the TCC that essentially describes Kelli as a second mom is the one getting a pass while the other legacy TCC is getting the 'just because you're a legacy doesn't mean oyu'll make it' spiel

    • Love 2
  3. 16 minutes ago, Disneydiva628 said:

    I didn’t recognize her until I saw her username.

    The photoshop gets out of hand every year. half the girls are unrecognisable and many of the pictures they put up on the DCC insta are just unfortunate chices and were I the girls I would be offended and horrifed

    • Love 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    The show, social media, the temptation to "Kalyssa-fy"

    When the show first came on, it was first name and last name, then it was first and middle names, now it's what - first and initial?  What you are saying about the airport, I thought that was the DCC cause I remember it  - the makeup as well.  I thought they couldn't wear wedding rings while in uniform, and definitely not on the calendar shoot.  They now have social media seminars.

    Do they do this stuff anymore:


    Remember the days of them breaking intot he girl's homes to check out their fridges and cupboards and telling them total lies about soda and then shaming them for the foodstuffs in their homes? good times...

    • Love 2
  5. 17 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    So you know how I've been stalking Melissa R on podcasts all week...…….well, she did make the comment about how the experience of today's squads is very different from what she went thru just 10-12 years ago.  And other alumni have commented about the added pressures compared to what they dealt with.  

    I'd imagine a part of it is having to have a social media presence that I guess Kelli esp keeps tabs on (or kelli's staff) and with everyone and their mother having cameras now on their phones your behaviour at any time you're outside your home can be documented. now personally, minus a few of the girls, I probably wouldn't recognise many of them in public, but in Dallas, if you're a die hard fan OR a snitch ( I went to a school with exceptionaly strict rules about what we could and couldn't do off school property even outside of school time, like we couldn't be seen to eat in public etc and people actually WOULD call in and report us if we were seen, on a damn saturday on our own time drinking  coke walking down the street and we'd catch hell monday morning and if camera phones had been a thing then I cannot imagine how hellish life could have been- this was early 00s btw not 1950 but my school was kinda stuck in 1950) and you snap a pic of a DCC with no makeup, in old ratty sweats kissing a bf or something I can't imagine that'd go down well with the organisation. ( on that note, I would SWEAR blind that I remember something from an early MTT season about the DCC being told that they couldnt' be dropped off or picked up from the airport by a bf/spouse if they had one, or leave the house sans makeup but I can't remember if that's the DCC or something I read about another cheerleading team, can anyone confirm if that is/was the case?)  Or you don't post a pic from a night out with friends where you maybe drink a litle too much (as long as you're legal) but a friend does publically post it and tag you in it, and you're a little worse for wear that could potentially get you a trip to the office for a chat, and even 10-15 years ago, that sort of concern wouldnt' be on their radar. 

    • Love 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

    I really wish we'd seen more of that conversation, because the way they edited it, it looked like she just fell right on her sword and started crying. She came across as a bit foolish...someone who entered a competition she's clearly not prepared for, who knew she was missing a key skill set and hadn't done anything about it except hope for the best.

    same is true of all the girls that audtion that cannot dance a lick.  I have to ask - at what point do the recommendations come into play, because surely the girls that audition that can barely do a plie let alone know what it's called can't come with recommendations? is there  number of them you have to provide? do they have to be from other dancers or are they more like character references?

  7. 23 minutes ago, Taralightner said:

    You do realize that @ShellyB (Dayton’s mom) is quite the accomplished dancer, studio owner, competition director and a full-fledged coach for DCC right now, right? 

    She cheered in the early 90’s, was on show group, so I don’t know why you would think she didn’t learn as many dances as current DCC do? Football games are the same length today as they were then. Still the same amount of sideline time then as today. Even way back then, there were more than 300 songs that could be played at the stadium (actually I think popular music was better then, but I digress) at any given break in the football action. 

    I guess I’m just taken aback by your statements. Don’t mean to be aggressive at all, but I read your above post as just not based in fact at all. 

    Fine, I'll stand corrected, but that's my opinion.  Also, same amount of time on the field does not automaticaaly equal that they learned the same number of dances nor in the same amount of time. Compare gymnastic routines from today to ones from the 90s. theyre far far more complex now but just as long. and minus the 'full-fledged coach for DCC' part, none of Shelly being a former DCC and current studio owner would mean Dayton was 'raised' in the DCC world. having a parent in a particular world also doesn't equal that you know everything about it nor are you prepared for the reality of being in it yourself.  being an observer of a life and being IN a particular life are very very different and she was always an observer before, never a TCC. she's always been on the sidelines of the DCC before this.

      If we're going that Dayton was raised 'in' DCC life, then so was Victoria  and she is woefully underprepared but I don't see Kelli calling her out over it or telling her that she shouldn't be falling out of turns or getting called into the office for not getting the choreo because she should be prepared, nor was she being told that she won't make it just because she's a legacy.  personally, it comes solely from a place of favouritism. it was unnecessarily nasty

    • Love 5
  8. 2 hours ago, tinabee1967 said:

    Watched the episode again: 

    Every girl in TC is just beautiful, but poor Amy has a funny face. My eye sees everyone else and when I see her, it is like #recordscratch. 

    Yuko looks like a middle school kid in swimwear, to the point she looks underage and it freaks me out. Alexis, on the other hand, was crazy unreal in that pinky nude suit she wore. Just.....jawdrop!!

    Christina looked fantastic during her swimwear try ons. She tried on an off white one and it was a winner. Lexie was surprisingly really gorgeous! I think she has been overlooked in the past and it was nice to see her focused on.

    As far as the weather in Bimini, it is a lot like SW FL where I live. It rains, then the storms move around and there are peaks of sunlight within a half hour. No sun means less squinty eyes. 

    LOVE Heather O. Lovelovelove. :)

    I always feel this way about Maddie. she looks 12 to me

    4 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

    Really? That's cool.  They just don't seem all cuddly and fuzzy to me.

    cuddly and fuzzy has not much to do with being friendly, but they're curious, they'll come over and check you out and rub against you a little, kinda like a cat rubbing against your leg. for the most part, unless you are the aggressor, they just wanna check you out and then continue on with their day. many will just hang out ont he sand until you go away. some are more interactive than others, like any creature, and will kinda swim along with you, and follow you around and check out what you're up to, but for the most part, its kinda like most animals- unelss you go to hurt it, it doesn't want to hurt you.  

    moray eels on the other hand....those little beggars are just evil and always freaked me out. probably once because a newbie diver who was an arrogant pain in the butt we all wanted to throw overboard kept insisting they had no teeth and wouldn't beliee us when we corrected him so when we on a dive, he found one, and shoved his hand in its face.  unsurprisingly, it took offence and bit straight into the fleshy bit between finger and thumb and would not let go for love nor money until it decided it wanted to.  that was a fun day.

  9. 21 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

    Whoa. Catch 22 right here.

    "They're like puppies..." said no one ever about stingrays.

    Tara is way better dancing than being a model.

    Tasha giving posing tips was totally 'woodscommaelle' teaching the Bend and Snap. 

    Again with the paper name tags? They couldn't come up with a better way to display their names? 

    Nope sorry, that's just untrue.  It just is.  I've dived for 20 years around the world with rays ranging from smaller than a dinner plate to mantas and every diver I've come across has said that. theyre not aggressive. tey're more likely to swim aaway than attack. the only known attacks I've encountered have been because somone stepped on a ray that was on the sand or because the diver was harrassing it.  u

    1 minute ago, woodscommaelle said:

    "And it was the world in which you were raised."

    Yeesh, Kelli. That tone was nasty.

    I found tht so ridiculous - it's not really the world in which she was raised, its the world she was raised next to. I doubt when her mom was a DCC that they had as many dances to learn in such a quick time and her experiences as a DCC some 30+ years ago are not comparable to what it is now. Dayton isn't exactly going to rehearsals with the DCC or every game and watching the dancers the whole time and not the damn football. she might be int he world of dance, but not the DCC world per se. times have changed since Kelli and her teammates were DCC and i wonder to what degree if young them were to try out now, if they'd have the chops to make it.

    • Love 5
  10. 1 minute ago, sATL said:

    And to add , she hasn't been late.... just sounds close to miraculous that she is able to leave out in enough time to make all of the DCC events and rehearsals. No getting stuck on a complicated case, no last minute paperwork or over-run meeting, no asking to cover for so-and-so (one can only say no so many times) , no traffic issues- just getting out of the deck/lot during shift change can be a challenge. . Then leaving time in her personal schedule to practice, prepare healthy meals that travel well,  and work-out to keep her DCC figure.

    I have family members/friends  in nursing who have to worked either Thanksgiving weekend or Christmas-New Years week. The cowboys always play Thanksgiving and I thought the USO tours was around Christmastime.

    again, she might have gone part time or something since the article, or even in a substitute role, called in if someone eles can't do their shift, but as of late last year she was definitely working. her hospital might also consider it presitgious to have her on staff and so are accomodating, I don't know. but people have managed things like that. I mean Tyler Hoechlin (the actor) attended college, played varsity baseball at the national level and still acted in seventh heaven for most of his college career and at the time he was in college in california and filming in new york every week gettina red eye to new york, filming, red eye home and straight to his first class monday morning and he managed it all so doing a lot is doable, its just hard as hell and you need employeers that are flexible and you need to have EPIC time management skills and know everything well in advance to schedule stuff

    • Love 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

    Plus extra show group rehearsals, plus time off for show group performances, some of which require travel. I mean...how?

    never sleeps???  I gues if you want omething enough and you know it'll be relatively short term, and you have that drive, then you can do it, but I can't imagine it's remotely easy.  I imagine she's gone part time or even perhaps a substiute role, but she's super passionate about nursing, it's her 'calling', and that's definitely what she sees as her life career, so if you know you're only going to DCC for a couple years or so - wouldn't be surprised if sshe retired after this year- then perhaps its worth the sleep deprivation?  I can honestly say I couldn't do it!!

  12. 1 minute ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    We do have a few 8 hr shifts for our nurses, especially those who work per diem/as needed, as well as some 16s. I presume Lauren does something like that.

    There’s no logistical way any human could do a 6:45am to 7:15pm shift, presuming it did end exactly then and she didn’t have to stay over, in Arlington and then make it to The Star for four more hours of practice, then back to work at 6:45 the next day. Nights would obviously be out. 

    in the article it states that 'typically 'she does a 12 hour shift, but that doesn't mean that's what she was alwas doing or that as time went on she might have changed that up/gone part time etc

    • Love 1
  13. 27 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

    Did they say Judy was responsible for pulling together the suits for the shoot? I found that really surprising. Her personal style is so tasteful. And so many of those swimsuits were trying to be edgy but were just bad.

    I really dislike "sexy hips. It looks like they're trying to sit on the toilet but aren't quite sure where it is. I think sexy hips is one of the reasons they'll never have a guy on this team. He'd look ridiculous doing those kinds of moves, and they aren't going to change "DCC style" to accommodate a dude.

    I totally get what she was saying. When you're wearing that little clothing, every square inch of fabric counts. The DCC uniform probably feels like a snowsuit compared to some of those bikinis.

    + that model in the metal bikini in George Michael's "Too Funky" video

    If that's true that they hardly dance, it's extra weird that they also needed to create an additional team of 20-odd non-dancing ambassadors.

    I thought she looked great too.

    No way Kelli didn't have a conversation about it with Denise Garvey when she checked Malena's references. And on a side note...those were the best photos Malena could provide of herself in uniform??

    She was probably a bit smaller up top when she was a DCC and had to have much lower overall body fat.

    I don't see that at all.

    I just kept thinking "boob sweat."

    Probably because the producers asked every single one of them "do you think you'll get the cover?"

    Dayton seems to me like a case of someone wanting something and having to wait a long time for it, only to discover when the time finally came, she wasn't all that excited about it after all, but she'd come this far so she followed through on the audition. I also think that Dayton wouldn't have let Shelly teach her the routines in advance. She would've wanted to do it on her own.

    But why are you surprised? You know who the target audience is for this. Most of those calendars aren't being sold to little girls and female fans. That's a classic "men's magazine" pose.


    Sports illustrated used to do tv specials about their swimsuit issue, and I used to enjoy watching. Their photographer Walter Iooss was a class act. He produced beautiful images and never had to speak that way to the models. Then again, maybe professional models are pros because they can do the job without a stream of constant commentary about how hot and sexy they look. Maybe the DCC girls, not being pros, do need more feedback. It was still creepy though.

    I can't imagine she still does that, and is a member of Show Group. That seems pretty impossible.

    She's employed at an arlington hospital. she's really passionate about it so she might be part time now, but there was an interview of her late last year in her position with comments from her colleagues and that,, and she's posted pics in her nurse uniform so she definitely still works.

    Parker quickly admits both nursing and professional cheerleading require hard work and commitment. “You never stop learning, and you must be willing to put in the work to become better, stronger, smarter and more patient,” she said. “Both professions are team sports, too. Giving your best at all times is the only option.”

    According to Cari Lidgett, the hospital’s Medical & Neuro Telemetry nurse manager, Parker’s unselfish commitment translates into safe and reliable care for patients and their family members.

    “Lauren sits, cries and laughs with her patients,” she said. “She’s a pillar of excellence for our hospital and a positive reflection of our organization in the community.”

    Lidgett thinks Parker’s strong work ethic benefits her in all aspects of life. “Holding yourself accountable and always looking to perform at your best are qualities any successful organization looks for in its employees.”

    • Love 8
  14. 22 minutes ago, sATL said:

    Please don't tell me she teaches middle or high school... If so, OMG... When this sub-topic was just started that was my vision.... when student go to their lockers... gym locker rooms.. there is the display. Any age can buy  a calendar. But I guess the principal can put a stop to that though.

    Actually, any occupation where one encounters the public or impressionable young-ins' (including college age) could have the same reaction.  Does sports illustrated still make a paper calendar ?

    Yup they do.

  15. 2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    I do not think that is the case since Lauren did go on the shoot. She may have felt posing in bikinis a certain way may not be good for her nursing job. Like a few posters have said nurses can be sexually harassed on the job. I respect her for it and obviously Kelli and Judy had no problems with it. My husband had a job at a hospital as an aide, and he got sexually harassed by some of the older female patients. I have the almost respect and admiration for nurses, The ones who took care of my husband when he was on dialysis and when he had his kidney transplant were great.

    kinda hoping you meant 'utmost respect' rather than 'almost respect' here ;)   two very very different meanings!!

    • Love 1
  16. 57 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

    They're not. Remember, a Sting Ray is why Steve Irwin died. However, from the pictures it looked like these Sting Rays were debarbed and likely trained to show up for tourists to feed them. 

    actually sting ray are pretty friendly and social. i used to scuba dive, and they're really peaceful and non-aggressive depending oon the species. they're more likely to swim away than attack. the sting ray that hit Irwin was frightened - he swam directly over hte top of it, something you're told not to do EVER, its aggressive.  The sting ray felt it was defending itself, it was not attacking because they're aggressive or not friendly. there's a reason divers and snorklers basically consider them the puppies of the sea

    • Love 9
  17. 16 minutes ago, GBPackersfan said:

    Lauren was a cardiac floor nurse, but idk if she still is. She took time off last year for training camp. And you would be SHOCKED at how sick patients...and their families....treat nurses even to this day. (See: Hershey PA nurse was a victim of attempted rape this week). I get her thoughts from that perspective (and my employer would NOT take kindly to us posing in swimsuits for international calendars!  Some hospitals still have no tattoos and "unnatural" hair policies. Give me a break!!) Aside from a ton of verbal and physical abuse, at least once a week I have my ass or boobs grabbed. I work ICU, so it's usually the family members. The comments directed at female nurses are pretty horrifying too. So if that is her logic (and I don't honestly know one way or the other) I get it. She's easily half my age and in way better shape (I want her abs! Those are my problem areas!! My boobs are very similar to Kelli's unfortunately lol) so I can't even imagine how nasty the comments would be directed towards her. 

    she is definitely still a cardiac nurse, she works in arlington I believe

    Yup. my bestie's mum is a nurse trained midwife (UK) and the absolute BS she's gone through, and continues to go through as a woman in her late 60s, including sexual harrassment....the things people think are appropriate to say to her. and as a patient i've seen way too many times over the years the nurses that cared for me getting sexually harrassed both physically and verbally by other patients.  the whole 'sexy nurse' schtick has a lot to answer for and I can see why she'd not want to do the calendar.

    • Love 1
  18. Just now, Maven said:

    Yes. CMT producers, please go watch Season 2 for a tutorial on how to capture the calendar shoot. Play a cutsy song ("I'm just a summer girl, I wear my flip flops...") and show the girls striking a pose in their swimsuits, smiles and all. Sweet, and sexy in a wholesome way. We do not ever need to see the photographers. Especially the creepy ones they're using now. Ew.

    it just felt...seedy to me at times. you've got these girls who literally cannot say anything about it because their boss and cameras are watching like hawks, and they're in next to nothing, sometimes at dire risk of spilling out of a bikini and their crotch barely covered, and there's all these fully clothed men calling them honey and darling and telling them how sexy they look while then talking to the film cameras about how hot and sexy they find the girls...it was just uncomfortable this year.  at least they didn't do the bikini fashion show, or at least didn't show it in episode. that was always soooo bad

    • Love 10
  19. 5 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Must be nice to be able to pose like this and not have your stomach reach for the sand:P

    even on very slim girls the little fat and skin there will hang, it's just gravity, that's what photoshop is for. hell, I'd be surpriswed if all of that image is even from the same photo. more often than not they're an edit of two or more images. the arm from this picture, the lower body from this one, etc

    • Love 1
  20. 1 hour ago, VintageJ said:

    You mean the Redskins?

    the redskins cheerleaders are known as the First Ladies of Football and so it can be pretty easy to mistakenly call themt he football ladies! its something my dad's done periodically since we lived in DC!

    8 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

    No photographer with any class has their models on all fours. And if any cheerleader is reading this DO NOT POSE ON ALL FOURS. I mean seriously?  This just pisses me off.

    bold to assume a calendar of cheerleaders in miniscule bikinis is intended to have anything even in the same zip code as 'class'. the  men(predominantly) who buy it aren't looking for class.  the word they're looking for is in the word class...

    • Love 9
  21. 36 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

    I totally get it though... not every girl is comfortable posing in an awful (&skimpy) suit just so thirsty men can have a calendar full of “america’s sweethearts:beach edition” pictures and DC make more money.

    Well to be fair, ALL the photos are so heavily edited that some times I can’t even tell who it is supposed to be. At least Tasha would have made the cover with or without photoshop, just like Maggie. Kelli this year? Yeah, you can’t even tell that’s her.

    It looked like it was by year.

    This must be the first time in years I like most of the rookies.

    Heather is so nice! I’m glad she’s getting more screentime and I hope she stays on for another year.

    Dayton’s office visit pissed me off.

    I know, thats what I;m saying.  she clearly respects herself and her career more than the desire to make the cover of a calendar that brings in a ton of money for the DCC that they'll never see

    • Love 2
  22. 1 minute ago, bigskygirl said:

    I read someplace Lauren did not feel comfortable posing due to her job. Kelli and Judy were fine with it, so they brought her along because they feel she is a standout DCC on and off the field, and so she could bond more with the other girls.

    if that was the reasoning, right when I thought I couldn't like her more, bam, I do. gotta respect a woman who has her career in her mind. I know many would argue bikinis aren't that much smaller than their uniform, but in some of the bikinis almost the entirity of their ass cheeks are on display, some of the bikini tops barely cover more than the nipple and the posess are often overtly sexual in a way even the dancing isn't. i wouldn't want to walk into a room to treat omeone who might a) have the photo on the wall b)do gods knows what with it c) think they can treat me a certain way because of a picture of me in a bikini.  clearly she loves to dance and being a DCC but her heart seems to really lie with her nursing and I can't not respect that

    • Love 21
  23. Just now, Disneydiva628 said:

    It looked like a coldsplay Star Wars outfit

    I don't even give it that much credit. most cosplayers have much higher standards than that thing. wonder how much it cost them

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