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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 7 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

    So here is a list of people we've said goodbye to so far and the reasons. I'll add anyone I've left out and update as the season goes on.

    Episode 1 early exits:

    • Alexandria—dire straight
    • Kalyssa--Playmate
    • Milan—trying to graduate

    Episode 2 cuts and retirements:

    • Paris--didn’t integrate
    • Jinelle—needed to ruminate
    • Cersten--wants to medicate
    • Jenna—snitch teammate
    • Robin—fourth estate

    Episode 3 cuts:

    • Keyra—always late
    • Selina—overweight
    • Meredith—too sedate
    • Sarah—just not great


    • Love 5
  2. 41 minutes ago, sATL said:

    trying to make a playlist for exercise purposes.. I really like most of the songs in this episode.. what is the name/artist of the song that playing when Malena  was dancing.. VT fell out of the turn ... ? They were on the field doing the choreography.. It was before "I love me"...

    I THINK it's Summer by calvin Harris

    • Love 2
  3. 1 minute ago, sATL said:

    for that song , they just played the instrumental intro.. but for the life of me the words are not coming to me enough to google. I got the rest of the ones I wanted - just missing that one.

    No promises I'll fair any better, but I'll give it a try too!

  4. 43 minutes ago, homelife said:

    I wonder if this will be Lauren's last season?

    Also didn't realize her and Kelsey were THAT close, that Lauren is her MOH..? We often don't see the whole picture via MTT or via social media but these girls toss around the word "best friend" each season like it's nothing.


    Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 12.08.54 PM.png

    I like the both of them and they seem quite similiar in personality, so I'm not surprised they're close. I really like the both of them, really rooted for them their respective TCC years. I wouldn't be overly surprised if this was Lauren's last season, simply becausse I believe her family and fiancee still live in another state, don't they? I think MIchigan? and depending on how soon she's thinking of the wedding she might want to move home to be together (*cough alexandria cough*) but maybe David has moved?  sometimes it amazes me how quickly some people get engaged, like she and Kelsey were with their respective men just over a year and they're engaged, but I guess if you know, you know.

    29 minutes ago, sATL said:

    trying to make a playlist for exercise purposes.. I really like most of the songs in this episode.. what is the name/artist of the song that playing when Malena  was dancing.. VT fell out of the turn ... ? They were on the field doing the choreography.. It was before "I love me"...

    you could try shazaming the songs or if they have lyrics, just grab the ones you can hear and google them. I have a dcc playlist I've had to build up that way whe I've not recognised the songs!

    • Love 2
  5. 11 hours ago, HateWatcher said:

    Awww shit, receipts!!!

    I might be in the minority, but I don't see this as a girl that honestly thinks about trying out for the DCC, I see it as the super diplomatic 'my mom works for them' answer of 'its a great organisation, it'd be such an honor' blah blah but not actually meaning she'll ever try out. how else is she supposed to answer when its her mom's whole life? she's toeing the party line of how great it is to work in the orbit of the Cowboys

    10 hours ago, hathorlive said:

    Since we've only seen a snippet of a preview scene, is it possible that Kelli is speaking to BOTH VK and Dayton, but the camera is only showing Dayton?

    I think we are putting the cart before the wagon here.  She might have called them both into the office to tell them that they can't depend on being a legacy to get them on the team.

    Just a thought.

    previews on any show, reality or not, are never ever what they appear. they're super edited and cut to suggest draama and half the time the audio and video that are matched up together in a preview aren't actually from the same scene at all, it'll be audio from one scene and video from another. it's all a con job to gain interest. and without context fro any of it, its always always unwise to believe anything shown in a preview

    • Love 4
  6. 3 minutes ago, Ms. SW said:

    I am rewatching this episode. A few observations:

    I stopped and rewound a few times. Keyra was not the only vet who kicked outside the stadium. Someone next to her did it too. Can’t tell who it was. 

    VK’s solo outfit did her no favors. Looked like lingerie meant to hide her mid section. 

    For a minute I thought Nick would get up and dance with Maddie. 

    JennK’s body language bothered me somewhat. She was talking to the vets with her arms crossed. Maybe that was because of the baby. At any rate, she should have said there are 10 candidates that Kelli could put in the uniform right now.

    Yeah I missed the kicks the first time around so when people were talking about it, I went back o rewatch and you see a foot to Keyra's left kick up but you can't ssee who it is, but with editing and angles, it ensures the narrative of 'cocky Keyra' (or Kocky Keyra if you fancy) can be sold as it being her winding up the rookie candidates.

    I thought VK's outfit was not a great choice. i know it was lyrical and therefore wanted a floaty, soft feminine ensemble, but that free section over the midriff just made it look like shse was trying to keep it covered.

    eh, i still don't judge Jenn for her wording - we have no idea if she's told to say that, and I guess I just don't interpret it like others do. I don't read it as being authoratative, that she believes she has the power to do it, simply that there are 10 girls that are chomping at the heels of the vets. judges have said much the same and at the end of the day, we all know it's K&C's call so none of them really have the power to do it, judge or no, and you know Jenn would be reporting back to K&C who looked good, who picked it up quickly, etc.

    • Love 4
  7. 7 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

    tldr After football season, but before the season ended in May, she was released for missing too many appearance. We also heard it as she quit, but seemingly overnight, her instagram transformed to a thirsty semi-nude instagram model vibe. She never completed her contract so she never got her pinky ring. The end. 

    yeah, around March-ish she started posting semi-nude 'modelling' shots and had some seriously unfortunate lip fillers that have completely changed her face but she is/was an ambassador for the company that did it for a while (maybe still is). i know it's ludicrous to say, but I liked her as a rookie and I'm actually kinda disappointed in her. she is/was a pretty girl, she had a lot of power on the field, and chosing to pose mostly nude (and a couple of fully nude but with angle trickery keeping things out of sight) online in a desperate attempt to get SI''s attention is kinda...idk, sad. again, ludicrous to say as I don't know her, and she's just liiving her life and I hope she's happy, but seeing how her insta changed pretty much overnight, I ended up unfollowing because she just didn't have the same vibe

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Ok, we need a current DCC thread - Lauren is engaged.

    his little chalkboard proposal was very cute. they seem super sweet together. I rooted for Lauren through her rookie year, I think she's adorable. very happy for her

    • Love 6
  9. 1 hour ago, chabelisaywow said:

    For shows, my daughter's former teachers would always recommend Bloch flesh colored jazz shoes over Capezio.  Having grown up myself dancing with Capezio shoes, I always wondered why.  The explanation was the Capezio shoes were an "off" color and the Bloch a better match to "light suntan" tights. This being said - do they give have a sponsorship with a certain company for tights? Half of them wear these too dark tights that totally spoil the lines of their dancing! Sorry nitpicking rant!

    I thought I was the only one that annoyed. your tights are meant to match your skintone, esp when your abs are going to be entirely on show and so a huge difference in tone between abs and thighs is super noticeble.  if you couldn't get them in your skintone, you perfected the way to dye them so they did, my instructors accepted no excuses. if they didn't match, you were called in front of the class and berated for drawing attention not with your dance but with the fact you couldn't apparently dress yourself.  the tights shouldn't, essentially, be noticeable and so if I'm noticing that you're clearly wearing tights, theyre not the right colour

    • Love 2
  10. 14 minutes ago, English Teacher said:

    I hope this isn’t stepping out of our bounds on this board and everyone is entitled to his own opinion  but I have to respond.   Kelli is NOT  a sociopath (and I have read and taught TSND).  She is a strong business woman with strong opinions.  There IS a difference. 

    She is also human. I too bristled at what she said to Dayton, but it was just a preview.  A scene selected to encourage the viewer to turn in next week.  Mission accomplished!   Let’s see the context and what is / is not said to VK.  And what Kelli says ( eve how she says it) and does may be worlds apart.  She seemed hostile towards Kelsey two years ago in TC but when discussing her in the office, she was not looking to cut her.  There may be reasons that made her say it   Or there may be some other reason she is harder on Dayton  ...that we will never learn.   That doesn’t make Kelli evil or sociopathic It makes her flawed like most people  

    We only see a fraction of a fraction of what is filmed and much less of what actually happens.  Editing is key.  I rewatched the Kelli Pickler visit from 2 years ago.  In the group, beloved Maddie made two ginormously huge errors in the group dance on the field. We heard nothing about it.  

    Ok.  Sorry for the diatribe.  And for the record, I do not like how VK is coming off on screen, I did not see glaring errors for Dayton to earn that critique, I was ticked off at the awwws when VK fell out of her turn, I cannot believe Jessika made the squad, and I’m PISSED that Kashara got called almost last.  

    I wish that we did not get an entire episode of prelims and that we got to see more of the deliberations and the field. 

    I'm not the person that said she was, but I agree witht his. she really isn't. she's a boss. literally. and I doubt a man would be called  sociopath for having the same bluntness in their approach to the maintenance of the 'brand' of DCC or any organisation.  She's not there to be a mother to these girls (which make her behaviour around VK so much more annoying to me as if she feels that strongly about the girl she should excuse herself though we all know Charlotte loves her) she's there to bring out what they need to give to become DCC and thats what she does. you can never believe a damn thing from previews of next episodes because rarely do the audio and video match up and context is key. its all about the ratings y'all

    • Love 5
  11. Just now, NMDD43 said:

    I think it's funny that 4 DCCs I tend to dislike and have always rubbed me the wrong way are all besties...

    birds of a feather...

    1 minute ago, pizzaislife said:

    See I got a major kiss butt vibe from it. Like she knows how much Charlotte and Kelli are carrying on and so she jumped in. That’s how I felt about Katbto. Like one of them made a comment about her dress so she took it to the next level.

    sort of like 'I saw how K&C responded when someone dared to question their sweet baby child VK and so I shall too respond seriously OTT and gain kudos and still have a judging position next year unlike poor meteorologist dude who has now dared to question them on VK not once but twice' kind of thing?  man is my damn hero too.  don't drink the kool-aid, brave man, don't drink the kool-aid.

    • Love 6
  12. 10 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Well, not only that but several insiders have already verified KaShara was called second to last to teach her a lesson about the weight gain.  

    I think some of the frustration regarding spoilers is that a lot of posters don't read the other threads, so they only know what they have seen on the episode threads.  Meanwhile, there are a lot of us who already know how the season will play out, why it will play out that way and other assorted bits of insider info.  Sometimes there is a comment made by a "non-spoiled" poster and the rest of us are biting our tongues.

    with all due respect, many want to watch the show without being spoiled and should, in a spoiler-free forum, be able to do that, regardless of if that is 'frustrating' to those that chose to learn ahead of time what the score was. i choose to follow some of the vets on SM and so i am aware of which of those have made it back because some of them put stuff in insta stories that they can't/wouldn't post on their main page before the end of the show run, but in terms of the rookies, i want to watch it play out

    • Love 5
  13. 2 minutes ago, sugarplum said:

    But that’s better than what she said! If she had phrased it like you, I would t have batted an eye. Haha. Unless I misheard (which is possible - I had a sleepless toddler I was rocking while trying to watch), she said “there are 10 girls I can put in the uniform right now”. It’s the “I can do it” that rubbed me the wrong way. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it definitely didn’t make me think very highly of her when I heard it. 

    everyone interprets differently. i just saw it as 'i could put 10 of those girls in dcc uniform and send them out and people wouldn't be able to tell they're not dcc' rather than 'i have the absolute power to actually make those girls dcc

    • Love 13
  14. 2 minutes ago, DCCFAN71 said:

    Ok, I never thought I would say this, but VK made me a believer last night. IMO I think she is a GR8 dancer in her own style and I was wishing they showed her entire solo. I kept rewinding it. She had several of those judges in tears and that is something. If it were just Kelli crying then I would prob think differently but it was the AA judge behind her (sorry cant remember her name). I honestly felt VK humility for the first time on screen. I think there is way more to VK than meets the eye, but like other TCC/DCC we only get to see what CMT wants us to see. I think she is just an 18 year old kid trying to figure it out. I'm just glad that someone is being honest about how she can overall improve and not just blowing sunshine up her hoohah! 

    from the way Brenda was going on about being 'so proud of her' I got the feeling maybe she knows Tina? because that seemed kinda personal to me but could be wrong

    • Love 5
  15. 1 minute ago, ElenaFR said:

    A spoiler is out which is a bummer for those that resisted all this time.  


    Yes, open the Spoiler thread please!!!

    exactly, and honestly Im not best pleased about it. the poster could at least delete it or even apologise for it but so far...

    • Love 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, sugarplum said:

    This is true, but it easily could have been said as “there are 10 girls that can wear the uniform today”. It’s the “I can put them in it” that is so offputting. 

    eh that doesn't bother me much because it's probably how most people would word it the 'i can see 10 girls that could be put in the uniform today' feeling

    • Love 5
  17. 4 minutes ago, Kayce said:

    Ok if they don't open the spoiler thread back up soon....someone is going to eventually make the mistake of making spoiler comments in the non spoiler threads....and knowing MY luck, it will probably be me ....

    already been done for me. i now know one girl who doesn't make it which i could have guessed but didn't need or want to be told

    • Love 3
  18. 1 minute ago, DCCFAN71 said:

    Ok, I may be the only one that feels like this. However, to me it seems like they were looking for a reason to cut Keyra! I can understand if she was late to every appearance but to me the punishment did not fit the crime. Didn't Kelli say she was late to one appearance and barely made it on time to another.  Jordan was late to a GAME and she still got to perform pre-game (because it would have messed up formations) but I believe her only punishment was to sit in the locker room the entire game. Also, didn't Jordan try out again the following year and made it back... There may be other reasons like attitude that only the insiders know about but an attitude to me is subjective. i can only go on the reason Kelli gave and that is that she was late or barely made it on time to some appearances. IMO if TPTB knew that she did not have a chance in hell of making it back (due to being tardy) no matter how good her interview/solo were they should have told her dont bother  coming back. 

    its like when they cut Kat. her dress wasn't the best choice but when your work uniform is less than a yard of fabric and she wasn't showing clevage or ass but just her waist, them never shutting up about it read as very false to me. they wanted to cut her and that was their excuse

    • Love 14
  19. 1 minute ago, sugarplum said:

    I’ve never been a big JennK fan, but her speech to the vets didn’t bother me that much. Motivation is good. She had seen the rookies and was warning them that they were up against strong talent. However, she lost my support the second she said “I could put a uniform on 10 of them today.” No you can’t. You don’t have that power. Move on with your life!

    to be fair to her, we've no idea if she's literally told by K&J to say that to the girls, or CMT to provide drama for the show and fear in the vets

    • Love 5
  20. 16 minutes ago, erikaelvis said:

    I dont know if any one has mentioned, but when they announced Gina, there was a major eyeroll form Keyra.  Gina has rubbed me wrong from day one!

    I don't know why, but I've never liked her either. is she a great dancer? absolutely. is there something about her that rubs me completely the wrong way? yes oh yes

    • Love 8
  21. 1 minute ago, GBPackersfan said:

    Very true, however for MOST women, it's certainly an option. The majority of women have no issues with birth control in general. And don't forget, these women are heavy exercisers. That, in and of itself, can significantly decrease periods or eliminate them all together. 


    Yes, Kelli said she was late for two things. One was the opening of the Star, she just barely made it. The other was an appearance at a children's hospital. We know that's the death knell for anyone. I was a Keyra fan, but when she said (rather snottily, I thought) "I want to know what I did to get cut!" she lost me. 

    I am already a heavy exerciser and my periods are heavy and very very regular. I work out 6 days a week for several hours each time. the majority of women also don't use the pill, only 25ish% of women use it and at an ever decreasing rate because of the health issues attached to it as well as resentment towards their body chemistry being screwed with all the time. I grew up with a midwife, i know waaaaay more than I want to about trends in contraceptive use and behaviours as well as issues that a large number of women have with hormonal contraception.  also, other teams have specifically spoken about weight in regards to their cheerleaders during their periods, and the Buffalo Jills have a super creepy part of their handbook on how the girls should be washing their groin, that their tampons must be changed every 4 hours at minimum (althought theyre given permission to wear a tampon all night) and that they must have tampons on hand at all times, in the correct size, so clearly these women do deal with periods

    • Love 1
  22. Just now, veronicamers said:

    Oh, for sure. I'm just questioning WHY we are getting this insanely over the top "hero" edit for VK. It's been suggested that the producers and DCC leadership thought the audience would go nuts for this story arc of a legacy trying to follow her in mother's footsteps. Alternatively, you could argue they are pushing it so hard to overcompensate for VK's weaknesses as a candidate. I don't know. It just seems so glaring.

    for me it smells of the disconnect between what a producer thinks the audience should be caring about, versus what they actually care about.  its common for producers to try to manipulate feelings of the audience to support a character or person and sometimes it works better than others, but in this case, it just isn't working and is actually working so poorly it's turning a large number of people away from supporting VK

    • Love 10
  23. 6 minutes ago, jmarie said:

    Many people won’t agree with me but whatever.... I think VK is a good dancer, maybe not as polished because she is only 18, but they’ve taken many other girls who weren’t as well. I don’t think people would hate on VK as much if her mother wasn’t best friends with Kelli. Yes it’s annoying how they were crying about VKs solo, but Judy cried when Cassie made it to training camp, understandably. I don’t have anything against VK and no one on here knows her to have so much hate for her, it’s really not her fault... it’s Kelli’s, if anyone. VK did fall out of her turn, but everything else was ok. She’s unpolished and rough around the edges, but she is not a bad dancer. 

    But Judy is a) her mother not simply women in her orbit and b) cried when she made TC, a decision she wasn't a part of (officially) not simply because of a dance routine, that what we saw of was no better or worse than anyone elses.  Half of the panel bursting into tears over the passion and how heartfelt it was was just ridiculous

    • Love 15
  24. 2 minutes ago, GBPackersfan said:

    Here is the scoop on menstrual weight gain: we do not HAVE to have our periods every month. I suspect most of these women are on depo shots, which can completely eliminate them or decrease them to every three months. Personally, I have a lot of issues, my OB/GYN and I have adjusted my birth control pill regimen so that I only have a period once every 3 months, and they last about 4 days. So if I have something coming up say, August 20, and I know that's when I am scheduled to have my next period, I just adjust my pills so I have it the 13th instead (with full encouragement of my OB/GYN). Also, with my new regimen, I have minimal water retention and weight gain, as opposed to fluctuating up to 10 lbs. I would imagine this is one of the topics covered in first meeting, if these women aren't savvy enough already to know this. So they can have a period during an away game week, or not during the season at all. (my BFF adjusted her pills so she has 2 periods a year). Most younger women are very well aware of this.  

    the pill or shot don't work well for everyone, and certain health conditions preclude usage. not everyone responds the same way in regards to weight gain to the pill.  I can't take it at all. I had to have POP variant because of migraines and there are fewer of those than mixed hormone pills and I bled for e months straight, heavily. and tht was after I'd come off the pill after responding poorly. I also gained a lot of weight and struggled to lose any. 

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