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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. On 16/11/2017 at 10:19 PM, hannahbanana said:


    That's 152 pounds? You go girl. She only proves it's not the numbers that matter, it's how you look -- and she looks fabulous. I WISH I could like that.

    Exactly! If she's a tall girl, say closer to six foot (and she looks like she'd be pretty tall, has quite a long upper body) then 152 is a great weight for her! I'm 5'10" and with a large frame and my lowest 'healthy' weight advissed by my doctor is 140lbs.  My sister is far more slight than me in build and four inches shorter and is 130 and tiny for her frame, so me at 140 would be so low for my size.  also the more muscular you are, the more you weigh. muscle is dense and takes up less space so you look smaller but weigh more.  the cheerleaders (or management) are so obsessed with weight, when that has little to do with it. its muscle tone. you can look slimmer and yet weigh more than you did at your 'approved' weight.  its all nonsense

    • Love 2
  2. On 14/11/2017 at 2:23 AM, tajalexander said:

    Interesting. Question for everyone I guess.. do you think the teams were legitimately better in the earlier seasons? Or do you feel as though the reason we saw those squads as “better” is because there wasn’t as much social media so we don’t see the ‘other stuff’ as much?

    (hope that made sense)

    For me there is a LOT more blenders and poor dancers this season. there's also a difference between a blender who is a good dancer but nothing outrageouslly special, and then girls that are poor dancers with poor technique and this year esp has too many of the latter.  also the level of the dances is just getting sloppier - lines are sloppy as hell on the sideline, something Judy is supposed to be militant about yet pictures have been posted with an entire Group out of alignment with each other on their lines and all in different places in the dance (not choereographed differently, all doing same move but some ahead and some behind), for all the kickline is their signature too many of the girls this season have poor to very poor kicks and the timing on the kickline is someof the worst Ive seen. in recent years, which given how easy it is to injure those around you in the kickline, jumping too early or late consistantly is just worrying.  tis year is just rough as hell, IMO. do i think all previous years were phenomenal, absolutly not.  but this year seems to have a much higher percentage of girls that would not have made it on the squad in previous years. thre are girls from previous years let go for kicks that coasted onto the team this  year.

    • Love 7
  3. On 23/10/2015 at 5:17 PM, bigskygirl said:

    All American girls or going for the Julia Roberts look in Pretty Woman. Sorry, but to me, this looks tacky. 

    Put a pole part way down that runway and you'd be forgiven for thinking you're in a strip joint.  the sexualisation of these girls while at the same time making them all 'look don't touch' is disgusting.  wasn't there a season (relatively early on) when they were told that boyfriends/husbands couldn't drop them off/pick them up at airports because they were recognisable and had to be seen to be single? or am i thinking of another show?

    • Love 2
  4. 6 hours ago, Katherine1904 said:

    Jenn K and Emma have performed pre game again today. Are we to assume one is now permanently filling in for Alexandria? Or are two people still injured? 

    I'd swear I saw Simone dancing so she seems to no longer be injured.  I can't remember who the other injured dancer was from before.  Khalyn??

  5. 9 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

    I always found Yuko weak and wondered why they loved her so much. I mean, she seems like a sweet girl, but that doesn't make her a good fit for the team. I wonder if it's the foreigner aspect. To keep the team "world class" maybe they try to get girls from other parts of the world? With Jinelle getting a bit long in the tooth and probably heading out the door soon maybe they wanted another "world" girl to fill her place. lol

    I do feel like, sometimes, Kelli picks girls based on who she likes rather than who will fit the team best because some of these picks (Christina, Savannah) make me scratch my head in wonder.

    Not to mention that not only was her dance weak but in the first year esp she would have been very limited on being sent on any appearances where the cheerleaders were meant to talk or schmooze given that she could barely speak english. I can't see the DCC sending her out to talk to sponsors/donors with an interpreter.  as cynical as it sounds, with Yuko I definitely got the feeling that it was part that shes a very pretty girl and part that shes a WOC and so adds another level of diversity to a heavily white-skewed team.

    2 hours ago, Dcc fan said:

    Ok so finally caught up on the last few episodes and what I clearly do not get is why the hell did Jenna ask Shelly about point? Surely the "correct" person to ask is Judy or Kelli and Shelly was the "manager on duty" whilst Kelly and Judy and the rest of the vets was in Canton. No disrespect to Shelly but thats what I thought.


    I also see Jenna now works as a sales agent. I wonder what company she works at in sales.


    Is it me or did anyone else think that when CMT announced there was 13 episodes they would be showing some of the shows from the season like season 7 where they showed some of October preparation for the breast cancer half time? I didn't think it was only to show like parts of the first game etc. I hoped they'd have showed like an insight into the prep for one of the of the games with the extra episodes too.

    I viewed it as sorta the cowards way out - find out about point without (or so she hoped) Kelli or Judy finding out she was fishing about it.  K&J were hella pissed at her, asking them outright would have been to tap-dance over thin ice in concrete shoes. but Shelly might have told her without her having to go to the top and with K&J away there was a chance that K&J wouldn't know.  she was stupid, plain and simple. Im not remotely convinced that she'd have been given back point after Canton if she hadn't sent the text, but sending it sealed the deal that she definitely waasn't.  she was impatient, childish and entitled.

    • Love 2
  6. 16 hours ago, Glamourdoll said:

    The fans? Or Jenna, Holly and Erica? 

    I really wonder what the ratings would have been like without all the drama. Probably still high, I just find this season so much less interesting than the older season I rewatch on my DVR (Sunni's rookie season.). 

    My friend at work got married in February to a nice lady from Indonesia. He has gotten her into our American Football, but she doesn't love the Cowboys as much as he does. I suggested he introduce her to this show. If she doesn't love the team, maybe she'll love the DCC instead!

    ugh, whats the betting that if there's another season, they'll assume the high ratings is because of the new drawn out format and excess of hangers on like Ramos and MRS? WHY OH WHY ARE EITHER OF THEM EVEN ON THE SHOW??

    5 hours ago, Glamourdoll said:

    So very true. The lack of humanity people can display online is hard to comprehend. 


    Hee.  Love it! I agree, the mid 2000 girls seemed to have more POW for me.


    Good point! It would be interesting to see how this season stacks up overall and by episode; especially those episodes that featured Holly/Jenna.

    Anonymity seems to cause some people to leave their humanity at the door. 
    Most of them would never dream of saying thaat crap out loud.

    • Love 4
  7. 3 minutes ago, Smplsimon said:

    God I hate her.  Someone should ask if she realizes how lucky she was to make it.  Had it not been for the departure of Holly and Erica, she'd have been cut no doubt.  Personally, I think she should have been cut anyway.

    I just hate the mentality that because you've tried for something for a few years that you somehow deserve it. that you should make the team or get the job or whatever just because you've tried out a certain number of times.  that's not how life works. and she acts like she spent every day for fiive years trying out.  she's just so mawkish and I can't stand it. every time the camera was on her, it was 'i've tried for five  years' blah blah. WE GET IT.   personally it just made her look kinda pathetic and desperate.  I know she was probably prompted to keep saying it, because she was this years 'reject made good' story but yeesh enough already

    • Love 13
  8. 13 hours ago, Terri said:

    Anytime you employ young women that are still getting their bills paid via mom and dad... God luck with appropriate and mature decision making. If you are hired to shake your booty in front of 100,000 fans, and represent the NFL, you need to be an adult with all the responsibilities that that brings. Holly was sent to Dallas as a "kept woman". Do what you have to do to make DCC and don't worry your pretty little head about anything else. That's difficult to compete with when you work a full time job like an adult. But the reality is  your competition is full time DCC mode without a care in the world other than looking awesome and killing choreography. Because that'll prepare you for life after NFL thanks mom and dad. 

    To be fair, when I went to college my dad paid my rent so that I could focus on my schoolwork and you're damn right I made appropriate and mature decisions. Maybe because I was 18 going on 45 and always very academic and quiet, but just because my parents were paying my bills didn't mean I went off the rails and was a brat running around drinking and screwing around and breaking the law. 

    14 hours ago, Lady GenX said:

    I admit I've never even heard of an unwritten warning, so you might be right, but Kelli certainly seemed to expect Kaitlin to produce a piece of paper.  Kaitlin said "He gave me a warning," and Kelli responded with "Do you have it with you?"

    But then again I live in a Chicago suburb and can't imagine any police officer that would follow someone to their home and not write it up.

    yup verbal warning are 100% a thing and are used in Texas.  So that's entirely possible.  BUT like you I can't imagine a cop following me all the way home to give me one.  Why wasn't she pulled over? if he followed her that far, thats suggestive of bigger trouble than a discretionary verbal warning.  then again flirting and clevage have been known to work wonders. 

    • Love 6
  9. 17 hours ago, dcc.fan.always said:

    You got that right!

    I don't know if that's where her body wants to be. It may be more due to what she is eating. A good figure is made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Food choices are key.

    Yup 100%
    my old trainer always used to say 'you can run as far as you like, but you can't run from a bad diet'. if you're eating poorly, your workout choices will have a very limited impact on your weight/shape.  also, she mentioned in a couple of posts that she used to be super strict with food etc, and so if she maybe ate much less than she should or yoyo dieted, she's going to have screwed with her metabolism and how her body takes on and holds onto fat.

    • Love 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Acromantula said:


    I didn't know Kalyssa used to do Body-builder/Figure competitions. She looks very scrawny and borderline unhealthy here to me...I hope it was just for the show and I'm glad she appears much healthier right now. 

    she would be unhealthy - bodybuilders only look that for a matter of hours at a time. she'd have cut pretty hard to get down to that and be extremely dehydrated.  its not something that can be maintained for any length of time and between competitions i can gurantee she wouldn't have looked like that.  its super obvious its not where her body wants to be, weight and shape wise

    21 hours ago, jaykay27 said:

    Ummm, guys?   does this mean they aren’t that excited about this year’s squad either:

    ETA, this is a screen shot from the link, http://www.dallascowboys.com/cheerleaders_squad_2017

    which they have since fixed (with a smaller font, to Howdeedo’s point below)


    Given the atrocious grammer of a lot of the girls on SM (half of them have no clue on their/there/they're for example) and no idea how to spell, I'm surprised not one whit that management are just as bad.  hilarious though!!  freudian slip, much!?!

    • Love 4
  11. 2 minutes ago, UnicornKicks said:

    Viv wasn't fat when she auditioned but "choreographer" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    that dance was, personally, a mess. Perhaps in the hands (and feet) of a better dancer, it'd look less...frenzied and flow better? there were the odd groups of a few beats that worked for me but honestly it was pretty bad imho

    • Love 2
  12. Will Alexandria be replaced by one AllStar for the rest of the season, or will different All-Stars cycle in?

    1 hour ago, dcc.fan.always said:

    Vivian is a lot bigger than muscular here

    Without meaning to sound rude towards Vivian (even though I couldnt stand her as a TCC - couldn't stop checking herself out 24/7 and came off as a mega-bitch, not to mention THAT. POEM) Kelli would DIE at the idea of putting her in the uniform.  between thutt and belly, Kelli would burst into flames at the thought

    • Love 5
  13. 34 minutes ago, Acromantula said:

    Hahahah, what a perfect slogan for them! I can totally see the cheerleaders trooping in, holding buckets in each hand instead of poms...

    On another note, can someone please tell me what is going on with KEYRA? At the beginning of TC I thought everyone loved her and her "firecracker" style. Now Judy is saying that she never saw that in her and doesn't know "what ya'all are talking about"?? I love Keyra, and I was hoping that she would make it on Show Group, as I think she seems to be every bit as good as Kalyssa, for instance. It just seems like we're getting lots of mixed messages on her...Kitty loves her, guest choreographers pick her out to compliment, yet Judy doesn't seem impressed at all. 

    Right?! I was shocked by that in the episode too.  everyone was in love with Keyra, er style and power...either they're just trying to maintain the 'drama' of who will get cut, or theres no consistency in these women or a bit of column a and a little column b.  they are, in the words of Kelli 'consistently inconsistent'. i felt so sorry for her when she was told sexy wasn't her thing. she looked like she'd been slapped, so sad and a little insulted. bless her. i like her, i think she's got fire and spunk and when she's not being tied in knots being terrifed of K&J (she seems to dance worse when she's trying to empty her bucket than when shes just losing hersel in the dance) so I really look forward to watching her grow as a dancer over the season

    and when they told Christine they'd not marked at all that her kicks were low and I was sitting here like 'ummmm what were the last x number of eps about then??' at the end of the ep when Taryn was  cut, and they all knew, and of course they'd reachhed the magic 36 (for all Kelli then tried to maintain the tension by saying they might cut more) all I saw when Christine was in the cheerleader doggy pile was relief that with Taryns cut she was likely in. no doubt next week will be subject to more tearful Ive been trying for this for five years, so to finally make it blah blah blah puke. 

    • Love 5
  14. 1 minute ago, woodscommaelle said:

    I read that as Ramos, not Romo. And I'm thinking 'dude is commentating now, too??!?!'

    "and who are the players wearing this season???'  "that colour is so great on his skin tone'  'the pants really match the jersey so well'

    am i the only one that found the whole 'who are you wearing?' bit with Charlotte ass-clenching awkward and embarrassing?

    • Love 8
  15. 3 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I'm sorry, but I cannot stop laughing at "boob log!"

    its what we always called it at the rink, you always knew when a girl had on a really strong sports bra because instead of boobs plural, she just had a log of boob!!

    do they have a quota on how many times they need the girls to say 'dancing for my life' per episode?  could make for an interesting drinking game

    • Love 1
  16. Can they please fix Gina's hair??? it was all I could focus on during the SG performance. its so flat and yellow and blah.  it needs some lowlights, it needs to be a more natural colour. it's just godawful.
    The more of Lauren I see the more I like her. Same with Kashara.

    What is the point of Ramos??? he was totally pointless in that ep. comes into the d=changing room to telll them they look good.  gee, thanks.
    don't get me started on that purplish top with the ruffle Kelli was wearing at the start of the ep, but whoever told her that was flattering or suited her was lying through their teeth. she looked huge in it. made her look wide, made her look thick, gabe her a weird 'boob log' look your normally only get from a sports bra...yikes

    • Love 6
  17. The official DCC insta put up a bimini photo of Jenna and holy photoshop fail. she's barely recognisable.  even the comments are calling it out. i know they photoshop the crap out of the calendar but I've never seen such bad and blatant PS before on one of the girls to the point that without the caption I would've struggled to know who it was meant to be


    • Love 2
  18. 17 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

    Anyone see the podcast with Lacey and Maggie? 


    Lacey was asked how they construct the triangle formation and she said seniority usually, although KaShara is point this year and I’ve been on the team a year longer. 


    Bitter comes to mind? 

    personally, I don't think senority should have THAT much to do with triangle formation/point. it should have more to do with best performer/dancer than 'oh that girl's been here X years, stick her on point'. I know some would argue lacey is a better performer, but I much prefer Kashara, both as a performer and in interviews.  I wondeer if she caught crap for that, that's some sub-tweet level nonsense right there. 
    Was Shannon G any better this week? he got chastised a few times on the DCC insta for talking over the girls and the other host, for being crass and not asking questions people had asked, instead just a bunch of boring questions that have been asked and answered a number of times over the years

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