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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. Anyone else's heart just sink when Melissa Rycroft was back last night? She's just awful and they're describing her as a 'big deal'.  Showmanship coach my ass.  Half the time I think she actually makes it worse for the girls, I rarely see any improvement in the ones she's decided to take under her wing

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Java said:

    Yea, I got the same impression from that post. I just think she was nervous and trying to psych herself up for everything. 

    I know that's how I'd be. maybe listening to music or my audition music and just running through everything, not really in the mood to chat or socialise. 

    I wish we'd seen some more of the veterans solos because frankly what I saw of some of them from the girls i follow on instagram, some of them seemed super weak.  I really like Simone, I like her dance style, she seems fun, and shes a cat person which I love, but when she posted segments of her solo on insta I was shocked at how unininspired I found it. It reeally reminded me of Kat's solo last year - I reemmber seeing bits of her solo on insta while she was rehearsing it and it was basically gymnastics. I know thats her background but it wasn't acrobatic dance or gymnastic inspired dance, it was straight up gymnastics and I remember thinking, if that's her solo, she's not making a second year. Now obviously there was the whole thing with her 'inappropriate' dress (llaughable seeing as how the uniform is hotpants and a push up bra and thats apparently fine in front of the kids) and I felt that Kelli didn't like her/didn't want her back, but I was surprised this year at how bad I found Simone's solo. Maybe there were other parts of it that were more interesting that she didn't post, but I would have loved to see it al because it felt weak as hell to me.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, kary said:

    I heard at auditions this year Kelsey would sit someplace by herself and all the rest of the vets trying out would be together.  Also there are not many pic of her with other DCC (other than at games) the only other DCC that seems to take a pic with her is DCC Kelli the blonde.  Kelsey and Kelli were  Ice Angels together and maybe that is why Kelli is nice to her.

    I know she's dating that frisbee guy Brodie Smith, maybe she's one of those girls that's 'all boyfriend all the time' and just doesn't make friends outside of him? (which is a behavioural trait that drives me crazy btw)

  4. 2 hours ago, ellekotonyok said:

    She ALWAYS looks great ?? I'm just forever crushing on her 

    She is a stunning girl. I really liked her when she was TCC, I really wanted her to make team, but honestly I think the deciding vote for her making the team last year was that she's so beautiful and with those eyes.  For sure she's absolutely improved over the course of her rookie season, and is a much better dancer, esp given how little a time really she's been dancing, but I think her looks definitely helped secure that spot!  I hadn't heard she wasn't well liked on the team, I wonder why...

    2 hours ago, ByTor said:

    I never thought she looked like she had a breast job either.

    Some pictures of her, esp in uniform or bikini definitely have that 'bolt on' appearance in the chest, I know some of that would be that tey dance in push up bras (can't be comfortable) but the sheer valley between her boobs tends to be indicative of implants. if so its a pretty good job, but doesn't look wholly natural to me

  5. 37 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

    That's the problem, the picking and choosing (that we see or hear of at least) between those who are in WW and those who ought to be but aren't and still get preferential treatment. Megan(last year), Kashara, and Jessika are really noticeable, Tasha may have been a little pudgy and Stephanie made no sense. What are WW based on now? 

    Eta: I want to see MORE bodies like Kashara, but the double standard is annoying. Can't call out one but not the other and make her point. 

    what annoys me is WW seems to be based a lot on weight amount - they keep saying 'you're X pounds heavier than xyz' - when weight is really neither here nor there. you can gain a tonne of muscle but look thinner and trimmer, while actually weighing more than when you looked heavier. yeah there are some girls that are obviously 'heavier' than before, who have a belly where no belly was before (and doesn't it hurt to write that about someone who is actually incredibly slim, just held to near-impossible standards) but with Stephanie...personally she looked more than fine., so basing it largely off of whether a girl is physically heavier, rather than how she comes across in the uniform is irritating. 

    • Love 4
  6. Can anyone help me in regard to tattoos - I was of the belief that girls couldn't have visible tattoos in either the uniform or their rehearsal gear. now the rehearsel outfits reveal more skin than the uniform, particularly on the arms, being essentially a sports bra and shorts.  As far as Im aware, Kelsey has a tattoo on one of her wrists. Now in the shirt of the uniform it woould be covered by the cuff of the shirt, but in the sports bra-esque rehearsal outfit, surely its visible.  So how is it allowed?  does she just have to cover it with makeup during rehearsal and that satisfies the 'not visible' rule?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Pink-n-Green said:

    I'm not a dancer so take this with a grain of salt but I always thought that if you were good at ballet, you could dance any style.  I figured ballet is the foundation other styles are built upon.  Maybe Brianna thought something along those lines?  Or, more likely, I don't know what the heck I'm talking about.

    It's been YEARS since I danced, and longer since I did ballet, so again, grain of salt, but I wouldn't necessarily agree.  Yes, ballet will absolutely give you good techniques - not sickling your feet, extreme strength and felexibility, preciseness in movement - but ballet is traditionally (although there is of course more contemporary cross-genre ballet) aaaaall about grace, and softness (or the appearance of softness in movement) and fluidity, whereas more contemporary dance can be a lot more about power and oversized movement, very rough and jerky movement and the very opposite of how ballet tends to be.  I think for sure ballet dancers will be able to demonstrate a greater versatility in their dance - for instance it would be far harder for a hip-hop dancer to do ballet than vice versa - but if it's ALL you've done, suddenly thinking you're going to ace a wildly different style with essentially zero training in those other styles is naive in the extreme at best and arrogant at worst.  Especially when there's literally no reason not to have better prepared for something you claim you've wanted for ages. For me its like saying you've wanted to be a computer IT guy all your life, but you've only ever used a smart phone and never a computer.  You can learn, but maybe not fast enough.

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  8. 1 minute ago, PixieDust said:

    We have been saying we want more but with that we have been saying more dancing!!!! With three episodes focused on auditions it would have been great to see more of the solos! I know that's what I would want most! Maybe more from the kitty prep night, vets preparing their solos, just more on the solos all together! 


    I feel that what I didnt like about the three audition eps was that it felt dragged out becuse there was the same amount of dancing shown, but with a lot of nonsense filler - like the guy whose name I can't remember that was doing small backstage interviews (which were super cringey to me but I hate that sort of super fake 'reality' stuff) with some of the girls. Cut that nonsense out and we could have had waaaaaaaaaaaay more dancing.  I wanted to see more of the solos but we got the same snippety montage

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  9. 1 hour ago, Hummingbird24 said:

    I do think it has been more negative here this year. Honestly, I haven't commented on that situation much because I don't care. I live here and haven't heard anything. If it was anything big, it would have at least been talked about. I'm not in the know by any means, but I'm sure SOMETHING would have been said.

    I also think the show sucks this year. Yes I said it. It's been boring to watch this year. Same ol' same ol' except this time they drug each episode out even longer. I have a hard time believing this show is top rated.  Last year, I felt like I had vested interest in these girls because we got little bones. This year, we got nothing and now I couldn't care less. I LIVE FOR Dallas Cowboys football and I don't care. When you lose a true fan (I'm not saying I'm anyone super important, because I am sure the dcc, CMT, and anyone else with the show don't give a fling donkey about me), that means you probably want to readjust your formula. I haven't even watched episode five. I already know. Episode five rookie makeovers and first cut.

    I think I'm done. I would have loved to meet the DCC, talk to them, meet Kelli and Judi, and see the Star. Now, I'm just whatever about it all.


    I wanted to be a DCC since I was four. What does that say for a casual fan?

    The show this year IS boring. there was no need to drag the auditions over three episodes, and yet somehow even with dragging it all out, I still feel I know the girls less and less. I literally can't tell most of the TCCs apart.  I can tell Lauren and Brianna and Savannah, Kalyssa when close enough, but most of them? couldn't pick them out of a lineup, generic blondes and brunettes that seem really interchangeable for me. the ones I do recognise I can never remember the names of. this is the first year I've really struggled identifying the TCCs. there's something so...so many of them look too alike to me.  I also just find myself rolling my eyes at the 'this is the best year ever for talent' stuff. they say it every year (OFC) but this year for me it just rings so false. half the TCCs I don't know how they got to TC other than perhaps on looks. For instance Brianna was never going to make the team. she's too young (and very much looks and seems it) and too unpolished in her dance style. maybe in a couple years she'd be great - she's a beautiful girl and has some serious talent but she's not there yet- but her having a spot at TC stopped someone that might have actually stood a chance.    It feels sometimes she was brought to TC for the 'drama' of having to release her, and hopefully ensuring a future fan favourite when she comes back and auditions again.

    Im also getting a little tired of the number of candidates that gush that they've wanted to be a DCC all their lives, they've been training for it blah blah but when they get to TC and struggle and are asked, have never taken a hip-hop class, or danced to the sort of music DCC uses, or seemingly had any experience with anything like the DCC style at all or worked on power within their dance.  If you really had wanted something all your life, wouldn't have prepared for it?  Every year there are girls claiming they want nothing but to be DCC since they were small, and every year those girls are utterly unprepared.

    • Love 9
  10. 4 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:




    I desperately need someone to take Brianna and even Savannah (though to a much lesser degree and its likely just because she's so pale/angle of photo casting shadows on her decolletage) aside and teach them about foundation matching your neck.  I always feel the girls wear SO much makeup its like a mask, and they end up looking a decade older than they are, but regardless of how much you're wearing, face and neck should match!!  She's a gorgeous girl but that picture is all kinds of terrible makeup wise.

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  11. 1 hour ago, aeroluv327 said:

    Oh, good!  I was questioning my hearing, because I thought she said she did really like her.  I still think it's odd that they called Alexandria into the office about her hair in her face during the hip-hop dance.  It didn't seem to be in her face during the regular dances, so why did it matter?  


    Anybody else love the hairstylist?  He didn't make any major changes and everyone looked so good!

    Eh, Im on the fence with the stylist - sometimes he seems waaaaaaaaay too yes man to Kelli. Sometimes he'll totally slap her down on something that would look awful on the girl, but too often he's like 'yes yes yes' to whatever she's saying even when it sounds awful. I don't get why he's on the judges panel either. yeah, he can have an opinion on if they can be given 'the look', or at least in regards to hair, but dance wise etc, he kinda makes me roll my eyes

    1 hour ago, LadyMsJay said:

    People were well aware before the show. It definitely helped, but it isn't the ONLY way they're "world known."

    People do, but we're never going to get all the answers simply because it's a reality show. That doesn't necessarily mean "real." It's all entertainment.

    Lol I don't think that's the case at all. It's just heavy and it seems like she genuinely has a big natural personality.

    Eh, I'd disagree a little.  Maybe within the United States, but I guarantee if you ask most Brits/Europeans who the DCC are, they would look at you blankly.  Hell, I'm British and grew up in the States, in DC so obviously a Redskins girl, well aware of the Redskins/Cowboys rivalry, well aware of the Cowboys team, watched football every week during the season, and I had no idea about the DCC until I watched the show.  the DCC are nowhere near as world famous/world renowned as they'd like to think. 

    • Love 10
  12. 1 hour ago, tinabee1967 said:

    No....it is not just you. This show jumped the shark after Vivian's poem (shiver).

    I just feel it's being kinda drawn out this year, like i really didn't need three episodes of the auditions and I hated the little interview things with the guy whose name i don't remember, just super cheesy, even for DCCMTT. 

    Am I the only one that literally could see no difference in the hair of about three of the rookies? and they're going on about how they love it, and how different it is, and there's just...no difference?

    • Love 3
  13. On 28/08/2017 at 1:06 AM, Moxiejan said:

    Putting hand over heart indeed would be inappropriate for a non-citizen for the pledge of allegiance, since that could be viewed as a renouncement of their own country.

    But for the anthem, hand over heart is more a sign of respect than an oath of allegiance. In fact, it has been only fairly recently that the etiquette has been to have hand over heart. When I grew up in school, it was hands respectfully at side for the anthem and right hand over the heart only for the pledge. Heck, I remember when it was a miracle when folks at athletic events actually stopped drinking beer and/or walking to their seats during the anthem. 

    I'm British but raised in the States and at school if I didn't do the pledge every day, hand on heart and all, I got in a lot of trouble, despite me saying I was English and it wasn't appropriate (not to mention that even at 6 I found the whole thing hella creepy and indoctrination but that's a whole other thing) and the school even called my parents in several times over it (who were not impressed at alll) because I'd just not do it as it wasn't appropriate.  In the end it just became easier to stand there with hand on heart but silent, so it looked like I was doing it so the teachers and principal got off my back, but yeah, citizen or not, some people would demand that you do it, even though it's not your flag or country.

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