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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 7 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    Oh my - you are right...    Yeah - I've been starting to suspect that Madeline looked kind of big on the show but was not sure - that pic is pretty strong evidence.

    Jennifer kind of has an excuse being that she's retired and 30, but she was pretty soft most of last year.

    During the half-time show I kept thinking Madeline looked 'soft' in the abdomen region. she's obviously a slim and fit girl, Im not calling her fat or thick, but in comparison to a lot of the other girls, her stomach is definitely softer

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  2. 4 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

    THANK YOU! I'm not sure why, but I can't stand her. 


    As for the Holly/Jenna thing... what we're saying here is that Holly was forced out because she tried to hide it, but Jenna who already got in trouble once for fraternizing and was caught doing the same thing while being a group leader AND after she had that weird "ready to step up?" conversation was fine because she admitted to it? So girls, the moral of the story is f*** the rules but go tell on yourself to K&J and you are in for the long run! 

    And don't get me wrong, I believe both of them should be out of the team, just like they did with Paige. I don't agree with the rules but if you do it to one of them, do it to all of them. At least Paige got a ring out of this.

    That's something that drives me crazy with K&J - they're never consistent. it's all dependant on how they feel about the girl. one girl will make a tiny mistake and she's gone, others could kill a player on the field and not get benched, it's crazy.  they play favourites so much it's ridiculous

    • Love 6
  3. 1 hour ago, HowdeeDo said:

    Personally I don't see it fair to judge an entire performance or the team based on one picture, most of which are them in movement and not every hand or foot is going to be place. I expect that kind of precision from Marines, not NFL dancers. 

    I think there's a difference between "judging an entire performance or the team based on one picture' which I haven't really seen anyone do, and questioning why the official DCC instagram would be posting so many pictures in which the dancers look so out of step with each other. surely there are numerous pictures to choose from, and choosing ones with literally no girl in sync with any other, or with poor kicks, or unflattering pictures of the girls or what have you, just seems weird when we all know how exacting Kelli and Judy are in regards to the appearance of the team as the best of the best.

    • Love 5
  4. 19 minutes ago, Dccfan126 said:

    The social media is so bad this year. So so bad. The just posted a pic of some rookies in those half time costumes, and Miranda just does not look good. Why post that picture?

    I like the jersey-uniform costumes, but I wish they'd change it up a bit and have a different one more often. Seems whenever they do a hip-hop like half-time show, they use the same costume and I would just love to see them wear something new.  But that''s just me being nitpicky (though yeah, I can't put my finger on why I winced when I saw that pic come up in the stories, but i did. maybe just because I wish they'd change it up a bit but maybe because wsan't super flattering)

    35 minutes ago, KatebytheSea said:

    For myself, I don't care for the opposite line arm and leg stuff they're doing more of this year.  I think the squad may be too young and new for those opposite movements to come off as sharp.  I've not doubt they'll get it, but right now it looks rather sloppy, and that's to my non-dancer eyes. :(

    I gotta somewhat agree, Ive not been loving what I've seen recently in the stories/posts as to choreo, if just doesn't have the flow it used to.  I'm no great lover of Thunderstruck (I find it pretty meh tbh, even if that is sacrilege) but even though I think it's dated, the choreo is decent and most of the girls really seem to enjoy performing it.  I'm holding out a full opinion until we see more than a few seconds of distant shots at funny angles but Im hoping it just a few awkward beats/bars and not the norm

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  5. 1 hour ago, KatebytheSea said:

    I'm not a dancer, so I'm not going to see everything you see. Though I am a perfectionist, so I see the lines, etc. Guess we'll split the difference! I just don't see the majority as being as horrible as you, a dancer, might. And most of the pics have been from practice, right? (I might have missed some games ones except the Christina one.)

    I do think this is going to be a tough year for DCC, one where the majority of the squad is young and new (1st and 2nd years), and an odd mixed of DCC Vets, experienced NFL/NON-DCCs and Rookies.  I think they're going to have to work very hard this year to gel and sync together.

    For the dancers out there, my sympathizes for your cringing and my comfort in saying many of us who aren't dancers aren't seeing to the depth you see! 

    Oh yeah, I do not envy the Group Leaders or the more experienced vets (say 3+years, of which there is a v small amount) because they''re really going to have to step up and lead by example, particularly the GLs. They get a tough job each year, but this year, they've got a lot of straight-up rookies/former-NFL rookies to muscle into shape, and you know that K&J are going to be leaning on them hard over any mistakes girls in their groups make or troubles they have.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, KatebytheSea said:

    Gotta disagree a little bit, in that the show itself is a promotional tool of a kind. It's promoting and showcasing this organization as world class and how it gets there.  But I agree that pictures showcasing the girls caught mid-whatever is promotional.  There are different types of promotional materials, and putting pictures out on a DCC Twitter is another kind of promotional than print work being sent to organizations. Just nitpicking. lol

    The super critical part I see that we're doing here is the overanalyzing of most pictures into badness when they aren't. I don't think all the pictures that have been released are poor, though some certainly fit that bill - the Christina one we both mentioned being one of them. Guess it's how one looks at the pictures, and that's totally individual. :)

    I don't think anyone is saying that they're all poor, certainly not me.  But the ones that are bad, tend to be pretty bad.  Maybe I can't turn off the hyper-critical former dancer part of me, but while I don't care if a girl is sickling her feet, or something pretty small, a picture in which almost, if not all, of the girls are in different hand and feet positions, two of them are ahead or behind, and neither line is remotely straight (and how often have we seen Judy stop practice over and over and over again in regards to lines?) is pretty bad, and isn't complimentary for the team, or those behind it. 

    • Love 4
  7. 4 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

    I think it's apples and oranges. If you have a reality show called Making The Team, then I expect to see an at least somewhat accurate representation of how the team got made - good and bad. If you only want to show the good, fine, but then don't have a reality show and pick your team like every other team does. No issue with that whatsoever, but you can't have it both ways. 

    Promotional material is a totally different matter. It's there to promote the team, and I don't expect to see anything that's not positive for the team. If bad pictures are continually there, then the social media person isn't doing the job. Every model in the world takes bad photos, but I don't expect Victoria's Secrets to post them for example. Yet, if they choose to have a reality show that takes us behind the scenes of a photo shoot and the creation of a catalog, then yeah, I expect to see the good and bad. 

    Its not a big deal by any means, but it's baffling that they keep posting bad pics (kick line with Christina being the prime example). 

    my point exactly, I'm just confused why they'd post so many pictures with the team looking poor, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the kickline given that's the signature move, it's what they're most famous for.  I don't care that things go wrong in rehearsal and practice, of course they do, it's literally what practice is for and I couldn't care less if the girls are out of sync or whatever because it'll be corrected,, but its just strange to me to promote moments where the team looks sloppy or unpolished.  that's their public face, and it's not displaying them to their best nd I just find it weird, particularly given how driven Kelli is (in particular) when it comes to displaying the team as the best of the best.  I guess I'm just bemused by it.

  8. 11 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

    Omg, a line isn't straight in practice. Clutching my pearls. 

    In more exciting news I'm looking forward to the special halftime tonight - R&B are involved too and from a clip on the DCC Insta story a few days ago it's also new hip hope choreo I think. 

    the more hip-hop/R&B numbers do tend to be where a lot of the girls shine, so hopefully they'll get to play in that sandpit tonight

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  9. 21 minutes ago, KatebytheSea said:

    On the two cents track: I do think DCC is a world class organization with many world class dancers involved. There's been a lot of outside verification of their skills from world class choreographers and organizations, Candace Romo even said she's seen numerous NFL pom squads, and DCC has them all beat. The squad isn't going to be as in demand as they are if they're not good.

    That said, are they perfect? Of course not. Are all DCC dancers of the same caliber? No. Are there seasons where the squad needs more work to gel than other years? Definitely! DCC lost several of their strongest dancers this year; Melissa, Jennifer, Jessica, Megan, Amy T, Holly, Erica....  Regrouping doesn't happen on a dime. And having many seasoned NFL dancers this year can be a blessing as well as a curse, as these ladies need to work on getting DCC style into their muscle memory after years of dancing on the field.

    My two cents suggests giving this new, young squad a chance. :)

    And ordinarily, I'd 100% agree with you, but if you're going to constantly promote yourself as the best, as world-class, you have to prove it.  Part of that is recovering from setbacks, from putting your best foot forward (literally in this case) quickly, and from continuing on with a smile and a wave because the show must go on.  a mark of a world leading team is that they can do that quickly and that nobody outside the team would know any different.  They've been dancing together for months now, they should be more together than they are. 

    The other thing is, I think Im just kinda bemused - Kelli usually has an iron hand on the promotion of the DCC, its world-class or nothing, what the girls post, when the girls post, what is posted by the official account, normally it's only to show the team off to its best advantage as we've seen from previous years on MTT, the girls get training as to social media and Kelli seems pretty strict on it.  but the last few months...the last few months Im surprised by the pictures and videos released on the official insta.  rather than showing off a world-class team, they're more often than not displaying mistakes, sloppiness, and a lack of showmanship.  Now, obviously most of the pictures are from rehearsal where things like tht happen and is to be expected and rehearsal is there to catch and correct that, I've got zero problem with mistakes being made, BUT a year ago, a picture with sloppy lines and literally nobody in sync with anyone else would never have been posted.  I don't know if Kelli herself actually does the posting, but I'd pretty much guarantee she gets approval or at very least checks it.  that pictures as bad as some of the recent ones have been posted is just a bit confusing to me - do not constantly promote yourself as world-class if what you're showing the world is far from it.   


    are they all phenomenal dancers, no of course not.  are they all good? yes.  are they necessarily gelling as a team this year, even after months together, not really/

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  10. 3 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I see your point of view about giving the new squad a chance to step up, but you cannot go around saying we are the best and look bad like the pictures and videos have shown. And yes Candace Romo was a great judge last year, but I would not go by what she considers to be the best. Just like in Season 8 when Charlotte and Kelli said we only pick the best girls, but Morgan and Kaitlyn were chosen to be on the squad. Sorry, but in order to be world class they need to stop with the blasted marketing of we are the best at what we do and actually stand up and actually prove you are the best.


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  11. For instance, this picture is just embarrassing - neither line is straight (and the back line has little excuse as theres the yellow line to use as a guide), the blonde second from the end at the front is either way ahead or way behind as is the brunette in the back line (can't see who they are as too blurry), nobody has the same foot placement OR hand placement meaning they're all out of sync... this is just sloppy and to release it like it shows the team off to its best is just naive.

    dcc 1.jpg

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  12. 2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    Putting in my two cents. The DCC Organization can market themselves by saying they are the best and a world class organization until the cows come home, but marketing and saying they are the best and actually being the best and world class are two different things.


    Kelli and the DCC in general have a hugely inflated idea of how famous and beloved the DCC are.  I think a lot of their 'fame' is less to do with being the best, than constant promotion, in particular the show but also by constantly stating that they're the best. From what we've seen of this year in particular, they are nowhere near the best, not in the NFL and certainly not 'world-class'.

    12 minutes ago, Java said:

    This shot looks like Jenna's phoning it in.  The back 1/2  of the left line looks sloppy. 

    Honestly, why does the DCC keep posting these half-assed pics?  Surely they have better photo's of practice and performance than what they've shown?

    Looking at their photos with an objective eye, I wouldn't guess that they're are anymore precise, engaging or skilled than other NFL cheer teams, and we know that they're supposed to be.

    For a world class organization, some of the photos they've released do not make them look any more polished than the Dolphins cheerleaders. 

    :CLAPPING:  Well said.

    Some of the videos too - I was watching some of the instagram stories and the videos they were released were not good - the lines were sloppy, the girls seriously out of time with each other and the beat of the music, it was frankly an embarrassment, yet the official dcc insta thought it was a good idea to show them as being indicitive of being 'world-class'.  I know they've got a lot of rookies this year, and there may be an undercurrent in the team of upheaval after the loss of Holly and Erica and maybe something up with Jenna, but I've never seen them so sloppy or unfocused.  They have GOT to pull it together.  I have frankly been surprised by some of the images/videos theyve chosen to release this year because they've not shown the team off to its best advantage at all.

    • Love 4
  13. 9 minutes ago, Dccfanatic said:


    Yeah, I guess you are both right.... But, isn't there a chance that the rumors are false? I mean, we don't really know what happened. Like I said, I know that my reaction is not normal, but I truly am so upset! I am going to hold out an unrealistic hope that she will repent and apologize and beg forgiveness and they will take her back! 

    Neveer happen, I'm afraid. She's kinda been low-key sub-tweeting and posting about how "a little girl seeks revenge, a real woman moves on while karma does her dirty work' and how she's never been happier and moving on to better things, so something went down and she's never going back. it's not subtle and it's not particularly mature, which is unfortunate as she was my favourite and being petty isn't an attractive quality, and I know, I know, these are 'young' women, but she's 20, not 12.  when her insta went quiet for weeks I knew something was up- she was a very regular poster, be it rehearsal, or dance in general or workouts etc, and so a blackout for over 3 weeks was 100% not normal. I suspect that was under orders from the DCC, that until she was off the show or similar, her posting was off the table. she's periodcally posting now, but sporadic and mostly to instagram stories not regular posts.    I think she quit rather than was cut, but if we don't see it on the show (much like how they seem to be acting like Erica doesn't exist) we're never going to know, and given she was my fave, and really did add an element to their dances, is a real shame. I was pretty devastated when I found out. inititally when I heard the rumours, I was thinking 'no way, no way was she cut' because her dancing ws such that would never happen, but then it came out that it was an off-field behaviour issue and that she's been acting out for hte last year...whatever it was, it was big, I think

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  14. 21 minutes ago, Dccfanatic said:

    I know! Me, too. I am kind of crushed :( I really liked her and I think she is truly so talented and the perfect fit for the team. I personally don't care about her off the field personal decisions and I am hoping (is this dumb of me?) that she will try out next year and they can forget about this year. Her posts from her instagram show dates from about a month ago. Whatever happened is so recent. I really am so upset, much more than is normal LOL

    When I heard rumours she'd been cut/quit/was gone, I knew it had to be for off-field behaviour - her dancing was never going to lead to her getting cut, and she was obv a fave with Kelli and Judy so probably got away with a lot, BUT there are a LOT of rules for the girls, and some of them are seriously in stone and IF it was someting to do with drinking, then that's not just breaking rules, that's breaking the law, and doesn't look good for 'America's Sweethearts' so I can see them not forgiving that

  15. 5 minutes ago, lovedcc said:

    Oh no, she was my favorite DCC. Darn it!

    Mine too. shes a phenomenal dancer but its said her off-field behaviour has been on the skids for a whille and she got by for a time, but something happened (rumoured to be underage drinking and/or dating/flirting/sleeping with a player) and that was last straw. hopefully we'll see what went down. the team ths year is looking really unpolished and second-rate - they lost a number of excellent vets and took on some rookies that personally shouldn't have made squad

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  16. 7 minutes ago, kary said:

    Pick the team in two week at training camp (you know they know who they want on the team by then) and then continue with the team and learn the dances.  I feel they have camp for  too long just for the TV show.  That is wrong to the girls.  Some of the girls would have liked to try out for other teams but couldn't because of being in training camp and if they get kicked out of camp then it is too late to try out for another team.  I seem to be way more protective of young people than the people on here but that's just how I roll.  

    Maybe that's another reason - in previous years Kelli has sounded super smug about having former DCC on other teams and definitely seemed to see it as down-grading that a dcc be an ice angel etc, maybe they want to spite other teams, 'you can't have our castoffs' kind of thing...they're pretty petty women at the end of the day. 

    eta: its not a lack of protectiveness on my part(and honestly Im trying not to be somewhat offended), its simply that I spent some 15 years dancing and figure skating. i don't know if you have a dance background, but I assure you, its the norm and there's no way that the girls in that camp that have danced since 3-4 years old aren't used to it. yes they're young, but a lot of them ahve danced for over a decade and dance is physically and mentally exhausting. if they've never encountered someone like Kitty, then they're outliers.

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  17. 9 minutes ago, kary said:

    It's never a good thing to criticize or yell at someone in front of their peers.  It does not excuse Kitty just because other dance instructors do it.  I agree with you that they are exhausted.  So why not encourage the girls...this takes courage to try out for DCC.  Also why is the training camp so long?  Most other pro teams training camps are 2 days to 2 weeks.  

    Number of dances they need to learn? isnt it said to be up to 50 dances?
    also, this is pretty much the mentality most dancers will take towards criticism -a couple years ago, Rachel then a 3yr vet, said  "We don’t want the TV cameras or remarks from Kelli & Judy get in the way of accomplishing the goal of making the team. Yes, you’re going to hear criticism. But you need to learn to take it as constructive criticism and apply it towards improving yourself. You can’t get bogged down by it.”" 

    It's the nature of the beast. is it 'right', nope, but you can't stop practice to take a girl out into the hall to criticize her in private, that would take all day, and criticism is not inherently bad. if it's 'you're a f-ing loser, you're a fat slob who can't dance' then fair enough, that's bad and unacceptable (but I guarantee it happens) but just 'you're sickling your feet' or 'you're getting lost in the mid-section you have to rehearse more'  etc, that isn't bad criticism. I'd rather be told that in front of my group than be led into the hall like an errant child. 

    The one good thing about Kitty, is that in a very real sense, she prepares them for the field -  how will you deal with drunken fans yelling obscenties at you on the field about your looks, about what they'd like to do to you if they had the chance?  they can't cry or stop dancing or run off the field because a guy is being super inappropriate/harrassing them with sexual comments. if they can't handle a criticism from Kitty, they might not handle the field, they have to learn to let it roll off their backs.  I can't imagine that not a single member of the crowd doesn't make some comment or other to the dancers that they can hear, and that's withut creeps up on their insta and twitter accounts.

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  18. 20 minutes ago, kary said:

    I don't see a lot of thick skin at training camp.  Look how many of them are crying all the time on the show and that is very little that we see.  Seems like they all go home every night and cry wondering if tomorrow will be there last day.

    tbh i take all te emotional stuff with a pinch of salt - very little of reality tv is true reality.  ramped up emotions and cameras go hand in hand and who knows how theyre coached to react in the one on one spots, heartless though it makes me seem.

    eta: plus a lot of them are very tired - for many of them, they're not used to the hours and some are working 9-5 (or equiv hours) then straight to the Star for another, what 4-6 hours of rehearsal. obv not all of that time is spent dancing, non-stop but thats still one hell of a schedule. if you don't get released until gone midnight,a nd you've got a 45min drive home, plus time to wash your face and get ready for the next day and maybe in bed by 1.30am and up at say 6? exhaustion will equal tears

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  19. 12 hours ago, kary said:

    Seems to me she scars some of the girls for life.  Remember some of these girls are young and sensitive.  Everyone has feelings and I don't think Kitty needs to hurt people.  Seems weird to me how the claim to be America's Sweethearts and want to make the world believe how great they are yet Kitty can act so mean and get away with it.

    From my own dance training, I can pretty much guarantee that many, if not most of the girls have faced far worse from their own instructors over the years.  I'm absolutely not saying it's right, but competitive dance, high level dance, just like any other high-level competition, coaches are not their to be your friend or your parent, they're there to push you and challenge you.  Half the stuff my old coach used to say or do to me would probably be qualified as abuse, BUT she got the best out of us, and I rarely took it personally and I am a super introverted, super ssensitive wee soul, and was even more so as a teen.  the stuff she'd say and do...and don't get me started on how she was about weight.  Does creating champions make what she did okay? absolutely not, but I guarantee that its the norm and something most of the girls would be sadly fairly used to.  Kitty is a veritiable dream in comparison to some of the coaches Ive known.

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  20. 1 minute ago, missmansfield said:

    I saw in the preview they are going to have Kitty back on.  I don't know why she still gets segments on the show.  Everyone hates her, she is nasty and mean and becomes more and more unhinged.

    for precisely those reasons - she creates 'drama'.  some people will tune in to see what nasty comment she says next, just like people watched Dance Moms to watch her meltdown and be totally irrational and insane and play the victim. sadly its reality tv 101. to be honest i don't find her that mean, next to my old skating coach she's pretty much a sweetie, though Im sure off camera she's much worse.  she strikes me as the sort of person who would describe themselves as blunt or no bs, but are in fact just rude, BUT thats the dance/competitive world, coaches aren't there to be nice, they're there to get the best performance and people have seemingly decided the best way to get that is to be as derogatory and mean as possible.

  21. 54 minutes ago, missmansfield said:

    I totally agree with you.  I used to love this show.  It was like brain candy to me- no matter what bad things are going on I could turn on the reruns and feel uplifted by the positivity in the show.  This season is absolutely horrible (particularily last night's episode).  I dont give a damn about media training and found the whole episode boring. I never thought I would say this but I cant even get excited about new episodes.

    Guess I will have to find a new show!

    There''s a part of me that thinks they're trying to change their image, show that 'America's Sweethearts' aren't just bimbos with poms or some other stereotype of cheerleaders, but are the well-rounded ladies they constantly claim they are, hence showing the media training, trying to demonstrate some sort of difficulty to the job etc etc, and sure it can't necessarily be easily to always smile and give the right answer but I couldn't care less about that. I want to see the dance, I want to see the training. several minutes focused around how much a couple of them said 'definitely' wasn't funny or interesting it was boring as hell. There's less and less dance and training despite the number of episodes.  we're half way through the season and I can barely name half the TCCs, the majority of them are a bland generic blur

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  22. 56 minutes ago, kalibean said:

    I don't particularly care for Melissa and her segments, but I don't mind that she wasn't a DCC superstar.  I think it makes her a great mentor of sorts for the strugglers, because Melissa definitely grew as a dancer or she wouldn't have won DWTS.  That show has its share of throwaways, but there are normally some fantastic dancers at the end.  How long does that show film?  If someone with a basic ability can improve in that short a time (especially the athletes and others that have little dance experience that end up on the show) there's no reason a TCC couldn't either, especially when there starting place is lights years better than the average DWTS contestant.  I see the parallel.

    I think she's ridiculous and always looks a hot mess, but I respect her dance journey, such as it is.

    I don't mind that she wasn't a DCC superstar, because we all know she wasn't and in former seasons Kelli would acknowledge that, but in the last couple years and this year particularly there's been nothing to temper the idea that she's brilliance personified, the girls gush like she WAS a DCC superstar. that's part of my gripe, they act like she was THE dancer of her squad, going on about how amazing she is and being soooooo overwheled to meet her blah blah when lets face it, most people don't know or care who she is and she's not that great a dancer for these girls to be pretending like they're in the presence of greatness.  I know some of that will be CMT telling them to play it up to the cameras, like te girls acting like they're practically going to faint when the owner or coaches come in, but it get so fake and irritating to pretend Melissa ads anything to the TCCs chances

    2 minutes ago, misty1976 said:

    On the dcc twitter or instagram  (I can't remember which one) they posted the show group members and someone asked about  Erica and Kelly replied that she's injured. I'll try to find the post and I will attach it. I'm thinking it was a more serious injury than just an operative knee injury. The big question is "What did Holly do to get cut?" She was one of the best performers and now she's gone so it must have been serious. I really liked Holly in her first year when she was still a humble young dancer but I think her fame went to her head and I found myself not liking her. After her wardrobe malfunction when she ran off stage some of her teammates reached out to her and she pushed them away. 

    in her defence, she's what 20, and still pretty immature emotionally? Im 32 and if that happened to me - in front of ALL of my bosses and colleagues and friends and CAMERAS for international broadcast- I'd want nobody touching me either. I'd just want to be left alone to pull myself together. I wouldnt want to talk to anyone or be near anyone, I'd be just wanting to die of mortification.  I think it's a perfectly normal response to not want people near her at the time, hardly something to judge her for.  She was clearly mortified and utterly humiliated

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