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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 7 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    I doubt it. The DCC were paid $15 per game in the 70s. It didn't drop to $6 in the 2000s. They've also had salon sponsors going back much further than 2006. They don't have to pay out of pocket for hair care.


    In reading some of the lawsuits filed against NFL cheer teams, it was clear that other teams have many of the same rules the DCC have. I didn't see anything in that article that pointed to the DCC over other teams.

    The article says $6 per hour of the game, not per game, which would be around $15-18ish, which would fit.

    7 hours ago, sATL said:

    I 've been thinking the same but too bashful to say it. why him - considering you have the whole team at your disposal? Hell, players (if football players are her thing) on opposing teams.. Raining men all over the place.

    what was in that drink at the club? the two together just seem odd.... icky... urggh..

    why do girls ever go for the 'charming' (aka slimy) a-holes? the stupid 'bad boy' thing?

    • Love 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, NMDD43 said:

    I totally got hooked on that show as well! I hope it comes back for a second season. I love how it showed all the drama, cattiness, and favoritism between the girls/teammates and coach. Making The Team doesn't show ANY of that (and we all know it goes down behind the scenes!)


    Some of those girls need a serious spray tan as well! 


    and better weaves. I can't imagine how much some of them are spending on bad hair and worse makeup. Gabrielle, hun, I don't wanna pick on you (and that awful eyeliner) but her blush and bronzer disaster on her cheeks...it pains me. almost as much as her complaining.. I want to love her, because she does work so hard, but the whinging and the godawful makeup and hair choices just make me super meh to her

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, NCDCCFan said:

    I wonder if Holly would consider University of Louisville? So Sharp was my newest reality show addiction and they are all technically trained dancers. Education plus more airtime seems like a possible next step.

    So glad Im not alone!  ALthough so many of the girls I want to grab and shake and teach how to apply eyeliner because the way half of them are doing it just drags their eyes down and ages so hard and it drives me crazy. you can apply dramatic eyeliner (so it can be seen in the stands) without it dragging down the eye shape.

    • Love 3
  4. On 02/10/2017 at 5:02 PM, kharlan25 said:

    I honestly didn't understand why K&J were against the weights...that is what they had Mackenzie do, and it is what we did back when I was on dance team.  It really does help, along with stretching like crazy every time you watch tv.

    It so does! I always used weights when I skated too. If I couldn't' get a jump or I wasn't getting high enough to get my rotations in fast enough, I'd always train with weights so that when I took them off i went a lot higher and faster. I was always told to stretch with weights for my tighter(generally your stronger)side. I was always super flexible to the left and super tight on the right so used weights and it helped a lot.

    • Love 2
  5. I really wish I knew what it was about Alexandria that seems 'off' to me in almost all of her DCC photos. is it the eye makeup? I know the makeup has to be OTT to be seen in the stands, but it just isn't remotely flattering for her eyeshape. in her own more 'natural' photos her eyes are quite beautiful, but in her DCC makeup its so dark and harsh it just affects her whole look. and while the other two girls look like they're smiling and having a good time, she looks more like she's grimacing. I just don't get a DCC vibe from her.


    • Love 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Trixi said:

    I'm surprised that Jenna wasn't cut if this is the 2nd time in 2 seasons she's broken the rules. As a multi year vet she shud b held to the highest standards since she's a leader and example to the rookies. Yet there she is out clubbing with a younger member who she knows is under age.  I think she is more accountable due to her years with the club.  Maybe she doesn't have enough common sense to b a DCC. 

    Given basically her whole tim in the office was spent being told how she'd failed as a leader, I was gobsmacked they kept her as a GL. they spend sseveral minutes decrying her leadership and then she's still a leader. i know they're slim on pickings with vets for GL, but so slim that they couldn't replace her?!?

    35 minutes ago, ales-ya said:

    Holly seemed genuinely sorry.  Jenna, not so much.  Jenna was so bad that I thought “terrible acting skills.”  I’m wondering if the K&J/Jenna convo was refilmed in order to downplay Jenna’s involvement.  She’s the most senior vet... she looks bad, DCC looks bad.  

    the cynic in me was wondering much the same thing re refilming. heck, even the last bit when K&J were discussing how maybe they should have cut her then and there, my brain was like, hmmmm given how Holly is about to basically ghost the team, I genuinely wonder if thats a reshoot a few days later, just dress them in the clothes they were in then and go again.

    On the note of clothes, I really freaking wish Kelli would wear shoes she can walk in. she can so blatantly barely walk in the ludicrous heels and wedges she wears, it looks awful and I cringe every time she takes those heels over the dance floor.  if she wore lower heels, she'd be able to walk normally. that or she needs to learn to walk in the shoes she has becaue man do I notice it every damn episode

    37 minutes ago, ales-ya said:

    Holly seemed genuinely sorry.  Jenna, not so much.  Jenna was so bad that I thought “terrible acting skills.”  I’m wondering if the K&J/Jenna convo was refilmed in order to downplay Jenna’s involvement.  She’s the most senior vet... she looks bad, DCC looks bad.  

    I got a vibe that it was 1/2 genuinely sorry, and about 1/2 sorry she got caught.  maybe even 1/3 to 2/3

    • Love 7
  7. 24 minutes ago, WickedMom said:

    I feel badly for Holly.  She's young and was thrown into a big, exciting, fast-paced world without her parents by her side to guide her.  Not everyone at 18, 19, 20 have the sense to make good decisions.  As she stated, it was fun at the moment, but when it was over it wasn't worth it.  How many times had I said those same words at that age???   There are no words for Jenna other than she certainly knew better than to take a 20 year old out partying.  She self-preserved by throwing Holly under the bus thus barely saving her a$$.  If anyone should have been dismissed immediately, it should have been Jenna.  It's my opinion that K & J and the Cowboys organization should have some responsibility for keeping check on the cheerleaders' well being - not just their weight & appearance.  Holly is an amazing, talented dancer.  It came with hard work and dedication by her AND her family, especially her Mom.  Dissing her Mom - for whatever reason people think they need to do that  here - isn't fair.  I can imagine that Holly has many regrets and if feeling sad & confused.  What people see, read and interpret in Social Media posts do not reflect one's personal reality.  This is a young lady trying to come to terms with her decision and find her direction.  I, for one, support her....

    Yeah, this annoys me here, when people essentially badmouth her mother and equate her also being a cheerleader with her being trampy/trashy/immoral

    I do feel bad for Holly, she was my favourite, shes a phenomenal dancer which I don't think can be disputed BUT while you or I had the freedom to be a 20 year old and make mistakes and drink underage or go to clubs we weren't old enough to or sleep with the wrong person etc, neither of us were under contract to NOT do those things. she signed her contract, she knew the rules.  she took the risk, span the wheel, and got caught.  yes, she's young, BUT a contract is a contract is a contract. she chose the life. she chose to agree to the terms of the contract when she signed it. she knew when she signed it again a year later and a year after that. and if its true she just upped and quit and didn't turn up for practice and just basically ghosted her job...she's got A LOT of growing up to do.  I just hope she can do it, because otherwise her career and her life is going to be tough as hell

    8 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I am once again in the minority because I do not see Taryn or Brennan as DCC material.

    On the subject of running to Kelli or Judy to rat out or to tell on another DCC. I do remember Judy saying a few of the vets thought Kelsey from Season 7 had an eating disorder because she looked thin her rookie year. Also a few of the girls did go to Kelli's assistant in Season One saying Meagan F. was not being sociable during a pool party. And of course, Melissa the Mentor said there were mean girls when she came back the first time after deciding not to try out again for her third year. She did take it back once CMT asked her (I do not buy the fact the DCC Organization wanted her to be a mentor) to be a judge and a mentor because it would not look good for her by saying bad things about the organization. I also wonder if Kelli and Judy are happy she is a mentor and do they take her thoughts and suggestions seriously.

    I do wonder about the timing of the Holly and Jenna situation since it is so close to Jerry Jones being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Did Jerry and/or Charlotte wanted the "situation" taken care of before they left for Ohio because it could make the entire organization look bad. Did Judy and especially Kelli and Charlotte think the whole thing would die down or were they hoping Jenna and Holly would come clean and confess they broke a few rules.

    Me too.  I like Taryn, she seemed sweet, and i really like how she handled herself when called into the office, she actually spoke well about what she was doing to improve, was showing considerable dedication to improving rather than just 'working on it', but personally I don't feel she has the 'look'

    • Love 5
  8. 48 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

    Sorry but I agree that at that age, I wouldn’t feel that i had any say or could do anything about a girl self-destructing.  It’s the same thing if Holly had been drinking to excess/taking drugs or diet pills/developing bulimia/whatever. I don’t know if I would tell the organization about that either. 

    From the outside, the DCC promotes a sisterhood.  But if a girl takes a wrong path, a DCC has to put the organization first.  That is what we were basically shown on Thursday..


    the girls really need to remember that they're transient, the DCC is 'permanent'.  they play a symbol, not themselves, and the brand must persevere. they''re all replaceable

    • Love 11
  9. 2 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

    The government is as well.

    yup. most intelligence services in pretty much any country LOVES the fact that people police themselves. before social media, it was way harder to link people, to determine their networks, their behaviours, locations, etc etc but now, people willingly carry around a gps in their pocket and post the minutae of their lives. its the CIA/MI5/CSS/FSB dream.

    • Love 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Katherine1904 said:

    I still have a soft spot for Jenna despite all this. I feel she has been very harshly reprimanded for her actions. Yes remove her from the hall of fame trip but I think she should have remained as point in the triangle. 


    If she doesnt get Pro Bowl, which I agree is highly unlikely, I would like to see Lacey. I LOVE KaShara but don’t think a 3rd year should get it. I’d say Jinelle as she is the second highest senior but I’m not her biggest fan. 

    Really? She got taken off of one trip. that's barely anything. I'm genuinely surprised she didnt lose being a GL seeing as how pretty much her entire talk was how she'd completely failed as a leader.  or at least bumped down to to GL2. I think she got away with a lot, esp for someone caught doing the same damn thing before, and who was probably not exactly strong-armed into going out with Holly. and may have been buying her drinks. 

    • Love 6
  11. 36 minutes ago, beachespeaches said:

    Love her but I totally agree. Sometimes I forget that she's a trained dancer tbh. 

    Side note but Lauren and Lexie are my favorite rookies. 

    I love Lauren! she's super cute and seems pretty sweet and grounded in a level of reality through actually having a job

    • Love 7
  12. 59 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

    Holly was genuinely upset when they called her in the first time about her weight. I think she was still determined to submit to the rules without complaint in order to be on the team.

    When they called her in a second time, again on camera, and chastised her in a very severe way, she was humiliated. Based on the contract as well as the underage drinking law, she deserved to be confronted. But I think being used for TV ratings is what pushed her over the edge. Perhaps she found out that Jenna threw her under the bus. I would have felt the same way - embarrassed, then angry.

    I wonder how it would have all gone if she hadn't had the embarrassment of her shirt coming undone during auditions in front of everyone. i wonder if that hadn't been shown on tv, then the weight, then the drama of the contract, esp as all were used for ratings, and she'd have known they would be, that she might have responded differently and just taken the punishment. quitting over it when you could have clung to the job for one more year and then left by choice...seems ridiculous to me. then again going to work nearly daily and knowing your bosses are just looking for any excuse...Ive been there and I wept all the way to work everyday

    59 minutes ago, kharlan25 said:

    Accountability... no one threw her under the bus.  SHE is responsible for her actions, not Jenna. The sooner young people learn this, the better off they will be.

    I have never like LV, I might be in the minority here and have never wanted anything from Tiffany.   I just don't understand the appeal. 

    Not alone. for me its beyond overpriced and overhyped. and a lot of people seem toview pricey=good. it isn't. not to mention the guys (and gals) that think pricey=romantic. the most romantic thing my guy ever did for me was get my pick and mix candy when I was upset. I'd never said which ones I liked, but he'd noticed when we went to the movies, once. and so he went to the thetre, and he got me my faves. it meant so much more to me that he had noticed what I liked, rather than getting me a generic box of chocolates. romance does not equal expensive, no matter what people think. tiffany earrings would mean no more to me than topshop, in fact I'd be worried about how much he spent and be concerned wearing them out and that i'd lose them.  my twenty buck duffle carries my gear and I don't have to worry about my bank balance.


    but if those earrings ARE from zeke and she thinks shes getting a ring...yikes

    • Love 7
  13. 14 minutes ago, MyMomSaysImSpecial said:

    This.  KaShara more than holds her own at point.


    The players are holier than thou.  Sure, Zeke has his off field problems but to the organization he is a goldmine.  He is producing results for the team and getting the wins.  That's what Jerry cared about.  They will always believe what these guys are saying.  And, even if it's just a rumor, Kelli has a responsibility to the organization to address it.  Even if it's harmless flirting - which it wasn't.  Fraternization doesn't mean "sleeping with".  Holly was breaking contract by being around Zeke.  At the club, her apartment, smoking with, talking/texting, horizontally dancing with, etc.

    Also, for everyone who is saying Holly lied to their faces...it's possible she didn't.  She said, "I'm not CURRENTLY talking to a player."  That means she and Zeke were done by the time the meeting happened.  If they were, then technically, she didn't lie.  Just saying.

    You can tell she's the daughter of a lawyer - she chose her words super carefully there. it went from deny deny deny lie lie lie to a very carefully chosen 'not currently' which is an admission that yes, she did BUT she's not breaking the rule now. its a dicey game to play, because you are admitting that you broke contract in the past, but if played right means you can try to show/prove that you've learned from your mistake. 

    Also did anyone else notice how the camera panned over Zeke and Dak's lockers in the locker room on the ridiculous tour? that made me chuckle about what was coming next

    • Love 6
  14. 10 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    They keep saying 4 more cuts, so I feel like they have to address Erica’s dismissal somehow (even if they use the injury excuse). 

    The only reasons I can think of the different treatment between Holly/Jenna is 1) they value Jenna on the team more; 2) while they both got in trouble for fraternization last year, Jenna stopped sleeping with a player (whether her choice or his, who knows) and Holly kept sleeping with a player; or 3) it comes down to the underage drinking thing. I’m truly shocked by how little attention they paid to the under 21 in a 21 and up club issue. Its not a big deal to most ppl but it was an easy out for them.

    I thought this episode would clear up some things, but it didn’t.

    They may have thought that reflected worse on them? law breaking vs contract breaking. Holly is legal to have sex, she's not to drink, and America's Sweethearts can't be seen to be breaking the law. plus, it would then place the club and whomever bought her the drinks in a sticky spot - if it were Zeke or Jenna, thats a Class A misdemeanor, which neither needs - nor I suspect does DC/DCC want to be associated with it -. better to hit on the fraternization rule, from a PR standpoint

    • Love 3
  15. 11 hours ago, MelTexGirl said:

    I just watched the last part again when Holly packed up her things before leaving - 

    1. Damn that duffel!!!! I'm jealous and I want one. 

    2. If she wasn't going to canton, why did she take the gold dress? 

    3. I get it that she's a great dancer and probably one of the best in the team, but for it to come from her - a little self absorbed in my opinion. Kind of giving me the Gina vibe. 

    4. When she first walked in the locker room after the office visit, that smile just rubbed me the wrong way. 


    Cant wait to se this play out next week. 

    I didn't necessarily see it that way

    a) its true

    b) its the same thing anyone at a job interview would say 'I think I'm/I would be an asset to your team/company/firm, it's really no different and sounds no more cocky or self-absorbed to me, not to mention pretty much every candidate at auditions says pretty much the same thing in the backstage interviews. you wouldn't be there if you didn't think you'd be a good asset.


    Re the smile, she very much could have been trying not to cry, I do the same thing, a fake it til you make it thing

    • Love 6
  16. Y'know what I'm most looking forward to - what if anything Holly posts on insta or her new twitter tonight/tomorrow given the show's contents tonight. she's promoted it in the past few eps, clips of her dancing at auditions etc, but Im wondering if she'll pretend tonights ep doesn't exist

    also someone seems to be sending her Tiffany earrings...

    • Love 2
  17. 3 minutes ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

    Good point. The fact she was tweeting with a former Dallas Cowboys player wasn't a factor, more of the tone of the tweet. It's a really awkward exchange with Shaun Smith. It's still up on Twitter to see. Its the now infamous "Holly drops her Pom" video. To Holly's credit, it was a really bizarre initial tweet by Shaun Smith. Her reply was terrible.... note to self, don't tweet emoji's to someone born before 1982, you can tell in Shaun Smith's reply that he was perturbed. I'm assuming this was some junior DCC camp at the Star...Shaun Smith probably has a daughter that might be attending???

    I'm assuming it was the Cowboys Training Camp. the cheerleaders go for it, and I believe it started around 22-23rd July this year, so the timing fits.

    • Love 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

    What is the difference between being cut and being forced to quit? Both equal termination that isn't the choice of the TCC. I don't really understand.

    I guess its a saving face thing, plus if this is something they put on a resume, then being able to claim you left the position by your own choice (new employers ddon't need to know it was coerced essentially) looks a hell of a lot better than bbeing fired.

    Just now, Pinknblue said:

    It counts because the tone sounded pretty disrespectful.

    but unless its in the contract that tweets must be respectful etc, rather than just not fraternizing with players, then I don't see how it can be used to say she breeched contract. he isn't a player. i know employers can twist things into a corkscrew, but if it were me and that were being held up as proof of contract violation and all the contract says is no fraternizing with players, I'd argue it until blue in the face, regardless of if the tweet tone seems disrespectful (though obv the emojis are intended to make it seem light-hearted regardless of how it may or may not have been taken by Smith)

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  19. 2 hours ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:


    I wish i knew the timeline of tonight's office visit by Jenna and Holly. What day was it...probably somewhere around July 26th. This is pure speculation on my part, but this was Holly's last Tweet with her official DCC Twitter handle. I honestly believe when K&J saw this tweet, to a former Dallas Cowboys player no less... It was the final nail in the coffin. for her DCC career.

    But tweeting someone who hasn't played professionally in what, over five years, would that really be fraternization with a player? he isn't a player, why would it count?

    • Love 1
  20. 1 hour ago, PBSLover said:

    Bad editing.  Such bad editing.  Back in the day, there was so much more to each episode and there was lots of Jay in there as well and the show was still so interesting.  We got to know the girls, see where they lived and worked, who buddied up with each other, and dance and Jay.  Get back the Season 2 editing team!!!!  

    I would assume that the Cowboys has a large corporate publicity team.

    i believe that technically the DCC are a separate entity. most cheerleader squads in the NFL are, its what allows them to get away with paying them peanuts

  21. 13 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

    I wonder how they’re going to play the fraternization angle. Are they going to make it clear that she was hooking up with a player or just play it off as her hanging out at a club with one?

    Also, if any insiders know, what exactly did Jenna get in trouble for? Is it for just being with Holly (she obviously knows she’s underage) at the club and also I’m assuming being in Zeke’s enteorage, or something else?  I guess we’ll find out tomorrow regardless. 

    They may gloss over it, focus on the drinking and just mention she was seen at a club where players were?

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