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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 7 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Haven't seen the whole ep, but had to see what you guys were talking about.  Marshall is hysterical.  He's just giving Brenda these looks like what is wrong with you???  And the reaction when VK fell out of her turns was completely unexpected from what I've seen thru the years.

    his face with all the crying...perfection.  I made a similar face when Kelli was going on about how VK had one of the most passionate solos of the day. and, so, therefore? passionate isn't the same as 'good'. I can be a damned passionate singer. I am not self-deluded enough to imagine that means Im good

    Anyone else feel that Yuko looked weak dancing on the field? which was ironic when they had a voiceover of rookie saying how intimidating it is to dance next to a vet. I like Yuko, I think she seems sweet, but she seems pretty outdanced often

    • Love 7
  2. 2 hours ago, ThreaLevelMidnight said:

    Whether consciously or subconsciously, Kelli is probably resentful that Shelly’s daughter is naturally gorgeous, while her own daughter... well it doesn’t really need to be spelled out does it? 


    Also I stand by my prior statement that Kelli is a sociopath. To clarify, NOT a psychopath (the violent kind), just a sociopath. Y’all should listen to the book “The Sociopath Next Door” and it will all make sense. 

    psychopaths are NOT by definition violent. its simply defines a set of personality traits and cold-hearted behaviours, not violence. Most CEOs and surgeons will display psychopathic traits, they do not show violence.

    • Love 5
  3. 14 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    Oh, I am so happy to hear this, I thought I was out there on my own planet with that opinion.  IMO she looks silly doing hip hop.

    Don't be too sad, I'm sure she'll be front & center again (rather than the one who really deserves it IMO).

    Me three.  I think Maddie is a sweet girl, and she's a great dancer, but I've always found something about her...lacking. i think part of it is is what, to me, feels like forced sexiness because she looks aobut 16 to me, and so seeing her dancing in a 'sexy' manner, just looks weird (and sometimes even borderline uncomfortable) to me, and unlike some of the dancers that really can pull off any style, while they constantly seem to go to Maddie for hip hop, I just think she looks ridiculous, like she's trying too hard, like the effort is obvious. but thats just my opinion.  I think she''s a pretty girl, and a ggreat dancer, but for some reason I've never been on board the Maddie train

    • Love 8
  4. 1 minute ago, DocBrown said:

    Oh my, so many thoughts during this episode. Love love love rookies Hannah, Titans Briana and Malena. Also really like Jalyn to be fair but didn’t see much of her. Brennan always gets my vote! Maddie’s solo was amazing. 

    I know there’s been so much back and forth on VK I don’t particularly want to add to it, but watching the judges “aww” about her falling out of her turns, I just can’t. It makes them look so biased. 

    I thought it was interesting that they were forever saying how strong the rookies were yet only cut two vets. I’m sad for Selina, but she took it like a class act. Keyra just came across as obnoxious during this episode. I have no idea how Jessika made it through finals. 

    Gina’s reactions and just Marshall in general are my new favourite things. Marshall in particular, his face when Brenda was sobbing over VK made the whole episode! 

    If any other girl, any other one of those vets or rookies had fallen out of turns like that, it would have been an instant 'no'. it would have been grimaces all around and no end of going on about poor placement or training, about how she should, at this level, manage the turns. If VK makes the team, she will always be followed by whispers of favouritism, both by fans and likely other teammates alike. they aren't winning VK any friends among TC with this blatant favouritism

    • Love 14
  5. 8 minutes ago, sATL said:

    RE: weight gain... there's a question burning in the back of my mind... how does the TCC/DCC prevent bloating, and menstrual weight gain -esp in the lower ab area? Take all kind of OTC pills?

    I know I can be another 1/2 inch waist/breast size for a couple of days...

    I am glad for Brenda for speaking up about it is ok for a women to have a little something...

    Generally they allow a leeway of a couple pounds but often no more than that.

    the ridiculous thing is, someone can gain weight, a considerable amount, and be slimmer and look 'better' thn before because of muscle gain, so basing it all off weight is ridiculous anyway!

    • Love 2
  6. DId anyone else think find Rachel reminding them a lot of Erica, looks wise? During the Kitty segment when she was mocking Rachel being all 'Im not last and Im not best blah blah' Rachel reminded me so much of Erica in the face. maybe the makeup but they looked so similar to me.


    I always find it funny that they send these girls out (proudly) in uniforms of less than a yard of fabric, dancing to songs like Talking Body by Tove Lo (a song entirely about sex, seduction and even more sex) and then tell the world its a family orgaisation and the girls aren't sexy or 'raunchy' and can't and don't dance that way.

    • Love 7
  7. I always love the finals ep but I also find it so frustrating because I always want to see more of the solos than we ever get to see, esp the returning vets. i wish CMT made the solos (at least those tht get into TC) available online in their full format

    • Love 4
  8. Just now, Taralightner said:

    I remember Reiner (way back when makeovers required a drink afterwards) saying something like:

    ”We don’t do a complete makeover on girls who don’t really need it. Some of these girls are hot (camera shows Alyssa Torres in his chair), so we do things to compliment her.” 

    I think they do stuff to achieve a classic look that will also hold up on the field and that will maximize their look and features. We are so programmed to look for “before and after” shots that it’s almost disappointing not to see a huge difference. Just my opinion. 

    but often there really is little to no difference. if they're going to be doing the 'shocking' makeovers and have the girls and Kelli gush and ooh and ahhh over how different they look, they need to show girls that actually do look different. otherwise its just 'reality' nonsense of trying to get the audience to believe that there has been a huge difference when there blatantly hasnt'. if they didn't make such a big deal over the looks that have barely changed, then fine, but when they make a huge deal over how the girl is transformed by a few highlights, thats just ridiculous.

    • Love 3
  9. 3 hours ago, Opine said:

    But it is the exact same haircut they all have!

    Yeah, either the do nearly nothing on the girl's hair and act like it's the biggest change ever, while in the side by side comparison it is literally near impossible to tell any difference at all, OR they give the girl the same haircut all te others have. that's not to say its not nice, but each of the lengths of hair seems to have pretty much a 'set' hairstyle they all end up with.  which is another reason I roll my eyes at girls that turn up with awful hair and extensions and then claim they've wanted to be a DCC since birth. the dcc look is really easy to replicate.  i know the girls need to have a somewhat 'uniform' look, but seriously, sometimes i find it impossible to tell some of the girls apart because their hair nad makeup is pretty much identical

    • Love 5
  10. They could maybe make it a part of the free dance - that it must include x beats of kicks and just have a couple fewer girls in each group on the floor at a time OR to see some sort of stamina, immediately after their free dance, each group has to line up together and perform kickline which could be taught upon arrival or at minimum full splits be a requirement at some point in their free dance. its amazing to me how many girls are obviously deeply uncomfortable in trying to get into splits. if they can't slide slowly into splits, they'll do themselves damage trying to do the jump split. and yet some seem to get through to finals and even TC without being able to comfortable sit in full split. HOW?!?

  11. 12 minutes ago, sATL said:

    but that would mean teaching the kick-line to 400+ candidates...

    And I guess part of the "test" is not only one can kick to their nose/forehead... but can you kick after a 4 minute dance ?

    Then perhaps some sort of flexibility test or requirment. given the whole thing is on youtube anyway, its not like it would be hard to go to the audition prepped in the knowledge of what the kickline entails, hell it could be made a requirment of application and it at very least be tested solo BEFORE the first round of auditions. if you can't get the kicks before 4 minutes of dance, you won't get them after so then can be cut

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  12. 1 hour ago, Mardo2044 said:

    I think this is more likely the reality.  Otherwise, things like not cutting Danielle and adding her number to TC onstage would not happen.  If it was strictly numbers she would say it is out of her hands.  I also think if Charlotte wants someone Kelli let's her have them because, well, she is the boss.

    Its seemed pretty obvious through previous seasons that Judy often gets overruled on a girl that can't dance but Kelli or Charlotte likes. Judy will um and ahh and state se doesn't think she can bring the girl up enough in the time but they'll tell her she can and then of course she can't, the girl is cut and Judy gets that super pinched pissed cat look

    • Love 4
  13. 7 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

    Say WHAT!?!?!?!?!  Can I say I'm glad he didn't get the part?  To me, he doesn't physically look anything like what the book describes Harry.  Granted, I've never seen him act so I don't know how he would have done with the part had he gotten it, but I just don't see him in the role.  Besides, if I'm remembering correctly, they wanted only British actors for the roles (with a few who could either be majorly convincing or were of the appropriate nationalities for the other Wizarding schools in France and wasn't it Germany?) On top of all that, the films would have been vastly different if any of the roles had been cast differently.

    Besides, could you just IMAGINE Tina if he'd gotten the role and the films were as popular as they are with Daniel Radcliffe?  And we thought she was bad with Victoria!   I'd hate to see what would have happened then.


    Can you say Monster Stage Mom??  heh, the Kalina's would be the other K family. Momager alert.

    TBH there would have been considerable outrage here if an American had gotten the role of Harry Potter, or indeed anyone other than a British kid, but yeah, Tanner K auditioned. The world is a scary and bizarre place.

    4 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    If she wouldn't let Baby Girl go to New York, how far would Baby Boy have gotten?

     I can't have been the only one horrified by that segment, right? Please say I wasn't. that sickly sweet, selling it like it was so adorable and motherly that she crushed her kid's potential training and career because she just couldn't let her move away. I was so creeped out. like she literally just shut down what could have been a phenomenal opportunity to keep her kid under her wing at all times. yikes on spikes.  Especially Baby Boy seems to have been allowed a bit more freedom if his acting is anything to go by. i know some of it was filmed in Texas (like Everybody Wants Some, an interview with him for which is I heard him mention Harry Potter) but it can't all be.

  14. 4 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I would have thought that there were plenty of investors wanting a place in the Star and that Charlotte wouldn't have had to kiss anybody's booty.  

    I guess maybe  a)the thing cost $1.5billion in a not good economy b)it looks good to have a 'legacy' family part of the Star and she's all about the PR and selling the 'it's a family'' party line  c)you don't burn bridges when money is at stake d)the Kalina's are a known quantity unlike a potential stranger as an investment. I also don't know how much money they put into it?   The only random fact I do know about the Kalina family is that Tanner auditioned for the part of Harry Potter....say what??!?!?

  15. 17 minutes ago, UnicornKicks said:

    Judy knows now when the cameras are rolling and when to be a hard ass and when to polite you to death. Her being a hardass is why the DCC are 1000x better than other pro teams. Kelli is not as snooty as she used to be now that she's fat, but Judy is still harder on the girls. Somebody as to be serious about their dance bc Kelli is as much about looks and branding. Judy just wants trained, skinny dancers. 

    Seriously. She's walking away and carrying a ton of stuff. Who cares about turnout?

    Papa Kalina has $$$$ tied in with the Cowboys. Charlotte would not give an eff about Tina being an old DCC if they didn't have money tied up in the org now.

    100%. Investors or possible investors will get you on the bestie list with Charlotte #yuko #milan #kelseybond.


    • Love 2
  16. 5 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I think Jinelle got the legacy mention because she was as a leader drama free. After what they went through with Holly, Erica, and Jenna, I bet Lacey and Jinelle were like a nice breath of DCC air.

    she was also a five year vet. besides Jenna (who was never gonna get a big send off after last year, and I've no idea why people were surprised she was leaving after the season, because c'mon, she was never going to really be able to stay no matter how much she might want to) was anyone else retiring this year also a 5 year vet?

    • Love 2
  17. 8 minutes ago, Trixi said:

    Exactly! It always makes me laugh in ice skating when during the free skate the announcers always comment on how tired the skaters get in the last minute or so. Don’t they train 6-8 hrs a day? I think 4mins is doable for highly trained atheletes ?

    Yeah, as a former competitive skater I can confirm that actually we can do four minutes easily.. Though running through the whole long program isn't something we necessarily did on the daily, it'd be broken down into segments that'd be practised, but when you're looking at those that win, they're not getting gassed out or if they are, it's because their programme is more complicated than someone else's or they're not pacing because they're giving everything because it all comes down to that last minute and they're pouring it all out there. if they were having to continue to skate longer, they'd pace better, but they don't have to. these girls have to pace for an hours long game, they need to know how

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  18. 28 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

    I forgot a few other things I noticed.

    1. I knew they had to do the combination more than once, but FOUR times? Then they probably have to do the kickline at least twice. Daaaaaaang. I guess it's nice that everyone gets several chances for a do-over, and it gives the judges a chance to really examine each individual dancer, but back-to-back-to-back like that...that's rough.

    2. When they were deliberating about Brennan, that one judge said they should tell her "You're this close. The only thing stopping you from greatness is you." Isn't that more or less what they told her in training camp last year? And it had no effect.

    3. At the end of deliberations, Kelli says "We'll tabulate and then we will announce those that made it to finals shortly." Then in a voiceover "Today's deliberations are very polarizing. On some candidates, half the judges are yes and half the judges are no. We're going to have to go to the numbers and see how everybody really scores out."

    I believe this is the first time on the show she has ever mentioned using an actual numerical scoring system. Or am I just not remembering? I have so many questions about this. I assume when she says "We" have to to the numbers, she's talking about herself, Judy, and Charlotte. This just seems so inefficient to me. Why would they not discuss each girls' score as part of the deliberations? Why do they even need to discuss every single girl? I mean, it seems like they could count the top 30 scorers as an automatic "in" and the bottom 30 as an automatic "out," then they'd only have to discuss the 40 or so in the middle.  It just seems nuts to me that they deliberate with the full panel, then they look at the scores, then K/J/C deliberate as a smaller group. I mean...WHY?

    Its nothing like what would be expected of them during a game situation though. they have to dance pretty much non-stop throughout the game, there are no time-outs, no stopping and so going through the combo 4 times is a somewhat decent indicator of fitness levels and how quickly they get gassed out, because while they can build stamina during TC, its only so much so if a girl is gassed by the end of the second sequence, she's got no chance in hell of dancing for several hours, which already comes after several hours of practice on the morning of the game.  Plus most of the girls have been dancing on squads of some kind (high school or collegiate or other sports teams and studio recitals) so it shouldn't be anything they're not used to in the slightest.

    7 minutes ago, chabelisaywow said:

    Is this so the judges and the viewers remember who they are?

    I believe so. just makes the dancing across the two days more cohesively easy to remember for the judges - so many of hte girls look so similar I wouldn't be surprised if many of them are remembered by outfit and not face. I'll admit that's how I do it sometimes until the herd is thinned a little

    • Love 2
  19. 48 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

    I didn't think about this while I was watching, but it is a bit strange to have so many retiring and to single out Jinelle in that way. I mean, I get why they featured Cersten. It is a feather in the DCC's cap to be able to say "We've had cheerleaders who've gone on to become doctors, etc." But Jinelle is a legend? I would love to know why.  They said fans liked her, teammates liked her, and kids liked her, I get that. But what makes her a LEGEND?  That's a big word. In all the discussions I've seen on this board about who would be considered a "superstar DCC" I don't think Jinelle has ever been mentioned.

    I saw it and it made me wince a little.



    Cristi Fisher was there, with a new look. Kali McKelson and Bri Lutrell were there. They were all finalists last year. Gaebri Anderson was there. They could've talked about her as the sister of a DCC. I guess they just have to pick and choose who they think is more interesting. I was surprised they didn't talk about Rachel Wyatt Miss-Almost-America more than they did.


    I think one of the things that is so ironic is one of the reasons Tina and Kelli want Victoria on the team is they want her to have the experience that they did...meeting their lifelong besties on the team and having adventures together. But the way Victoria is being treated by them and featured on the show pretty much guarantees that will not happen. Everything they are doing will make it difficult for her to bond with other girls if she is chosen.

    This should never have happened.


    I'm with you on the backstories. Gabby seems like a nice girl, but I rolled my eyes so hard during her vignette with her family. I get that she loves them and they've had some struggles. But it didn't interest me. The whole scene seemed contrived. As soon as she started to choke up, I hit fast-forward.

    I thought Paris' flowered thing was a onesie, but it was a two-piece. And not the best choice. It looked too small, among other things.



    Other observations:

    I wonder how tall Taylor Johnson is, and if that will be an issue with her, like it was for Lindsey Florence a couple of years ago. Lindsey's main issue was that her dancing was too loose, but I wonder if they would ever pick a cheerleader who towers over everyone else in the kickline.



    I liked Kelli's Day#2 dress. I didn't really understand her outfit in the last scene. Then again, I'm not a fan of over-the-knee boots in general.



    I've had more than enough Phil, thanks. He's cute in his role of letting the girls in and bringing the numbers out, but they keep trying to put him in more scenes, and he's not very good at doing things that are outside of the norm for him.

    In the scene where he brought the girls out the field, he continued to stand there with his arms out like a loon, long after everyone had passed him. It was a little cringey. Put your arms down, Phil. ...Yeah. I've had enough.



    Why is everyone saying her hair is violet? Is it my computer? My tv? It just looks like a very intense, blue-based burgundy to me. I know they'd never allow her to keep that hair, but part of me is bummed that if she makes it, they'll make her look just like everyone else.



    They showed Alyssa Cisneros a few times. She always looks really ticked off.


    Bridget's fiancee kissing her on the forehead...that was a sweet moment. I really like her. I have no idea why. I just do.


    In Paris' defence I know a lot of highly trained dancers (soloists with the Royal Ballet nd a couple world champion Irish dancers)that still, years after retirement, walk with turnout. its just what feels natural for them because of their training.  She's also, as evidenced both by the bag and her body position, carrying a lot of weight on only one side which affects how you walk, and was likely very tired.  Yes, she might walk with turnout under 'normal' circumstances too, but it doesn't necessarily follow that therefore her foot placement would be 'awkward' or be related to why she wasn't chosen.

    • Love 3
  20. 1 minute ago, SSAHotchner said:

    I think some folks are just in denial about their own lack of skills, talent, etc. But it also bugs the heck out of me when Kelli takes people who can't kick into training camp. I suppose sometimes it's just for the drama of the TV program but to deny a spot someone who can kick but maybe doesn't have a beautiful face really makes me mad.  There was a girl last year who was a great dancer and could kick to her nose but they didn't like her look. Looks (hair & makeup anyway) are easier to fix than kicks. Obviously if someone is too heavy, they can't change that in a few weeks, but I really wonder about the girls they seem to bend over backwards for even though they are missing an important part of the total package. 

    Im always torn between what is more infuriating - when they get cut from TC early and so essentially denied someone better a chance or them making the team when they're not polished enough and cannot, by K&J's own admittance carry out the most important and famous move the DCC do.   they do not need a repeat of the sloppiness that was the 2017-18 season. lines all over the place despite Judy repeatedly banging on about how she is militant about lines, nobody in a group in time with each other and only half in time with the music, and just overall a messy year. need a much tighter squad this year, by far.

    • Love 5
  21. 1 minute ago, Law Mom said:

    I actually like the early rounds. They are real auditions, not staged activities like we get throughout camp. I want to see more of the combo and kicks in the small groups so I can judge for myself who is good enough to move on. I wish the backstories didn't require some negative element. Why can't it just be "I was on the college dance team and loved it" without the not making officer my junior year made me sad part?

    doesn't tug at the heartstrings or make people engage or root for someone in the same way.  all about those ratings. its the same across any reality show - always the person with a sad backstory is heavily featured, often as the underdog or plucky candidate. i find it generally eyerolling at best and downright mawkish at worse but I tend to not be someone that buys into the overly sentimental music and dragged out ' I should make it because of sad X that happened to me' approach to reality tv. maybe it's the English in me ;)  I just find it deliberately emotionally manipulative and i often wonder how many of these girls really want to discuss these worst moments of their lives vs how much the producers insist on it. 

    • Love 5
  22. 1 minute ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    They need to put prelims and semis in the same episode again. I don't care much for either of those rounds. Would rather see more judges deliberations. 

    Dragging the auditions out for three episodes is getting tired.  Its almost a quarter of the season just spent on the audition process and every year its the same story - we see the shoo-ins, the maybes and then a goodly while on the 'why are they actually here'?s

    • Love 18
  23. 8 minutes ago, kerrieway said:

    Had no designs on posting, just lurking, but Jinelle's exit merits it. I've watched MTT faithfully since day one and no girl has ever stolen my heart like she has. When they say beauty inside and out I will always think of Jinelle. God bless her, and thank you Australia for nurturing such a gem who somehow found her way to our shores!

    I will admit, the first time I saw her, I very unfairly thought she didn't have the right 'look' but she's truly a beautiful young woman, and she really holds herself with pride and confidence while never appearing arrogant or showy or needing the spotlight.  She's a very charasmatic perfomer and seems like someone that'd be easy to get along with in an event situation, talking one on one.  Hands down, a true class act and I'm not surprised they're sad to see her leave the DCC because she was always a great ambassador as a cheerleader.

    • Love 16
  24. 1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

     If she says Miss Kitty, I'm going to think Gunsmoke:)

    If only someone would have the guts to ask Kitty '"What's the matter, Kitty? Someone pull you through a knot hole?"

  25. 1 hour ago, rose711 said:

    Wait, what. Aleandria left after all that effort? Did they let her go?

    Kalyassa left too?

    I don’t recall much about Milan.

    i hope Brennan makes it if she was cut and other girls quit. You know she wouldn’t quit the team outside of a dire emergency.

    I think the comment about Meredith was spot on. She was performing for herself and not for the audience or teammates. I’m sure she will make it because she was amazing, but she seemed into herself.

    something about her reminded me of Jenna and Holly, but I think Holly was a better dancer than Meredith from her first moment onscreen.

    Alexandria quit before season began but after one pre-season event. allegedly for a family emergency, though she had also just gotten engaged and moved across country so a few wondered if she was just having buyers remorse and wanted out

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