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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 20 minutes ago, LadyMsJay said:

    It was then that she realized wearing a weave would be better for her hair while being a DCC

    I can see why she'd make that choice. It's like Troian Bellisario wearing a wig for one of the seasons of Pretty Little Liars because her hair couldn't handle thee damage from all ths styling the studio wanted for her hair to achieve the look they wanted (she's mixed race and her hair is naturally quite curly and prone to frizz while Spencer was meant to have a very sleek, processed look and it was damaging her hair so to protect it she wore a wig.  I can see jackie choosing to do similar - the DCC look tends to be achieved via a lot of styling, a lot of product and heat damage and for afro-caribbean hair I can see that being even more damaging.  best to do her best to protect it as much as possible and achieve the desired look a different way.

    • Love 4
  2. 1 minute ago, ATLGirl said:


    I liked her, too. She was so powerful. The only thing that bothered me was after she was cut she said “Nobody’s dream should be crushed.” I was kind of like...really? Not a very realistic viewpoint. Her kicks were bad and never got better. I think she knew that wasn’t going to change so it wasn’t worth auditioning again. 

    weird thing is, its three years later, and I still use her lower kicks as a benchmark and there have been a number of girls last couple years with kicks lower than Taylors that got into TC and got pretty damn far into it before being cut or even made the team, and I remember thinking last year, damn if Taylor had tried out this year instead of 2015 (?? i think) she'd havve had a decent shot at making it given last years talent level was really all over the place and it just didn't improve much over the season!
    I didn't find it that strange or unrealistic a thing to say, its a pretty normal thing. yes is it unrealistic in the greater scheme of things? yes of course, but is it something we've all probably said something similar to? yes.  anyone who has said 'oh, XYZ shouldn't happen' or 'it's not fair' when it happens every day to good people and nothing is fair, could be accused of similar, its just a way of expressing your disappointment. we'd probably all like to live in a world where your dreams weren't crushed, where things were fair and people got what they went after, but we don't. However, right after it's happened (especially when being prompted and likely fed lines by producers), we don't have to be sensible and realistic and grown up about it, we get to be sad and upset and unrealistic, we get to say 'this shouldn't happen' and then tomorrow, stiffen the upper lip, stand up straight and start again.

    • Love 5
  3. Totally random but seeing as we're coming up to a first cut (i think from the previews but I could be getting mixed up) and seeing a couple repeat TCC this year, but does anyone get strangely attached to TCC that get cut but that don't try out again? I loved Taylor Nicole (truck taylor) from a few years back, i thought she was gorgeous, she had a fun personality with a little edge and with just a little more help could have been a strong addition, and I still follow her on insta, but I'd always hoped she'd try out again but she never did.

    • Love 9
  4. 18 minutes ago, Pink-n-Green said:

    Maybe they saw that

     past season when a nutritionist brought in by Kelli warned the girls about the dangers of how drinking soda can give you cellulite!

    that made me both laugh and get ucontrollably angry. such misinformation is ridiculous and teaching it like its fact...nope, mostly just uncontrollably angry! as much a nutritionalist as gwyneth paltrow

    • Love 3
  5. Just now, Pink-n-Green said:

    That is so true.  For years I wore my hair in a between chin and shoulder length bob but I had to abuse with a straightener because otherwise it looked like I had a pyramid on my head.  Then one day I went to a great stylist who talked me into allowing her to put a few long layers in and it was a game changer.  It doesn't look like I have layers because they blend so well and I not longer am a pyramid head.


    About the makeovers, t least they're never as bad as some of Tyra Banks' makeovers on America's Top Model!

    Oh lord don't get me started.  I only saw a few seasons right at the very beginning, but I swear half the makeovers were for pure shock value and not to make a girl's features be enhanced to their best.  it was like 'huh, that girl likes having long hair and it suits her, I know CHOP IT ALL OFF' for no good reason. fewer people can pull off the super short pixie than think they can, and so just doing it for the sake of it, or randomly giving a girl a mullet for 'fashion' seemed stupid. besides, isnt' a model meant to be moldable into whatever the designer wants? surely the more ridiculous the cut,t he harder that is to achieve. don't even mention the weaves of the fake beards on the guys

    • Love 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

    I loved her last year and love her this year.  She is very talented and has a killer body too.

    I've gone from loathing her last year - found her very arrogant and she rubbed me right the wrong way, to being indifferent to her this year.  she smiles more and seems more warm to people and so maybe this time next year I'll love her! stranger things have happened!  Lauren is still my favourite of the first year vets though!

    • Love 2
  7. Just now, PrincessLeia said:

    We must be about the same age.... I’ll never forget watching Bonaly attempt that quad and loved seeing her do the back flip at the figure skating exhibition at the end of the Olympics. 


    I was at Lauren’s finale of the Nutcracker. Sob. 

    awww man, I would have loved to see Lauren live, let alone in the Nutcracker.  must have been one hell of a performance!  such poise, and so beautiful.  I've only ever seen stills of her performance in Firebird, but dang she looks gorgeous in every single one.  as a complete personal preference, I much prefer to see dancers (of whatever ilk) look strong and fit, than skinny and ethereal. now obviously there are some women out there that just have that naturally very petite ethereal body type, but they're not the majority and I feel you can generally tell the difference between a girl that is naturally of a size and a girl that has to starve to get to that size.  which is why I think so many of the DCC (nd other dancers) have so little issue with maintaining a weight post-career because their body gets to be a bit larger, a bit more what it wants to be, they're not fighting against being too slim and so they look happier because they're healthier. 

    You can pretty much point at any TCC or vet thats been released for weight and there'd be me going 'man alive, I would be thrilled to have that figure BUT in terms of DCC and a yard of fabric, they're 'large'.  I feel sorry for the girls ont he show, because it must be embarrassing enough to be called into the office about your weight, but to have it done on international television...no thank you please. that said, if it meant I didn't hear people tell me i looked fat on an immense HD screen...maybe I'd learn to be okay with it...maybe

    • Love 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    I highly doubt Kristen wasn’t telling the truth... I didn’t realize tail lights and brake lights were two different things. ?

    Lauren Anderson with the Houston Ballet is one of my favorite ballerinas of all time. Not only is she African American, she’s also curvy and definitely thicker than your typical ballerina. She has muscles and looks fit and strong. I idolized her growing up, and cried when she retired.

    LA was a phenomenal dancer. I've never seen her in a live performance, but I remember seeing a video of her and one of my fave male dancers Carlos Acosta in Don Quijote and talk about power couple! 

    For me, growing up skating, I was all about Surya Bonaly, a french skater, very strong, seen as definitely thicker than the average skater, and man did that muscular build ever give her some serious power and watching her land a backflip on one blade was always heart stopping. she was the first female skater to ever attempt a quad and even though she didn't quite manage the rotation, seeing that door bbeing opened was insane. such a graceful woman off and on the ice

    • Love 6
  9. 13 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

    I don’t believe age is the issue. Dancers, especially professional dancers, have to look a certain way. They are beaten over the head with it from whenever they start dancing. Whether you are a ballet dancer, a member of Alvin Ailey, or an NFL cheerleader, your body is being featured. Is the dance world changing, opening up to different body types? I have no idea. Please someone chime in. But we do know that the DCC isn’t changing. At least right now.

    the issue iwth the 'dance world' is that its made up of countless little worlds of their own all of which favour a particular 'ideal' body type AND that will also vary from country to country as body types are generally different country to country - for instance the classic english body type is shorter, a little stockier, prone to be a little heavier, while a swedish woman might be taller, a little more slim built, and while, yes, by and large, some change is happening, it can be glacial and it always starts at the fringes with the core of that world remaining pretty tight to its ideal.

    for instance the ballet world. the entire 'ideal' ballet body is based off only one dancer. her body type became the ideal but it wasn't until the 1960s(ish) that the obsession with the skinny ballerina became near cult like. if your body didn't fit into that and couldnt' be forced into that, forget it. Blame Balanchine (and many do) but it's also different from country to country - the ideal russian ballerina will not be the same as the ideal american or the ideal french.  It was considered that an in shape ballerina had to always be hungry. you just had to see how far you could go before passing out.  it's only really in the last 5ish years that ballet has started, as an art, to really consider the health of the dancers, of their emotional and mental wellbeing, and about the deeply unhealthy body that it was promoting, and while some reports are favourable that this has been improving things, there are just as many reports that absolutely nothing has changed, that the academy or house will pay lip service to promoting health in their ballerinas, while enforcing 300cal meals 2x a day as a safe way to maintain weight.  also, while the body type ideals might have relaxed somewhat in terms of getting into the corps, if you want that prima status, you know full well you better be that nymph like 'ideal'.  (sorry, my pilates teacher is a former first soloist with the Royal Ballet and i've picked her brains on this multiple times, she and some of her cohorts would be surprised by the differences in each others diets - one of the other soloists was russian and her diet was so tiny and strict in comparison to J's which was already strict it was crazy)

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, rose711 said:

    I got used to reading edits from watching Survivor. The way I’m reading VKs edit is the editors are showing her negatively in a number of ways. The fact that other judges are shown being overly impressed compared to what is clearly shown in the screen also makes the judges and Kelli look bad. 

    Let me explain it like this - they could easily have not shown any judge being negative or giving her maybes, not shown her dancing into another’s space, falling out of her turns, interrupting Kelly or talking about her home studio. Not to mention starting off the season showing her weight issues- which I thought was an issue the show shouldn’t have put on an 18 year old training camp candidate.

    I’m not going to go into detail about edits. I’m just saying that many of the clips of her are not at all flattering or positive. 

    I was literally just coming to say that its not just VK looking bad as a result of the editing, but personally Kelli (and to a slightly lesser extent the othr judges) is looking very unprofessional and biased this season. is she and other judges often somewhat biased once they decide they like a girl? yes, in some respects this is little different, BUT coming to VK she is coming across sooo unprofessional, and so biased that frankly she needs to not be in the room for decisions regarding VK. if Judy left for Cassie, Kelli should leave for VK if shes going to come across as biased as she is

    ETA: also, this isn't the first time, at all sadly, that the show has talked about the weight of an 18 year old, so while I agree that its not really something that should be done, its not VK specific

    • Love 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Annalisa said:

    Smart, I didn't think of that. Better to tell the truth!

    certain models and makes of car have their lights come on automatically regardless of time of day (for example, here, Volvos lights are on the moment engine comes on), in which case she''d have a tail light out visible and she might have just gotten confused and figured it was a light at the back, and so tail light because seh was flustered at being late. doesn't mean she was lying

    • Love 3
  12. 5 hours ago, Law Mom said:

    My hairdresser used the Dyson on me last week and it was amazing but there is no way on God's green earth I am paying $400 for a blow dryer.

    I've heard such amazing reviews, but I'm with you! $400 for hot air blasting at my hair???? Nooooo thank you! esp as someone who doesnt' blow dry her hair often!!

  13. 12 minutes ago, NotthebadVictoria said:

    What about Sasha Agent?

    Didn't Jackie Bob have her hair natural for her rookie season? pretty sure it was weave thereafter, but I thought ti was natural for rookie.  if that was Sasha's natural hair, dang girl got blessed by the hair gods because it was gorgeous

    • Love 2
  14. 26 minutes ago, TexasBorn said:

    Forget the car. Who has a dance studio in their house?!

    almost everyone I ever grew up with skating. its not difficult or particularly expensive to convert a spare room or part of a basement into a dance space. some dance flooring, some mirrors, a barre and you're essentially there. easy to convert a garage or extension, but pricer. its no different to someone having a play room or craft room or *shudder* man cave in their house

    • Love 5
  15. 30 minutes ago, Rubyslippahz said:

    I'll agree to disagree- getting a brand new car gifted as a teen (referring to  above post re VK)  is a big deal -IMO.  Not that one should say no to it of course or feel guilt at all  -but that is NOT the same as minimizing that it is a big deal and a great gift to get. 

    agreed. spending 21k+ on anything is a big deal, let alone a first time car for a teenager, especially as that makes insurance more expensive as the car is worth more and its rarely the teen paying for that either.

    • Love 4
  16. 6 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

    Is getting a VW when you are 18 spoiled? Hahaha, go drive around the student parking at SMU then get back to me.

    I got a 4th hand car when I turned 20 (and it was about 15) and only because it had been my sisters (before that my mums and before that someone else) and she had been able to afford her own. a brand new $20,000+ car for an 18 year old??? yeah,, to me that's kinda spoiled.

    • Love 15
  17. 4 hours ago, rose711 said:

    I thought the dance room comment was included to make Victoria look like a spoiled girl. The contrast with the exhausted hard working Kristen was too close to ignore. I still think the editors are not giving Victoria a good edit. We saw her falling out of turns, worrying about her weight and two judges giving her maybes. 

    I didn't find it that unusual or meaning she was 'spoiled' but that might be just because I grew up around a lot of people with similar situations in their homes. generally a converted garage or frankly a glorified shed that had a wall of mirrors on one long side with a barre or the like, sometimes a spare room that's had a dance flooring laid down and again mirrors. it doesnt' have to be large or fancy or specially done, and most of the people that I grew up with were not well off, it wasn't a rich person thing, many of them were working class and it was something they saved for or paid for by cutting corners elsewhere. it's fairly easy to do and if you're serious about this being your career, it's not unusual. Holly P was shown dancing a lot in her family's garage that had clearly been converted for her to practice dance in.

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, mmm said:

    It Took me a while to watch the Episode, I don't know bec it was boring or bec it was cringy. 

    But am I the only one who was kinda offended by the part where Marshall and the other hair stylist were talking about the girls before rehearsal. They were literally talking about the girls like they are not even there right in front of their faces.  They could've at least pretended to ask they girls their opinion. I think this whole thing of DCC being in charge of the girls looks and them not have any control about who they look is outdated idea and kinda Creepy!! I am always werided out when Vets talk about asking permission if they can cut their hair or change it in any way. 


    I didn't find it that weird because my own stylist and colourist tend to do exactly the same thing with me, they stand behind me and discuss and then ask my opinion once they have come to some form of agreement as to what is best with skin tone in combination with what I've asked for but often its kind of after-thoughty though I wouldn't allow it if I didn't trust them, besides asking the girls if they like the idea isn't great tv, it eats time that could go to something else, and it's not like they're not going to be explaining it all over tot he girls at the actual salon anyway.  I don't get why they did the 'Marshall coming to the Star' thing. have they done Marshall discussing the looks before the salon before? I thought it was weird. before it's always been a rundown at the salonl  if they were actors it'd be little different  - a lot of them will have it in their contracts that during the shooting season they cannot change or colour their hair (or indeed any part of visible appearance such as tattoos) outside of what the agreed look for their character is and face fines/being fird if they do it anyway. then during hiatus they do what they want and then fix it again back int ime to start filming again.

    • Love 1
  19. 24 minutes ago, rose711 said:

    I figured out who Victoria’s behavior reminds me of- the girl who got a spray tan before photos ignoring the email they had sent telling her not to tan. She wasn’t as loud but she seemed equally unprofessional. She was much prettier too.

    was her name Kaitlin? 

    You think that approach is why Judy said it was like pulling one tooth at a time? I didn’t understand that expression. 

    well the expression 'like pulling teeth' means something was time consuming and ardous, often boring. saying 'like pulling one tooth at a time' is kind of nonsensical in that theres no other way tp pull teeth but one at a time.

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  20. 6 minutes ago, Stee said:

    I’m not going to get into the VK vs Dayton fair editing debate, but one observation:

    When Kelli brought VK into the office for feedback, Kelli was very careful with her words. Instead of saying VK might be cut, she said something along the lines of “maybe auditioning again and making it the following year.”  I don’t know the exact quote but that particular choice of language stood out to me. She doesn’t say the word “cut.”

    I've never seen kelli tapdance so hard around the fact that nine girls have to get cut, it was ridiculous sugar-coating.  frankly anyone else would get the word 'cut' but VK got 'potential' 'not top 36 at this moment' 'nine people to maybe audition next year or the next year'. I don't know if Kelli was trying to subtly say 'you're one of the ggirls that needs more time, you're going to get cut' or what but it was just painful to watch her try to find any other words than cut when I've never seen her be so passive about just saying it.

    28 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

    @CaseyRe <intention is not to argue> Was VK told at auditions or was it a judges note at auditions? I haven't rewatched, but I took it to mean that it was a judges note and Kelli was bringing it to VKs attention during her office visit. This is the first time VKs appearance is being addressed with her so we don't know how it plays out over the rest of camp. 

    I'm not talking about the other TCCs, rather the comparison between VK and DB.

    Personally, and obv this is just my opinion, but give the closeness of TK and Kelli, I highly doubt there's much from the judging that hasn't trickled back to VK especially with the speed with which she agreed 'yes' to the fact the judges had noted her softness. that didn't, to me, sound like a girl hearing that for the first time

    • Love 4
  21. 5 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

    Respectfully, these are things that have been mentioned for the first time on the show. There is a difference between feedback for improvement and scolding for being irresponsible.

    VK and DB are equally soft. No one has said a word about DBs belly overhang while learning the combination on the field or her stomach sticking out when Marshall was evaluating her hair, but VK has been torn up for her appearance. That's really not fair. 

    I don't particularly care for either girl, but at least VK has pop and excitement and is interesting, like her or not. Dayton has a flat affect and the personality of a cardboard box. For being in her early 20s, she acts  very young for her age. She's not getting screen time because she's boring. 

    But was Dayton warned about it during auditions? has Dayton been told to improve that aspect of her physical appearance and failed to do so? you failed to note other TCC who had the same roundess to their abdomen when being examined by marshall, including Kristin and another I can't remember the name of as many of the blondes blur into one. any other girl would not have had Kelli trying not to cry just because VK felt she was disappointed in her. Dayton is getting ALL the 'being a legacy won't get you ont he team' while VK gets none of it despite having feedback about softness multiple times that would have been a severe warning to any other vet or TCC. thats blatant favouritism in my eyes.


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  22. 10 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    I agree. She didn't mean Dayton herself is a burden, but that a legacy will always come with certain kinds of baggage such as the weight of expectations, the relationship between her mother and the DCC leadership, the additional scrutiny from those on the lookout for favoritism, the difficulty of setting personal feelings aside, personal relationships with the candidates themselves, etc.

    yet she never mentions the burden of VK and her not brushing her hair or being soft and getting softer&therefore ignoring what she was told at auditions, or interrupting all the time (judy's little headshake was interesting when VK just interruted Kelli to ask which vet to go to) or how completely differently Kelli acts with VK int he office than any other girl, or the fact she was basically trying to hold back tears about having to call VK on a few things...the favouritism is already there and it is way too blatant that Dayton is getting her share of Kelli trying not to be biased AND Vk's. Seriously comes across to me like Kelli is overdoing being hard on Dayton to make up for being way too light on VK

    9 hours ago, rose711 said:

    To me too loud is as bad as too timid or quiet, which they have cut girls for. Either extreme is not beneficial to the team, the girls need to be within the same range to look like a team when performing.

    Too loud also seems immature and unprofessional in this job context.

    agree. to me, too loud feels immature in a 'look at me look at me look at me'' kind of way. feels desperate for attention and thats not something I find remotely attractive in any context especially a work environment.  Being loud and outgoing is not the same as having personality. you can be quiet and shy and still have a gret and interesting personality.  being loud is just being loud

    • Love 4
  23. 1 hour ago, EricaShadows said:

    I remember looking back at some of her auditions pictures when pictures of this episode came out and she HAS gained some weight.  I don't know if it's up to 15 pounds of weight, but it's something.  She looked fluffy at auditions, not bad, but not as thin as the DCC would like her to be.  In this episode (and from some of the stills of her), her midsection has filled out as has her face (well, more than it already was).  I suspect Victoria was hungrier due to the increased cardio and upped her caloric intake (most of it was probably eating the wrong food in the wrong amounts) which caused her to gain weight.  If she was eating the same things in the same amounts as she was before Training Camp, she would be either maintaining the weight or losing it, not gaining weight.

    Back when I skated, we had it drummed into us 'you cannot run away from a bad diet' which basically meant its super easy to say 'hey, I'll have a burger, I can just do five miles more on the treadmill' but in the end, that's not going to be enough, no matter how much exercise you do, if your diet isn't in line with it, you'll never get the results you want/even end up gaining weight because its so easy to fall into trap of thinking just a little more exercise will burn it off/justify it, esp if its a regular thing

    • Love 9
  24. 4 minutes ago, Lexusprincess said:

    VK looks more than just soft in the tummy.  She has gained a lot of weight since auditions.  Anyone else would have had a tougher talk from Kelli.  I am always mystified how they can gain weight when they are dancing 3-4 hours a night.  Lends some credence to a medical issue but then there is probably the ladies eating after practice and not necessarily healthy.   Uniform fittings should be interesting.

    Blonde Taylor is boring.........Kristin is asleep.

    For some, in terms of weight gain, its because the weight/size that the DCC expects/demands is not a natural weight for the girl's body.  your body will pretty much fight you against an unnaturally low weight, hence why many of the girls gain weight after leaving. still very slim, still fit, but a weight their body actually wants to be.  but yes, some of it, esp for those working or living further from the star, theyre going to be having less sleep, they're stressed by the process, their cortisol level rise which cause you to gain weight, they're probably eating late when they get home before bed because they're hungry after such a workout, again a risk for weight gain, there have been times in the past that girls that are working and driving a lot end up eating on the road, whatever they can pack that won't go bad int he car during the day and they cn easily eat while driving which caused at least one girl to go 'soft' in previous years and she was called into the office on it and told to eat better. and yeah, some are just young, and aren't used to having to have a good and strict diet routine

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