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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 2 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

    I also don’t think the only end goal ever for VK was DCC - she probably had professional dancing type of aspirations when younger.   I bet her DCC story transformed as she got closer to graduation and it seemed like an easier goal to achieve out of high school - one that came along w/ some instant fame from the show and kept her close to home (assuming TK lives in Dallas).

    Id efinitely think she had greater aspirations, even had the place to train but TK coulsn't bear for her littlest baby to go so she didn't. in a way, DCC feels like second best and thats why shes trying toooooo hard

    3 minutes ago, lah715 said:

    She is in her 50's as I am ..... so I feel for her .... you  have no idea what its like for some women when menopause hits .. your body just will not shed weight no matter what you do it seems. The only thing to do is stick to the program and wait it out ....  I applaud her effort :-)

    I always get confused as to which Kelli we're talking about! dancer Kelli or boss Kelli!

    • Love 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    I feel like it's all already been said, but main takeaway from last night was ok, Victoria very well may be a really sweet person and maybe a great dancer (I'm not dancing expert so withholding judgment there) but she is clearly too immature for this season. If there was any doubt, it disappeared the minute she dropped her hair all over the table.

    I keep wondering if every night when they call people back and they do not call back Brennan, is Brennan going out and doing cartwheels? It just seemed like she got called back every night last season. So far so good.

    I know I would be!!

    1 minute ago, Stan39 said:

    Good observation. This whole thing is strange. Not even Cassie got this kind of treatment. And they certainly don’t care about maybe hurting Dayton’s feelings. It’s like Victoria has ties to the mafia or something. Kelli wants plausible deniability if she gets cut. 

    I thought the same thing! it was Kelli 100% passing the buck. it was all 'don't worry Victoria, we all noticed the heck out of you but this big mean outsider didn't and why was that'' and then VK being all 'I''m shocked' just rubbed me the wrong way. it came off arrogant, like 'oh, but Im so good why wouldn't you notice me, I was dancing mt butt off' rather than something like 'I felt like I was giving it a lot, how can I improve' kind of thing.  of course she was shocked, she's had nothing but smoke blown up her...since she got there. she's shocked someone is finally calling BS

    • Love 13
  3. Ugh, Im kinda leaving comments as I watch the ep but I just reached the VK in office and ugh...her behaviour int he office, draping herself over the desk, the 'I know' sounding more like a petulant 13 year old not an 18 year old at, essentially, a job interview.  I get it, i get it, people keep going 'she's only eighteen' and maybe my social group was a more mature 18, but damn she is an immature 18 year old.  she is sitting opposite her potential employeer, not her sorta aunt and hse doesn't behave that way at all.  and I thought it was so telling when Kelli said that if it was up to an outsider, she'd be cut, which to me is practically an admission that it's their own bias that keeps her there

    Is that VK in the preview for next week with Nick, doing the kick? damn girl, you've been told you need to lose some weight but it looks like you've done nothing about it at all!
    and was tht Kashara kicking herself into a fall? every time the girls go down on their coccyx like that I wince so hard. a friend is currently awaiting surgery to remove her coccyx after dislocating it in a similar fall and now the tendons and muscles are so damaged it has to come out and all I can think of is 'nooooo nooo don't fall onto your butt like that!!'

    • Love 10
  4. 2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I was told I came close to throwing my neck out of alignment when I was sent to physical therapy in 2007 for work related neck and back injuries. I rolled my eyes when she was talking about her injuries. It had nothing to do with the girls in TC and why did she have to tell us she had a hard time keeping up with the injury prevention exercises. At least we have not been subject to her mentoring Dayton and Victoria so far. I could only imagine CMT telling her what to say to them because I seriously doubt she comes up with her words of DCC wisdom on her own.

    How to guarantee a TCC is cut - let MRS take her 'under her wing'. 

    Im not a GIna fan, but she was so strong and composed through the theraband segment. that's a girl that keeps her legs and core strong.  i do a similar routine as par of my physio everyday, and yes its hard as hell esp as I have footdrop from nerve damage and so can't balance well on my toes or at all on some days but seeing MRS overdoing it and trying to sell how hard it was was soooo unnecessary and boring. we get it, the girls need to be fit.  screamed to me of 'there were all the rumours last year about Erica's injury etc so lets show the audience we truly give a crap about the girl's health...they're trying way too damn hard this year and its making the show dull as dishwater. has charlotte hired some new PR firm or something?

    • Love 5
  5. I did not see what K&J&T saw in Vk's contemp dance - she alternatively seemed to be rushing or chasing the music, her extensions weren't as good as the girls around her, her, positions weren't as deep...didn't seem that strong in it at all. sure, she might get super into it, and do the cheesy, eyes closed 'im so lost in the music and emotion' thing, but that's not the same.

    Uhhh, why the hell did they need to explain what extension is to Lindsay? HOW DID SHE NOT KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN BY THAT? good lord

    Oh sweet mothering...did MRS actually just say she had a 'disc knocked out of place' in her neck?? THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS. as someone with severe spinal damage I am well too aware of discs and spinal injury and thats not even remotely how it works.  disc herniates into the canal, it doesn't just move as a single unit 'out of place'. way to try and make it sound more dramatic than it is

    • Love 4
  6. 8 hours ago, PBSLover said:

    I think it was her style mostly. Maybe they thought she couldn’t get that in training camp?

    agreed. it was pretty much all down to style, and she'd been called on it a couple times before. very very choppy, very blocky and you can almost see her counting the beats and choreo in her head. her feet placement was also poor and she'd been pulled up on that before too. in the weeks of TC its doubtful she'd have the time to unlearn that and then relearn the 'right' style. better really to give her a year to become smoother and more graceful

    • Love 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Law Mom said:

    Late to the game, but I wanted to add that some law schools have part time options that let you graduate in 4 years instead of 3. I think in that case you might be able to do it, especially if you pass on ECs like law review and honor societies. However, the closest PT program I found is Texas A&M in Ft Worth which is an hour from Frisco.

    I'm curious though, and I'd love those that have gone through it themselves to chime in if possible because I've only been lawyer-adjacent through living with them and we do things a bit differently in the UK - to what degree those EC's are actually less of a choice and more of a necessity on the old resume for future employers? For me, if an applicant had decided not to attend certain ECs/functions so she cheer at a football game, rather than put their best foot forward in their career, I mighth have misgivings when it comes to something like the law. its a really full-on job and I'd probably question where their priorities where, dance or law and if the priority had been dance before, what was to tell me that that had changed at all? I also don't know how much less intense it'd be PT vs FT because there's still hours of reading cases and prep just for lectures let alone actually writing essays and assignments etc.   I just don't see it being doable but again, I've no experience with PT college education.  And if you thought you could be a lawyer and a DCC (which I'm hoping she was saying tongue in cheek but lets take it as her being serious/naive) at the same time, what are you going to tell a client when you're totally unavailable for hours a day and the whole weekend? sorry I didn't finish the casework, but how bout them boys?

    • Love 1
  8. Just now, PrincessLeia said:

    Well that solves the mystery as to why her name didn’t appear on the SMU website! 

    Such a mess!!! Maybe its just me, but I wouldn't quit my job to prove something to a potential boss that can't even remember how to say my easy to pronounce name

    • Love 16
  9. 2 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    My husband has been at his firm since 8am, it’s 6:20, he hasn’t even left the office yet.

    yup.  Being a lawyer is seriously hard work and it's not just M-F either.

    I'm a huge fan of education and I'd love to see the DCC really promote education and it's importance, but it's the falseness of how they're doing it that is really irritating.  Zero common sense, no real support and just 'look how good this makes our brand look' PR

    • Love 4
  10. 1 hour ago, Collette1104 said:

    Thanks for all the lawyers (and friend-of-lawyers) that your “lawyer by day, DCC by night” is both impossible, but also a stupid thing to say. One would have to have already graduated from law school before trying out  to accomplish this, and it makes her look super naive to even say it. 

    Even then, it would be super reliant upon which form of law you went into because I don't know a single working lawyer (and admittedly that's only about 7) that could do their job and DCC. one is on 'mommy-track' for the rest of eternity because she 'only' works 60ish hour weeks after having her kid and has in three years requested time off once when her chld was hospitalised with viral meningitis and wow was she made to feel like crap about that by the firm. i mean, its potentially do-able, but kiss goodbye any good cases, any real career momentum because you won't be trusted, you won't be seen as giving all to the firm, and  so you're not an investment they want.  for most people, being a lawyer is not a 9-5 job and if you try to make it one, then zero career advancement and zero chances at a half decent firm.

    • Love 3
  11. 35 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

    I’m an attorney, and no, it can’t be done, and the law school would likely not allow it. You could perhaps manage it the third year. I had an incredible amount of free time that last year, but year one - you have no control over your class schedule, the amount of reading is incredible, and you actually have to read and prepare for class because you don’t know when you’re going to get called on by the professor. There’s an effort to change the way grading works and is perceived, but when I was in law school, grades are basically all that matters the first year. Anyone devoting that amount of time to something other than school, like DCC, wouldn’t be taken seriously. 

    Same applies for medical school x2. Masters programs might be doable with DCC, depending on the program. 

    yup, lived with two law students during uni and if i thought my work load was high. there's was insane. there's the lectures, then separate moot court stuff, then smaller group sessions with professors, and that's before you even get to the sheer quanitity of cases they were having to read nightly.  one of my friends had a weekend part time waitressing job to make rent and I don't know how she survived.  mostly coffee. she could be on campus from 8am -8pm and that was just in various lectures and moot court stuff, before she even got to the library.

    37 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

    wushu washy

    I remember thinking this. so vague, so wishy washy like 'oh i originally wanted to do law school'.  that's not even saying she wants to go to law school anyway. that's 'at one point I thought about it but not anymore'. but it sounds vaguely good.

    also rewatching that bit, it sequed into VK's fitting and something about her 'ooh I'm working this' really rubbed me the wrong way.  for me went over the line from confident to cocky. the other girls all fall into line with the 'oh its such an honour to wear this, never thought I'd see myself in it' and Vk's all 'yeah damn I look good'. I have come to the conclusion this girls personallity isn't for me, which is fine, but I think its because sometimes her confidence comes across, to me, as arrogance.

    • Love 5
  12. 8 hours ago, Dccfanatic said:

    Love the comment, and had to LOL about the crazy eyes-saw this straight away! Also, Molly is from Danville, CA which I is extremely affluent. These girls are from money.

    yet when I opined that to be a DCC you had to have parents with some money, I got pillored for it...

    • Love 2
  13. 1 minute ago, JohnGalt said:

    No word of alie, I have zero memory of this girl. all the blondes do start to blend for me but wow, sparks not a single memory. oh dear.  i know every year always has the rookie candidates that are features more than others, but having two legacies this year (esp with so heavily featuring VK and TK) AND the contrived nonsense, theres less dance and less time spent on all the rookies getting a little air time.

    • Love 7
  14. 50 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

    There are just so many TCCs this year. It's tough to keep them all straight, especially if you're trying to stay spoiler-free and aren't in the other threads around here with photos and more info. I think TCC Madeline is the prettiest one.  I noticed her last year and was really upset when she got cut.  

    One "storyline" I've noticed a lot more this year -- and I have to think that this was a deliberate thing on the part of Kelli, Charlotte and the producers -- is more of an emphasis on the sisterhood, women supporting women, emphasis on education and doing good works stuff.  I think it's partly to counteract the lawsuit from Erika, and some other negative publicity focused on other NFL cheerleading teams.  

    I thinkk that's part of why this season feels so forced and contrived. instead of letting any of that come through naturally or even in somewhat identical sounding talking heads ith the vets waxing lyrical about being 'sisters', we're getting it rammed home that these are well educated young women just trying to do their thing and uspporting each other and hyping each other up and instead of it seeming genuine, it feels shallow and manipulative because it feels like someone fed it into a PR machine and they said 'hey, do this super fake graduation ceremony and it'll seem super wholesome'.

    • Love 9
  15. 1 hour ago, ByTor said:

    Victoria, Dayton, Brennan, Bridget, Caroline, Hannah, Daphne, Rachel, Malena, Gabby, and Jalyn are the rookie candidates I can easily recognize.  I can tell who Bridget is because IMO she has such a pretty face that makes her look like she's always smiling.  I'm really rooting for her to make it.

    I am in awe!! I recognise VK, Dayton, Brennan (only because of previous seasons though), Rachel, Malena, Jalyn though if they keep changing her hair weekly I dont think I will because if that was her with blonde hair in the preview, i had to stare at the picture for 5 minutes agog it was the same girl.

    • Love 1
  16. 1 minute ago, hilaryvm said:

    I swear there were at least 5 - 6 rookie candidates who had interviews this week that I had never seen before, let alone heard their names.  I just kept thinking "who is this girl and why have I never seen her before?"

    It seemed like someone might have given Victoria a makeup consult during makeovers because I thought it looked less caked-on and the fake eyelashes looked less like spider legs (at least to me).

    I always thought Dayton looked a little soft or round...like, not fat because she's clearly skinny, but just not super toned compared to some of the other girls.  Then, she put on the uniform, and I was like holy cow!  She really did look amazing in the uniform.

    I think this is the worst year for me in terms of barely being able to tell half the TCC apart or even recognising manyof them let alone knowing their names.

    • Love 6
  17. 3 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    The significance of the difference is actually a common misconception (I know fitness magazines/trainers say otherwise, but medical research does not back up their claims).  Even if it were true, they weren't gaining that much muscle in a matter of a couple weeks anyway.

    depends on their body type. endomorphs will gain muscle faster than any other body type. most of the girls looks to be ecto/mesopmorphs but there are those that will gain muscle faster and you can gain a pound or so of muscle in that time.  it also depends if he (or anyone else) are giving them any dietry advice, because if they're upping their food intake in line iwth their upped workout regime but it's not the right kind of food, they're going to gain weight even while working out more so they completely ruin anything they're doing. nutrition is so so so important for health, let alone weight loss and fitness so its so disappointing to see it barely nodded to by the DCC and even then either in throw away moments or ridiculous 'soda causes cellulite' sound bites

    • Love 2
  18. 3 hours ago, ByTor said:

    LOL Jay is responsible for getting some girls cut due to his extra special workouts not having been extra special enough to have helped some on the bubble rookie candidates lose weight.  Most of them ended up actually gaining weight.

    Actually not that ususual. if he's got them strength training rather than cardio, they'll gain muscle which takes up less space than fat but is therefore more dense, so the girl will look slimmer but weigh more which is another reason them going by weight is ridiculous. a girl could gain 5 pounds but look better in the uniform because the greater muscle mass looks sleeker.  HOWEVER, if what he's meant to be doing isn't just upping their fitness level but also providing them with a programme to lose weight, then that's a massive fail. should be high cardio and HIIT circuits rather than strength bulking

    • Love 2
  19. 9 hours ago, Jesslyn said:

    I’m really not enjoying this season at all.  It feels very different than other seasons, like they are really trying to make a story rather than showing the dancing process. And trying way too hard to the point I don’t even want to watch the rest of the season. 

    It feels super fake and like Charlotte (in particular) is trying to push a particular narrative aobut the DCC that feels fake and shallow and that from statements of former DCCs just isn't particualarly true. feels more about the Cowboys image than about the dance

    8 hours ago, Teresa said:

    I still love the show. It certainly has a very different feel than days of old when the superstars like Kelsi Reich, Ashton Torres, Brooke Sorenson, etc. were on the team. It definitely feels more produced. I actually think CMT is trying too hard to listen to the viewers and give us what we've asked for. It used to be only half an hour....we asked for an hour. It became an hour. We asked to see more dancing, and they did start showing more in the last few seasons. We asked to not see so much Jay segments, and that was cut out for a good number of seasons. We asked to know more of the TCC's and they started showing side by side panels of the girls dancing with their names on the screen. We asked for alumni showings and they have started doing that with the workshops and now the updates on where are they now. We can't really get upset that we are getting everything we asked for in the past. Now everyone's asking for it to go back to the way things used to be. It's kind of funny how that works. 

    I don't think that's what people are truly asking for.  Yes, we got alumni, yes we get a bit more help id'ing the TCC, BUT we didn't ask for all the fake frippery thats being forced, didn't ask for the elongated sob stories from the TCC, didn't ask for more Charlotte pushing the agenda of the Cowboys PR team.  We wanted it more about the dance and we're only getting half that and half nonsense that's a waste of screen time

    • Love 8
  20. 26 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    No idea. She also said having girls trying out or making the team coming from across the country also played a part along with the show being on the air for 12 years played a part in it also.

    I guess perhaps because The Smithsonian is in essence a 'world' museum. it's the largest in the world, it considers itself to hold a lens up to the world, and so having two international girls makes the team appear less america centric and thus a world team, a demonstration of the squads impact upon an international audience that girls from around the world want to travel across oceans for even the chance to get on the squad,  and therefore more in line iwth the Smithsonian being a museum that represents the whole world and not just the country its in.  if any of that makes sense.

    • Love 1
  21. 57 minutes ago, abracadabra said:

    Not to get off topic, but hello hello from another member of your tribe!! In more ways than one. I'm a dressage rider and have a severed nerve (and no feeling) in my lower arm due to a riding accident.  Not something I dwell on, but I am a big supporter of "doing what you can" despite physical limitations. The equestrian paralympians amaze me.

    Random thought, but there is a brunette I really don't find attractive at all. Not Bridgette (really like her) or Alanna, but another. Don't have time to rewatch yet. 

    horse riders with nerve damage unite!! Well, in my case former horse rider as I'm not allowed to anymore for fear of damage to implants if I were to fall off (something I made too great a habit much to my father's consternation) but equestrians unite!

    1 minute ago, Stee said:

    This is possible too, but then that makes the fake graduation Boot ceremony even more dubious.  If they don't care (and likely I imagine Daphne and family did not mind missing), then why all the pomp and circumstance - pun intended - except that they wanted to create a moment for the reality tv show?  To me, it was another half baked inauthentic moment of the show on par with Alexis and Lexie going to Cowboys Fit.  Nothing more than an act for the show, but lacking integrity.  And for me, second hand embarrassment.  

    it felt super shallow and contrived at best and manipulative of the audience and treating them/us like idiots at worst.  utterly unauthentic

    • Love 7
  22. 7 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    I feel bad for her parents. They spent all this money on a UCLA education and didn’t even get to see their daughter graduate.

    this! graduation is about more than the person graduating. its also for their parents/guardians and family and friends, the people who have supported them from birth,, the people without whom they wouldn't be in their current position (and i don't just mean in case of paying for school as not all parents can or do, but in the very real sense that these people taught you to talk and walk and clothed you, drove you to school, helped you with your homework, looked after you when sick etc etc) and this moment is a huge thing for them too.  at my graduation it turned out my dentists' little sister was in my class (it was a huge class so I never knew) but when I walked across the stage her whole family went crazy cheering for me too because they wanted to support someone they knew, even if only in a peripheral sense.  I went to all my friends graduations because I knew how many late nights and stressed days and sacrifice went into the piece of paper they were getting (they weren't, we got a handshake and a fake diploma as our certificates were mailed later but it looked fine in photos).   If i had a child i'd want to see them graduate and would be sad to miss that opportunity.  However I guess at that level of dance, youd be used to her missing things both for in her own life and others' because the dance cae first and also they might not have cared that much, or supported her decision to choose TC over graduation

    • Love 1
  23. 18 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something Charlotte decided to do before even starting the season. Not saying Daphne specifically, but I bet she wanted more of an emphasis on these women as humans with goals and ambition. The Cowboys have been getting some bad PR lately (in part due to how some players have allegedly treated women), so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was another attempt by the Joneses to whitewash an issue rather than address it directly. 

    agree wholeheartedly.  Feels like they had an idea for how they wanted to shape the narrative of the season and daphne's graduation was a gift they could use. the emphasis on education and not encouraging the girls to quit jobs has been heavy this year.

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