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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. Just now, VintageJ said:

    Good idea, never thought of that!  My husband tells me I suck at snacks and junk food.  I tell him I love certain things like cheesecake (plain NY, thank you), shortbread cookies and ice cream.  I suck because I don’t buy a lot of that so that it does not come into my house.  Therefore, even if I want some, it’s not there.  If it were in the house all of the time, I’d eat it all of the time.

    Me too! I have to not buy anything I relly want to eat because if it's here, or worse open I will eaet it all.  Im weird - I can eat none and be fine, I havent eaten chocolate in 10 years, I have coeliac disease so had to give up bread and cakes and all form of yumminess and Im fine.  but dang, if a packet of crisps is open, or back when I ate chocolate, if the pack was open, you knew I was eating the whole thing.  I wish I was someone that could have a little and put the rest away but Im not.  So I have the discipline not to have it at all.  If this is all VK wants, if shes serious about being DCC she either needs to learn some discipline or give up. sounds harsh, but she'll never maintain the weight required of her by DCC if she can't curb that sort of behaviour.  I've had to do it recently on a diet - no eating anything after dinner, no late food, no snacks beyond veggie slices or fruit. can it be hard at first? sure.  do i want to lose the weight and be healthier and more confident more than I want toast? 99% of the time.  doesn't mean you can't have cheat days, doesn't mean you havve to give up everything, but if you can't stop snacking on a certain item, don't bring it into the house.  learn new comfort methods that don't involve food, or involve a healthier food.

    • Love 5
  2. 8 hours ago, sugarplum said:

    Ok. My opinion isn’t going to be popular. 


    I dont think VK should have been cut tonight. Has she gained 11lbs? Yes. Should she know better? Yes. But the fact that Kelli and Judy didn’t bring it up until tonight allowed her to be comfortable with the weight gain, get complacent, and believe it was something that could be overlooked. To call her attention to it and cut her at the very same time would have been unfair. At least give her a week to make a change and see if the scales change at all. If it doesn’t, absolutely...cut her the next week. I do agree that she comes across as immature and CMT is shoving her down our throats. But I feel sorry for her. I doubt she asked for that. She’s chasing a dream that she desperately wants, the dream to be a DCC. I highly doubt she dreamt of being scrutinized by so many people. 


    I want to go back and rewatch, but I interpreted Kelli’s comments to Kitty differently than everyone else. Kelli said something to the effect of the board showing her that at that moment Dayton wasn’t ready and Victoria wasn’t ready. Kitty responded that Victoria was. To me, it seemed as though Kelli was challenging her when she said that Victoria was up 11lbs since auditions. Again, my interpretation, doesn’t mean it’s right. I may watch again tomorrow and feel differently. 


    Dayton absolutely broke my heart. Judy crying pushed me over the edge. It was obvious Kelli had been crying as well. I truly think it was a difficult cut for them, whether we think it was fair or not. Cheryl hugging Dayton, not just when she came out of the office, but also as she was gathering her stuff was really touching to me. It’s easy to see the perceived advantage (or disadvantage?) Dayton and Victoria has, but the compassion coming from Cheryl, to me, showed more of the “we are family, have known her since birth, we love her” human side of this process. 


    I’m still a Kelli fan. I think she has a tough job. I don’t always agree with her, and I think she knows she sometimes makes mistakes (we are all human). We are close in age, and I can relate to her. I see the business/director side in her, but I also see the “mother” side when dealing with these young women. I have a similar sense of humor as Kelli and think she’d be a ball to hang out with. I think the girls on the team seem to respect her and enjoy her when she isn’t all down to business. I wouldn’t want to be in her position, that’s for sure. 


    I’m definitely not an insider, don’t know any of these people at all. But I have empathy for everyone involved. 

    Except she had been told more than once that she waas looking soft and needed to drop weight, and instead she gains even more.  11 pounds is a LOT to gain in a short period of time. heck, on someone that probaby weights about 110-120 at most(if that), its 10% of her body weight. that's a LOT to gain in a short period of time. a lot, period.   I've been on a diet recently and 11 pound weight loss was so noticeable it's insane. it's nearly a stone.  after the terrible Cowboy Fit plug and the nutritionist and likely being told at audtions she was soft (or hearing it from her mother because she did NOT seem surprised to hear it in the office) to keep gaining weight. not acceptable. my old coach would have lost her freaking mind. I would have been widel and routinely humiliated out on the ice in front of everyone if I'd packed on that much weight, esp after being told to lose.  genuinely, what has she been eating/what time has she been eating, to gain that much weight so fast? esp as a teenager? from a health standpoint, its really not a good thing for her heart or her body.   the bias tonight was insane.  Holly gained a few pounds in her TC and/or struggled to lose a few and she was under serious risk of being cut for it.. VK gains nearly a stone and she's safe? noooo

    • Love 6
  3. 20 minutes ago, Acromantula said:

    Good point there. I was honestly curious because I just didn't see what everyone else is gushing about with Judy's looks, but she is definitely well-put-together and confident. She did have a very girl-next-door vibe in her younger days, and I would love it if she was a little more natural now and without all the facelifts/botox/whatever else is going on. Personal opinion, though, and she should do whatever makes her feel confident. 

    On the plastic surgery note, however, what on EARTH is going on with Melissa Rycroft's face??? She was so beautiful in her Dancing with the Stars/DCC days, and now her face looks so different! All stretched and odd-looking with puffy lips. Melissa, leave your face alone, you were already gorgeous!!

    **Edit: Even last year, her face looked normal, so I think this must be a new thing. 

    absolutely minimum, some botox. her forehead never moves at all regardless of what facial expression she's trying to pull.  I think maybe some botox in the nasolabial area or fillers in smile lines because that area also moves in a strange way when she smiles or talks, like the whole area is trying to move as one piece rather than malleable flesh.  it doesn't look good, imo, but that's me.  I recently saw some pictures of her from the bachelor and she barely looks the same. Now admittedly, some of that is that she's lost some weight, she's also nearly a decade older and had several childrne all of which will change a woman's face shape and look, but she looks sooo different I can't help but think there's been some sort of nip/tuck going on, at very least of the chemical kind if not necessarily the scalpel kind

    why is she Melissa Rycroft this year? they always made such a point of her being Rycroft-Strickland but now she's Rycroft again?

    • Love 1
  4. 51 minutes ago, MelissaMinion said:

    I think this is where I'm at now. But I don't think she'll ever see it. I'm really not even looking forward to Kitty's class this week, because it will be more of the same. 

    Neutered Kitty, something I thought I'd never see. she should have been th eone person we could rely on to get VK to listen to critique and to improve but its gonna be more smoke being blown up her backside instead, which actually makes me feel bad for VK because how on earth is she meant to get DCC ready, to really improve and progress as a team dancer not a solo one, if everyone around her is telling her she's awesome or denigrating the opinions of those that haven't drunk the kool-aid? its actually not fair to VK to not get her to hear the negatives and the feedback and let the girl improve herself

    • Love 9
  5. 33 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    Yep. This post 100%. 


    It’s also why all the women in my area eat lettuce. 99% of them are super thin and wear exquisite clothes. Then you have me who is still 20 pounds overweight from the last baby, and I live in Athleta. I’m definitely not perfectly put together. ?

    Im on a diet (spinal damage plus huge uantities of opiods plus not being able to work out the same way wreaks havoc on ones waistline) but Im the sort of person that even when (god willing IF) I get to my goal weight, I'm still going to exude a sort of scruffiness.  I never look put togther.  because Im tall (nearly 6 foot) people always seem to think that means I'll alway carry clothes well, and I'm like 'ummm do your see the Thor-ian thighs going on here? the hips? the ridiculous shoulders?'  yes I have a model's height but the rest of the figure is definitely not runway ready! even when I drop the weight i want to, I will still never look put together.  it's just the way I am.  damn it. I'm aways envious of women who can throw on jeans and a basic tee and look ready to go to fashion week, whereas i can spend four hours with a professional stylist team and just come out the other side mildly less scruffy.  c'est la vie

    • Love 1
  6. 6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    This reminds me of what someone said about Kate Middleton several years ago - that she’s pretty but not a total knockout, but she is always perfectly groomed and impeccably dressed and that’s what makes her seem even more attractive than she really is. I’m not saying that Judy is unattractive, just that being well put together really helps!

    its kind of like the phrase 'was their outfit really that good, or are they just thin?' because clothes always end up looking good if you're slim so the outfit can be a mess but still look good because of the figure its on, rather than the outfit itself.  I think Judy has a very secure sense of self and style, she's found what she likes, what work for her, what she looks and feels good in, and so she's less interested in trends or the latest look because she has a style instead. style is eternal, trends are nebulus.   Kelli can lean a little more towards trends and that's what I find a little more ageing for her, imo, than Judy. chasing trends, the older we get, can sometimes just age us more rather than finding out zone of 'this works on me and I like it and i feel good'.
    I think Judy had the quintessential girl nesxt door look when she was a DCC, far more natural than any of the girls really look today. obviously in part that's because makeup trends change and at the moment the trend for DCC is so super full-coverage that the skin is but a distant memory and pounds of eyeliner and mascara which doesn't suit every girls face or eye shape and so thy end up looking a bit off.

    whether there's been botox or procedures, I think Judy has amazing skin - yes there's foundation but you can see that the makeup is applied onto a fantastic base - and her makeup, while not necessarily always to my taste (such harsh eyeliner is aging and unecessary) it's always perfectly applied.  she's found what works for her and she's going to go with it

    • Love 6
  7. 10 minutes ago, Sister Tab said:

    Maybe Judy's hair can have its own Twitter feed just like her office stool.  :)

    ahhh if only that 'do could talk, the secrets it could reveal... ;)

    • Love 4
  8. 22 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    I didn’t say that.... my post actually didn’t mention Victoria at all, so not really sure what your post has to do with mine. ?‍♀️

    i was responding to @myfavshows and hit the wrong post, apologies

    • Love 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

    I know they put that in as a silly, cute, moment.  But it is never a good sign when they can't even bother to learn your name.  My terrible SIL was like this thinking it was "funny" that her kids could not remember my kids' names.  I thought, no that is sad.  

    For me I found it uncomfortable that she can remember every white girls name, even some of the more weird ones, but the name she apparently struggles with is a)that of one of the very few ladies of colour and b)not a difficult or strange name. I know sometimes people can just have a blindspot with something, but for me it came off less 'silly and cute' and more uncomfortable

    • Love 7
  10. 32 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    I can’t believe Hannah has tried out 4 times. She’s just amazing this year.


    Even Kitty said she didn’t understand how Kelli Sullivan didn’t make it before she did! So crazy.

    Given the considerable bias towards VK by Charlotte and Kelli, it's a bit much to say Hannah can't really be all that good if it took her four tries but VK only one.  There is no way of knowing if she made it because she deserved it or because of who her mother is and her relationship to Kelli

    • Love 6
  11. 35 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    I think people are so used to the yes ma’ams and whatever you say Kelli, that when they see someone like Victoria who speaks to Kelli differently, people freak. I’m not a huge fan of Victoria and found her last office visit to be borderline obnoxious, but it’s obvious she’s comfortable with Kelli. Moreso than others, and that will show in their interactions.

    I don't think people are 'freaking' I think they'e pointing out that it literally doesn't matter that VK knows Kelli. she isn't speaking to the family friend in these contexts, she's speaking with her potential employer and therefore should be held to the same standards of 'respect' that the others have to show. if the others have to be all yes and no ma'am, then so should VK.

    • Love 5
  12. 1 minute ago, mmm said:

    The fact that just bec she has personality she's automatically obnoxious. I would take her any day over the stale white bread that 99% of DCC. Also, in my opinion being terrified and only being able to say than "Yes ma'am" and is more immature than expressing yourself even if it's not necessarily right way. All the other girls behaviour isn't necessarily great to her being different is bad. 

    personality does not under any circumstance have to equal obnoxious. I find her personality obnoxious. you can be outgoing and be lighthearted and not come across as entitled and attention seeking. the rest of the DCC isn't being immature when saying 'yes ma'am or no ma'am' a) its the south and b) the fact that every season, every girl says that and only that, is highly suggestive that that's literally what they're instructed to say, it's how they're meant to address K and J.  when I skated I had a coach where you were told the only acceptable answers were 'yes' and 'no' regardless of what abuse was being hurled at you. the dance world has its foibles and that is one of them

    • Love 7
  13. 39 minutes ago, Christineelgene said:

    I found it very enlightening that VK thought she should be in SG, but Hannah (who can dance circles around many of the TCC), was stunned to make it.  I love Hannah’s humility and her story, and am so happy that she has made it this far.

    I think its normal for most of hte girls to want to make SG, what I found distasteful with VK was that she seemed to expect it, rather than wish for it, esp as while it's no guarantee, its pretty indicative of you making the squad if you make SG, and so not getting SG meant she still wasn't top 36 which constanly shocks her.  she needs at least another year to grow up, to learn to actually hear critique and implement it and then come back because right now she's not remotely ready.  dayton has a more mature personality, but she needs to bring more power to the DCC style, find her niche in that, dance it the way she did the hip hop and so she's not ready either. both have the potential to be good additions to DCC (dayton in the calendar would be a knockout) but theyre not ready for different reasons

    • Love 3
  14. 16 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

    I agree.  Look at the squads in the 90s.  The 90s were not kind - everyone looked to be at least 37 years old.  If VK toned down her hair and makeup she'd look much younger.  She doesn't look aged to me, she just looks older because of the way she puts herself together.

    I find this is true across sooooo many of the DCC. they wear so much foundation, really packed on makeup and then full eyes and it's so aging. the girls all end up looking a good decade older than they are and would probably be barely recognisable without all the full-coverage foundation. its a studio of estee lauder double wear, I swear!

    • Love 5
  15. 6 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    Interesting that Kelli can pronounce Khalyn correctly, but not Jalyn.

    Someone posted in this thread or one of the others that in Dallas it's beneficial for some types of businesses to have a DCC on staff: cosmetic surgeons, dentists, dance studios, fitness centers, etc. But I don't think it's an across-the-board advantage. To be blunt I think it's mostly businesses that benefit from having fit and attractive women on staff that would be willing to accommodate the DCC schedule. Those and businesses run by people who are uber fans of the Cowboys. I'm not sure that would be the case for the SMU football program. In fact it could be a detriment. From what I gather from Malena's meeting with Kelli, Malena's employers already let her know they expect the SMU job to be the priority. If I were them, I wouldn't re-hire an employee who quit because pursuing another job (a hobby really) was more important to her. The team at SMU probably isn't used to playing second fiddle.

    She can't pronounce Malena either, or even remember it.

    • Love 2
  16. 28 minutes ago, blairwaldorf said:

    Dayton was great in the hip hop dance they did at SG tryouts. Wow! I guess hip hop is her style. She outdanced everyone in her group on that routine.

    Victoria clearly expected Kelli to put her on SG just because she's Victoria and was stunned when it didn't happen. And it's certainly understandable how someone who grew up with Cassie Trammell would expect that, but it's still not a good look. Victoria doesn't seem to understand (or care) that when it comes to DCC, Kelli is her boss - not Mommy's BFF. Judy seems annoyed by VK's entitlement and inappropriately casual attitude, but is obviously in the tough position of not really being able to say anything about it because of the blatant favoritism shown to Cassie from the moment they placed her (in a spot she absolutely didn't deserve) on the team.

    I do not get the Jalyn love. She's one of my least favorite TCC.

    I cannot believe they let Malena resign from her job to stay in Training Camp. Based on what we saw in this episode, I don't think she could even make a high school dance team in Texas.  She's cute, but she cannot dance at this level. And it's not just the memory issues.

    Dayton just came alive during that hip hop dance, it was totally in her wheelhouse and she looked so happy and exciting to watch.
    Vk''s behaviour when she was in the office, the way she was like 'I really wanted show group' ust to me came off whiny, and childish, as though she was entirely expecting Kelli to cave and put her in show group if she just whined a bit and shrugged and acted like a ten year old.  all the over the top expressions and draping herself over the table...ugh. TCC is an extended job interview and she was acting unprofessionally to say the least.

    • Love 3
  17. 4 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I feel like you have read my mind, especially with Maddie, Cersten and Melissa.

    While I do like Melissa’s academic and work accomplishments, I feel like those three’s solos were ? tricks, and I cannot wrap my mind around how un-DCC Maddie is with her look, weight, and terrible technique. Every time I post something about Cersten lying, I it gets deleted, so I’ll just agree with you on tons of tricks.

    Erica became lather, rinse, repeat with her solos, but she did connect her moves well and is very fluid, same goes for Lacey. 

    But yes - some of those who are very “impressive” here are just meh to me. 

    I've never liked Maddie. I think part of it is I find it uncomfortable watching her doing overtly sexual dances when to me she looks about 14. There's just something...try hard in her dancing that I don't like but I can't explain. some dancers the dance seems effortless, its something that's an extension of them, that's entirely nnatural, and Maddie comes across like she's having to constantly prove something and I just don't find her technique that great. in terms of watchability, she's not who I would opt to watch

    • Love 6
  18. 3 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

    I was startled when Travis singled out one candidate and gushed at how beautiful she was. Weird and unprofessional; maybe his nerves got the better of him.

    Loved seeing all of the dancing. That slow-mo shot of Hannah was stunning.

    I wonder if Charlotte has pushed for VK's making the team. Could explain the odd vibes from Judy, Kelli and the others, and the terse (resentful?) comments after the first elimination. VK strikes me as assuming she will make it. She really wants to be a DCC - "I wanted show group" - but is leaning heavily on her "charm" and legacy to make it. Judy and Kelli are having to bite their tongues.

    Personally only Judy is biting her tongue, Kelli is being biased and unprofessional as hell.  If she were biting her tongue she'd not be so overwhelming surprised when people critique VK, or pass the buck onto others that its their fault not to notice her, rather than that VK does little to be noticed for except not be in time and fall out of turns.

    • Love 5
  19. 1 hour ago, mmm said:

    I've enjoyed having Travis to show how having a good professional dance teacher is like. He gave useful criticism and actually gave the girls tips on how fix them unlike just saying you are clunky or pastel. 


    Also,I am glad Travis gave praise to Victoria as a dancer so this board stop saying that people who gave her praise are bias. I not like huge Victoria or anything but i think it's crazy how much hate she gets just bec her mom said a girl looked old once bec LETS BE REAL People on this board have said things a MILLION times worse about every girl that appeared on this show ever.

    She has a lot of technique and is fun to watch, even if she's messing up she's still more entertaining than have of the boring girls around. This year doesn't have a ton of powerful dancers (other than Gabbi i haven't seen any) so the fact that she's powerful make her stand out. 

    I think thats a massive simplification of why people don't like VK. I had no idea her mother had said that and I find VK obnoxious and immature, far too much so to make the team this year or even the next.  she has a lot of growing up to do. even for the oh so often touted 'but she's only 18' she's an immature 18. we've had plenty of TCC and DCC at that age that are far more polished in their behaviour. she has the potential to be a great dancer, but she needs more control and needs critique not constant praise. she's always so shocked when she hears negative feedback adn then does nothing with it. her behaviour in the office is miles apart from any other girl, its unprofessional and childish. can VK dance? without question. is she in dire need of real feedback and actually implementing it? even more so

    • Love 11
  20. 3 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    RBF (Resting Bitch Face) and now we know where Cassie gets it:)  I have it as well, and yes, if I was wondering what I was supposed to do next, my fellow employees thought I was mad or upset.  Of course, when a man does it, he's in deep thought:/

    I avoided using the term RBF as I really dislike it - its hugely overused and generally is just used to describe a woman who happens to not be smiling, suggesting a woman should always be smiling lest they be a 'bitch'. I've never heard of a man with similar features and similar expression referred to as a bitch or having RBF despite the qualities that make up RBF having no gender differences. so I was very careful not to use the term

    • Love 7
  21. 3 minutes ago, Pasha Kitty said:

    Can we talk about Judy's hair?  During rehearsals with the guest choreographer, her hair was wavy.  NOT good.  Sorry, but I think her long bleached blonde hair is played out.  Maybe an inch shorter with layers around her face would work??  I think it needs to stay blonde, which is helping to keep Judy youthful looking, because honestly she is not a pretty woman like Kelly whose face could carry off a darker shade. 

    I don't know..... Judy's hair just seems so 70's/early 80's.   

    I personally think Judy is quite a beautiful woman, just a different kind of beautiful to Kelli. Kelli has larger eyes and slightly  more classic features, and Judy can look 'mean' when her face is relaxed but that's just a nature of her face, the outer edges of her mouth are more downturned which if her face is relaxed means she doesn't look happy (I suffer the same problem and people always think I'm angry when I''m really wondering to myself if I rmembered to turn the crock pot on before I left int he morning) and she tends to frown and/or squint a lot which makes me wonder if she needs glasses she won't wear or the prescription needs to be changed. I find her hair a shade or two too light for my personal prefence, but it's not too bad, though I thinkt he more natural golden blonde of her own DCC days was far more flattering to her features and skintone.  What does, imo, age her somewhat and far more than the hair colour and style, is the very harsh kohl around the eyes.  eyeliner top and bottom and waterline will make eyes appear much smaller and Judy's eyes are smaller to start with and the harshness of the black is harder for her colouring to carry off than Kelli's who has a warmer skin tone and larger eyes and so for me it's quite aging and very dated as a look. it's a night time look worn all day and I find it OTT but then they live in an OTT world.

    • Love 3
  22. 2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    I think it is more Kelli and Charlotte along with CMT doing this. It looks like Judy is keeping her mouth shut on the Victoria drama.

    Oh yeah and thats another reason it looks so glaring this time around. Judy's rarely been afraid to push back before, at least a token protest that she knows will be shut down that she just cannot get a girl up to par in time regardless of what Kelli and Charlotte say, but this year she is just keeping shtum. either she knows there's no point, wants to maintain a professional demeanour/distance or she just doesn't care enough, but that she''s not evne fighting back is not what I expect from her. shes always been pretty vocal before in terms of 'this girl doesn't have the talents, I can't shape her in time, it's not the right year for her' in the past

    • Love 11
  23. 1 minute ago, sleepyjean said:

    (I'm replying to this quote, but actually I have a more general question/thought. I also want to preface this by saying I have no issues with Cassie whatsoever. Not a big fan, nor a big hater.)

    This is something I don't really understand. There have been numerous comments over the years about favoritism toward Cassie and how K&J heard the fans and learned their lesson. But did they really? I vaguely recall reading that there was minor acknowledgement that some fans were unhappy about Cassie, but it doesn't seem like "the wrath of the fans" made much of a difference. I could be way off on this, because I don't retain the specifics from season to season, but Cassie was on the team for 5 years, she was on Show Group, she was a group leader, she was proposed to on field, she was featured heavily in the Brides special, and she continues to pop up on the show and behind the scenes. "The fans" didn't like it, but there was still plenty of Cassie to be found.

    Now it's 5 years later. Bring in Victoria: lather, rinse, repeat. And the show's ratings continue to climb. If K&J were supposed to have learned a lesson, they don't seem to know that. And in fact, they've anted up with Victoria.

    sometimes I feel like producers feel like audiences have shorter memories than they really do. they do the 'mea culpa' bit, let it lie for a year or so and then make the same mistakes all over again and are then absolutely shocked when it gets an even angrier response than the first time around

    • Love 1
  24. 19 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

    I still don’t understand why she gets special treatment even compared to Dayton. Can someone explain this to me? I realize Kelli danced with her mom, but they actually work with Shelly on a daily basis and I would guess know Dayton just as well as they know Victoria. Yet Dayton is basically treated like any other rookie. 

    And I really hope someone explains to Kelli that Victoria is getting backlash because of the favoritism. I’m surprised after Cassie that they didn’t learn that people watch this show and see the nepotism clear as day and revolt against it. They’re not doing her any favors putting her in the spotlight like this. 

    Even the wording is different with the girls - Kelli during fittings just wanted to recreate a best friends moment with Vk but with Shelley and Dayton getting a pic it was an 'unprofessional mommy moment'. said with a light tone and smile, but still separated from Kelli's behaviour with VK as simply being about nostalgia while Shelley's was unprofessional.  im just not digging the vibe at all.  they've always had favourites in the past (they're human and we do it too when we watch, we have the rookies we root for, te ones we're meh about personally but recognise they're a good dancer and the ones we want removed from TC asap) and been somewhat blatant about it then too, but this year the dial is up at 19 and the way Kelli is just surprised by and instantly dismissing the constant feedback of professionals telling her that VK isn't ready, she isn't the star of texas each and every time is a whole new level of bias

    • Love 16
  25. 39 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I feel like VK has been shoved at us far more than any other person in the entire history of this show. More than Jenna, Holly, Yuko, Tasha, Kashara, Morgan, Breelin, JennK, Melissa r, Abigail, Cassie and Nicole Hamilton combined. (Some of those I’m not mad at the shove, btw.)

    I don’t like the whole VK vs Dayton, which is better? legacy comparison, but dang. Dayton seems like she understands that this isn’t the best fit, but she can’t drop out of camp and not offend every DCC rule ever made.

     VK is CLUELESS as to why she’s not DCC ready, and I take back everything I said about ‘well somebody has to be up front, so if the other girls let her......’. She’s loud and in your face with those teeth 24/7. 

    No matter how hard Kelli tries to sell her, she doesn’t have the fitness level, dance ability, team player attitude, etc. plus she does give the impression that she thinks she’s already point. 

    It’s like The Emperor Had No Clothes around here, and I fear Judy’s eyes are going to bug out of her head.

    Something about how she was like 'but I really wanted show group' just really irritated me. the way she said it, all kiddy cutsey and with her facial expression like she was half expecting Mama Kelli to be like 'oooh honey, we take it back, you're totally in show group' just....

    this was their facial exp when she said she wanted show group and I don't know which expression I love more.  Denise is just flabbergastered, like oh dear, has nobody told her shes not even squad ready let alone show group?? Judy looks like she's trying so hard not to side eye her as hard as possibly and 85% failing and Kelli is regreting all life choices that led her to this moment where once more she must tap dance to find a way to make this anyone else's fault but VKs



    it was in rewatching that segment that I finally zeroed in on what most gets me in Vks makeup


    someone needs to teach her how to fill in her brows and how to stop overplucking them in a very awkward and unflattering shape.  your brows frame your face and how they're shaped and filled completely affects the rest of your look and it could so open up her eyes so much more as they're relatively hooded (bane of my own life) and so can appear smaller which in combo with clumpy mascara and/or too long lash extensions or false lashes you don't want when you're emoting to an audience.  i don't understand why the makeovers only ever seem to focus on hair. yes, hair totally has a huge impact on your look, but brows, their shape and colour, can have an equal impact.  her left brow makes me itch to get a hold of her and show her how to shape it. her right one looks quite nicely shaped, and while they're sisters not twins, you can still play with them until with a little gel/pomade/pencil/powder/whatever they're a little more even

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