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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 14 minutes ago, sugarplum said:

    The graduation scene left me with so many questions. Was it a “surprise”? Was Daphne told ahead of time? I got the feeling it was supposed to be a surprise. If that’s the case, how did they pull it off? They couldn’t have had the rest of the girls come in early and surprise Daphne when she arrived since DCC time means being an hour early. Did they send her out of the room for something? If so, what reason did they give her that she had to leave, but no one else?  I would be freaking out if K & J sent me out for any reason and I was the only one! I need answers CMT!


    im excited to see Travis next week. I danced with him many years ago at his moms studio and I’m just thrilled over everything he has accomplished. He deserves it. His style isn’t DCC, but it’s so nice to see those well rounded dancers that are able to excel in practically any style you throw at them. 

    Personally, from her reaction no way was it a surprise. maybe they wanted to sell it to the audience as one, but no. she's not a good enough actor at all to pull off the surprise.  she barely responded, then walked straight into her gown and had zero response to any of it. either it was meant to be one but after filming the 'surprise' mulitple times from multiple angles they just chose a take that was a late one and so she was faking it, or she guessed that something was up. 
    looked like Jenelle had taken her out for something, perhaps some contrived paperwork thing, like 'oh you forgot to sign xyz' or 'hey we forgot to give you this paperwork on abc' or even 'hey is that you car in that bay? can you move it because it's blocking some workmen coming in to do something'.  but nah, it was real as anything from Keeping up with the Kardashians.  contrived, forced and fake as hell. total waste of air time, I'd rather have seen more dance.

    • Love 7
  2. 5 hours ago, Cappuccinagina said:

    I am an accountant and one of the first CPAs I worked for is an award-winning adult film star today. She’s a big deal, too! Someone tried to to report her to a state license board (jealous? or a hater, who knows) but didn’t work. She practices still but she goes from professional business woman to GOODNESS GRACIOUSxxxxxlike *snap*. She has tons of accounting clients, makes bank, and she is super smart. Some people might be sensitive to it, others probably not so much. 

    Agree! It’s 2 mins though, and the women do jump splits and calypsos, and crazy things that could hurt them, too. If they get hurt, they have insurance.  If they don’t want to do it, they could tell Jay or the DCC athletic director or whatever they have there. Just my opinion *pirouette sassy DCC pose, arm rests on head of perfectly curled locks*


    Why are there some vets at the PT test and not others? Support purposes or are they there for their own rating? 

    nope, sorry. disagree. you can hurt yourself permanently doing just one move wrong once. jerk your spine too hard doing one of those bad form situps and you're looking at a slipped disk and you're out of TC. thats a minimum 6 week recovery and once a disk slips, it'll happen again. thats a live time of potential damage.  since my accident I've literally slipped three disks standing up. just moving from sitting to standing, no differently to normal and bam Im back in hospital.  and insurance is fine, but  you're assuming it = good quality of care. or that it'll cover any on going issues that might arise.

    • Love 5
  3. 5 hours ago, ByTor said:

    It's fun until someone gets hurt from the incorrect form on push-ups, or from those outdated back-killing sit-ups.

    yup. if you're gonna claim a test is doing something, you damn well have people do it properly. someone saying they did 50+ pushups when they're shown literally bobbing about an inch and then up again with their arms too wide and elbows splayed. no. they didn't do a single pressup. utterly meaningless.

    • Love 4
  4. 1 hour ago, KnyghtRyder said:

    I do think the girls level of fitness should be evaluated, particularly if the girls can get cut for weight gain and if they are going to make nutrition and fitness a focus of the show. But is the Army PFT the way to do that? Er....I don’t think so....and I was in the Army for 8 years (A. Real. Long. Time. Ago.) In just reviewing everyone’s posts on here, everyone is “fit” at different things and at different levels. I probably could swim if it meant not dying. But for cardio...no way. Now, I’m an Orangetheory fitness junkie. I also used to have a personal trainer, who was a CrossFit coach and he incorporated that style of workout into my workouts, which I still do on my own with additional cardio. Probably in the best shape of my life at 41 now. ( I have a job wherein I have to maintain a certain level of fitness, plus no children...so I do have the time and the facilities available to workout often).

    I really wish they would concentrate on teaching these girls the importance of strength training, how to workout properly to not get injured, varying your workouts, and nutrition. I wish I didn’t wait so long to incorporate it into my routine. I was in an Airborne unit and all they cared about was if you could run. At the time, I could. Plus do 66 “real” pushups in 2 minutes. But I def didn’t have much strength. It was all technique. I think a lot of these girls think, “I’m young and I’m dancing all day, I can eat what I want!” I know they touched on nutrition a little bit but they could definitely expand upon it. Between work (or whatever they do) and practice I’m sure they don’t have much time to think about food so they end up with whatever is convenient or quick.  Or they don’t eat at all, which is even worse. (Side note: Love ❤️ Brennan, but the “I don’t eat when I’m stressed” made me blurt out an inadvertent “bitch, please!” ?).

    I follow Jay on Instagram and his boot camp is definitely a high intensity interval training type workout. And he certainly doesn’t yell angrily at his clients although he does motivate them. Maybe the yelling was either for effect for the show or he was really annoyed at their goofing off. I think the first cut has now put things into perspective for them. 

    I feel like someone from several seasons ago (Kalli? With the dark eye makeup? Very sweet TCC twice but never made it?), wrote a blog that mentioned they had mandatory workouts (even on non-filming days). Wonder why they stopped? Seems like it’d be a good idea. Some of those girls need to get with Nurse Lauren...girl kills it at the gym at 5am.

    *Officially clocking out off my soapbox*

    For sure, I'd bet quite a bit of money that they're stuck in the 18 year old (regardless of actual age, apart from maybe a few of the older ones that have faced reality) mentality of having a great metabolism and bcause tey're working out, theyre not thinking about their meals properly.  So I was thrilled when I heard the nutritionist mention meal prepping.  sure it's a tiny bit of effort but literally one day a week, if that, for me, and I can make a week (or more) worth of evening meals and daily snacks.

    I know for me, after I gained a lot of weight after my accident, meal prep was key for me losing the weight again because I couldn't work out the way I once could and I was having to fight agaiinst a more sedate lifestyle than ever before while also on a huge amount of opiod medications that made weight loss hard.  meal prep just ensured the fridge always had something ready for when I was hungry or snacky and so I couldn't justify making toast because that was actuallymore effort than grabbing the box of carrot sticks or each night after physio, i just could grab a different box and I had my meal ready to heat and because I'd made it, i knew exactly what was in it, had controlled every bit of fat or sugar and kept it super healthy and the weight started coming off again.  i still have a few jellybeans of an evening to curb any sweet cravings and o I don't feel deprived of yummy sweet things and I have a cheat day every week or two weeks when my downfall of toast makes an appearance or I'd go mad, but after a literal lifetime of very very poor relationship with food and with my own body (I gain weight very easily and man alive is it ever hard to shift once its welcomed itself to the party), i've finally gotten to a place where I'm excited about making myself healthy food that tastes good, that helps me feel good, that's feeding into my fitness level, literally, and is boosting my confidence by bringing my weight down to where I want it, all of which also helps my spine and legs because Im not carrying as much weight so its less strain on fragile parts of my skeleton.  win win win!

    If only I was someone who didn't eat when stressed.  I combine, in one unfortunate package, a stress baker and a comfort baker which is dire for my waistline!

    • Love 8
  5. 26 minutes ago, sATL said:

    If Jay shouldn't be using cardio ( and I am expanding the options to any cardio - not just running), sit-ups (cruches, etc) or push-ups (knee vs. or regular) to measure fitness what should he or could be using ?  The list of equipment is endless - now that he has a new fancy gym to use. Maybe b/c of his training and background - he just someone who uses old school methods.  

    In the earlier seasons he did some kind of BMI/fat percentage test. I can't remember if he had one of those pinchy-tweezer things or scale. I'm sure by now he's (or Kelli) has gotten their weight & height,  so they can calculate BMI. 


    24 minutes ago, sATL said:

    If Jay shouldn't be using cardio ( and I am expanding the options to any cardio - not just running), sit-ups (cruches, etc) or push-ups (knee vs. or regular) to measure fitness what should he or could be using ?  The list of equipment is endless - now that he has a new fancy gym to use. Maybe b/c of his training and background - he just someone who uses old school methods.  

    In the earlier seasons he did some kind of BMI/fat percentage test. I can't remember if he had one of those pinchy-tweezer things or scale. I'm sure by now he's (or Kelli) has gotten their weight & height,  so they can calculate BMI. 


    I'd hope Cowboys Fit has  the type of scales that automatically calculates body fat, because otherwise what are they wasting their money on?!? tbh BMI isn't a great indicator really especially as you can be what''s termed 'skinny fat' in which you might have a great BMI but atually a high fat percentage because you're very unfit because skinny is pointless in terms of health. you want fitness.  cardio, the running, isn't the issue with the fitness test because a run actually is a decent indicator, but utilising it as part of a maximum aerobic function test wpuld show more for these girls as they're meant to be quite fit from years of dance.  you wear a heart monitor strap while you run a fixed distance, ie mile or two miles, and you run it while maintaining 75% of your max heart rate (220 minus your age) and time it to see how long it takes you to finish the distance at that level. the fitter you are, the stronger your heart, the faster you can achieve that distance even at only 75%.  the 75% means you're not flat out but shows you could do it faster if need be (ie that you could carry out a much faster or harder dance after dancing something slower for a while) and also with the heart monitor you can determine how long it takes you heart rate to drop back to normal again.  the fitter you are, the faster your heart rate should drop. youre aiming for 20 beat speed drop per minute. the slower it is, the less fit you are, and if it's less than 12 then damnnation you need to start exercising because you're waaay outta shape.
    Not all women do well with 'regular' press ups.  I've never had a strong upper body, I trained for months with weights and resistance and was thrilled when I could do 2. absolutely thrilled to bits i managed 2. because my strength is from my legs.  I can crack out a hundred weighted squats without a problem and without stopping.  ask me to do a press up and I can't.  I don't know why the girls couldn't do the modified version if he was determined for them to do them.  a modified press up is worth a hell of a lot more than a very poorly performed regular press up and most of the girls had AWFUL form.

    thats another reason for why I don't think the 'test' was particular useful - the form from most of the girls was terrible.  rendering the move useless at best and dangerous at worst.  Lauren, as one would expect, from what i could see of her had good form but someone whose face I couldnt' see had the worst push up form I've ever seen. her back was concave, hips and belly dropping tto the ground putting a huge strain ont he lumbar spine, another was just kinda bobbing a bit with bad hand placement and elbows all over the place.  the sit ups because they were tyring to go fast instead of rights were jerky and putting huge strain on the lumbar spine, which is already under strain from a sit up. not to mention sit ups are less effective than crunches because once you reach a certain height, your hip flexors take over nad your abs stop doing anything.  crunches or crunches on a bosu would have been better indicator of abdominal strength which is super important in dance, ESP the lower abs for kicks.

    • Love 9
  6. 10 minutes ago, Christineelgene said:

    While we are on the subject of Jay and eating junk food while watching last night’s episode, does anyone remember his show “I want to look like a high school cheerleader, again”?  I actually watched the entire thing when it was on tv.  If you are curious, here is a link to the overview.  


    just reading the synopsis makes me want to gauge my eyes out. i know its marketing to get attention because 'high school' for right or wrong  will get more attention than 'college' but you know who looks 17-18?  17 and 18 year olds.  you're a grown woman. you're not going to look 18, even with a diet and exercise. deal with it.  and if high school truly was the zenith of your life, you might want to reconsider some of your choices

    • Love 9
  7. 24 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

    I honestly think Jay is kind of an idiot. I’ve been watching the old seasons, which feature a lot of Jay, so maybe I’m just completely on Jay overload. 


    Sorry, I’m being rude, but I really didn’t care for the Jay segment and all of the improper form really bothers me. So many girls had terrible form for pushups and sit-ups and they could get hurt. A good trainer is constantly evaluating proper form and making corrections.

    I was wincing all through it.  he doesn't come across as a good trainer at all in those segments. hopefully he just plays it up to the cameras but the 100% yelling, you're all gonna fail at this schtick is ridiculous and the form was awful esp in the pushups and the jerky not-quite crunches not quite situps things were making my back ache

    16 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    Yes that was her 

    is her hair going to change weekly then?

    • Love 3
  8. 47 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    They have done studies proving the regular two mile run, two minute situps and two minute pushups does not reveal a soldier's true physical strength. The girls are not in the Army. In my opinion, they is a major difference between being a cheerleader and being a soldier. Jay needs to move on to something else and stop treating the girls like they are soldiers and get more realistic about testing to see how well the girls can handle an all day home football game or four hours of practice.

    i've never understsood the whole 'everyday person must compare themselves to a soldier or they're not fit' mentality that some trainers have.  not to mention that pushups are more about strength than fitness but that's by the by.  I'm nnot a soldier. I will never be a soldier.  I have never wanted to be a soldier.  that doesnt mean I'm not fit.  I wouldn''t be able to even take part in 2/3 of Jay's 'fitness' test.  doesn't mean my lung capacity isn't good or that my recovery times aren't smack in the middle of the range they should be, nor that I can't swim 2k in under 50min which for someone with severe nerve damage in their legs is damned good.  numerous people I know would fail Jay's concept of a fitness test yet they are very fit. one 'test' does not remotely fit all and you cannot compare a cheerleader to a soldier

    • Love 8
  9. 1 minute ago, Christineelgene said:

    I vaguely remember the episode they were on.  I only watched it because it was Jay and Lin.  I do remember that the couple were not fit and their house was a mess.  Also, if I remember correctly, they had a daughter who wanted to be a cheerleader and a DCC (or more) was brought in, and the mother refused to go.  Or something like that.  

    Here is a link to the synopsis.


    everything is about VK. they are doing this girl zero favours.  I literally said out loud at the time of Jasmine's cut, 'jeez, we're hearing more from VK how this hurts her, a girl she's known 3 weeks, than the GIRL WHO HAS BEEN CUT'.

    • Love 8
  10. 5 minutes ago, Christineelgene said:

    Just did comment in the last episode after they met with Dayton that it was like pulling one tooth at a time.

    Which is such a stupid thing to say because a)that's not the phrase, because b) you literally cannot pull teeth any other way.  the phrase is 'like pulling teeth'. sorry, but that drove my pedantic ass right up the wall and halfway across the ceiling.  it was nonsense

    • Love 8
  11. 3 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    They are really pushing we are making Malena look bad because we may cut her at a later date scenes. I do not understand what is so important to lose or quit your job to be a DCC. Charlotte and Kelli must be proud of themselves because girls are willing to give up everything for the honor and privilege to be a DCC.

    I hate to burst Jay's bubble, but his fitness testing is not the true measurement of how fit a person may or may not be. Are they hard up to promote the new Fitness Training Facility at the Star by pretending the girls will be tested to see what shape they are in.

    The graduation part was totally staged. The reaction Daphine had when she came in was so fake and phony. I would not be surprised if they tape the scene over and over again until CMT felt it looked right. And please Kelli and Charlotte, you expect the girls to give up everything to be a DCC. Stop pretending you applaud girls who go to college. You only want girls who can make the Cowboys Organization look good. In my opinion, the show has become more of promotion of the Cowboys Organization at the expense of the girls like Malena and Dayton.

    they're been pushing the 'we're so supportive of education look how many of our girls are educated' thing so hard this season and esp last night. the girls being asked what their degrees were in at fittings, the constant UCLA UCLA UCLA mentions, the whole thing of 'we've got a girl leaving to be a doctor' thing. yet they support girls quitting good jobs even when they know they'll likely get cut. when Kelli said she wouldn''t tell Malena to do it if she didn't have a good shot of the team but then a minute later was like 'no need for tonight to be your last night' it was like alarm bells for me. sure, not cut tonight, but sounded 100% like but you're getting cut.  and boy i hated how Kelli found it funny she couldn't remember or pronounce Malena. yikes that was bad.

    • Love 14
  12. 5 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    agree on this too. I don't mind some tough love segment but it all seemed fake, starting with the way he walked into the room. I don't mind yelling when it's deserved but this all seemed staged right down to getting mad for laughing between sets. He would be better on some show with out of shape people who want to get in shape so they can try out for a dance squad.  

    even then I don't like his style. maybe he amps it up for the show, but if hes just one of those 'yell all the time' trainers, he's not going to be good.  a good trainer can adapt to the mindset and personality of the person/people they're training. i don't respond well to being yelled at all the time at all. im more likely to snap eventually and scream back or punch you in the face than I am to try and prove you wrong.  and just how all he cared about was speed or number and not form...thats super poor. thats a really poor trainer right there. would never ever pay to see him. paying to get yelled at and possibly hurt because he's not correcting poor form and not making progress because poor form means youre not benefiting from the move, nope, couldn't pay me at all.

    • Love 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Gingi1976 said:

    Maybe I’m in the minority, but I HATE the Jay/power-squad/Cowboys Fit segments. Even now, when I rewatch past seasons on CMT those are the only scenes I fast-forward. 


    I get it. The women need to be toned and fit for the uniform. But these segments are awful. Not to mention the fact that it’s hard to take the fitness suggestions seriously when everyone is in full hair and make-up. 

    Definitly with you. super staged, not at all to do with fitness, no focus on safe and effecitve form (near everything they did most of the girls had awful form that, not a good ad for him as a trainer or the Cowboys Fit as a gym

    • Love 8
  14. 1 minute ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    Malena--the only way I could see quitting that job is (a) you knew you were on thin ice/likely to get fired anyway due to some other factor or (b) you have a Plan B job lined up that maybe isn't as amazing but is a solid situation and it fits your schedule better. I would think any job involving recruiting would be hour intensive and not a good fit for balancing with DCC.

    Graduation ceremony--this actually touched me a bit but it also did look like they'd had to film it 3 or 4 times because Daphne didn't look that excited---or as moved as I would be if it was a surprise.  I'm not that bothered by her missing the ceremony though. Reality is (in my opinion) no one actually likes going to graduation ceremonies (besides maybe my mom). We pretend to but we all sit there from the get go thinking "I hope this doesn't take too long. . . I hope the speaker keeps it short. .. are they really going to read all of those names?" I walked in all of my graduation ceremonies but my husband only participated in his high school graduation--and he would have skipped that if there had been an option to that. And he was the first person in his family with a college degree and with a masters. He's just very practical --though I get a lot of people want that moment.

    I enjoyed my graduation day but not because of graduation itself.  it was boiling hot, we were a huge class kept in a windowless room until it was ready, sweating buckets and bored senseless BUT what was fun as all get out was the gowns.  I went to a redbrick university, and it was a former college of oxford so all these gorgeous quads and red brick uildings (hence the term) and in our gowns, you bet your bottom dollar a bunch of 21+ year olds were running around pretending we were in Harry Potter, with our gowns flowing out around us as we chased each other around columns, pretending to throw spells at each other.  because we were very mature and officially all grown up.  That was the fun of graduation.  the whole palava of getting photos and chanting internally not to fall up or down the stairs to not get your certificate (you got a handshake and certification sent in mail latter, and all photos of you holding your 'degree' was actually a white plastic tube with a ribbon' so yeah, anti-climactic') but I agree, it felt like that was hardly the first time it was filmed, felt super staged and just....they're really pushing the 'we support education' thing this year,

    • Love 5
  15. 8 minutes ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

    Malena annoys me, she seems fake...and now that the poster said she still works there I'm even more confused with her

    Always good to see Kade though yum

    VK needs to be given LESS air time, she's just awkward when they ask her for blurbs about what they're doing

    There's no need to take a fake fitness test serious, Jay you're annoying 

    I feel bad that they have to be all made up and hair nice for the fitness test, so unnecessary 

    It's Dallas CowBOYS cheerleaders, not cowboy ugh that annoys me, such a petty little thing but still

    I lovee Hannah, she's so adorable. I like Gabby as well, she seems sweet

    Enough with the "Yes ma'am" Jasmin, just nod along and then throw a yes ma'am in there ever so often, not after everything she says

    I was rolling my eyes the whole time. ability to do push ups doesn't mean you're fit.  there was no focus on the fact that most of the girls has awful form in the pushup and sit ups and were likely to hurt themselves, no strong held core at all, their plank position in the pushup was all over the shop, just dire, but all Jay cared about was the number, not whether that number was remotely attached to a properly executed move.  I can't run, I'm not allowed anymore because of my back and the structural implants but even before that, I was a sprinter not a distance runner and I coul improve distance a bit but it wasn't what my build was for, I have strong powerful legs, broad shoulders, carry a lot of muscle.  that's a sprinter, not a distance runner, situps are bad for your back, you shouldn't do them that much esp not hte way he had the girls doing it, jerking around, crunches are better. according to Jay, I'd be the least fit person ont he planet.  but put me on a bike or in a pool and i'll leave you in my dust.  a proper fitness test would involve their o2 consumption, their recovery time, their pulse rate.  not this BS.  genuinely surprised nobody got hurt

    • Love 15
  16. 9 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

    Smh Malena.  I hate when these girls quit their jobs over this stuff when they are struggling.

    That Jasmine cut was really strange - we really didn’t see much evidence that she couldn’t dance well and she was really pretty.   Interesting how upset VK was over her cut - were they close before auditions?

    Omg who was that vet that fell on their butt in the show group audition preview?  Lol - so embarrassing...I feel bad.

    agree she's an absolutely gorgeous girl, but imo her dancing was...it isn't that she can't dance well, she comes across very accomplished in that regard, but her dance is...very powerful, yes, but it was sooo choppy, there was no flow to it, it was like I was watching her count out the beats and parse out the choreo in her head.  her style didn't fit at all, it was very short and sharp and distracting from the more flowing dancers around her.  with practice she can rein that in, keep the power but stop rushing the choreo and being so darn choppy. my lower back ached just watching how sharp some of her movements were.  i think if she were to spend the year sort of unlearning some of her former cheer style and retraining her body into a more lyrical graceful style, she could really have a shot next year.  but again, just my opinion..

    • Love 6
  17. 7 minutes ago, Gigi88 said:

    I don’t know why they can’t . Back in the day they used to have women wear their hair natural so why not now ? 

    i think a)styles have changed, its all the super-processed, super sleek, long bouncy curl look which afro-caribbean hair requires a LOT of processing to achieve which is super duper damaging.  its hella damaging to caucasian hair, but on A-C hair, it can be dire so I think some of the girls, like Jackie, choose to protect their natural hair via use of a weave b)in recent years there's been a loot of increase in policing of A-C people''s hair, schools not allowing children to have it natural, the military doing same, there's been a push against it, and perhaps DCC is falling into line with that?? I think it's ridiculous, but that said, were I in that situation, and of colour, I'd likely choose a weave because I am super vain about my hair and I don't even like using blow dryers because it's damagigng and I'm not risking my hair breaking or falling out just to dance at a football game, no thank you sir

    • Love 4
  18. 26 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

    Loni was, I think, the only girl with horrible (and demonstrably) low kicks to make the squad.  I don't know of another girl that has made the squad with kicks as bad as hers.  Taylor might have come close, but unfortunately was cut.  Frankly, Loni set a precedent that girls with bad kicks could be on the squad as long as they are amazing in other areas and Taylor was amazing in just about ALL the other areas they needed.  Sadly, they didn't want her on the squad for some reason and, as far as I know, kicks were really the only reason they could use to cut her.

    However, that being said, they have standards that the girls need to meet.  If the girls can't meet those standards, they shouldn't be on the squad or in Training Camp.  The other side of the coin is that Kelli, Judy and the rest shouldn't move the girls forward in the program if the girls can't objectively and reasonably meet those goals.


    absolutely.  close is only good enough in horseshoes and hand grenades.  you don't get your drivers liscence if you nail everything but can't keep to the speed limit, you don't get your diploma if you handed in every piece assignment but completely bomb every exam.  you've got to manage all areas and if you're going to go pro in a dance field, you've got to bring it all and kicks are a huge part of that at DCC. don't have the kicks? by all means go to a squad that doesn't require them, but don't sit in a talking head and wax lyrical about how you've dreamed of being a DCC since you were 2 and yet here you are at 23 actng like you had no idea you needed fitness and flexibility for the kickline.  i swear, some years its like the girl literally has no idea that her kicks are low, she'll be flabergasted to hear such a thing, all while I watch going 'YOU HAD TO BE AWARE YOUR KICKS WERE POOR!!" at the tv.

    That was definitely something Kelli and Judy did like about Kat - her kicks were insane! she could hit herself in the face with ease and showed zero effort in it.  gymnastic backround is definitely a plus!

    • Love 1
  19. 30 minutes ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

    I think it was Loni and Shelly wasn't sure about her running off

    wasn't there a video that definitely showed someone running off but couldn't tell who it was? I wanna say it was a christmas performance, I seem to remeber the red and white outfit

  20. 6 minutes ago, Hildegard802 said:

    I recall one who had low kicks.  She wasn't very tall, and her kicks were awfu. But they kept her anyway and had her run off the field right before the kickline.  I want to say it was Sunni; not sure if that's correct.   

    yikes. imo, that's shameful for a 'world-class' dance team that consider themselves the most famous cheerleaders in the world

  21. 1 minute ago, LadyMsJay said:

    I'm on the fence. If they're not in Show Group, the maximum amount of times they'll do a kickline is 9 times. If they're not 'perfect,' I honestly think that it's okay. The only issue with that is if everyone else's kicks are fantastic, it makes everyone look bad. That would be the only reason I would say to not even take the "mediocre" kickers in.

    i think you're also, with mediocre kickers, running risk of injury to that girl and/or others. if she tries too hard to get her kicks in line she could tear any number of muscles/ligaments, and she could hurt the girls either side of her by putting too much of her weight into her hold on their hsoulders as she tries to use them for leverage to force her leg higher through a more forceful kick.  so even though its potentially only a 9 time event, its not a risk I as a choreographer, would take. but that's just me

  22. 10 minutes ago, M1977G said:

    Loved having the alimni back! I'm so glad to see the former DCC they chose for rehearsal and the where are they now segments. Jacie and Nicole in one room and one episode? Hell, yeah. Can't wait to see who else comes up on the alumni segments and I'm looking forward to Michelle Keys next episode. 

    My most interesting surprise from this episode for me is that now I'm a Caroline fan. I had noticed her dancing on the edge of frames in previous episodes and thought she looked powerful. I loved her makeover and expect that with more DCC glam training on hair and makeup that she will look prettier and prettier as time goes by. I had to watch carefully for her in the dance studio, but she looks like a very strong performer and she's become one of my favorite TCCs to watch for now. I really hope we get some focus on her, as well as Bridget. 

    Another surprise for me is how much I liked Rachel this episode, I guess because I have a certain idea of pageant girls seeming fake (like the Minchew sisters). But I realize that a number of DCC I've really liked have been pageant girls (like Sydney and KaShara), so maybe I need to adjust my notions of pageant people. Toddlers & Tiaras definitely has something to do with my perception of that world, so shame on me for being so swayed by "reality" TV. I already thought Rachel was beautiful and a lovely dancer, but she impressed me with her office visit and camera talking head moments so far. What a contrast between Rachel and VK in terms of how they each acted while talking to the camera before their office visits with Kelli. One was so composed, mature, and really open to criticism, and the other was all over the place, laughing, tearful, fidgeting, and not listening to the feedback. Ugh. VK, just shut up and listen when your elders are talking to you! I am glad they told her so directly she wasn't performing at the top 36 and the alumni weren't impressed with her. But she didn't really listen: You need to tone up--Yes, I know--You need to improve your--Which vet should I work with? Just. Listen. To. What. They. Are. Saying. Interesting that VK said she didn't get any comments during the actual rehearsal. I wonder if she was just blending and getting outperformed, or if the alumni didn't want to give open critiques in front of Kelli. I wish they hadn't edited out who else's names Kelli said when running down the roster of which rookies didn't get an "outstanding" rating from the alumni during that rehearsal. 

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    I seriously am so relieved to know VK got cut or I might otherwise be losing my mind watching these episodes. I may be petty AF, but I can't wait to see her get her comeuppance.

    Can't wait for the next episode! 

    in terms of your 'hidden contents' I agree wholeheartedly!

    I LOVED seeing the alumni, for me it was so much better a segment than when MRS takes girls aside and then brings in their families (who generally have no experience besides being on fringe of the girl dancing) to critique what they're doing.  these are women that are accomplished dancers, know what DCC wants, what the girls need to show, how to achieve that style and therefore can provide such a wealth of feedback and information. 
    Ugh, the difference between Rachel and VK in the office was huge.  VK, STOP INTERRUPTING! every other girl is 'yes ma'am, no ma'am' only when it's their time to speak, never interrupting K&J (Judy shaking her head when VK interrupted about what vet to go to...) yes Rachel slouched, BUT she has some back issues and sitting that way is absolutely classic guarding behaviour forthe spine, stretching out the lumbar region, relieving a lot of hte pressure that area is under the moment you're no longer lying down and sitting is a hugely stressful thing for the spine.  I have severe spinal issues after breaking my back in three places (horse riding is fun y'all!) and my lumbar region is shot and I sit like that and my pain management specialists can always tell exactly my pain level any given day by how far over I'm slouching, to what side, how much weight i'm putting on the armrest. the moment I saw her sitting exactly like me I was like 'yup, she's learned that behaviour, that's classic back pain sitting'

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  23. Just now, rose711 said:

    Yeah I understand how Important it is and I think it’s the most objective measure they have or one of them anyway. I just wonder why they take girls that don’t have kicks into training camp. Maybe they need to see how everyone does?

    it frustrates me so much when they take girls that obviously cannot kick or have no hope in hell of getting their kicks high enough in the time. some are just faintly too low and actually have a fair chance of developing enough between weights and stretching to get it where it needs to get, but others....no hope in hell and sometimes you can see Judy's frustration that she is being stuck with a girl that has no hope.

    now as to why they get taken?  the cynical part of me says its for drama so that they have someone to repeatedly call to office and have weepy talks with on tv. its a pretty common, practically yearly theme, the girl(s) that can't get their kicks where it's needed. 
    the non-cynical part of me thinks maybe they really love a girl in terms of looks and power etc, and are mildly deluded that she can get the kicks in line in time OR to check her out this year, give her a trial run, see if maybe next year with a year of work on kicks etc, that she could be a good addition and by giving her the chance to come to TC, they're a)able to check her out and b)give her a taste of what she wants so that she's even hungrier for it after being cut, she'll work insanely hard over the year and come back the next year more prepared and likely to make the team

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  24. 5 minutes ago, rose711 said:

    Do you guys think that they shouldn’t take girls who have tight kicks if they are otherwise good? It seems that kicks are often the deciding reason someone gets cut at the end even if they’ve been shown to have bad kicks at auditions.

    i don’t remember if anyone had bad kicks this episode. The rookies all seem strong. I guess next week (tonight) is the kickline.

    At the same time, having great kicks didn’t save the girl from Kansas City that was too stiff. She was one of the last cuts. I think it was her field performance on the entrance that got her cut. 

    Honestly? Yes, she should be cut.  The kickline is the DCC signature move.  its their most recognisable and famous feature of their performances.  I am likely in the minority of finding Thunderstruck to be extremely boring, both in song terms and dance. I have never felt the dance necessarily suits the song and thhe song is just sooo blah to me, but that kickline, that's pure performance, pure showmanship and if a girl can't do it, she's not much use to the team.  You can't have someone looking super out of place among the others, she could potentially hurt one or more of the other girls by pulling on their shoulders when trying to force her kicks higher and its not like she could just stand to he side at the end of the routine and let 35 line up for the kickline.  There is also really a limit to the amount of progress you'll make stretching wise in the time limit of the TC. yes, you can improve the flexibility somewhat, but these girls by this point are going to be damned flexible anyway and if they can't get the kicks before audition, chances are they won't in the few weeks of TC. they'll improve, sure, but rarely enough and if you try and force it you're looking at injury.

    Judy, especially, is very keen on good clean kicks, understandably, and she knows the limit to the amount a girl can improve.  she also knows how sloppy it looks when a girl can't kick to he level of the others. it boils down to this - yeah. this girl is probably good in other areas, a strong performer, but there are hundreds of girls behind her that can do that too, and many of them will manage the kickline.

    being a good performer isn't enough if kicks are bad.  having good kicks isn't enough if the rest is bad.  you HAVE to be the well-rounded consumate dancer.  you have to be, to borrow the phrase most often spouted ad nauseum, world class.  to that end, I don' know why they don't do a kick audition BEFORE everyting else.  not necessarily the kickline drill of auditions but have the girls do a handful of kicks during the free dance portion, make it mandatory, and if she can't do it, no point going through the rest of the process, jut cut and move on. 

    sounds heartless, I know

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