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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 3 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    I watched the ending on iTunes and they have the vk jinelle kelli deal 

    I'm always curious as to different cuts going to different providers and why. same with tv shows. I'll watch a show in the US and then again in the UK and there'll be scenes that are ever so slightly different, and its not even obvious things like sex or nudity or violence, just random lines cut out or added in that don't really necessarily add much to a plot but its just bizarre how those are the lines that got cut but not others.

    I was definitely curious to see if anything was majorly different between tv broadcast and itunes/amazon episode

    • Love 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, Glamourdoll said:

    I am aware she is 18 and not 12. I wasn't being literal. Most sheltered 18 years olds might be legally adult, but they are children emotionally. I do not think that means they deserve any special treatment or exceptions from the rules. I do think that (for myself) I do not want to add any further to judgement being cast against her since I can sympathize with how awful it can be to be an emotionally immature adult who attempted to do something grown up and failed spectacularly. That was how I learned most things, the spectacularly embarassing hard way.   If she chooses to place herself in a situation requiring maturity and she is unable to reach that, I don't think she deserves a pass. But, I also think I can show some compassion when someone fails, even if it was their own damn fault. (I also made the point that if it's your job, DO IT. )

    The ages of adolescence now extends into the early 20's. . I am not good at explaining it, because I am not good with words (I think others here are better). So, in that sense, she is not physically done with her brain development. Again, I am not using this to suggest she deserves special treatment, just that she, like most 18 years olds is in some ways, still a child in her reasoning. 

    Im aware our brains continue to develop along with our reasoning and logic and I never said you were being literal. my point was that for me she''s acting like a 12 year old child not an 18 year old adult, one closer to the end of adolesence (24ish) than the start. I also said there was a difference between being immature and being childish. I find VK's behaviour that of a spoiled child not an immature 18 year old.

    • Love 2
  3. 30 minutes ago, MTTFan said:

    VK is really fortunate that she has people that will support her choices even when they appear to be the wrong ones.

    It's not everyone who will support someone throwing a gift back at the giver, justify being annoyed at the person because the person who had been DIRECTED to offer help "hadn't ever had a weight problem" or wasn't from Texas, and/or then justify a lie to a potential employer when THEY set up a doctor's appointment.

    Its a wonder then that people are taken aback when the world is shown a self indulged spoiled child - the result of not being called out on these mistakes.


    Because Lord knows nobody outside the USA is overweight and no other country has junk food and no other country has cultures that revolve around food...good lord VK, come up with better excuses. my last trainer was from New Zealand. i didn't discount his excellent advice just because he's never ssuffered a traumatic spinal injury and never been overweight and never had surgery he's had to recover from and *gasp* is a Kiwi.  he's also male. does that mean he can't advise female clients on their diet because he doesn't get the same hormonal food cravings?  he helped set me on the right course to get my life right. Sure, I took some of his advice with a grain of salt (low sodium of course *sorry couldn't resist*) and adapted it to what fit me and the healthy foods I liked best - just like exercise, you have to find the foods you like that are healthy, there's as little point saying you'll only ever eat dressing-free tuna salads the rest of your life if you loathe tuna as there is to saying you'll run 5 miles a day if you hate running. it'll just never happen - but his advice, coming at a time when I was so ready to make a change but was floundering a little with where to start because it seemed so monumental a mountain to climb, was just fantastic.  Jinelle could have been a boon for VK, both from a longterm health perspective and a maturity one, but she threw that gift away like a child having a tantrum. 

    • Love 8
  4. 1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Tell him she also writes poetry:)

    oh gooooooooooood lord that poem....so earnestly read, like she was at an open mic night.  I suffer terrible second hand embarrassment and I was dying on the inside. I can practically feel myself shrivelling up and dying. I had to actually pause it and walk off the embarassment a couple times

    • Love 12
  5. 4 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

    Jumbotron!  And my oled shows every bit of wrong makeup, pore & wrinkles under the eyes.  It’s like I’m sitting right there beside them.  You see everything! 

    I KNOW, RIGHT??! We recently got this ludicrious 4K ultra hd screen and jeez louise, there is NOWHERE to hide! When we first got it, it was so crystal clear and sharp it actually made me nauseated at first to watch it, sort of like when I first got glasses and everything was finally in focus and it just disorientated me so much. My sister can barely stand to watch it when she visits, she finds it just too crisp and clean, but every pore, every single 'imperfection'...they're right there in cold, unforgiving LCD.   I don't think anyone can look 'perfect' on that sort of screen

    • Love 4
  6. 2 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

    The editing from Kristin's meeting was so wonky! I couldn't follow what the heck was going on because clearly parts were taken out of it. As a result, I had to ask my husband, "You mean, they let her stay?" because it was so odd. It reminded me a bit of Jackie's cut a few years ago where she talked them into letting her stay one more night and Kelli said, "Well, you're the first one to ever make me change my mind."  But honestly, the writing has been on the wall for a while. This is not Kristin's year and it's time to think about next year's audition.


    Concerning Melissa and Gina's session with the rookies. I don't know if it was (again) the edit but Gina barely said two words and what she said I could barely hear. Maybe Melissa dominated the session and Gina didn't want to overstep? I was puzzled by Melissa's appearance because at auditions, her hair and outfit looked so much more pulled together and professional than it has in the past. At this session, she lapsed back into "Forever 21" mode in both hair and dress. I'm not saying she has to dress like an old lady but you don't have to dress Juniors Dept. to be relatable to the TCCs.


    I liked meeting Ashlee and Cianna as well. Love love love Ashlee's story! She has a good head on her shoulders, clearly, and is driven to meet her goals. Poor girl doesn't even have a stable place to stay because of family moving, too. I find it frustrating that Kelli and Judy always find one rookie to hammer on after the first night on the field about missing lines or wrong movement, etc. It's the FIRST NIGHT, for freak sake! Give them at least one night to adjust to it, this is hard work. Ashlee held her own in her meeting with them, then came back the next night and (I thought) did much better. Half the battle is not letting yourself get defeated and Ashlee didn't let them happen. GO ASHLEE!


    Looks like next week the crap is gonna hit the fan with VK. I can hardly weight, I mean, wait. ;-)

    I am such an ashlee fan after tht office visit. She just held her own, she was so strong. I was a little taken aback by how insincere and distant Kelli sounded when Ashlee was explaining what was hard for her, but the way Ashlee didn't look for sympathy or help, didn't ask for help finding somewhere to live, jsut that she would find it and she was where she belonged to be.  Total Ashlee fan now for sure. confident but not cocky or arrogant

    1 hour ago, Jazzmom said:

    I wish we could see the TCC dancing more in the segments.  The editing is clunky and too fast.  The snippets are just not enough to form an opinion one way or the other.   I do like Erin this year! 

    Maybe this could have been the year everyone on the team gained 10 lbs & we had a team of attractive & real TCC DCC.   It could have been the start of something new!  I mean, could they pull the whole team off of appearances for weight?  DCC are tiny in real life, and tv does add on weight...think about that! 

    Time for a live webcam during tryouts and training camp!!!!

    here's a wonderment - which adds more pounds, a normal tv set, or the jumbotron simply from an aspect ratio point of view.

    • Love 10
  7. 2 hours ago, Glamourdoll said:

    I get this, and I don't disagree. But, I feel like the only person in the country who doesn't watch shows where people are treated badly and who does not consider belittling someone entertainment. I think Kitty lost the s in her sass somewhere and I don't think it's useful to her ability to coach these girls at all. I would be the first to admit I don't know the dance world and that you would know this is possibly necessary to get through in that environment. I am a TV viewer who thinks treating other people like shit is not entertaining. And I feel really alone in that based on what sells on the networks and online. I need my wubby now. And a box of wine. And a straw.

    I think also, Kitty used to actually give some sort of performative critique alongside her digs, something the girls coulld actually use to improve, not just 'you're pretty but that's not enough'.  what a great note Kitty, I'll be sure to tighten my turns or point my toes more or watch my turn out or whatever the hell might actually make me look better. now all she sseems to come out with is the digs with very little in the way of aactual notes that a girl can use to improve herself. that's the differene for me and it's been slow over the years of just more and more bitchiness from her with less and less useful help. even when my skating coach was calling me everything under the sun and driving me almost to tears, she'd at least tell me that if I put my foot down on landing again she'd kick me in the shin until i couldn't bear weight on the leg anymore and then I wouldn't touch it down.  that at least told me that the main issue was the double footed landing (which yeah, i already knew, but I knew that the most egreious thing i was doing was the double footed, that the take off and air time was fine or the threat would have been different, it was the landing I was screwing up).  I'm very aware dance coaches can be mentally, emotionally and physically abusive, but generally there's also constructive criticism in there too and with Kitty thats increasingly rare

    4 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

    I'm new to the board, so please forgive me if I am 100% off base in asking this question... Why does it matter whether or not Jinelle is the most qualified person to help Victoria? I've seen dozens of posts about Jinelle not being a nutritionist, never having been overweight, coming from Australia and not understanding American youth. I don't know enough to argue whether or not any of that is true, but I'm still confused on why it is relevant. It seems to me that an 18-year-old girl is interviewing for a job and it's her responsibility to meet the job requirements, including weight and maturity. Woman up & slim down, or else find another job.

    to most of us its utterly irrelevant. she was a tool provided by an overly indulgent Director and VK threw her away because 'she's never had a weight issue' aka the stupidest reason possible.

    • Love 7
  8. 2 hours ago, Glamourdoll said:

    OMG I love this movie. And I see the parallels. ("It's God's way of telling us to buy American.")


    I think years of everyone kissing Kitty's butt has gone to her head. There is a point where blunt honesty is sassy, and then you cross that fine line to bitch and bully. There are lots of ways to be blunt without being deliberately hurtful. And it's just damn selfish to say things that could damage these girls self esteem for years just because of who you are and because you can. Yes, they sign themselves up for this. But how about you be a mentor and build them up instead of an asshole who tears them down to look "sassy". 

    Regarding V.K., I really don't want to beat up on the poor girl anymore. A lot has been said I agree with, but she is a kid, with feelings. A real person who has yet to evolve into an adult. But, when I am told to work with someone by my boss, no matter how pointless I think it is. I suck it up, and do it.

    eh, because of who she thinks she is and because she thinks she can. and if it hurts them, then they need to toughen up...ugh, nope. met too many women like her over the years and they're the worst.

    VK is 18 not 12. she's not a child. she's been coddled and pampered and now she's having to borderline face consequences for her behaviour and she's not liking it and blaming others like Jinelle. if I did that at 18 I'd have been flat out murdered.  at 18 to be so childish is unattractive. and yes, im cold hearted, but i think it of any 18 year old, not just VK. she's more than just immature and young, she's childish - throwing herself over the table and draping herself around and making ott facial expressions in the office 'ohhhh you're disappointed in meeeee' was just eyerolling.. you can be young and mess around, but when its your job you knuckle down and you do what your boss wants, whether its DCC or a full time office job or a waitressing gig on the weekends. you're an employee. there are standards of behaviour.  DCC are suppsoed to be poised and composed and until VK or any other TCC can demonstrate that, they've no business on the squad, I don't care how long their legs are

    • Love 9
  9. Just now, RhiRhi said:

    I was thinking it might be after cameos or something else that the girls had their makeup professionally done. It’s got that Peggy look. 

    eyemakeup and blush wise, its certainly worlds apart from what we've seen from VK so I''d not be surprised

    • Love 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    Miranda does and always has had a very matronly look.   Many have pointed it out on here as well as how she has put on weight.  I think that’s what Kitty was getting at with that comment - not that she literally looked like Grandma Moses, but that her style looked dated and over the hill.

    Kitty has been saying creul stuff to these girls since the show first aired.   It’s part of her entertainment appeal.   And it’s not uncommon for dance teachers, especially old school ones, to use metphors like that to get a point across even right to their students faces.

    thing is, I still wouldn't necessarily call Grandma Moses' look that dated or over the hill. for me, it s far more classic. its the same style ladies of a certain age take on every day for about the last three generations. one day mine will probably do the same , so its not really that dated.  I don't think Miranda has a matronly look, personally. I think she's more classic. shes not sultry sexy, but she's still beautiful and if the hair makes her look matronly, thats still Kellis fault as shes the one that okayed her style. if she was allowed to ditch the central part, it'd help no end in making her look younger


    • Love 8
  11. 15 minutes ago, sooooo ill said:

    I never noticed how LOW VK cheekbones are...unless it's just the lighting. I remember in the middle seasons 4-6(?) Kelli would wear low cut shirts and had a lot of sun damage on her "decolletage" but now it looks better and smooth..i wonder if its makeup or she had some kind of laser treatment. Can they even laser it? I know the Texas sun is alot more powerful than here in the north. Kelli nor Judy have aged much in the past 13 years....typical celebrities:)

    could be lighting, could be placement of contour/blush, could be low cheekbones, could even be a combo

  12. 24 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

    Can I like your post 1,000 times?! This comment is right on target. Whatever happened to good manners? DCC does not owe it to Victoria to provide a nutritionist. If I told my boss that he owes it to me to provide an expert to help me meet the expectations of my job, he'd laugh in my face.

    and if you have an issue with who they chose, you RAISE IT AT THE TIME. you don't just pull YET. ANOTHER. LAME. EXCUSE. out your ass at the last second to try and save yourself again. never not done with excuses and overacting is out little VK

    • Love 6
  13. 7 minutes ago, bourbon said:

    So much of this. My husband and I have been watching for years for the fun and the snark. (I don't follow DCC in the off-season. I don't follow any of them on social media.. I don't have an opinion about VK or Dayton or any of them beyond what I see on the show.) But this just might be my last. It physically hurt to watch Miranda's visceral and immediate reaction to having her hair criticized after being told that any little thing could be the reason they're cut. Don't know if it was also because I had been watching the Kavanaugh hearings earlier, but tears actually came to my eyes. I get that their free women and being on DCC is a real coup, but I find myself wondering why anyone would put themselves through this treatment. Being told you have to be sexy but not too sexy. Smart but not too opinionated and not controversial. Being told that being an active, fit athlete and a perfectly acceptable weight, you're too fat...all in the guise of "We're worried about your health! Our uniform is unforgiving! We're worried you'll get made fun of if you look heavy on the Jumbotron!" Gah, it's borderline abusive. Breaking down these girls in body and spirit, paying them a pittance, pitching them against each other, and then telling them that they're lucky to be there. I hope the girls who were cut this year *don't* come back.  They dodged a bullet as far as I can tell.

    I felt terrible for Madeline after her first office chat. Being told that the girls (at least the vets) didn't like her and then having to walk through the gauntlet of hugs and WEE LOOOVE YOOOOUS after she wasn't cut. How awful for her knowing that some or at least one of these girls who was know rejoicing she hadn't been cut was one who narced to Kelli in the first place.

    I think I'm out. Maybe it's the just America 2018 for me, but this does not seem like something women should be doing to each other or themselves. 

    This may well be my last viewing year. I used to like the faint cattiness and the drama which used to feel more organic and less contrived. Now it feels one step away from scripted. you can guess what someone is going to say, few, if any of the critiques are of any use to the girls - crispy bacon - more and more they seem to set girls up to fail,. the cattiness has become bitchiness and cruelty. and the girls seems more and more fragile. no thank you please. it seems like the atmosphere is becoming more toxic, not less and Im not down for that. maybe its a reaction to the S***Tshow of last year that they're overcorrecting to ensure it doesn't happen again, but when girls are bursting into tears at just being asked to turn around so they can see the hair because she thinks shes getting cut for it, and an unpolished and at times brattish girl is running roughshod over the Directors, its not fun to watch anymore. its all manufactured drama, sloppy editing so you can tell when dubbing has happened and when something is being claimed as later in the day but then you see a clock and it's hours earlier than they claim...it feels phoned in and phony and Im not here for it

    • Love 20
  14. 10 minutes ago, DCCme said:

    Me too - it’s why most everyone looks younger and cuter when they leave the squad and choose their own style.

    first thing most ditch - the too long, wavy extensions. isntantly five pounds lighter, ten years more up to date, and a good few years younger.  I don't care how good quality the hair, you can tell extensions and when they do/don't suit a girl.  the straight centre parting does a lot of the girls (most of them tbh because it's rarely flattering) no favours either. 

    • Love 8
  15. 10 minutes ago, Stee said:

    Regarding the Jinelle thing, isn’t she also technically a coordinator and assistant for the DCC?  So regardless of her background and nutrition knowledge, she is one of the coaches who is there to assist. 

    No one has ever accused Kelli and Judy of being unhelpful because they didn’t have to do the jumpsplit when they were DCC.. ultimately they are the coaches and the judges of who makes the team. 

    I don’t see Jinelle as being necessarily a “nutrition coach” or someone who has had similar issues; if so, they could have paired up VK with another girl on the team, like her GL Kashara or someone else. Jinelle was acting as an assistant coach, a mentor and likely a second set of eyes for Kelli. Regardless of what VK (or viewers) think of Jinelle and how helpful she can be, she is part of the staff and that’s what makes this all the more irresponsible.

    I see her role as a bit like an AA sponsor. now yes, most/all (im not familiar) AA sponsors are in recovery themselves BUT I use that as my example to be like when you're having a craving, or if yppou're not sure if you should take something prescribed by a doctor, you call your sponsor. I see Jinelle's role kinda like that. if VK was climbing the walls with a craving for something particular, she could call Jinelle who could give advice on something healthier that'd curb that craving at a fraction of the calories and fat. if she was unsure while shopping, she could shoot Jinelle a text about what might be a better option a or b or does she think this recipe looks good for meal prep? that sort of thing. sorta part way between gym buddy and coach - someone else going through it with you, but not just a friend, someone able to hold you a little more accountable than a friend might and encouraging you along.

    • Love 3
  16. 13 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I just didn't get that Grandma Moses remark.  Usually Kitty prefaces her remarks by kind of explaining why she said it, but this was just mean

    I see them on the CMT app, but not on the website

    it was totally nonsensical too - I've never seena  single picture of Grandma moses iwthout her hair up or very short and always pin perfect. it was just a ridiculous statement said to be cruel

    • Love 9
  17. 43 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    She has an excuse of being 18 years old.  I’m 46 and I don’t know exactly what “clean eating” means - and I really doubt most recent HS graduates do - does that mean buy all organic stuff and/or nothing w/ preservatives?

    And how does that make you lose weight?  You can still eat healthy food and be overweight.

    I just think there would be much better resources  for VK to use than this Jinelle thing.  That’s no reason for her to be rude though cause Jinelle is just doing what she’s told by Kelli and trying to help, but I don’t think it was some amazing and wonderful help that would have fixed everything.

    I must just be hard hearted, but I really don't' get the 'she's only 18' excuse. my parents expected me to be an adult at 18. I cooked and cared for myself and had done so for years because my parents wanted me to be able to do so at university - ie I was expected to do my own laundry from about 9ish and helped out with cooking from about 6 until I could cook myself and then I helped during the work week taking making evening meals a few nights a week for the family. i thought it was stupid until I met people at uni who literally couldn't boil water and didn't know how to make pasta and were pparently too dumb to either ask for help or read the back of the packet and so nearly set the dorm on fire.  at 18 you're old enough to join the army, marry, vote drive, buy a house, and in my country drink.  if you can do all that but don't know that eating junk isn't good for you, then your parents and education system have failed you.  also she's' of a generation that knows full damn well what clean eating is - ie eating whole foods in their natural state and not processed foods and refined sugars - and even those that don't are well aware of what is and isn't junk food, especially a girl that's been dancing for about 16 years.  but again. maybe I was just never allowed the 'she's only 18' excuse when I was that age so I don't see why others should get away with nonsense just because they're 18. she's not a child.

    • Love 18
  18. 10 minutes ago, Glamourdoll said:

    I am over this show, but this forum is my everything!

    I would like to see the DCC be a little more up to date. You don't have to make extreme changes to make them a little more, I dunno NOW. (sorry head cold, words not my friend). I just feel the team could be a little more dynamic and pow. They seem weighed down in their own history.  For example, tweak the uniform, update the choreography, have a more realistic body image for your team...lots of options. You can't remain "World Class" resting on your legacy. 

    Also, I would drive to Dallas just to have drinks with Shelly and Judy. LOVE THEM!

    I always find it funny when a judge says that someone looks dated on the show because they all do! they're all behind the times in terms of look. it mostly works for them but its still dated

    • Love 5
  19. 7 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    I didn't initially bring this up but man, it has been bugging me ever since. 

    VK's reaction when Kelli brought up (in a fairly gentle manner by Kelli standards) her 11lb weight gain will forever bother me.  The way VK said "um hmm" and this reaction came off kind of snotty to me.  Did anyone else get this feeling?  I'm sure it wasn't fun to hear but I doubt most girls would have responded in this manner.  Guess this is due to her familiarity with Kelli.  *shrug*

    VK snotty face.jpg

    to me it felt like she thought it was utterly inconsequential because she totally had a spot ont he team and so why was Kelli even bringing up something so trivial. like 'yeah, but so what ?"

    • Love 8
  20. 16 minutes ago, blairwaldorf said:

    I was shocked by how Kelli treated Madeline and Kristin in their office visits. I found it unnecessarily rude. I don't care how they edited it; the facial expressions, tone of voice, and way she was interrupting them were unprofessional and unnecessary. Miranda's terror over Kitty changing the way Kelli and Judy feel about her says a lot. Kitty needs to go. Is she even an actual employee of the DCC? Either way, she's toxic, and she's way too old to be bullying and sabotaging the girls she doesn't care for. 

    And yet again, Kelli gives a girl who has consistently been struggling and from what we have seen is NOT improving (Kristin) a second (more like 4th or 5th) chance, yet she couldn't seem to release Dayton fast enough. The cuts this season are not adding up. I've enjoyed Kelli on past seasons, but this one is bringing out a new side of her and it's not a good look.

    I think its also an indicator of the toxicity of that sort of environment - when you constantly tell people what's 'wrong' with them and rarely praise the good, and constnatly tell them nobody is safe, even vets (esp in this Year Of The Nepotism), just asking about a girl's hair is enough to hae her breaking down terrified that a hairstyle will lose her her place... eesh, you could not pay me enugh to work there.  not to mention f there is an issue with Miranda's hair, that Kelli's responsibility anyway given she chose her style for her. the girls dont' then change it.

    • Love 7
  21. Just now, nittanyvolleyball said:

    I wanted to know what Dayton used as foundation last week cause her freckles came through and she just looked so fresh and pretty

    she looked to have pretty good skin so probably erred toward a medium, or full-light coverage foundation which gave her a flawless finish but kept the super cute freckles

  22. 2 minutes ago, sATL said:

    I thought she was dressed a little "warm" for Texas in what July - is 5 weeks in to camp? I saw her hair move with the breeze to at first I was thinking maybe it was overcast, or just after a rain. I know she wants to look professional all of the time, but it was making me warm just looking at her  . I thought in years past she had a looser fitting strapless maxi dress  for when they go outside. or maybe that was Judy...

    Definitely Kelli too. Judy tends towards kinda loose flow-y blouses from what I recall when out on the field, somwething light that will allow a breeze, and generally Kelli will have a looser maxi dress. often spaghetti straps and wedge sandals(I notice shoes, its a problem!!!) so she's got her feet exposed to some air (a really fast way to cool down is to remove shoes/socks so that'll help keep her cool alongisde the dress, but this year, given it would have been super end of July beginning of august, I was surprised to see her outside for do long in something like she was wearing. i'd have been sweating buckets and uncomfortable as hell

    • Love 1
  23. 1 minute ago, ElenaFR said:

    Dang, the make up on VK ages her.  She looks well over 19 and not in a good way. Someone show them how to do a young fresh look.  

    Also watched Season 8, wonder where that Kitty has gone. She was calling people out for weight. She was not nice to Danielle. 

    Jinelle was a cutie even back then. The Hair guy said she was adorable.

    They're allll so aged by the makeup. I think a few always manage to still look fresh even with full coverage foundation (Jinelle, Lauren, Dayton to name a few), clearly they know their application and how to use damn setting spray to quell the cake face, but the sheer amount of makeup they wear is just sooooo aging. half the itme it looks an inch thick and Im always shocked when someone says 'oh so and so is only 22' and Im like 'damnnnnn they look straight up 30 just because of the makeup. if I wore that much makeup at 18 my dad would hav murdered me

    • Love 7
  24. 3 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

    In the clip with VK and Jinelle, VK is looking really pretty. I can't figure out the difference. Her face looks slimmer? Did she lose some of the weight? Change  her makeup? This pic isn't the best because I had to reduce the resolution so much but I can still a slimness there I think?


    Also, Don't get me wrong, Kelli is a gorgeous woman and always looks great. But her dresses are sometimes too tight and the one next week is too low cut. I don't understand why she doesn't dress more comfortably for Texas outside weather on a football field. She always seems so out of place -- you know she's got layers of Spanx under there. 

    I cannot imagine how hot she is when they're outside when she's wearing spanx. because of the spinal damage by walking is messed up and im more prone to shin splints and so I wear compression sleeves on my calves. they're unbearably  hot in summer, and when I have to wear compression socks over the top....oh so hot

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