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Posts posted by CaseyRe

  1. 9 hours ago, Preity said:

    I’m probably in the minority, but I preferred Maddie’s hair straight, especially compared to this years hair, last year it looked fine. So I’d like to see her with straight hair, but i know those curls are kind of her image and I doubt she’d be allowed to change that. 

    I actually hope Malena comes back. I like her dancing and if she could get her nerves or memory together she could be amazing. Maybe seeing how close she was will help her confidence.

    I loathe Maddie's curly hair. last year it was fine, but this year...the curls are so uncultured, it just looks and moves like a shapeless, dirty mop on her head, like a super bad home perm from the 80s. not cute, not sexy. it looks utterly vile to me, and doesnt mesh with the rest of the girl's looks at all, all sleek big hair.

    • Love 6
  2. 22 hours ago, TexasBorn said:

    Jalyn - "I'm not a pretty cryer." LMAO! She is hilarious.

    Has any other TCC or DCC had that much runny mascara? What a train wreck.


    given they dance regularly in extremely hot conditions, sweating a lot, to wear anything other than waterproof mascara is just straight up stupid.  had that been me, I'd be mortified to my grave. she had mascara all over her top. she reminded me of the Joker

    • Love 5
  3. On 17/10/2018 at 12:28 AM, scorpio1031 said:

    So, VK is 18 years old, been dancing most of her life and I'm assuming with different teachers.  My question is for all of you dance experts on our forum, and I apologize if we did discuss this before - she doesn't stay in her space, would that have been addressed in a dance class?  Should that have been addressed?  I'm thinking safety.  I'm thinking that if I'm the dancer next to her, I would be worried I'd get hit.  I'm surprised it wasn't addressed in TC because other girls have been talked to about lines, following a leader, etc, but I guess by now, I shouldn't be surprised.

    Can't speak for 'pure' dance, but for skating, hell yeeeessss the whole rink would have heard you being chewed out over travelling, esp if you're a pairs or dance skater, because you can literally kill your partner if you travel into them (people have had their throats cut by a partners blade during side by side camel spins when someone has travelled) and you also lose a lot of technical points for travelling, but even as a single skater if you don't keep to where you're meant to be when you're meant to be there, you can end up jumping into the boards or running out of space.  your footwork sequences have to be perfect in line(either straight or on the circle) and your spins etc have to be precise.  with skating its super easy to see when someone travels as the ice is a serious little snitch and marks up under your blade. 

    IF it was never mentioned to Vk then her teachers were falling down on the job

    • Love 9
  4. 6 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

    Lacey looks so plastic and fake in that photo compared to what she looked like when she first made the squad - did she have a second nose job, and what is up w/ her lips?   She was spray tanned so dark at cameos she looked darker than Kahlyn, and she looks like she has like 3 sets of false lashes on her eyes.

    I’m all for glam and makeup, but she barely resembles her previous self anymore.  I don’t think it’s a good image for the DCC that these beautiful girls feel they need to change themselves so much.  Lacey was beautiful like she was :(.

    I wasa thinking the same thing.  Heck, she barely looks like the girl on the mgazine she's holding!  I think part is the eyebrows - they're too heavily filled in with too harsh squaring off at the bridge of hte nose - what I think of as instagram brows, which i loathe as a look. it's really affecting how the rest of her face looks because your brows frame yyour face and super change your look.  also looks to be either lip fillers, or the current trend of painting over your cupids bow with your lipstick to make the lips looks more full. another trend I dispise. personally, makes most people's mouths look like a blow up doll which isn't a look to which I aspire.  i think it looks cheap and tacky

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  5. 4 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

    Icky/Icktoria? Are we really doing that now? Is that supposed to be irony - calling her a childish name because people think she's immature?


    I would be very surprised if this is the first year Kelli has asked her GLs for input. They may not have done it on camera before, but I'd bet money she asks them to weigh in almost every year.


    This is the same photo from the back of the big calendar. Given how many shots and how many suits they shot each girl in, it's surprising that they choose to (or have to?) repeat photos in the various media.

    I guess they decided that was the best of the ones of her in that (hideous and cliche) custom bikini.  Not that it aactually shows any of the bikini top, ie where most of the work was put into the construction (sorry, but it was basically two metal coconut shells with stars on that looked like star shaped nipples) but i guess they figured ass sells

    • Love 2
  6. 20 minutes ago, tinabee1967 said:

    VK is 175 pounds of dead weight. Where in hell's bells is Jay when you need him? I would *love* to see his army march up to her and stage an intervention. 

    Brunette Taylor.....legs for days! 

    she's nowhere near 175lb, lets not be that harsh. Im taller than her, broader than her and a good 20lb over where I'm working to be and I weigh less than 175

    • Love 3
  7. 2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    No, I think @Loves2Dance did as well:)  I was wondering if it was presented a certain way to make her think that until I saw the ep today.  I liked when she asked Kash if she liked it and she replied she knew it was a game bird:)  The other gal said she thought it tasted like Thanksgiving turkey, but I swear it looked like it was still in her mouth.

    wasn't she the same one tht then asked what to do if you don't like a meal? because that wasn't subtle.

    • Love 2
  8. 21 minutes ago, meb1130 said:

    i dont actually mind the dress. its a style I'd wear happily, if not colour (and its a bit hyperbolic that it's a prom dress, pplease what 18 year old would wear that to prom??).  I know its a youthful, summer colour, but it's far too pink(or in the bastardised words of the great M'Lynn 'that girl looks like she was hosed down in pepto bismol), but it is very DCC-esque in my mind. if it'd been blue, I doubt they'd have had much issue with it

    8 minutes ago, Kayce said:

    Yes!! Lacey got the Star cover!


    worlds most uncomfortable pose - you've really gotta contort to get your ass and back to get that perfect angle. I think any beauty I used to see in the swimsuit calendar has been smooshed for me after hearing the leacherous photographer. 

    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, Thebiglebowski said:

    Sometimes I cringe when I read my posts and all the other ppsts because we are talking about real, live, breathing, thinking, feeling, young women....and the world is already against women as it is. Do I personally think VK was ready to be a DCC-No. Could she ever be-Yes. She is not fat per real world standards. Was her body ready for DCC- yes during auditions, no during camp. I dont think VK was ever shy or meek or quiet. It is not a bad thing to be- Go Big or Go Home, you just need to develop the maturity to know the best and appropriate times to use your boldness. 

    My best guess is that VK forgot the entire process was a job interview. I feel like she assumed the interview ended with the invitation to training camp. If she really did grow up with Auntie Kelly, it can be hard to abruptly transition away from that relationship, to that of a Boss/Employee dynamic.


    I wish the best to all the young women just trying to find their place and figure out how to make sense of the world

    Totally don't disagree that shes by no means fat or even 'large' in real world, but in DCC several judges noted her as being heavy during auditions and kelli also said that to her so she was already DCC 'large' at auditions so even if her weight had remained stable, there likely would have been 'subtle' encouragement to lose some anyway.

    • Love 5
  10. 1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Bacon, milkshakes, IHOP and now we have quail:)  

    now is quail the chicken of the sea?!  (c'mon, I can't be the only one that made a similar blonde big haired texan connection when Vk said quail was seafood)

    • Love 7
  11. 3 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    And is Ashlee in Lacey’s?   If so, I think that scene was just the GLs commenting on the girls in their group, and specifically those at the bottom.  It would make sense that they’d know the most about the girls personalities and abilities.

    Again, that scene airing probably created some awkwardness w/ Ashlee and Lacey being that Lacey was hinting towards how she should be cut.

    Top 9 explains why Kashara put a sticker on herself ;).

    They're all going to have chosen themselves. 9 is the group size and they're not going to exclude themselves from that 9, that'd be stupid.  Lacey definitely chose herself, you can see her pic behind Maddie at one point

    I've finalyl realised what I don't like about VK's smile - her teeth are too white.  your teeth shouldn't be whiter than the whites of your eyes, it looks super unnatural, and while many on the team have teeth too white, hers are so white, it's like theyve been tipexed. its too much and with her large smile, it's blinding and just looks so unnatural

    • Love 4
  12. 5 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Doesn't this all make you wonder how much time Kelli really spent with VK while she was growing up?  Wouldn't she have noticed this?

    Denial is a powerful thing. and she probably does know, but now she can pretend it was KaShara that pointed it out so its not that Kelli wants to cut her, but KaShara

    • Love 5
  13. 1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Has this been done before?  Is this the first time on camera?  I would be hesitant to give my opinion if I knew it were going to be seen onscreen.  I wouldn't want to upset anybody even if I knew this was helping them out.  So I can see why Amy or Maddie would be nervous, plus it's their first year as a group leader.  Furthermore, the way Kelli has been protecting VK this year has probably put them all on edge.  It's a different scenario than what they are used to.


    If they can only have a squad of 36, than I would think they should only get 36 stickers.


    Oh I know.  I was just thinking of one my friends - love him to death - but he can read a book within hours, tell you what he read, hold a discussion group on it.  And then say something to someone that will almost get him beat up or hurt someone's feelings cause how to treat people was not in a book:/

    which is why I wondered if Kashara out and out specifically stated why she wasnt giving VK a sticker because she knows there's not really a lot they can do to can her at this point - she's looking great, dancing great, she's point, they love her, it'd be super obvious if she was cut that it be because she gave an honest review of why she didn't think VK was good for the team (in particular as an ambassador if she can't control whats coming out of her mouth) whereas at very leasst we didn't see the other girls do that, we just heard why they were giving stickers to other girls. that Kashara was more honest because she knew a)the others felt they couldn't/wouldn't and that b) she felt she could and get away with it because of her position on the team

    • Love 4
  14. 1 minute ago, scorpio1031 said:

    What did JohnGalt say - that she wasn't expecting the reaction she got to her larger than life personality and how self involved she was?  At some point, her parents should have stopped thinking she's the baby, she's our only little girl and started dealing with the little girl growing up.  And we know she is smart - she's already a college sophomore - so is she just book smart and not street smart?  Cause that's where common sense comes in.  I also wonder about friendships.  We know she is friends with the other daughters, but does she have friends she hangs out with on a day to day basis who will call her out on her BS like friends do.  Are the only grownups she deals with just in the dance world?

    This isn't solely aimed at VK remotely, but attending college doesn't mean you're smart, book or street.  From my own university experience, there are more than enough people that will easily defy that particular belief.

    • Love 15
  15. 22 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    Kelli was literally asking those girls to pick between Victoria and Lilly - they all knew Victoria was strongly being considered for being cut.  I can’t see why any of them wouldn’t have just gave their honest opinion on her.  They have no reason to lie.  It’s not like they had to pick someone to cut out of all the TC - Kelli narrowed it down to a specific few for feedback.

    Is Kashara VK’s GL?  Was Lily also in her group?  Perhaps that’s why she was speaking on those specific two girls?

    Whats got to be hard re: that scene is now Ashlee knows Lacey wanted her cut ;)...that’s got to be awkward.  

    Yes, I'm well aware that's what was being asked of the girls, though it was Kashara that chose to break it down between Victoria and Lily, not Kelli per se as KaShara voices that.  but Kashara is point, and is leaving after this season so she's got less to lose than those like maddie (who looked scared to be there and didn't have good presence or confidence at all in front of Kelli which is surprising for a 3rd year vet candidate) and Amy seemed kinda out of it at times. Lacey (who i believe is also leaving after this year??) just looked somewhat apprehensive a lot when looking at the board and back to K&J.

    Totally OT, how is Marty exclusively JT's choreographer if he's working with loads of other people including DCC? did they mean that JT works exclusively with him (which explains why I hate any time JT dances - and sings but that's another thing altogether) rather than that he exclusively works with JT?

    • Love 4
  16. 5 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    Malena also has amazing facials and performance when she knows the dances.   When they play the slow mos of her dancing her face is just gorgeous.   It’s just her memory and how she gets tentative when unsure - she’s also photogenic.   Compare that to someone like Brennan who’s dance facials are awful (some of the worst ever on the squad - she crosses her eyes and almost sticks out her tounge) and isn’t photogenic, I can see why they are giving Malena more time.    Lily doesn’t have the best facials when she dances either - I noticed that a little this week.

    I’d really be torn myself if Kelli cause I’d want Malena to just get the dances.

    I think Malena is gorgeous, super photogenic, and very well spoken when she's passionate, so it's easy to see why she was kept on as an ambassador cheerleader, and why Kelli desperately keeps hanging on to her, but with how she's struggling, it's mean to keep her so long whn there's no way she can make the team this year

    I wonder if Kashara was honest partially because that's just Kashara, or if its because its her last year and so she gives zero Fs, a bit of both or just that she knew of everyone in the room she was the only oen who could get away with it. Maddie looked terrified and Lacey deeply unsure about voicing an opinion beyond how hard it must be for K&J, but good ole Kashara knew what was up and jsut said it. she's such an easy going girl, seems to get along iwth everyone, so you know if she's saying it, then something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

    • Love 19
  17. 19 minutes ago, KickPretty said:

    A bull in a china shop isn’t a good thing.   That’s someone who is careless, makes mistakes, and breaks things.  Not a good way to reference yourself, esp in this situation.  I do agree with Kelli that she has great legs and her hair is DCC all the way, but that uniform is not flattering on her at this time. 


    there was literally no way for her to pose in the uniform without looking not good in the uniform. straight on from the front showed the thickness of her waist and how she'd lost the curve there, from the side shows the belly over the belt, from semi-profile you get a very deep roll in the side at the waist. now, everyone will crease there, we're designed to, but when you're a DCC, to have a roll like that at the side when cocking a hip...any other TCC would be cut for not looking good in uniform. Vivian's thighs looked a bit thick between boots and shorts, and she was out. VK barely fits into her uniform and she's just 'carrying weight on her midsection' but look how good her hair and legs are? c'mon. kelli, get your head out your ass and remember your job (hint, its not to be VK's hype woman and babysitter)

    • Love 21
  18. 46 minutes ago, M1977G said:

    Just watched and I loved every minute of it! Go, Jinelle, stepping in for cameo shoots and giving positive direction like a boss! Yassss, KaShara, tell it like it is! I absolutely loved seeing the meeting with group leaders, and I want more of that every season. I thought Marty was a great guest choreographer, and while I'm sure he scared the crap out of Bridget calling her to the mat like that, my sense was that he wanted to build her up and push her to call on her confidence because he saw tremendous talent in her. For me, his feedback to her after the pom routine supported my feeling--he was like, see? You rock the dance floor, so don't forget that and bring it all the time. Love that he called Lacey a rock star, and I guess I'm happy for Maddie that he said that to her, too, but I'm just not a Maddie fan and I thought she was the least awesome of the three he called out to dance together. MAddie has good dance vibes with the music, for sure, but I am distracted by her appearance--more so now that she's gaining weight. How could Tasha look so amazing at the cameo shoot and they come up with a cameo for the season where she looks like some kind of clown makeup is running from under her eyes? I, like so many of y'all, am baffled. That screen shot of VK on the cameo monitor with the profound side roll was almost stupifying to me--how did they not drag her to My Fit Foods or whatever it is and/or cut her already? I think she is the one who made Amy stumble on the field during the kick line; it looked like VK was pulling down on her too hard. Taylor vs VK was like night and day with the offer of resources to help be/stay in physical shape to make the team. Taylor, can you be available early next week if we can get you an appointment? Absolutely! VK, can you go to this doctor's appointment? [Crickets...] Bless Tara's heart (truly, not snidely). I hope she's continuing with the self-care. Something definitely was going on with her. 


    20 minutes ago, Amk2017 said:

    This episode was good but there were cuts that should have been made.  Uh, so tired of VK.  She would not be a good DCC.  She doesn’t have maturity, she is not graceful, and her speaking skills are terrible.  She said quail is seafood!  My goodness.  It surprises me seeing who her family is, you think she would have some kind of polish.  I don’t think we have ever seen a DCC candidate so unprofessional and immature. Even when VK and Dayton got called in for the third time, Dayton seemed concerned and sad.  VK just acted all goofy and isn’t taking it serious at all, compared to any other girl who has been called in.  I have 3 little girls and I would be so embarrassed if my girls ever acted like that at 18.  My parents taught me there is a time to be serious and a time to be goofy.  That is how we teach our girls.  You be respectful to adults and the people around you, listen, and have manners.  

    I’m not even going to talk about her cameo and Kelli’s comments.  If it was any other candidate with that kind of weight gain shown they would have been cut at that following practice.  Personally, Lacy and Rachel (rookie candidate) had the best hair and legs.  I love kashara, she has been one of my favorites since her first year.  You could tell Kashara was contemplating about going against VK.  You could also see that all the group leaders knew what needed to be said, but only Kashara could go there.  Kelli didn’t look to pleased after she said that.  Rookie Erin looks so much better this year.  I like that there was more dancing and yay for Maddie being called out by someone she admires.  What an awesome moment for her!  So glad we are finally seeing more Tcc.  

    singled out rather than called out. if he'd called her out I doubt she'd have been as happy as she was.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Kate2006 said:

    I kind of wonder if Kelly knows cutting V is going to cause a fallout with Tina and isn't ready to deal with it. I would say she hates confrontations but she's ok with it regarding the other girls. I'm sure she's hoping for a miracle that suddenly V will be thinner so she doesn't have to deal with Tina or V being mad at her and making social interactions with the 2 families awkward. 

    KaShara is so cool. I love her accent. I love the fact that she doesn't pretend to be who she's not. She would be so fun to hang out with. I remember her first training camp and she was cute, but now she is drop dead gorgeous yet natural. Maybe she learned better hair and makeup skills. She's evolved into a swan compared to that scared dancer who wore the wrong uniform one night and got called out. Just think: she could have been cut for that and we never would have see her evolution and DCC would have missed out on one of the most fantastic ambassadors ever. 

    awwww I remember when Kashara wore the wrong uniform and I remember rollig my eyes that it was stupid to ahve different uniforms for different trianing days. yes you could consider it a test of memory and ability to follow instruction etc, but it was pointless. much easier to have everyone wear the same thing every night pink and blue

    • Love 4
  20. 10 hours ago, rose711 said:

    I was wondering after another episode if the group huddle is away to protect the girl who has been cut from the camera and get her outside and away?

    Thank you.

    apparently yes, it is. there's one cameraman that always films the cut girls walk away, and he knows they kinda all hate him,a dn that the other girls try to surround a cut girl and hustle her out asap so she's away from the camera.  reminds me of when Mel and Sue were the presenters on The Great British Bake Off - if a contestant was having a real breakdown, super stressed or started crying, Mel and Sue would stand next to them and cuddle them while swearing up a storm so that footage was useless and therefore the person's dignity could be protected and their breakdown not be epxloited for drama by the BBC.  classy approach, I like it!

    • Love 15
  21. 8 minutes ago, MelissaMinion said:

    If Kelli has some control over what footage is used, then I think to give VK as much air time as possible, since she isnt making the team this year.  If Kelli has no say in what film makes it to tv, then I think the CMT people are building drama for the train wreck to come. 

    I cannot wait for her cut scene.  cannot wait. 

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