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Everything posted by gundysgirl

  1. A bit more controversy/potential legal trouble for Mohamed Hadid. http://hollywoodlife.com/2018/02/02/who-is-miranda-vee-model-accusing-mohamed-hadid-of-rape/
  2. That deal with Mika and Wolff was cringeworthy yesterday. Wolff totally owned Mika. And per usual she is absent this morning. Mika is completely tied up in her own insecurities about who she is and what she has done, vs. what she wants the world to believe about her. She wants women to know their value, but we can never not see her with her leg in the air next to Joe in Vanity Fair. She wants women to not socialize with the menfolk or have drinks with them after work, but she slept with her boss. She wants to portray her belief in hard hitting journalism, but she was caught on a hot mic assuring Trump the questions she asked wouldn't be tough. She wants to rage against the fact that Trump has been able to curry favor among some and charm others, yet there she was smiling at a party with him at Mar-a-lago not that long ago. She wants to stand up for women everywhere by showing outrage that one would ponder in a book that Trump is banging someone in his administration, while pondering out loud the very same thing off camera. And the fact that she is so smug about it all is what is so jarring. The problem Mika is that we see you.
  3. Hugs Eclectcmoi..... Yes, that was Dorit. And because she cannot let things go, she brought it up at a later event. Thanked Erika and said that she was this time wearing something more appropriate. She doesn't like to miss an opportunity to make someone else feel small.
  4. I know the potluck deal isn't apparently popular, but if I got word that LVP was going to roll up at Teddi's with a crockpot, I would buy a good bottle of wine to watch it, and keep it on a loop for continued viewing. I love seeing these gals do just regular people stuff. I also love seeing them do the fancy stuff. But give me a shot of any of them just doing the normal thing, and I am in love. No big fancy meal or dinner will ever get me to the place I was when I saw LVP and Adrienne prepare a chicken. I am such a sucker for that stuff with these gals.
  5. Is she making "demands" on anyone? I guess I just don't see that she is. As keeps getting pointed out, this is a job. If the job is to attend a birthday party for one of these chicks, I will assume a gift is purchased. When they run to the deli to get their offering to take to Teddi's, they should just pretend they are at Saks. They do things with each other to an extent because that is the job. Sometimes they don't like it. I remember someone on another show bitching because the deal one night was to go bowling. They all went, stepped out of their comfort zones, and managed to have some laughs. Again as has been pointed out, if it is such an incredible hardship to bring some sort of grub along with them, they can always say "sorry, but this demand is simply a bridge too far. I will get on planes, boats, etc. I will shop with you and eat lunch with you even though I detest you. I will invite you into my home for my own parties even though you talk about me behind my back. I will eat strange foods in strange lands with you. I will leave my family for a week to travel with you even though I would prefer to just slap your face. But I have to put my foot down at the idea of stopping at Ralph's for a cheese plate". Totally their right to do so. Also totally Teddi's right to plan the event that she wants to plan. Maybe it is a Midwestern thing, but some of us enjoy the occasional potluck (well, we don't call it that - we call it Girls Night around here). It has nothing to do with not having enough money to provide the food yourself. It is a communal sort of a deal. Or it can be. Some people like it. Enjoy a different kind of camaraderie and the casualness of the event. Some don't. Those that don't can just stay home and face the horror of not being on camera because, you know, it is just so hard to travel with food.
  6. Just my opinion, but maybe she is just trying to do something different? At this point, all manner of party and catering has been done. I agree it is not really practical, considering the drive and all, but then again these gals are not known to be practical. Watching them try to walk in their shoes as they got on that boat being example #1.
  7. And those costs are passed along to the consumers in the form of higher prices.
  8. Yes, it is from when she first joined. So, PK produced a film? Funny I don't think I have heard that before. And he was looking at scripts? Nothing about the reality TV series they had been trying to get with Boy George. I think these people are just pulling shit out of their asses.
  9. Oh, I think that Camille wanted to be a FT gal, and she just didn't make the cut. There use to be pictures on the Bravo site of the HW's preparing for the season doing their intro shots. Dressed up in the frocks that they are wearing at the intro and doing the photo shoot. Camille was there with the others, and it looked like she was in at that point. There is a site of some sort (Real Tea is the name, or something like that) and she seems to have a lot of inside scoop. Sometimes she is wrong, but very often she is right and she gives insights as they are filming as to what is going on with the drama. So tweeted during the season that Camille was everywhere and a big part of some of the stuff that happened, and that she was back as a full-time HW. Then suddenly she said she was surprised to find out that Camille was out.
  10. It's not fake. And it is generating a lot of criticism on social media.
  11. You were raised with such good manners! This is how I was taught as well. That you are not supposed to just pour yourself wine at a dinner party. If you do, you are supposed to look around the table to see if others also need some. You make an offer to them first, and then you can fill/refill your glass. Of course I think all of these rules go out the window if I am dining with close friends that we hang out with all the time. But when we go to dinner at the home of my husbands boss......I longingly look at the gorgeous and incredibly expensive wine and wait for the offer of a refill so as not to hog it or look like a lush.
  12. My favorite part was Kyle walking away from a crazed/coked up/bitchy Dorit and throwing over her shoulder "and Dorit, I am drinking my water out of a wine glass". Perfection.
  13. Oh, I loved that flashback. And a crossover of a HW from another show. Bonus points!! And my heart was full of love for Bravo when they showed the flashback of LVP and Adrienne with the chicken. One of my all time favorite scenes.
  14. Yea, she is. Or she was back in the day. Maybe not the "greatest". Be certainly great.
  15. My Erika love continues. She was so sweet and supportive of Dorit. I know she has talked about not really getting close to women, but she can be such a champion of women. She did the same with Kyle last year. Telling her she was gorgeous when they were in Greece and encouraging her to come out in her bathing suit and show her lovely self off. Reminding her that she was a strong kick-ass mother and business woman. And last night with Dorit. She was genuinely happy for her and wanted to make her believe she could do it. I loved everything about her last night. And she looked beyond gorgeous at the party. Dorit is a bitch. She just is. There are times she can be likable, but at her core she likes to look down on others. Out of everything that she did I thought that jumping on Kyle was the worst. Kyle has been nothing but kind and supportive to Dorit, even when it wasn't a good look for her. She was contributing to the conversation in the same way that LVP was, but it was OK when LVP was doing it because she was backing up Dorit. If Dorit had an issue with what Kyle was saying specifically, she should have stated what her problem was with what Kyle was saying. Not getting upset that she was inserting herself in a conversation when LVP was standing there doing the exact same thing. She came off as very petty and insecure, which is what she is. I do hate the Bravo Gods for making me thaw towards PK. His reaction to seeing his parents was so sweet.
  16. Ha ha! That was my first thought as well. They are lovely, but naked sisters scissoring is something I can do without.
  17. She did. But I would still think it would be very meaningful to her.
  18. I agree. The thing that Jill was truly blessed with (IMO) was unconditional love from Bobby. I think he saw all her warts and flaws, and just loved her to death anyway. He wanted her to have what she wanted. I admit, more shocking than allowing the funeral to be filmed (or small parts of people coming and going/reconciliations) is the virtual love letter she posted to Bethenny on Twitter. That she took the time to put together a collage of photos of Bethenny with her family. She has only posted a handful of things on Twitter since Bobby passed, but this is a thing that seemed important to her in her time of grief. Not a collage of photos of her family with Bobby, or of her with Bobby, but of Bethenny with her family. I am not judging her one way or the other, it was simply very surprising to me.
  19. Yea, and at the end of the day, she was on a stage performing for Christina Aguilera, who was pumping her fist in the air, seeming to love the whole deal. That has got to be a dream come true for Erika.
  20. I love this so much. Because, yes, it is a dirty little secret. The rush of relief you can sometimes feel that the end has come. Because not knowing how the end will come or what it will be like is brutal. Not knowing how much longer the suffering will go on. Just how bad the pain might eventually become for someone that you love. The not knowing and having zero control over it all. Of course the grief is still there and overwhelming, but now you know how the story ends and you don't have to see all that pain and fear.
  21. Oh, I didn't realize it wouldn't be a story. I assumed we would have the other gals talking about Bobby, maybe show them coming to the funeral, etc. And I do think that most remember that Dorinda and Jill are friends. Much has been discussed about how Dorinda was in an early episode at some function of Jill's in one of the early seasons. And then there was the fact that Dorinda was invited to the lunch/dinner that Lu had last season when Bobby and Jill were there. Dorinda mentioned that she had been friends with Jill for years. I guess the good news is that we won't have to wait that long to know exactly how it will be played. The season usually starts in April I think.
  22. I don't even really know what that means. I watch the show every week. There are wide shots of them doing all kinds of things and I have yet to see a camera crew catching any of the drama. Isn't that the point of the show? They are doing things and there are cameras around but we don't see them. There could have easily been a camera crew documenting the others coming and or/going. Talking among themselves or with Jill. The fact that someone got a shot of Bethenny with a camera crew means nothing, except that it was more interesting to get a shot of Bethenny with the camera crew than of the others.
  23. It seems clear that Jill allowed Bravo to film part of Bobby's funeral, or the entrances of many to the funeral. How do we know that they didn't film others arriving and talking to Jill, outside of Bethenny? Maybe there is footage of Dorinda, Ramona, and Sonja arriving? How do we know the cameras would not have done the same with the others if Bethenny would have said "fuck you" and stayed in Aspen? We have zero idea. As others have said, Bethenny's absence would have been as big a deal as her attendance in some ways. I think that many are minimizing the part that Bobby and Jill have played in this franchise. They are always in the background, even if Jill is no longer on the show. Her strained relationship with Bethenny, and the fact that she stayed close to others, will always be a part of the fabric of this show. Her thirst to be back on the show is something you can taste. Bobby died. He was beloved by many. Not many spouses have died during the run of this show. Who is to say they wouldn't have filmed the others going to the funeral, even if Bethenny hadn't? Not one person knows and to say otherwise is just speculation. I also don't get the part about Bethenny "refusing" to film with Jill last season. How do we know that? The only thing we know is that Jill, who has been gone for many years, got back on the show. She was featured with Lu and her asshole husband. Why would Bethenny have even been invited to that gathering? She would not have been. Yet still there Jill was. Minus Bethenny. She still got a place in that one episode. She was there even though there was no Bethenny, which makes a case for the fact that she could be back allowing a Bravo film crew to document the death of her husband even with no Bethenny. If they will let her have a meal with someone with no Bethenny, I find it hard to understand how they would let not let her mourn her husband with no Bethenny.
  24. That is a really nice picture, and a really nice message. Good for Luann for publicly acknowledging that the others have been supportive. I remember when Ramona refused to say that the other gals had been supportive of her during her divorce stuff. I believe at the reunion. She just refused to say it, which was a bitch move. Good for Luann.
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