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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Normally it would be a brace for a neck injury. It basically keeps the head from moving in any direction, allowing the cervical spine to recover. They didn't explain how he got that way, though. As Getty is portrayed though, he probably had a sore neck in the morning and ordered up the extreme treatment. The helicopter stunt, although impressive, was rather pointless if the mob guys knew anything about them. The delay in signalling for the copter would allow them to take cover at any time, and besides, there would be even further delay unless the ship was sitting on the ground burning fuel so it could stay on the ready. But it was impressive. Either the Cowboys game was the reference point by which Chace remembers the incident, or it was just another director's artsy film ploy. Been quite a bit of that so far.
  2. Did anyone else think of Peter Boyle from Young Frankenstein when Sutherland was doing his 'Puttin' on the Ritz' dance?
  3. So now we have a plotline where future Elizabeth Jennings Rebecca wants to eliminate any possibility of an Apex gene being carried through time. This could get ugly, but DHS guy is definitely the weak link, here. I think he's got a red shirt coming to him. Poor ol' Marshall. To quote the band The Lovin' Spoonful, "You better go home, son, and make up your mind."
  4. (Paraphrased) "You put him in a hotel in Newark, without cable? See, you don't have to kill someone to have fun." The beginning of the show, as I wasn't aware that it would be part II, really threw me off. The two kids working the escape routine in the basement, while, two floors up, Cameron and Team Jewel Heist go over their plans; What the hell? Finally, I got it. I have been with the show from the pilot, but something confuses me. The woman was killed on the highway, supposedly directly after Jonathan swerved to miss another vehicle. That's not murder, as far as I know. Vehicular manslaughter, maybe, but you would have to prove gross negligence. Does anyone have a better explanation? I'm kind of surprised that they paid Billy Zane's salary for such a short appearance. I'm sure he appreciated it.
  5. And dumb as a box of rocks. If I knew some assassins were hot on my tail, and I bailed out of the car before their arrival, I sure as hell wouldn't hide 50' away from the car. I would be making tracks anywhere that had dense foliage. I did like Villanelle's reaction, though, as he was running down the road; "Seriously?" I'm willing to bet that British Intelligence has a damn good idea of who Villanelle is, and even that they contracted with her to kill Frank because of his defection to the Russian side. However, after she ever so quietly threatened her handler, I think Villanelle's circle of trust is closing rapidly.
  6. The further I got into the episode, I wondered, why was Emma going back there, if the sleeper could handle the job? It should be too obvious to Rittenhouse that she was trying to cancel the sleeper's mission, but what was her cover to them? The award for most obvious statement goes to Agent Christopher. Big whoosh, sudden appearance of time machine, and she says, "They're back." I think Emma's got some kind of palace coup planned. Changing the plan, romancing Keynes, and besides, she's eeevil. Mason to Rufus: "What happened to you?" Rufus: "Cops." Mason just nods. Apropos of nothing, really, but on the season finale of Suits the other night, there was an actress named Rebecca Rittenhouse. Ally McBeal and Johnny Cochrane! Does Emma, by the way, get to choose a cute nickname on her missions? Originally, I thought they were going to go for Wilson, with the idea that the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations would be out of the picture.
  7. That was what I was alluding to in my original post about the scene. I thought that she stared at the photo way too long, instead of getting herself in gear and assuming that she was in trouble. But then, we as the audience know things she doesn't, obviously. As soon as the woman opened the door, I said "That's the woman on the phone from last episode."
  8. I won't belabor the point, as obviously is was necessary plot-wise, but, if I remember correctly, there were several cabinets in the vault, plus that painting (hey, my life or the painting? Sorry, Rembrandt). The operation of the vault depended on the negative air pressure to keep the door closed, and I don't think there's any way the electric motors or whatever drove the door could overcome that kind of obstruction. And, yes, there would be serious legal and civil repercussions to actually depriving a person of breathable air in order to stop a theft. Was that from the beatdown that Jonathan gave him, thinking he was Henri?
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/25/politics/expelled-spies-russians-tracking-defectors/index.html A rather timely article.
  10. Given that they yanked her out of mucky, hardening cement by her torso already, any damage to the leg by rotating her would have been minimal. Same with the driver. Pull him up through the door by the shoulders; that won't do any spinal damage, nope. My FD actually had a call similar to that years ago, although I didn't go on it. A cement truck rolled over on an offramp, crushing a car beside it. The car driver was killed on impact, but then he had several yards of concrete dumped on him. I liked Cruz's golf cap at the restaurant. He actually looked cool for once. But think, Cruz, think. Did she just pick you out of the wilderness, or has she done this with other guys? Something's going down, here. I also liked the little ceremony for Otis's cane. That's true firefighter humor there. So how did the rich father figure out that it was bad juju to slip $40,000 to the FD as a reward for saving his daughter's life? Did CFD contact him? If so, how did they know it was him? Or, did he have a conscience (emotional or financial) and decide on his own to go down to the big cheese's office and fess up? Alright, naming contest. What shall we call Boden's boat? I nominate Chief's Justice. The CFD command center must be scratching their heads at the number of instances where a unit from 51 is taken out of service for personal errands.
  11. Maybe the bag just holds some dog bone chew toys for them to play with, and everyone is desperate to keep this fact secret, as it would entail explaining their absence.
  12. I agree, but in Philip and Elizabeth's case, it would be to survive in a maximum security prison for life in solitary confinement, a la Robert Hannsen.
  13. Who was in command of the other crew if Andy stayed behind at the hospital? Assuming all personnel on all the resources were committed, why was there an extra turnout coat in the truck? Why does the PD get to boss around the FD on a fire? And, to that end, who the actual flock was in charge of that incident? FF Hughes better find another occupation if she is scared of propane tiki torches. It's too bad that fire departments don't put other, you know, ladders on the trucks. A couple of competent, and apparently extra, firefighters could have thrown a 24' extension ladder in no time and accessed that second floor. But we'll never know now. Let it burn, my ass.
  14. Now that would be the greatest scene. Paige meets her guy from Senator Nunn's office for lunch, he notices her black eye and says "What happened?" "I got in a fight with some asshole at a club last night. He put his hands on me and I slugged him." Enter Senator Nunn's other intern. I have one nitpick. During Philip and Elizabeth's post-coital scene in the kitchen, he pours them each a cup of coffee, presumably hot. Try holding a hot cup of anything by the bowl instead of the handle, as Elizabeth does. She's tough, I know, but...
  15. "Lady, there are 50 FBI agents outside this house right now, waiting for my command." "You're bluffing" "Would you believe one sad sack and his sexy wife who want to have dinner with you?"
  16. If Kirkland wins out over this whole mess, we have to revisit the title theme, because his cabinet and VP are gone, gone, gone. He'll be the only one left.
  17. Does anyone have a contact number for Alibi Ike? I have a staff meeting this Friday and I also have tickets for the Dodgers/Giants game. Help me out! Once again, Dembe proves himself to be a Certified Bad Ass, dropping three guys with as many shots at the ambush. To tell you the truth, I would have found it much more fun if Mr. Alibi had played the field and made doubles for Garvey, the Russian guy, and Reddington, without telling anyone. I've always heard that bars/restaurants where Mafioso get killed experience quite an uptick in business. Get your reservations in now, kids.
  18. True, but I wasn't really thinking about him, I guess. I think he has a boss too, and if that's the case (rather than being independent), the boss(es) will be rather angry also.
  19. I don't blame her. Alex is no hero and she's well off somewhere else. Alex is on top only until someone else comes along who wants it more, or until he angers the wrong group.
  20. An inconvenient plot point on this show? Perish the thought.
  21. Kay blew it. She should have handcuffed the villainess outside and then radioed to get people to the vault. Of course, that would defeat the premise of the series. Jonathan blew it. Faced with the fact that the door would close almost immediately, he wasted time dragging people out. Find something with which to block the door. Even a minuscule amount would be sufficient to defeat the decompression. The heist plan doesn't quite make sense. Either she knew the FBI would be a presence at the auction, or she didn't. In the latter case, having someone grab the diamond in front of everyone, even with a gunshot distraction, is betting everything on the possibility that the room wouldn't be locked down and the thief could smuggle out the jewel. In the former case, she is betting everything on a house of cards play that absolutely everything will go as planned and the jewel will make it back to the vault.
  22. Yeah, what is it with that alarm? Is it loud enough for them? I keep expecting Mike and the Bots to call out "Movie Sign" and run back into the theatre, flashing lights and all.
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