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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Or that Bill Gates was secretly scheming to get himself appointed VP?
  2. I was surprised when Deran looked hurt at Lincoln's question about Smurf's jailing. What he knew would likely have been public information, anyway. A murder like that would have been in the newspapers, and so would the arrest and jailing of a prime suspect, especially if the cops had it in for the Cody family. They would make sure it was publicized. So Pope has the bug in his ear that Smurf put the hit on Baz. J is screwing the woman who ostensibly protected Smurf in jail, but now he wants nothing to do with her. Craig is hooking up with the girlfriend of the guy Smurf hates more than anyone else. Family dinners are just not going to be pleasant. They still have to contend with the pill mill gang, who know that they pulled that job. I'm hoping they hijack that plane and skydive out the back with the cash.
  3. Well, I was a bit disappointed in a few scenes. Specifically, that crew needs to find some deserted woods and practice their weapons. They should have dispatched that squad in no time at all. And then, don't stand around looking at the tank roll up on you. Some farmer sure got his field chewed up. The Royal Army guys missed out on killing the top echelon of the Gestapo upstairs. Too bad Alfred didn't direct them up that way. I'm a bit confused by Mia's situation. Although it was a Luger pointed at her, there wasn't a definite sign that she was captured by a German soldier. How would he get into and through the church without encountering Alfred +4? Did he come through the tunnel immediately after they left? Why choose that route instead of the gunfight outside? Something was just off in the schoolroom scene. Harry blasts Aurora for being late, and she looks like she's about to burst into tears. That little shit needs to lead a charge, instead of coming up with disastrous plans. Question: All through the series it is shown that the team is talking directly with Camp X in Canada all the way from France. Did the portable shortwave radios of the time have enough power to do that?
  4. If he had cremated the body, Grace wouldn't have lied on the stand, to wit, "I have no idea where Claire is. She's in the wind." I can just imagine Resist watching the news, and thinking "We have a nuclear weapon aimed at the world, and these idiots spin their wheels arguing legal points and then blow up the court. Why are we wasting our time with this?"
  5. Ep. 2 has the old man visiting Evelyn's grave. According to credits, Gretchen Mol plays her so we will see her on down the line.
  6. La Nuestra Senorita Teresita, la Reina del Sur y France y Malta. Easy. (I got that idea from the original Spanish name for Los Angeles.)
  7. Nice call out with Simon and Simon. Gerald McRaney starred in that. For such an accurate shot, Swagger sure was having difficulty with those guys at the cabin. Why not go with the grenade launcher right from the gate? And his dad's former partner had no sense at all, standing directly behind the window the whole time. But, of course, his function was to die in the service of the plot. First, it was Phoenix. Phoenix begat Atlas. Next season, poor Bob Lee will have to go up against the next gen conspiracy, a group of seven women headed by that former Atlas agent. Yes, you guessed it. The Pleiades.
  8. That's the alias that they chose so they could get into the refugee station, as "Bowman" was well known to the occupation authorities. I don't know where they got it from, or if it came out of a hat.
  9. I would like to know what kind of police force exists on Malta, such that there was no response to an ongoing gunfight inside that bank. At least they went out to the port. The injured dog scene was strange. Why use that metaphor to allow Camilla to deliver her soliloquy? Besides which, as governor of a terribly violent state, there's no way her security team would allow her to get out and walk up to the dog. King George is always annoying, but I did laugh a bit at some of his punchlines, like the bucket list one. Theresa needs to rat out the cartel guy to the Maltese government (unless they're on the take, too). That might put an end to the trafficking. On the other hand, his private security woman did seem a bit put out by his sadomasochism, so maybe he'll eat a bullet.
  10. "No, you idiot. I meant San Diego, California!" That was comical, though. I'm surprised they even knew there's other hospitals around.
  11. General Disaster wants to take over the White House. If I were the President, I would hand him the keys, tell him "By the way, the electricity is gone, phones are out, the radios are out, nobody's pumping gas anymore, but there's some warm Pepsi in the kitchen, and I'm getting on the spaceship. Have a good day." Go for broke, writers! Send out a cattle call for all the actors from recently canceled series, such as Zoo and Timeless. Write in all the crazy that you can; what will it hurt?
  12. "The problem here is that the Russkies might just invest in some of these condos, and stash a few bombs in them instead of people. Then, if the whole world isn't destroyed, they could come out and take over! Mr. Vice-President, we must not allow a luxury underground condo gap!!!"
  13. When she gets a bit older maybe she can hook up with little Louie from Chicago Fire. I had a good laugh when Pope was telling Lena that she needed to see a doctor. (Paraphrasing) "But I'm not sick." "These doctors just talk to you, to find out what's wrong in your life" "Have you ever talked to these doctors?" "Um, yes." "Did it work?" "Um, no."
  14. I had to laugh a bit about Will and Amy's conversation, when she tells him "You need help. Real help." Yeah, I don't think psychoanalysis is covered under the Occupation Forces insurance plan. It would be hard to get anyone to speak freely.
  15. Another episode of As The Stomach Churns has come and gone. Dr. Kodachrome has suddenly developed some actual skills, but now he thinks he's Dr. Romeo. I wouldn't be surprised to see him get transferred to whatever hospital she's looking at for her OB/GYN residency. Writers' Room: "We've run out of tropes! What can we do now? I know! Let's rip a story from the headlines. That always works." Was anyone interested in the musical duo?
  16. One of my favorite Far Side cartoons was a drawing of two fishermen on a lake, with mushroom clouds in the distance. One guy is saying "I'll tell you what it means, Irv. It means no size restrictions and screw the limit." I was wondering where they got a B-2 bomber customized for passenger use.
  17. But this is a special ICBM, powered by handwavium.
  18. I did like the advertisement for the post apocalyptic, multi-story shelter at the beginning of this week's episode. So smarmy. I also would love to see the asteroid diverted, only for it to crash into the moon instead, thereby destroying all tidal activity in the world and the attendant consequences.
  19. But he hasn't gained an ounce of brains. It's a reasonable assumption that an ER would have CC cameras on the door. As soon as the docs inside find out that she's on heroin and gunshot, the police will be involved, and they'll look at the CC footage. Maybe he'll be recognized, maybe not. If he is, it's search warrant time.
  20. Tip (the daughter's boinkee) is a hired hand, not of the family. He does more than that in the upcoming episode. Dutton's henchmen supposedly changed the course of the river, maybe over to Dutton land, by dynamiting the mountain upstream. That's rather farfetched, but, then again, so is the entire damming scenario, as both owners have property rights.
  21. "Alright, Earthlings, here are our demands. First, no more Twitter. Period. And no more McMansions and 4WD hog trucks, either. You people need to live in a sustainable manner. And, uh, oh yeah, get rid of that twit from Animal Kingdom, and Timeless gets renewed for another season. Unnerstand?"
  22. It's obviously been awhile, but it is showing in the US now. Despite the "Unaired" warnings by the topics.
  23. While I get the idea that the show is attempting to show the amorality of some of the characters, I have two objections, there. One, Kayce decided on the spot that he was a drug dealer and a meth lab explosion caused the destruction. What if it had been another cause, such as a propane leak in the trailer? That does happen. And, two, mercy killing is a slippery slope. Does Kayce ( or anyone) get to decide whether someone is going to die anyway? Yes, the guy did say, "Kill Me", but only Kayce heard it. What I object to here is the rather common acceptance of taking someone's life. What if Tip has a heart attack out on the ranch. Is he a candidate? It's already been shown that he is a cold blooded killer in Dutton's service. Should he be dispatched as well?
  24. At the beginning of the show, she did shark the oilman's company away from him by threatening him with doom and gloom (how much of which was a bluff, we don't know), which indicates that she had planned the entire confrontation, possibly over several months.
  25. I hope Camilla's daughter has some good recipes for crow. She's going to have to eat a lot of it as she discovers her mom's other life. It's all going to burn down in the confrontation between her and the general, anyway. I had to laugh at that scene. To get that kind of trajectory he would have had to be running at top speed for several yards before launching himself clear through the window.
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