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And for that achievement they got reassigned to security details for high level people. Congratulations! Earlier this season, we saw Park training new agents at Quantico and she scolded a trainee. So she going in to the container and not wait for backup was obviously "proper" procedure. Park is the greatest! NBC needs to have a special episode just showing Teddy's greatest hits. Him wearing scuba gear, I'm stumped to what he was doing to her. And how did he take notes under water? The man is a gift!!!!!!!!!!!
Red never confirmed Mr. Kaplan's death!!? I guess he never expected her frail ass to survive the fall and went home for tea. But as the "Concierge of Crime" he should know the rule: to always follow up. And Liz was supposed to follow his teachings to be a great Master Criminal??? Set a good example Sir!! That is some sister Mr. Kaplan has to never look into her death or question Red or never seemed to be really upset. "Thanks Red, for telling me she was dead ....', "Oh! Kate may be alive. Cool!. I need to get back to my Gazebo plans now..." Maybe Maureen was playing the long game with Red in order to sucker him to pay for her new Gazebo. Well done lady! Could it be Maureen (having an alter ego) impersonating Mr. Kaplan? Nice witness protection program when Red can find her easily in West Virginia. Again I ask: why does Red need the people in the Post Office? Of course! After Cooper gets demoted, he quickly disrespects Aram's authority (The man Cooper chose for that position). I get the feeling Ressler was late not for getting the search warrant but for buying drugs. I'm sure Aram can find more violations on Ressler than just him being late. Start with how many criminals he lost in a foot chase. So Laszlo took the efforts to have his henchman kill the nine people and just leaves the main target Wallace in the room. They made no attempt to try to open the door. I guess acid makes one a slacker in addition to seeing a bad CGI lion. After shooting nine people, I'm impressed the henchman Sebatian gets a call from his parole officer, immediately goes in for the meeting (like as good parolee) and is nabbed by the waiting FBI. He never sensed the call to be suspicious and thought to skip town?!! Red still doesn't trust Aram. He should have have taken my advice last week and had the cartel kill him. Did I miss something? When did Park show signs of head issues in previous episodes? Maybe they quickly came up with this angle to begin to write her off the show. It was nice for Rogelio to want to take the test the honest way. He could have easily asked Red to send someone to take his place. Show couldn't bother tell us if he became a citizen, that should have been the real cliffhanger instead of what happened to Weecha! Stanford March must be on a "acid" too if he thought Cooper and Ressler look like they knew their business. This fool fell for the assault scam and gave $1.5 million for charges not filed! My Goodness. I thought Ressler was going to wet his pants being so impressed with LaCroix's scam. It's nice for Cooper to finally show some anger to Ressler. Couldn't bother show that fire when he was his boss! Did Aram let the FBI guards (that allowed the Post Office to be infiltrated with Red's fake agents or allowed LaCroix to stroll in) write their own evaluations too or just only Park? They probably gave themselves glowing remarks and demanded promotions! Why was Laszlo worried about Wallace's body? Just say "Fuck this!" and leave. He wanted Wallace dead earlier, but now he's pissed Red killed him before knowing what he said to the Feds (how about don't shoot up the place and draw attention to yourself), and then gives Red the number to his cleaner. Writers? Is he on drugs or not? He was willing to call the cleaner for the motel job but didn't call for the office hit. Was he too cheap to pay the Cleaner for nine bodies and only one he can afford!? Funny! Red had Clara clean the food coloring and corn syrup off the floor and not have the motel staff do it. Red could have had Clara save her energy for Teddy's Scuba torture!!! Good to know: Red travels with fake bullets and fake blood for when the time comes to trick a clown on acid. My goodness! As Kate got older and her lovers got younger! Mr. Kaplan was no joke in the sheets!!!!!!!! At least Ressler can rest easy tonight knowing he didn't lose Laszlo and can confidently laugh at Park and Dembe. So Wallace Avery help set up Papa Jankowic's empire, tries to go legit (cuts out the son), is attacked/somehow his life is spared in the attack and in the end gets a free trip to Acapulco. Lucky bastard! Who trained Weecha on conducting a raid? Mr. Kaplan (or whoever that person by the window) is standing there in clear view of them outside and Weecha and the goons leave their vehicles with guns drawn and goes through the front door. They deserved what happened to them. What a dumb plan. So arrogant was their stealthy execution! Buy a drone. Who trained Weecha on opening a motel door without your gun drawn to a man on acid with his henchmen? Did she not read the report they stormed an office earlier killing nine people?
Can Red take any of his people's word? He immediately goes straight to "Torture by Teddy" when he wants answers. And at the end, when it's reveled Kosta was telling the truth, he quietly apologizes, offers the villa as recompense and expects every to be fine. Kosta needs to get in touch with Marvin if they ever want revenge on their boss. Seems Kosta was buying groceries every day. Couldn't buy enough for the week? Or maybe there's a cute cashier he wanted to see, made an excuse to go there all the time and forced to buy items he doesn't need. Aram's mom hears the commotion on the phone and instead of calling the police after hearing the recording, she races over, sees the door broken in/ajar and her first action is to make sure the broken vase knocked on the floor is cleaned up? Yup! That's Aram's mom. We now know where his goofy side came from. Aram had a meeting with National Intelligence that day, never arrives and they couldn't send an agent or police to see if he's OK. Must not have been an important meeting. Real smart of El Conejo's dumb kidnapper to scream "Greetings from El Conejo" as Aram's phone is on. Should have given the address for where to find him too, to complete your ineptness. Red is getting soft or forgetful. Last episode, he was disgusted at Aram for betrayal. Red could have gotten his revenge and let El Conejo finish Aram. Nope! He aids the agents to find him. Couldn't Red make more money for himself and recommend the services of Teddy if anyone needs to find out the truth. Teddy could have come in real handy to see if Aram was lying. Geez Red. Did you really expect Liz to be awake after the first 5 minutes of your opening lecture? Couldn't add some spicy visual aids or music to make sure you had her complete attention on being a crime boss? Poor Scripps Brothers! Thanks to Red, now the FBI knows your ID and will be paying you visits for any illegal computer activities. Was exposing your criminal computer geeks to the law part of Red's teachings to Liz? Seeing the footage of Red sitting in the chair giving his lecture, must have been how Spader pitched the proposal to the NBC executives to renew for a season 10. And it worked! Why is Red rewatching? Did he forget his own teachings? Good grief Antonio. Aren't you a little too grown to be acting so whiney and clingy? And he used the roommate's computer knowledge to get daddy's attention instead of robbing banks or fixing his grades or others for a fee. And after all this, his father shoots him, is now in jail and probably will never speak to him ever again. I hope it was worth it kid. On the other hand, brother Samuel will most likely love you now as he will take over the business. Good job by the well trained FBI to let El Conejo get to his gun and shoot after surrounding him with their weapons drawn. Due to time of episode close to ending, Red was forced to take Henrich's word that he made a second safe for "Mr. Kaplan" and didn't have Teddy torture him with animals or bocce balls for the truth! I guess we will learn Mr. Kaplan used to be on the Olympic Diving team. Cooper has been demoted, so why does he still have an office? He should be downstairs with the rest of the losers! Aram has been pissing off many people lately. Soon Red will give a Blacklist number for Nick, when he attempts to kill Aram for losing out on all that business!!!
I want to forget this season!
But the writers decided to still keep him an asshole. So he's not fully changed! At least they got something right. Unreal what happened. And it had to be Claudia to get the drop on her. Can't stand her! I have no idea what they were thinking. Diamond really thought racist Walter would care about passing Jenard to him in an exchange for Tommy? I can't take it anymore with this bullshit! I surrender! See comment above about "Bad Writing"! Claudia should have rewarded him with a Scooby snack!! That's a lot of coke to be spent on. Did Ghost not foresee where his money was going to? He sure knew Tariq was going to end up in jail and had a note prepared but he didn't have a letter ready for Kate when her nose would eventually go dry?
Fuck this book! The one damn character I liked, they killed off. Why was she the only one to go??? They couldn't at least give me Jenard and Claudia to balance it out?!!!!!???! Did cancer take a break or forget to kill Walter? He hasn't coughed or passed out in a few episodes. Where the hell was Liliana hiding to sneak out the SUV? She didn't drive there as the people in front would have heard the vehicle arrive, but she got out of the driver's side. So she was there hiding the entire time. Very odd sequence of events. And all that time, Liliana could have been quiet, sneaking out to free JP (as no one was guarding him), he could have run away or stayed to join the gun play. Nope! Her only agenda was to get involved in the second shootout and skip the first! The direction for the shootout was atrocious. Tommy and Diamond are standing in front of a firing squad and bullets magically go around them. Then, they clearly see Tommy's gun jam and only Victor gives chase but for some odd reason Paulie has to hold Walter back so they leave Vic alone to go after him. Let us just hear Walter yell a few times "Victor" to make him look like he is the concerned parent!!!!!!! This writing is so bad! Claudia knew the truth about Gloria but waited until bodies dropped and the very last moment to finally speak up to Vic and confront Da. She sucks!!!!!!!!!! Tommy should have blasted her the moment they came to "the obvious to everyone, except them" decision their business arrangement was done. Gee Tommy! Did he really need to ask Liliana who shot her in order to get revenge? Just take a pick from Walter, Claudia or Paulie. They were the last ones standing. Tommy could have shot all of them and rested comfortably knowing that her killer was in that group. I would have added the CBI soldiers but somehow they magically disappeared from the scene. Some reputation for the mighty CBI gangsters. Tommy had some dumb tactical plans! First. He chooses to ambush Vic and the Horsemen from a lab that has no back door to escape if it went bad. He and the two Serbs were pinned in the room. But Vic and the last Horseman just tucked tail and ran. They conveniently made Tommy look good. So the only time the Serbs can stay alive and win is when they are fighting on Tommy's side. Second. Tommy's and Diamond's plan to show up in front of Walter and the others was so stupid. No one questioned how Diamond knew the meet location and brought Tommy there? Also, why would the Flynns hold off shooting both of them as they don't care about Diamond to spare his life. Did Walter forget he's a racist? That main horseman couldn't even get a kiss from Claudia to get the potent Dahlia high? He had to take a hit from the vial like a "friend zoned" chump. I thought Jenard had the backing of one-eyed Cousin Buddy from Gary when he told him to get ready a few episodes back. Nope, Jenard decided to go to the Serbs and Walter. Just a convenient to get him with Walter and the others in the final scene. If Mirkovic thought CBI was also in on the hit of his men and took his pipeline, why didn't he ever attempt any pay back on Jernard and Diamond? They made this character so useless! He can easily be talked into anything from Tommy and Jenard. Not even an appearance from useless Seamus in the finale. Waste of time having him on this season. This season brought the great Flynn/Serb war. It's a shame we missed it! Great! Our useless FBI agents are back from licking their wounds from Claudia. How they still can't identify the "mysterious" Tommy with a clear picture of him and all their sophisticated face recognition equipment is unbelievable!!!! They have IDs of all the other players on their big board except him! And how do they know Tommy isn't a Flynn or a Serb? They just happen to know the entire roster in both organizations! Tommy is just a loner, white boy to them. The show made sure to put Blacks and Latinos in high positions in the FBI and DEA. They better do something next season to not make them look so stupid. But I won't hold my breath!! Was Sullivan's appearance necessary? Just so we can get the announcement Medina is now in charge! I guess she was on to show where they are in the Book's 2 and 4 timeline. Now we connect Blanca with Books 2 and 4. What is more important to her: take down Tariq or the action in Chicago? Jenard couldn't be bothered in killing his brother so he just goes to the corner store to get nasty takeout, takes a few bites and tries to call Blaxton 4 times. Then he hopped in the car and tossed the food on the passenger's side so it could spill all over in the plastic bag. See ya Blaxton! The show couldn't bother to show how Diamond got the jump on you! He just magically caught him by surprise off screen when he was away from his team and took him prisoner. We have been told CBI is large so there would be loyal people there to Diamond, so why did he need to get one bodyguard, loaned from some anonymous benefactor in order to eat peacefully at the diner? And where was this bodyguard to help put in the end? Shootout at a construction site wasn't part of the loan agreement? Why would Claudia immediately trust a word what Jenard said to put it together that Walter was lying. How did Claudia know where to kidnap JP? Was JP that dumb enough to give the chemist his and Miriam's address? Doubt Claudia found "JP" from a Google search. Claudia and the lone Horseman just happened to know the chemist was leaving town and the exact time to get her. Shouldn't the chemist have confirmed that it was the car service to pick her up? The real car service she called was late to arrive (Can't find good service in Chicago). I guess we'll see her next season cooking for Claudia. Poor girl is a Yo-Yo! Chemist was leaving the city in style though, she must have spent all her drug money to purchase those bags. The way JP tore up Miriam's house to renovate, he should have stumbled on the money a long time ago. Funny as Jenard was the only one to question Tommy, JP and Dmac's relationship! Is Dmac's mom dead for her to not have gotten called to the hospital?! The Kate and JP meet and hug was cringe! But they seemed to be having a good time next to Dmac later in the hospital. Next season, will they go deeper in explaining why she left him at two days old or just drop it? Kate really thought Dmac was going to look like her? She must have taken Dahlia before arriving at the hospital! Kate to Tommy: "You killed one brother, you're here to kill another?" If she thinks he killed Ghost, I would assume she would have had some strong anger the moment she saw Tommy. She did love Ghost! After all, he left her a large sum of money. Nah. She was chill!!!!! Did that poor girl have to put her mouth on "it" to trick the horseman? She was probably expecting Tommy to be there earlier so she wouldn't have to drop to her knees and take the ruse that far. What happened to the left ear of the actor playing Jenard? Looked mangled.
I'd prefer to have seen Cooper in an orange jump suit! Amazing how Cooper had to be the one to confess to Innocent Agnes about his lying while "Cheating" Charlene gets a pass for lying to the detective to protect Cooper and sleeps comfortably!!! He should have told Agnes about the many people Liz killed or put in harm's way just to make him look good. Was Dembe, Park and Ressler too busy being asleep at their homes to attend Cooper's arraignment? Aram and Panabaker probably thought "if they didn't show up, why the hell did we come here?" Aram is next to run the Post Office??!! How pathetic is the FBI??!!! Ressler appointed himself boss last week and Panabaker selected the lesser of the two dopes to run the place this week. Goes to show how well respected Ressler is to her. Rubbing an egg on your forehead helps a person to remember? I may try this next time when I'm trying to remember why I watch this show! How many reservations has Helen made that week at the restaurant? Couldn't find any other place to hide and eat? Walter must be pissed his only customer is never coming back! It's been two years and the "great" security team at Mount Bastion didn't get the memo: Dembe is now an FBI agent? They still think he's Red's right hand man? Shouldn't Weecha be upset Red didn't put her on the list after he left? Aram showed balls and went behind Red (Opps! no pun intended) to arrest Helen. Something Cooper would never ever do to his boss!! Lew agreed to testify against Cooper and didn't bother run into witness protection? I know he tried to help Harold all season for him being framed for murder but now agreeing to testify will probably anger Cooper and assure Lew as a candidate to be Cooper's first homicide victim. I wouldn't take those chances going home to chill Lew! After the embarrassment last week at the Post Office with the two being killed, why are they still allowed to bring arrested people there... just to be duped by fake agents? Hasn't Panabaker seen enough to close this place and fire some people??!! The lady agent who was right about Helen should have been given Cooper's job. They broke in for CDs given to Liz?? So is Liz the one responsible for her death? Or did Liz run a master class for criminals and used Red's CD for teaching aids? Or handed them out as Christmas presents? Last season when Red said Liz stole all his money, did he forget he had that stash in Mount Bastion? Last episode, Panabaker admitted that the knowledge of Red's relationship with the FBI has reached higher up officials and the president, now after all these seasons: she doesn't want to be part of a cover up and must think she was a saint entire time! Did Mehmet really need a beating to talk? Was Teddy and the goats busy that day? The only items in Cooper's important box were: wine glasses, brandy and an extra tie. Has Red gone soft? In the past, Aram and Helen would have gone missing forever for their betrayal to him! Agnes never had Cooper's pancakes?? What have they been feeding this child all this time? She didn't look pleased or impressed with the presentation and amount of butter from Mr. Butterworthless. At the end Cooper tells Red to turn off the lights and lock the door behind him but Cooper leaves the room and turns off the light himself, leaving Red sitting at the table in the dark!! How can Cooper be so stupid?!! Earlier Charlene showed her contempt for Red to Cooper and at the end of the episode this asshole leaves Red alone in their house, in the dark at the kitchen table to do whatever he wants (take food, steal silverware, watch tv, etc) while he goes upstairs to sleep. I'm sure Charlene was pissed about this! Probably wished Cooper was back in jail! Also, good job Cooper being a role model to Agnes by leaving your dirty glass of brandy on the kitchen counter and not in the sink or dishwasher.
Very weird! With this being the second to last episode, the writers had to come up with convenient excuses to get these dull plots going. How convenient, Liliana just happened to hear word on the street: the hitters from Dublin are on their way to do work in Chicago. Either she's sleeping with Paulie or little birdies are working overtime to deliver news through the Grapevine in the city. Ridiculous how she knew about that. How convenient, Claudia rolled up to the Serb's spot at the right time just to see Tommy and Mirkovic talking for her to get angry. And Walter looked so relieved that he had this revelation to support his bullshit lie. How convenient, Diamond walks into the barber shop, Jenard and Blaxton didn't hear the door open or his footsteps upstairs and proceeded to discuss all their intentions so loud and clear for Diamond to hear all. Unreal! How convenient, Mirkovic is so stupid! He easily accepts a deal with Tommy and does not put a bullet in him for all he has done to his organization. Makes no sense!!!!!!!! And lets Tommy kill another of his men (to get even for Gloria). Huh!! Updated score is 88 - 1. If Paulie had told Vic Walter offered Tommy a job and he turned it down, would Vic believe his father now that Tommy is behind the hit. Also, Tommy and Vic hit the Serbs and killed a lot of them, why would Vic believe Tommy is now working for them. Makes no sense Vic accepted what his father told him!!!!!!!!!! Liliana knew from the chatty whispering nurse the Serbs hit Vic. But somehow didn't know about Gloria. OK! So there are no Chicago cops investigating the shooting/death of Gloria and no local news or newspapers to immediately report on the Vic and Gloria incident. Is this Chicago or some small town? Nothing important for Andrienne and the other reporter to cover. Their focus is on the Pulitzer!!!!! Seamus still can't put his foot down and confront the cop extorting him. As mentioned before, he can bring him down too with corruption accusations and it would quickly end this nonsense. "Always on point "Seamus showed up to steal money from Diamond and didn't bother to bring a bag or two. Was he expecting Diamond to write him a check? He just stuffed a stack of $150,000 in his jacket's pocket. SMH! This character is so useless up to this point. They have to have some big in store for him?? Diamond asked "How much do you need?" Seamus said $100,000. Guilty Diamond gives him $150,000. Seamus couldn't just take the entire loot in the safe and call it a day? Does racist Water know he has a black guy on his payroll or is Paulie hiding him from Walter? He was one of the guys helping carry the Four Horsemen's luggage/equipment. How did the Four Horsemen get off the plane and through customs carrying all those weapons? Is Shoreline Signature Airport that easy with security? Cousin Buddy showed DMac and Marshall his brilliance by putting a bullet in his own car. And that's how you treat your own cousin Buddy by threatening his life? Some family! Tommy exposes Dmac to all this money the drug business brings and then tells him he could do better with his life. A kid that age is not going to listen. Couldn't try to pass this advice to Tariq?? Did Tommy really need to buy all those cereal boxes to hide money in his own home when he already showed to have stacks buried in the wooden crate or whatever it is? It was obvious Claudia wasn't thinking straight as she wore that hideous coat with the "white whatever" on the shoulders. What's going on with the show's wardrobe team? First that bad suit Tommy wore and now this. Is the place where they make Dahlia shared with other businesses? It would be funny if other tenants walk by daily and look through the glass window of these people making drugs. Seeing Tommy so upset with JP calling Kate, makes me believe he didn't give him her number. Kate changed her number quickly. My goodness, the writers didn't even bother have Teflon Tommy duck out of the way from the barrage of bullets. He just stood there, the bullets went "around" him, he shot back and even managed to hit one. It took a bullet for DMac to immediately say "Uncle Tommy". He accepted that revelation quickly. Wasn't even curious to ask why Tommy is "white" to be his uncle. Would he have remembered Great Grandma to know?
They do. I was hoping Dembe followed with "G-Men". Then Park would have given him a death stare and he would sheepishly say "...and G-Woman".
Cooper is loose, wasting government money. He kidnaps Andrew from campus with aid from the US Marshals, holds him in Witness Protection for weeks, then he says: "I haven't wasted enough money", sends Ressler and Dembe to Boston to investigate Andrew, just for them to go all that way to find out Cooper was responsible for all this bullshit! Cooper is a jerk! I think Lew was still yelling "Harold" during the commercial break! Aram was close to crying. I am glad he found the strength to hold back his tears! After all this time, Aram believed Van Dyke acted alone killing Liz and no one was behind this? Then he shows more of his ignorance by telling Panabaker: there is no Task Force without Copper! Red is your boss fool! You know it's "serious time" when Cooper never took a sip of Brandy during his confessions to Red and Panabaker. Red tells Cooper: he runs the "Reddington Task Force" and this so called proud Assistant Director of the FBI didn't feel insulted in anyway??!! Red has sources that "runs deep" in the FBI/Marshals and found Andrew without Cooper's help. So why does Red need Cooper and the misfits at all?? Red has some terrible timing. That take out food looked delicious and it went to waste. Let the people eat and then attack them when their bellys are stuffed. At least, Andrew got free meals from the government and a ride in Red's private jet for his troubles! I'm sure his professors would believe these reasons for him missing exams. Obstruction, tampering, corruption, kidnapping/unlawful imprisonment! Panabaker! What more do you need hear to fire Cooper? Finally! She made a decision! I wanted to see him get cuffed and fingerprinted! Why did Panabaker need to order Ressler to arrest Cooper? Find any agent from FBI HQ to handle this. I am sure anyone who wasn't invited for cake last week would have gladly arrested Cooper. Out of the 33,000 plus NYPD officers, the one guy they call in Brooklyn immediately recognizes ex-cop Reginald's voice! Amazing! Ressler yells "FBI" to Cole and Park for some reason had to follow with "Federal Agents" as if Cole and the viewers are too dumb to understand any of this! I guess Laura Sohn begged for more dialogue and this was the best the writers could come up with. Liz's death was an embarrassment? To who? It was pure Joy to most people! The guards that let Lawyer Lacroix in and with no agent to watch him on the elevator down should be fired! Man could have been an assassin and walked in shooting! Just tell him when he arrives: this is not a FBI black site, this is a real Post Office! You got the wrong place! Go away! Lawyer Lacroix knew every detail of the season's plot as if he was in the writer's room helping them with the scripts for each episode!!!!! The dope probably didn't know the writers decided to kill him when he left the room for a smoke break! He didn't believe them when he was told: "If we tell you, we have to kill you"! So now the two keys to all this nonsense are dead. But don't worry! Aram will probably find the assassin's motorcycle abandoned, find out the bike was rented and this will lead to mysterious one behind all this! The real winner of this episode was the Congresswoman! Now she doesn't have to pay Cole for his fee and the extortion!
Andrew Kennison. The man Cooper was instructed to kidnap a few episodes back is the man Red is after with this tracker. Oh you genius crafty writers tying these two stories together!!!!! Now that Shelia is out of the way, maybe Panabaker can help set up her son with a Genuine Models Inc. account.
So Panabaker (who can go to Cooper directly) needed to get in touch with Red, so he can order Cooper and the others to investigate??!! Was time really of the essence Cynthia? Yes Cooper! You should help Panabaker. She could and should have fired you and the others numerous times. You owe her! The scene with Red standing behind Herbie got a little creepy! For a moment, I don't think the actor was acting! That Spader charm/warmth was in full effect! Herbie's wife leaves him alone to go on a detox retreat and he thinks the baby hates him???!!!! Herbie needs to reevaluate his situation now! Maybe his wife went on the same "camping" trip like the two women. Did the agent guarding go to "Bed Bath and Beyond" to get the towels to be away that long for Mary and her daughter to leave the hospital? Dude looked pissed too she asked that favor! Ressler and Dembe traveled from DC to Delaware in minutes! Must have had all green lights! Let's have Park admit confusion on who is the bad guy here and the writers decides to muddy it more by having little innocent Sarah the one who pulled the trigger! Of Course! These writers couldn't follow up with what happened to her as she looked to be turning in to the Dark Phoenix. Did she get in trouble? But Ressler's writing the report so he may lie and protect her. Now she's not sick, she has to be in therapy with the nightmare of shooting someone! Weecha had more lines this episode than any other time this season. I apologize to 2 months clean Ressler for referring to "lines". All that vomit on the woman. Poor lady must have been told "Liz" will be mentioned a few more times this season. When does Panabaker drop the bomb to her granddaughter about her mother's arrest? That big mug of hot chocolate surely won't taste good after hearing that news. Aram backed out of going with Ressler in the field because he had to plan for Ressler's 2 month celebration, obsess to make a killer playlist for a week and buy a cake! And poor, upset Panabaker believed she had everyone's full attention on this case! With all the background agents they show in the Post Office, none were invited for cake from one these inconsiderate jerks! Telling about the morale there under Cooper's watch! They invited the sponsor (who politely said "Hell! No!"), considered Lebron James and no one else! I wasn't sure if Ressler was going to throw hands or was going to cry after thinking they didn't believe him.
I agree. It's a mess of storytelling. I see they are changing the showrunner for next season, I guess someone up top noticed how bad it was too. Lili Simmons is 28 and all that makeup makes her look 40.
And the writers too. Power 1, we saw some large amounts in crews. Now, it's like they can't afford or not willing to pay for extras. And he didn't try to deny or tell him to fuck off and leave. Just dropped his sad shoulders with the "you got me" look. Pathetic! I see but none of the events were going to happen. Why bother tell Vic at all. He tells him and leaves out some key details. They keep telling us he is smart. "I could have gone to college", blah, blah............ They never show his brilliance. Jenard wouldn't mind. He got a free meal. Oh No!!!!! Damn! Damn! Damn! Now that Gloria is gone, I can focus on one name:
He doesn't act like a person who wants treatment and will let it spread. With 2 more episodes left, I guess they won't kill him with the disease, and he'll be back next season. Unless the Serbs or someone else gets him first. Yes. I don't think the writers had a clear plan with this character. They had her go back to Vic quick so they can try and make this death more impactful. She never grew on me. I don't like her. I'll be pissed if Diamond gives her a story. Just give her your boot out the door! She is not. She is pissing off a lot of people and will soon run out of allies. Don't get on Tommy's bad side. I guess Vic will be the last person she can call to help (and their relationship is shaky). He should. Will need the money for vehicle repairs. Damages from "Serbian mob hit" wasn't in his insurance. Power - Book XXIV. I think bi. Will need some backstory with him and DMac's mom. Unless the man survived or maybe there were security cameras to show Jenard, I don't think it will tie back to him. I think that was the answer to this question from the Dr: "How soon will I be fired from my other job if I keep calling out?"
The Serbs are finally on the scoreboard. The updated score is 87 - 1. See ya Gloria! If only Vic took the car Tommy provided, the Serbs wouldn't have known which one to hit. Once Gloria said yes to Vic, I felt she was a goner. There is no happiness for anyone in this Universe! So what was Gloria's contribution to the show? Such an incomplete character. Attention JP! There's a bar in need of an owner you can expand your business to! What happened for the secrecy about who is behind Dahlia for Claudia and Tommy? No problem now going to Diamond, Moishe and Soto. Now Dahlia is getting popular and blood will be shed for it. God job Tommy and Claudia introducing this product to Chicago. Liliana, JP, or DMac maybe a casualty for this. I am sure Diamond didn't buy one word of Jenard's bullshit that he would play his "little" part in CBI and Diamond is in full control. Just how big are CBI members that they are controlling the huge South Side? We only see Diamond, Jenard, Marshall and recently arrived Blaxton. Liliana will be in for a disappointment if she wants to go somewhere with JP. When she heard he can blow a sax she got so excited. But JP had a son, so there could be a chance. Liliana seems she was giving the chemist notice her days are numbered. Can we meet DMac's mom that failed this little genius with numbers, let him get on the streets and not do something productive with this skill. Does Tommy ever sleep, how he find time in his busy schedule to follow DMac???!!! I guess if he wants to hire the kid, he needs to perform a thorough background check. And just like that Tommy has linked DMac to JP and the rest of the family. And he will become Dr. Phil for an episode in order to reunite father and son. Where does DMac live that he can't bring those items (except the gun) into the home? Oh look! A special appearance for the Chicago Police department. And the other cop is dirty too. Shocker! Bennigan is too weak to be easily manipulated by the other cop! This character is proving to be a waste. Blaxton and Marshall got information about Dahlia before Bennigan. Waste of money on the guy Vic. Even the dumbest person would think/say Jew or maybe Amish before coming up with Pilgrim! Writers missed on this attempted joke! Tommy tells Claudia don't mess with CBI yet until they get their house in order and of course she goes to Diamond. I was hoping Caludia's car was stolen during the time she was in the shop. When she told Diamond " I don't need anyone behind me", I believe there were two meanings with that statement! Diamond exposed Claudia quick! Does Tommy need Claudia now? I think she's expendable in this enterprise. Liliana can work the clubs. Only thing holding him back are the Flynn's coming after him. Funny! Walter tells Gloria he has "eyes" all over the city, Gloria asks "What do they see?" and Walter has no reply. He knows two of his men are missing (Tommy killed) and didn't follow up about it? Odd! Didn't Walter tasks Vic to follow and find out what Claudia is doing a few episodes back?? How many times does he have to keep requesting? Not gonna lie! I did feel pissed Walter's condition is treatable. But keep on smoking those cigarettes Walter and lessen your chances. Fine by me!!! Shouldn't Walter have been upset with Paulie for not carrying out his order with the hit on Gloria? He pats his consigliere on the back for disobeying him! OK! If Paulie is so loyal, why didn't he tell Vic: Walter put a hit in Gloria/cancelled or Tommy turned down Walter's offer? Why bother tell him a piece of the story. Is he angling for Vic to eliminate Tommy? When Vic said "he couldn't trust that motherfucker", did he mean Tommy or his father? Adrienne was going to meet Elijah that night!? And she just happened to be sitting in Diamond's booth. Yeah right? So what would have happened if Diamond walked in the saw those two talking in his booth? Now Diamond has found the truth, I hope she's kicked to the curb. If Jenard is smart, do not hit Moishe's man just for a vial and follow him to find the full supply. When the guy from Gary took the hit of Dahlia, I thought it would make him see out his right eye again. So JP had Kate's number all this time and never used it? Or did the hospital give him her the number?
Still a few mentions of Liz. Few too many! Let her go writers!!!! The Chrissy robot choking the ambassador to death reminded me of what NBC is doing to the viewers by renewing for a season 10. And what was the benefit to Red putting the agents on this case? Save the "well respected/honorable" Madam's business from losing to those nasty Toasters?! Why is Genuine Models No. 176 on the list!!?? The CEO is clean! The robots were hacked and just killed two people recently. To keep customers from leaving, Frederica the Madam should just put word out her competition "Genuine Models, Inc. are really killing their customers (and not with good sex). Stay with us! We'll give you a 10% discount for loyalty". The madam must be desperate to have to hit on Ressler. When Red told Cooper he is going to a funeral, Cooper should have followed with "Did you kill him?"! Red is slipping, he could have sent Weecha to Matilda's house and steal the necklace when she wasn't home and not waste time with her and Cassandra! Is it worth $250,000 purchasing Chrissy when a client has to clean her up every time after a "session"? Ewwww! And at the end, Graham's motivation was because clients were using the Chrissy models for sex??? Huh! Seriously writers!??!! You can do better than this! Or maybe they can't! After the models killed their clients, they got dressed, just walked away and got picked up by Graham. No cameras at the hotel/building for MPD to get a picture of them and make a connection? The police just gave BS stories to the press? Maybe the MPD police chief has a model of his own at home and didn't want to start trouble! After the crash, Chrissy walked out of the car and said "Fuck that guy! He tried to kill me driving off the cliff!" At least Park admitted the Chrissy model was like looking at herself in the mirror. She might be a little hurt to know the model has a better personality than her! In the season's finale we'll hear " All Along the Watchtower", then Red, Cooper, Aram, Park and Dembe will be revealed to be the other models!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Liz will return in a Viper!
Made no sense. Liliana would have had to been on her hip at all times. Not only watch to see if she passed a "I'm being held hostage" note to her date. The Chemist could have asked for help from a stranger in the restroom or the server. (Last episode) with the secrecy of not having the others not know her identity, I would have thought she would do the same with the ladies. Especially when they are sent to interact with these potential clients. These women could possibly break if they were questioned on who sent them and where they live. True. But they all took the hit at the same time. Let her go first and see what happens. Also, she could have faked the snort and the others could have taken poison. No one has ever said Tommy is not generous