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S02.E05: What Happens in the Catskills
mxc90 replied to Scarlett45's topic in Power Book III: Raising Kanan
Weird episode! I thought this was an episode of "The Twilight Zone" seeing Raq smiling most of the time, how extra thick her plot armor was on this week, no deaths this week (not even the racist mobster) and Kanan failed twice to score with Hannah! What??!!!!!! We couldn't at least get the details from Kanan and Howard's conversation from the last episode?! After all Kanan has been through. Raq is treating him like a 10-year-old innocent child at times. What is with these mobsters and their leather jackets? Probably 80 degrees out. Were these mobsters prepared to follow Raq to Canada if she had gone there? The mobster's car had New York plates. Aren't' they from New Jersey? The mob don't kill kids for Karma reasons and Sal will be mad. Kanan fits the "kid" category to them? How convenient the mobsters got a room next to Raq and didn't need a reservation. These mobsters could have popped Raq anytime in Queens while she was alone. And had a good opportunity when Raq was running to the other cabin to save Kanan, he could have easily shot her in the back. Also, they could have watched Raq and Kanan bury a body and used it to their advantage to black mail Raq to not bring her business to New Jersey. No forward thinking. And after the "family bonding", Raq just brings up a body to Kanan from them to bury. I wonder if Kanan feels insulted that this was just to bury a body trip under the guise of mother/son time. Raq rolled up the Catskills without a gun? What other purpose did she buy the knife unless she knew the mob were going to go after her. When did Raq sense she was going to be attacked? She had her "Spidey sense" on. Raq would have beaten Jason Vorhees' ass if he tried to catch her lacking in the woods. A twist, the mobster shoots another mobster to wrap up this non sensical episode. The next day, Hannah smoked weed with the father and son when they tried to return the kindling borrowed. How do these mobsters go back to Sal and tell him what happened? They are dead for being embarrassed and not getting the job done. In 2022, Hannah is still a little shaken, looking out her window time to time, thinking Raq or the Mob will return to get her. Marvin should have a street name. That junkie shouldn't know his name. The dead body is in another apartment, why close business for "inventory"? Should be open 24 hours. Body has been in there for months; Lysol won't help now. When Juke was singing, at first it seemed Kenya was jealous of Juke and then she got into it or was it a bad edit job (they didn't give actress good direction how to react?). My goodness. That kid didn't waste time making a move on Juke. He must not be a real church goer. I can see him making another attempt and then he spreads the word that Juke is gay. Renee is going way and above to help Marvin. I doubt she does that for the others. Marvin opened up about Juke to Renee and then we see him making two trips to Scarsdale to see how Toni is living. Huh! Would have thought the conversation would have led him to make an attempt at another reconciliation with Juke. Nope! Seemed odd that sequence. I don't think Toni is a CI anymore. Surprised the Scarsdale cop didn't run Marvin's plates or didn't follow him out of town. Must be Crown's plan to drive a wedge between Juke and Lou. He went out of his way to get the tape of Zisa singing to Juke. Gave Juke Zisa's home address. Crown has a death wish. Crown must be real stupid to insult Lou in front of the guy. He didn't think Lou could hear him. Was that Zisa best attempt to look like Aliayah? So Juke and Zisa couldn't bother clean up the broken cassette tape off the sidewalk. No littering! Did Lou already know about Jessica and Crown or did Famous revel to him, and Lou played it cool? What grounds does Burke have to bring Andrea in and question her about Howard? That's a bold move. Did Burke not think she was going to go back to Howard to tell him what had happened? Next week should be a scene with Howard and Burke arguing about this. The more I think of it, when was the last time Howard and Burke had a scene together? Oh no! Howard and Andrea's 7 year "relationship" is over. "White girls will get you killed". The opposite was told to Nicole from her mom! Black Bear is docile?!! Sure! I am not staying around to find out. No thanks! I rolled my eyes so hard from all the events, I guess I'm possessed. -
I thought that was your WandaVision reference from the Agatha song. I think it was more Worrell that started this. He told Raq he has people in Jersey and Raq decided to expand. So, Worell must have brought the information/idea to Nique and he took it further. Makes no sense why Raq is keeping those two around. See Raq and Kanan standing over a grave. It could be the man from the wall. Or maybe another character is going to drop??!!!
So wrong! In 5 minutes, she became the worst mother in the Power Universe. Kate Eagan who?! Also, what if the neighbor did call the police. Then her daughter gets caught up. I hope so. Just keep it to business. Maybe the garage or outhouse. I thought he was going to cry. LOL. When they left, it should have been at night to show how long she waited. Yes. See the scene with Nique on the phone before Burke walked in. He was tipping them about the bus and told them don't hurt Worrell. Their expertise is leaving the body in the street. I have feeling from that clip for next week, they are going to move the body and bury it. Howard thinks 7 years of service earns a discount and doesn't require extra pay.
50 Cent: "So who will win, the past, present or future...........so why ya'll asking me, ni**a? Me: First! I don't know who was asking! Second! You are the EP of the show, you should have the answers! Nobody is going to ask Sway! I wouldn't have wasted any time blowing my horn. I would have driven around the fool before the light turned green after he gave a strange look before going down to tie his shoes in the street. It wasn't like the street was crowded with other cars blocking the way. Please don't tell me Raq and Cartier are going end up in bed! Raq had a that gray conservative outfit on. Buttoned up to the top. I think the Italian guy that gave Lou the paper was the one in the prison Unique saved from the beating. What a small world in this big Power universe. So uncle Vernon wasn't convincing enough for Kanan to not think DefCon was his father? Or did Marvin's description about him cause Kanan to not take his word and then Juke's talk to him give him the push to go to Howard's house. Seems Kanan should have asked Raq why shoot Howard the night she gave him the gun and orders. Took him months to finally ask. Good grief, I thought we were done with Symphony. Most men wouldn't make a long trip out to Long Island just to tell Raq they are done. They would just tell her over the phone "I can't make it" and then ghost her. I guess Symphony wasn't sure and seeing the bedroom was the cause for the decision to break it off. Detective Howard getting shot wasn't big enough to hit the TV news and the newspapers for Symphony to piece together it was Kanan that shot him and to get him out of town. Did Raq and Symphony make the realtor wait outside all that time while they "checked out the bedroom"? What mother is going to warn another neighbor the lady in 402 will complain about the noise? Then see drinking, weed smoking and let her young daughter go in with these unsavory kids. And then gives Kanan the slow up and down glance while walking away like she was sure to get that piece of meat later. Juke's mom was sure it was the lord's plan for them to meet. She is lucky Juke found the picture and got curious. I hope she is still thanking the lord when Raq and Marvin gets involved. Not going well for Lou! Raq thinks he's a ho and can't speak for the family business. Now he's getting advice from Cartier. Poor Unique! Juliana and Burke didn't weren't moved by his charm. I wouldn't buy a suit from him. Raq or Juliana should have set up buzzer to alert someone in the back trouble is coming or come to the front. Seeing Kanan tossed int he room and told to go away when Raq had to talk with Lou and Marvin was funny. After all he's been through, he still looked at as the little kid. If Raq can't tell it's Unique and Worell working with the Italians now, I don't know what more clues she needs. Worrell didn't even bother get an ass whopping or get shot to make it not obvious it's him. How old is Crown? He looked like a dirty old man at Famous' apartment. Just keep spraying air fresher for a rotting body in the wall. It works all the time. Andrea the hooker has been with grumpy Howard for 7 years. Sad for both of them! No breathing technique used when Marvin was upset with Worrell?! No wins this episode for Raq. Dealing with Lou, Symphony walking away, Juliana losing her respect, losing two shipments, Kanan seeing Howard and Juke seeing her mom. No rap in the closing credits. Must be a first!
Not at all. I can see they will tie Marvin's anger management sessions into this plot. He will tell Juke's mom he is getting help for his issues and apologize for what he had done.
Nique has plenty of long-winded boring ass stories that would have kept Juliana awake for days. The look on her face was not from the gun but from Nique's non-stop talking! I guess. I am going by no one answering the door when Raq came by. I don't think she has anyone else.
They can go that route, but will Zisa have the same effect on the song? Juke is the better singer. Yes. She and Burke may be her influence to get away from Raq and Marvin. Nope. He got crankier when the cigarette came out. As if he paid her for sex and to care about his health. "Compassion" costs extra!
The gun should have been stuck to Nique's hand and his arm should be cramped from standing in that position all that time. And did Nique tell his girl he would be away for a while, kidnapping the owner of her favorite corner store. Don't bother pack a lunch, they have plenty of Twinkies, Pudding and Cereal to snack on as they wait for Raq. Poor Juliana! She is taken away and has no family to notice she is missing??! Only Raq noticed but it was for her greedy needs.
Juliana's neighborhood is so nice and safe that she is not always alert at work and didn't see Nique walk in to be concerned. She was so focused on her novela that she can't bother look up to her customers or make sure she wasn't passed a fake bill. At least preventing theft of the "Penthouse" magazine was more of her concern. She is lucky the security tapes were taken for Raq to not see her slacking. The "Sleeping Dog" is Raq. Nique should have taken his loss, laid low but now he had to go and mess with her money. It was his girl that got him in this predicament with her fear. Raq would have left him alone. But now he had to push! I know the writers are trying to find an excuse to keep Joey on the show but Raq, Marvin and Lou can make Nique disappear easily so the police would never find the body. No way he should be kept alive after this. Nique was holding a gun to Juliana all that time? Must have been at least two days. I can see him being dumb enough to stand in that position all that time waiting for Raq to show up. The "Luke Kanan! I'm your father" scene was anti-climactic. What was Howard expecting? Howard had creepy stalker action this episode! Kanan leaves his house, turns around and there he is out of nowhere! Kanan turns the corner after getting off the bus and there he is (as if he memorized the bus schedule). I can now see where adult Kanan got that from. Kanan and Juke were talking about if he should confront Raq about Howard, Juke pretty much said it wasn't a good idea and a few minutes later Kanan asked anyway. Kanan should have known Raq was lying when she laughed at first. When has Raq ever laughed?!!!! Raq better work on her customer service, now Nique's old customers are complaining about her product. Raq and Marvin went to New Jersey and didn't bring Lou was curious. Good luck Damon! Camacho is cold to tell Juke about her look and want her to look like a Hoochie (and Lou agreed). Made me laugh when he said "who is this girl, looking like she is in New Edition. Will Camacho and/or Lou be bold to have the "virtuoso and an artiste" Zisa provide "the look" and lip sync over Juke's song? I'll give Cartier credit for thinking his line would impress Raq. He tried! Renee already breaking for Marvin. It's just a matter of time for those two. Demo in the wheelchair is bitchin about the elevator usage but once he rolls on, he got it all to himself while the other residents had to wait. He could have at least told Marvin to let them on too. So selfish!!!!! This breathing technique on "Open and Aggressive" Marvin will not last long! Good luck to the person on the receiving end when Marvin finally can't take it anymore! Famous' mom is wrong to put word to the other relatives to not let him stay with them. What is she going to do them if they lent him money? Is his mom a gangsta? There are about 7 - 10 soldiers in the room and not one noticed Kanan taking the drugs. Lack of Internal Control! Cops can't be that stupid to roll up to see Kanan and Famous selling "mix tapes" to crackheads and believe there are tapes are in there. I guess Kanan can sell there again as the cops "should have" a clue by then. If someone happens to OD in the alley, the cops will see all those empty containers with Famous' name on it and go straight to him. All that selling and Famous still doesn't have enough for an apartment. Poor Burke! Her loyalty to dirty Howard is going to get her killed. Good grief. Burke and Adina have the same look! Burke can see Howard's memory is not all lost that he could remember the hooker to call. Her son must be really stupid to think she is a barber making house calls day and night with no barber shop! And Detective Adina is wrong! Howard didn't have any trouble with this woman helping him that night. Howard is so miserable a hooker can't leave his place happy! Worrell gets recruited to work for Raq and when shit goes sideways, they show their true colors to him with distrusts, threatens his life and points a gun to him. And Worell thought this was an upgrade over Nique. Juke's mom recognized her immediately. I hope we get a good explanation from her why she left and never looked her up. When Crown took off his glasses in front of Raq, you know it was "Serious Crown" time. The Metro North train hits harder than the "sometimes late" J Train. Thanks for that tidbit 50! I'm sure there is a better chance to survive a hit from the J.
Not a popular name in Corona. Would have been funny if Ebony was a boy and Marvin talked to the wrong person.
All Scrap said to Marvin: "My Cousin Ebony". Then Marvin arrived at her house and said "Miss Ebony". Who calls their cousin by their last name? If that is her first name, Marvin is impressive if he found with that little information. As I said earlier, if someone told Marvin her last name, they couldn't have warned Scrap that Marvin is snooping. Marvin must have gone on a search like the Terminator looking for Sarah Connor.
Damn! I left out that variable. The show has to make sense. Thanks for reminding me! LOL
I think so too but what heinous act did he do to Raq that he feels guilty to not bring it up. I agree, I will not be forgiving. I am helping the NYPD shut down some of Raq's operation if I were him. He was playing with fire and didn't get caught with Jessica (so far). If he makes a move on Zisa, it's definitely over. Lou or Cartier will get him. The odds are against him but I think he will take someone down before it's all done. Raq should have had Marvin pop him minutes after he left prison. My goodness. During that long slow motion walk and stare, Raq and her could have exchanged numbers, talked about the weather, grabbed some food and played cards. I think Unique is going to rob the place for the remaining cash. She must have heard Famous rap after sex and it put her in a deep coma. My questions with that: If Scrap wasn't a CI, why is he in the same room with his mother talking to the police? Captain Peng should have had him in a cell far away and Scrap would never had known his mother is talking. Also, shouldn't we have seen Raq and his mother have a few scenes together? How close are they? Or is she snitching on another crew? Then we would have seen Scrap conflicted with his mother and his loyalty to Raq. Then Scrap was killed for a reason, he didn't tell Raq his mother is a snitch. I blame Peng for getting Scrap killed. There was no need to say that in the room. He does. It won't end well for him! What test is there for a doctor to know if memory is really lost. It's just taking his word as the truth. He has to know who Raq is. No way he makes a move on Lou. I think Crown's suspicions will be proven correct. I guess Raq is preparing an exit plan? Will she be alive to see it come true.
Scrap has to be the dumbest to not know they were on to him and not run. Did he lose some intelligence when he lost his eye too? Couldn't take any hints when Marvin was asking your whereabouts, who is Ebony in Corona and not bother call her to cover for you if Marvin or someone ever came around? Once I saw the actor playing Scrap overacting and had way too many lines this episode, I knew his time was up. See ya fool! So Scrap's mom would have an idea it was Raq who killed him and would go to the police with this? Will we ever find out how much intel Scrap gave to the police or if any at all? Killing Scrap is driving Lou and Raq further apart. Marvin said he didn't know Scrap had relatives in Corona, so how did he know Ebony's address? And if Marvin had asked someone in Scrap's crew, they didn't feel the need to tell Scrap?! When Howard talked to Raq, he didn't feel it was important to ask Raq if she ordered Kanan to shoot him? He just accepted his bullets believing he deserved what he got??!! WTF! And now he wants Kanan to know he is his father. The kid shot you. He must have some anger towards you. How are you two going to get around that? Howard is an asshole! Those cops (who consider him a hero. I don't know why) are trying to find his shooter and he is giving Raq intel on a snitch in her crew and faking his memory. I hope he gets exposed as a dirty cop and his lie. Raq needs to get a refund from the person who told her Howard lost his memory. Bye Jessica (what was her contribution to the show?). Take mom's advice to go to Los Angeles and STAY there. Please don't come back. Jessica must have no friends. No one else came by to see her off. Might as well say bye to Camacho now. He will have some explaining to do to Lou that may get him killed. Gerald tried to step to Marvin. He has more than just anger issues. He has no sense of reality if he thought he could beat Marvin's ass. I don't think Renee or anyone else in the room are equipped to stop them if a fight had started. Gerald would be a dead man. Renee had some attitude with Marvin. It will be on soon! Seems Juke and Raq or Marvin should have had that discussion about her mom a long time ago. I'm sure Marvin would have told a different description of her. If Zisa is under Cartier Fareed so called "Small music management group" where he has honed, trained and guided some of the finest artist ever known, why did she call and go to Lou in the first place? Cartier can't find bigger production co. to go to? Now Lou made a deal with him. This will not end well for him. Real dumb for Worrel to tell Raq his mother knows he is meeting with her. Fool could have gotten her killed by having her know Raq's involvement. What if Raq decided she doesn't want any loose ends with Worrel. Just tell Raq he has "people" who knows she took him to a secret meet. I still don't trust Worrel. I guess with Nique's predicament, this is where he goes to the Mafia for help and the guy from jail will help him. In this small Power Universe, of course he will remember Nique! Did Raq know that was Nique's girlfriend? That lawyer was afraid to tell Marvin "Too much information Ni$$a! I don't need to know about Toni's oral skills!". I'm sure Raq and the bodega lady can afford strong plastic bins that can keep the rats out. Nope! Just keep the money in cheap boxes and have the lady change rat traps 10 times a day. At 100 years old, there's still hope for Early Uncle Tyler. He is getting little movement in his lip. Damn! The mayor of NYC is distancing himself from Nicole's parents. They should have contributed more to his campaign fund (next time purchase the gold package, instead of the bronze) Famous, need to work on his lies to his mom. The NYU girl was locked out, so he brought her to his place to sleep with her. A matter of time until Famous gets involved in the drug game. Last episode, Famous had a NY Jets shirt on and now he has a NY Giants shirt on. You can only root for one NY team. Pick one!!!!!! Deen's grandma was so focused on her BINGO she didn't hear the yelling and see the table turned over. I admire her concentration!
S02.E01: The More Things Change
mxc90 replied to Scarlett45's topic in Power Book III: Raising Kanan
I don't believe there was any mention in Season 1 of Scrap being a CI or had any interaction with the NYPD. It was curious Peng had Scrap and his mother in the room. Could the mother be a CI too or just her and not Scrap? Also, wasn't it careless of Peng to mention out loud in the detective's room that he had CIs? He doesn't know if any of those cops/detectives are corrupt. True. I can see the NYPD requesting suspension of services. Would be funny if Burke had mentioned to Howard she kept up payments for his "Playboy" magazine subscription. -
S02.E01: The More Things Change
mxc90 replied to Scarlett45's topic in Power Book III: Raising Kanan
Yup. Would have been interesting to meet a lawyer like Proctor walk in demand his immediate release. But these writers would have to have had an interesting way to explain why he was out of jail before their 3 month time jump. He claims to have no family, so utilities should be shut off? Behind on mortage payments. Place is dusty and smell of 3-month-old garbage. And someone cut his grass. Burke must have had some free time. Does Raq have anyone to tell her "No! That is a bad plan"? She is getting too ambitious and think she will not get caught. Around that time the "Godfather" should have been fresh on Raq's mind. Michael killed that cop and was gone for at least year. She should have kept Kanan away for a long time. I sense Burke will be a casualty of this. Unless we see that guy (who was about to get beaten) get out of jail and meet up with Unique in a future episode, it was useless. She is easy on my eyes. I'm not there yet. But close to saying goodbye!!! She did annoy me with her talk to Lou. Such a greedy tramp. With Marvin's track record, by the end of next week's episode. -
S02.E01: The More Things Change
mxc90 replied to Scarlett45's topic in Power Book III: Raising Kanan
From the Power playbook. A car stop scene! I was hoping she put the car in reverse and got away. Raq is in Virginia and couldn't go to the beach wearing something lighter or brighter? She got a leather jacket on and wearing all black. Probably 90 degrees that day. At least she was barefoot walking on the sand. For a moment, I thought Raq walked around Deb's house just wearing bra. Seems Rodney Dunn taught Raq a lesson on attraction. Now she got Kanan, Lou, Marvin, Symphony and others rapped around her finger the way he had her and the other girls back in the day. I hope that was the last we see of Symphony. He should stay far away from them. The way Raq is treating Kanan, he is so confused. Especially from their talk from his bedroom, she is playing mind games on him. I guess the adult Kanan won't come out until she is dead. That was a big gamble on Raq that Howard has no memory of the shooting and to bring Kanan back home. How can she truly trust someone from the hospital with that information? What Raq is doing in the building is terrible. People are waiting for the elevator, Raq shows up, they stand back in fear and wait for the next one. Pregnant woman doing drugs! People strung out! And just like that Howard's cancer is gone! The magic of TV. There was no need for the doctor from season 1 to see if anyone in the NYPD could be a donor. The doctor told Burke: Howard has his lungs intact, no more cancer and is a "medical miracle", so why does Omar Epps still look like shit? Did he find his ring is the more important question of the episode??!! Howard must live in a nice neighborhood where he is away for 3 months, no one breaks in and robs the place during that time or his car wasn't stolen. And it was nice of the electric company to keep the power on while the bills weren't paid. Wonder what Aunt Deb was alluding to with Raq's parents. No surprise Jessica is cheating on Lou. This will not end pretty for her and Crown. She didn't even pretend to jealous when Zisa walked in. Maybe Jessica is Lou's downfall. Curious look on Juke's face hearing Zisa. Does she want to get with her or is she jealous about her singing or pissed Lou is putting her down? Scrap is a CI? That's a one-eyed Dead man!!!! I would guess Howard will tell Raq. Did Scrap give any thought to not go to the dice game after Raq told him to stop? He has no fear of her? Even if the cops didn't raid, I'm sure word would have gotten back to Raq. Jukebox hasn't seen her father in 3 months. Seems Raq should have had that "family" speech to repair Juke/Marvin's problem a long time ago. Also, I can see Raq turning on Lou if keeps being away from family business. Marvin in Anger Management. This should be funny! Poor Renee is going to regret having Marvin stay. She should have had him sign the sheet and not force him/ insist he stay. Eventually, they'll be in bed but will ruin her. I hope she remembers her breathing technique to cope. So why wasn't Unique released earlier if there is no evidence? That scene of Unique fighting the 3 in jail was useless. I could see if the altercation led to him being not released from prison, but he was released anyway. What was the point? The only one hurt from that scene is the guy that said Unique was jumped by them. His ass kicking/soap dropping time has only been delayed. They'll catch up with him. Why is Raq so sure Worell is going to be loyal to her when he has issues with Lou and Marvin? Kanan didn't immediately run in the house to tell Raq Howard drove by the house and question her if she was telling the truth about him losing his memory??!!! Ugh! Famous is a Yankees and Jets fan! He is truly hitting that weed hard. Impressed he walked down the street smoking and not get arrested. Never play counting fries. Eat it! Kanan: "Seems like you and Juke really connected". Ha! -
Understood. All that benefited Red but what did the guard get out of all this? He confessed to accepting a bribe from Red (cash probably confiscated by the FBI), confessed to being on the take for the Quito cartel running contraband, exposed their tunnel to the prison and will now lose his job/reputation/spend some time in jail/maybe his life to the cartel for snitching. Did Red promise him big money when he gets out prison in 15 years (Red will be dead by then)? I expect the Quito cartel to be first on the list to go after Red next season for ruining their prison plan. Carolyn (the other lady involved in Red's plot) had much to lose too and made it through without being suspected. Too bad Park and Dembe didn't tail Red earlier to get pictures of her going into Red's SUV. Red's plan could have been foiled if Ressler just walked into the judge's chambers with Marvin. But not going with Marvin just to read the latest "Popular Mechanic's" magazine was more important to him. I can see if Marvin boarded a 747 and it was too big for Ressler to search. It was a little private jet with no secret hiding compartment........ just look in the damn restroom Donald. Yes! He became aware of his failings, efficiently played it safe and sit. Marvin could have put the pilot's cap on a walk passed him.
Ressler could have searched the plane thoroughly but opted to sit his lazy ass in the seat (for maybe an hour, sip some liquor and let the other agents wait outside in the heat) and wait for Marvin to come out of the plane's restroom. Nice of Panabaker to make Cooper to look stupid in front of Marvin, confirm Cooper is a puppet and replaced him for the interrogation. When did Aram get demoted for Cooper to act like he was the boss again? Red shouldn't give Marvin too much credit for needing to be smart to work for him. Marvin handled events so poorly and messy this season. He allowed way too many casualties in the aftermath of eliminating Liz. Couldn't Dembe get a say if wanted a fragile Park to be his partner in the field? I wouldn't trust her to hold a camera to take pictures. Red the Concierge of Crime is still handling business by passing cash in a bag in broad daylight so the FBI can take pictures? I guess losing Marvin prevented him to send wire payments and use the phone. Good job by the FBI and prison to have Marvin placed in contact with Wujing the assassin who could have beaten Marvin to death with a book or shank him on Red's behalf. Cooper called Main Justice "stupid" and could reach new levels of low. A few minutes later, these stupid people drop all charges against him and the surprised dope couldn't at least apologize! Funny! Panabaker kept Red's arrest warrant attached to her bra. Real "smart" for the guard to admit he moves contraband into the prison and tell where the tunnel is located. All Park asked him was "what he did that morning?" and this dude told everything for no reason. Just say: "I won a bet with Red on an NBA game and he paid me". Now he ruined the entire operation for the prisoners. I will assume he has met an unfortunate demise by the end of the episode. Agnes was dreaming Wild Horses trampled Cooper. OMG! Idiot Ressler allows Marvin to walk in the judge's chamber alone, wait outside, read a magazine as if he was in a dentist's office (and not even try to get the lady's phone number). The man is shamefully inept. I was hoping Red would have shot Marvin there just get to Ressler fired. According to Red: Marvin's actions this season were "cowardice". Seems the NBC writers were telling us how guilty and ashamed they are for what they wrote this season. As Marvin is being released, the guard just allows him to be in contact with Wujing and he passed him a list of criminals. Unreal! Red was playing with fire to have Marvin do the job he was begging to do all season. What if Marvin got cold feet? At least have someone take care of Marvin while he watched. Nope! He rather go to Cooper's place for drinks and hope Marvin handle it. Couldn't Panabaker have questioned Cooper: "why is Red here in your home and you have not arrested him as you were ordered?" What more does Panabaker need to know that Cooper can't be trusted. I need to see Marvin's body to confirm death. They should have buried Marvin next to Liz. Park's headaches were because she is pregnant?! She better talk to another doctor and maybe a third. She must have real head problems if she doesn't know what "Cooler" means and Dembe had to explain it to her. Dembe went a little overboard with his Liz story. Wasn't buying that Bullshit at all Sir!!!!!!!!! If Ms. French was there, wasn't that at the time Liz was trying to kill Red? When did they all have time hang out and laugh? How many Backlist criminals are still alive to now know Red is a Confidential Informant and be angry to get revenge? Can't be that many to go after him in season 10. I hope the cemetary scene was a burial of anymore mentions and footages of Liz. Wouldn't be surprised if some people don't return next season.
Ah! the good ole flashbacks inserted to stretch this out for a 2 parter! For all of Marvin's devious efforts, he could only manage to be #80 on the list?! Was Red exaggerating how much Liz meant to him to give Marvin this number? Marvin didn't bother give the go ahead to the sniper to shoot Mierce, just proves he doesn't believe in her witchcraft (she can't put a curse on him or anyone)! Maybe Weecha is in the hospital from all the doughnuts and lattes you gave her Red and not stress. What proof does Cooper have on Marvin to get a US Marshal task force to go after him?! He just has a video of a toast at an old wedding for a connection to the lawyer. Marshals should have told Cooper to get lost. Lacroix is a Foolhardy boy! An appropriate name for a fool that got himself killed in a drive by and couldn't make a simple suggestion to Marvin to get a sniper or poison (not a tracker) for Liz to ingest from the start, instead they came up with a series of dumbass plans that took up a season! And he got his wife killed too! Dumbass! Marvin thought about all of loose threads Red was going to pull to find Liz's killer and still couldn't derail or just kill him at any time when he returned from the jungle or in his silver bullet while he was asleep. His next move was to frame Cooper!? Makes no sense! He went through all this to still be Red's number 2 (fitting for this POS)! For all the money Marvin has, LaCroix couldn't find/procure better looking "Professional Ladies". That must have been the time Marvin determined he was useless and had to go when the time was right. Telling that Dembe doesn't respects Aram's authority and instead goes straight to Cooper to inform him he is going to assist Red. I wonder if any of those crime bosses Red was begging for their commitment had money in Caelum Bank and lost access to their money thanks to Red!!?? And now they are all dead. This entire season Red has taken down a lot of crime bosses, all for his pursuit of Liz's killer. Why do these people still want to be associated with Red? Is there no criminal version of TMZ or a criminal newsletter to report that Red can't be trusted? How can they be master criminals and still have flip phones? Marvin made Neville sound real creepy describing him to Van Dyke. Beford Dembe goes into the closet with Red, he fires a single shot at no one in the main room! That's some FBI training. Park should be proud! We are told it's real tough to be a part of Henrick Fisker's team, yet we see these "badass" mercenaries fail to take out Red/Dembe hiding in a non-bullet proof closet and are easily taken down by a FBI group led by Ressler (of all people). Embarrassing! Money not well spent Marvin! I guess they were on a sandwich break, didn't hear the FBI helicopter arrive and were caught/taken by surprise. Then Henrick is taken down easily by Red on the roof top. Ice baths doesn't not make one a good tactician! 18 minutes! And Red prevented him from beating or tying the Guiness record. Just not his day! Mierce should be careful and not fully darken Red's face. Not only would Red have trouble with Marvin but other groups would be after him too. We don't want Red cancelled. Why is Red blaming Cooper for Marvin's escape? He should have shot Marvin the moment he on the escalator arrived to the top and sent him tumbling down (Surprise Mother"bleep" and boom)! But No! The jerk had to monologue us to death! This is some crime boss Liz was supposed to follow! That's twice Red had him in his grip and let him go! Marvin shoving Red down was hilarious! Best part of the episode! Why is Laura Sohn on the show, if they are regulating her character to the Post Office and make no contribution to the plot? Hope she's proud collecting a paycheck for this non-performance! Not even a cliffhanger to end this! I was fearing Dembe was going to be shot by the sniper. Or was that guy Red's sniper?
While Mierce is contacting the "other side", could she also find out from them why this show was renewed for season 10? Where the hell does this plane take off and refuel from? The plane takes off and then it goes off the radar? Wouldn't that alarm the FAA every time? The Concierge for Crime didn't know he still had funds in Caelum Bank!???!! And he expected Liz to follow his teachings? If Caelum bank is so secret, there should have been better protocols for clients to retrieve money from the account and not make it easy for Marvin I am sure Red didn't get on the plane while it was in the air like in the movie "Executive Decision". He entered while the plane was on the ground. He could have taken Gramercy by force then and have Teddy work his Torture by Turtle (or some animal) on him. There was no need for that ruse. Ridiculous! Did the pilot or flight attendants not see the FBI arrive and try warn Gramercy, so he can get a head start to hide sensitive information or escape? What a terrible organization! These clients are better off keeping their money at HSBC bank. I'm sure Ressler was proud of himself applying the fake arrest on Red. He got to take a "win" any way he can!!! So did Red lose the rest of his money by killing Gramercy who has all the info? Talk about "cutting off your nose to spite your face"! Red wants to get Weecha to recover and get strong, so he has her eat sugary pastries and drink high calorie lattes. Didn't the FBI get a search warrant and raided LaCroix' house after he was killed? What did those agents take from there the first time? After the wife was killed and got information from the terrible, blabbing assassin, they go back and got a truck load of evidence from the house. Goes to show: these agents can't do a good job on the first search! My goodness! First Weecha got from DC to Florida real fast and then Red and Weecha (driving with one arm) got to Miami quick by Dodge pickup! Dembe and Ressler barely beat them there and they travelled by chopper! Nice product placement for Dodge that it can ram a vehicle real hard and still be able drive away from the scene of the crash with no problem. Of course Ressler and Dembe loses Heddie who they vowed to protect. Is it too late for Aram to give them low marks on their reviews? Park goes to Red bitching the FBI doesn't want her anymore, tells Red she can be useful to him and can't even hold/drops a glass of water for a second in front of him to prove her worth!!! Then Park goes back to the Post Office to confess to Cooper and Aram she is not loyal to them by trying to go rogue offering Red her terrible skills and was promptly rejected by him!!!!! And those fools accepted her with no question! For a moment, I thought Red was going to poison Park. Gee! Could Mickey be any more obvious lying and looking nervous in front of Red??!!! He was shifting his eyes to Marvin hoping Red would pick up the hint. I guess Marvin didn't pay him well out of the "Red fund" and wanted revenge. All that Cooper nonsense this season, what a waste!!!!!!!! So does the "prove your innocence in a month" just magically disappear now after the Marvin reveal? Cooper is a disgrace. The assasin brutality murders the woman and he offers him witness protection just to save his ass. No justice for Mrs. LaCroix. Episode proved Marvin is a terrible best man (killed the bride and groom years later), never found his "Michelle" and is too cheap to pay for his lame plan out of his own pockets. I guess there will be no explanation why Mr. Kaplan's sister was involved in this! Two years ago, Red was going to die and sometime later received Mierce mystery cure. At that time of his supposed coming death, Marvin could have waited for Red to croak and then knock off Liz if he doesn't want her to run the empire. What was the rush? I doubt Liz would have seen the hit coming from him. Red is right! What a waste! All season Red was hell bent on killing anyone to get the truth but now he is holding Weecha back from killing Marvin to protect Mierce? Wuss! Wimp! After all the stock footages of Megan Boone shown this season, they didn't have anything showing her taking the tracker?!! A smile from Park was the most shocking part of the episode!
Good grief Aram! Just hire a person to come clean your apartment every two weeks or ask your mother to do it. She tried to clean the place before reporting your abduction a few episodes back, so we know where her priorities are. Instead, you run bike to some psychedelic clown. I'm sure your FBI superiors would be happy with this decision and not be concerned you can pass some valuable intel to criminals under hypnosis. I thought Red hated Aram?!!! Why would he (Mr. Homan) recommend Aram to go there? He should have sent Aram to Mierce, so she could put a nasty spell on him. Dream or no dream, Aram must smell in his suit after riding his bike to and from work. I had a feeling Aram was dreaming when Park didn't say: she beat the crap out of the person who rear ended her. Also, telling was when Park said to Aram: " We trust you". You know something wasn't right in the Post Office. If I'm Cooper, I wouldn't feel relieved/assured after Ressler gave his guarantee: "He's keeping Cooper out of prison. Whatever it takes". I would be more than scared. Oh No! Another Liz sighting! This show just can't stop using her from old footage. I hope she is getting paid for this. "God. I thought he would never shut up! ". Best line of the episode from Samar. Aram is truly pathetic. Even in his dream he can't get a kiss from Samar. Maybe the actress told NBC: "In order for me to make guest appearance, I'm not kissing him!" Maureen died in the explosion?!? I'm sure Red's first thoughts after the revelation were "why did I waste money on that f*cking gazebo, and can I get a refund?" Red never questioned why or how was Maureen involved in all this? He just skipped over that quick. Curious why the writers decided to go the "Mr. Kaplan" route. That went nowhere fast! "This treatment is not a cure-all". It sure wasn't! Well thanks for wasting Aram's time and money this acid trip lady! And after that acid trip, it didn't give Aram the strength/courage to kick Cooper out of his office and let Aram be the one sipping the brandy while Cooper watched. Get a refund from her Aram! Gee! I wonder just who has access to Red's cash!? Why would Marvin be so bold to use Red's bank account/money and not his own? He's begging to be caught! Park could have put "A little more" in that slap to Aram! She held back.