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This show turned up the level of ridiculousness this week. The episode is titled "Dead Reckoning". I was waiting for Tom Cruise to make an appearance. I guess STARZ couldn't afford him. The whole reason Tasha is in witness protection is she told the Feds Tommy is the Kingpin in NYC. Tommy is a fugitive. Marks should have arrested Tommy for faking his death and escaping. It makes no sense why he is walking the streets of Chicago. So, if the setting is in Chicago all events in NYC doesn't matter to the FBI??!! It doesn't work that way. Vic put a bullet in Vargas' head. Now we see Vargas with two bullets to the chest lying on the ground. Vic shot once and 3 bullets came out??!! After all this, Tommy is still clueless Vic is a CI. Vargas is shot at night; Tommy is getting back to his apartment at sunrise and Goldilocks Mireya is in his bed asleep. Did Tommy go to a 24-hour diner after the shooting and give her a key to his place already. Tommy is whipped. Vic telling Stacy: Tommy shot Vargas, just confirmed Vic is not surviving this season. When Stacy has the yellow nail polish on, it means War. No more games!!!!!!!!!!! My goodness. Even the FBI knows it's not good to date Miguel's sister. Oh, look it's JP and Kate for their brief cameo. I understand who Kate is but the reason she is back on drugs and alcohol is because they told her Dmac was killed. Now JP tells her she can't be trusted. You and Tommy put her back in this state! Give Kate a chance!!!! 25 guns turned in from Diamond's weak speech? He really made an impact. Almost brought Reeves to tears........No urine this week. Too bad the 26th wasn't the one used to kill Leon! See ya Leon! At least Leon got one good punch in front of the proud "Mr. Miyagi" Sampson. I guess Diamond didn't give Leon the lesson of what to do after you knock the opponent down in the streets. This isn't a boxing ring and there is no 10 second count from the referee. The only 10 seconds is the amount of time you have to run from a bullet. So, Diamond can give a speech and 25 guns get returned, no smoke from the hood (didn't take their hair/patronage to a new barber shop) but when Leon gives an anti-violence speech, he gets harassed and then killed. With Diamond's influence to get the 25 guns off the streets, he couldn't put word out to leave Leon alone??!!! Was Diamond truly pissed about Leon's death or about the fact he can't get Gianna back in bed ever again and no more cheese grits in the morning??!!! Now Jamal (Leon's father) goes to Reeves. Gianna must have told him about Diamond's past and instructed Jamal to go to PO Reeves. How else would he know to go to Reeves!? When being told "You are going back to prison", it can make a man quickly grow extra inches in his arm to slit a parole officer's neck standing far from him. Was Diamond holding that blade to "off" himself before Tommy and Reeves arrived? From her grave, Maya Angelou is saying she was right about Diamond. See ya Reeves. Another body dropped in Diamond's shop. Messy cleanup. I am sure the place will be "spotless" next week. I guess the police won't go looking for Reeves like they are not looking for Bennigan. Law Enforcement is taking a hit this season. A CPD detective, an FBI Agent, and now a parole officer. After the slashing, Tommy's action was to just lock the front door as if pulling down the curtains and closing the blinds weren't equally important. Tommy had devilish "That's my BOY!" grin after Diamond killed Reeves. Tommy is psychotic. Diamond acted like a 5-year-old, pouting after being told "it's time for bed", when he cut Reeves. I don't get these apartments where anyone can there directly from the elevator. Too quick of an easy access. What if the ground level front door person is paying attention and let a thief in. I am sure Mirkovic walked in just in time to see where the safe is located. Tommy showing up to the Quinceanera was ridiculous. And Che fell for every word he said. The music was low, so everyone must have heard the conversation about their gangster activities. Che doesn't feel it to be necessary to have security by the front door so people like Tommy Egan can't just walk in. I was hoping grandma hit Tommy with her purse or a glass. Now grandma is warning Miguel of his own people too (Nunez). Subtlety telling him he is a bad leader. For some dumb reason Chavo had to flaunt to Miguel his drug connection to Tommy and then Miguel tells him the drugs tommy give him comes from Miguel. So, Miguel can shut off Tommy and no drugs to Chavo. Chavo needs to keep quiet! Did Ghost Keisha visit Stacy to tell her to go warn Mireya? What dirty intel is in the FBI notes about Tommy and Keisha for Stacy to know? Now we are introduced to the "Sons of Destruction" gang. Another group that doesn't have adequate security outside when a "supposed" high level drug meeting is going sown. Serbs just pull up the side door and starts shooting. Mirkovic had enough plot armor remaining to stand in the open and bullets went around him!!! Jenard must secretly adore Tommy to never kill him when the opportunity arrives. The Viagra Triangle sounds so mysterious. Claudia looked and Shanti as if she didn't believe Shanti can kick her ass.
At this pace, the show will try to convince people Shanti can beat Tyson in his prime. Give the agents a break. They are giving their best efforts. Tommy is so elusive to track with his Blue Mustang and traffic cams seems to malfunction everywhere Tommy's drives.
Does Tommy really believe everyone is or will be loyal to him and Diamond and he has no enemies? Tommy wants to "build a train so big it can't be stopped". Tommy should know by now; it is never that easy. I guess Mireya didn't tell Miguel she has a new Audi. Miguel would have spotted it when he went to Tommy's place, caught her and attempt to kill Tommy. Miguel didn't smell Mireya's perfume when he entered Tommy's apartment. It is known all around town to not mess with Mireya or Miguel will kill or maim you. Dr. Kendall didn't operate on any of Mireya's ex at the hospital to know this. Or is it just gang members who are off the "Don't date my sister list"? Welcome back "Wil E Coyote Jenard", ready to kill Tommy until Mireya arrived. Was Jenard back on the stuff? When he had his tongue out to the side, it seems like he made a recent purchase. I couldn't tell if there were any drugs on the car seat. Jenard was giddy like he was in High School with the pic of Tommy and Mireya. Surprised he didn't run to TMZ with it or uploaded to YouTube. He showed restraint and waited for Shanti to arrive. That's growth for Jenard. Did Jenard use Shanti's necklace to buy drugs and robbed the dealer to get it back or was he just holding for a rainy day? Why bother take it? How does the Serbs get away shooting up the Crimson Project and the police are not on their ass? Difranco or any other CPD can't have a word with them over the shooting? Not even a protest from local groups? Not anyone of Chavo's men can see Vic push the record button on the chain? Some security Chavo has with him. Vic took of the necklace and left it in his car before he shot Vargas. Odd! He should have had the necklace with him to pass to Vargas. Difranco warned Stacy to not let any agent get really close to Tommy and now Vargas is dead. But Stacy had to insist Vic can't think he is in control and now look what happened. Earlier, Vic told Vargas he was made by Tommy and Vargas just brushed off that message. Seems like serious intel. Vargas should have told Stacy, they could have changed cars or put a new person to follow Tommy. Shouldn't the Task Force get shut down by the DOJ now that Vargas was killed? Tommy has to suspect Vic is an informant. Tommy messed up, he should have just observed the two from a far and confronted Vic later. Not sure why Tommy chose this time and place to confront the agent and Vic with a gun when he knew they have been tailing him many times. The FBI can't put a tracker on Tommy's car themselves? They know where he lives or drives around every day. The agent got prints from Tommy's car fast and could have done the same with a tracking device. Two guys rob Claudia and Elise, had the audacity to stay at the club for a lap dance and (who didn't see that coming) gets beat up by Shanti. Shanti whips Raheem and knocks out a guy in the boxing ring. Could the show not be any more obvious to elevate the force/ruthlessness of Shanti beating up men. Ok Shanti! You are smarter than all of us. We'll see where your ass ends up at the end. At least, she was honest with Jenard on her moves with Claudia. She is loyal to him. Where were the two Serb bodyguards assigned to Claudia to prevent the robbery? Claudia just lets anyone in her apartment. If she is worried about Tommy coming after her, she isn't acting like it. "Division Street Devils" doesn't sound like a name for a Puerto Rican gang. Chavo. Good grief a few words from Tommy's charm, Tommy got a deal, and he got his rear window replaced. Tommy should have made him buy four new tires. Why would Chavo tell Tommy "Chicago has been waiting for someone like you for a long time". Don't gas up Tommy's ego any more than he needs. What options do the Serbs have now. They will have to try to kill all the competition. No Kate again. Diamond lying his ass off to the crowd. Sorry Leon, telling the truth is not going to work for his involvement in the drug game. But it got his mom in Diamond's bed. Now we find out Gianna and Jamal haven't been a couple in a minute, that couldn't be mentioned last week? So that was just filler drama with Jamal and Diamond last week. If we don't see Jamal again, we will know. Grandma knows Miguel is going to mess up with Tommy. She warned him.
When Tommy insulted him at the restaurant and told him he is coming for the North Side, it was over.
Tommy should have been apprehended and brought back to NYC the moment they found out he is alive. Did they add the father at the last moment to the plot? His introduction just seems awkward. Writers wanted shock value when he entered the house. Leon could have mentioned at some time during training or getting a haircut his father is around. I am not giving him a pass. He knows his father is menacing, look out for Diamond. If he is mature enough to give a speech at the Stop the Violence rally, he can mention that to Diamond. Mirkovic sent Tommy a text: "This is what happens if CBI places one foot in the Serb's North Side territory". Shooting up the Crimson Project was just a warning. Me too. I am close to joining you. I think she has an alter ego or maybe she was a heavy dealer before she started working at the hospital.
How many times has Vic mentioned "Claudia" to Stacy and she has to keep telling him Caludia is not important to her??!!! Couldn't Vic just pull out his phone and pass Tommy's number to Stacy? The FBI can't figure out Tommy's number on their own? Did Dr. Kendall type the text messages using his nose? Gianna is wrong to not mention she was married, and Leon is wrong to not say he has a father in the house (don't ask my mom for a date). Diamond walked in her house thinking he could get in her pants that night, drink fresh lemonade and could have been shot instead. Stay away from this family Diamond! You have been warned. Why is Diamond stalking Leon now? Now he is playing savior. Ugh! I wouldn't be surprised if Diamond is sent back to prison for the father's murder. So Jenard doesn't look like a junkie when Claudia is around. But he is a mess around Diamond, Shanti and Tommy. What is JP's role on the show? We see him holding a bottle, say a few lines and that's it. Now DiFranco is taking a back seat too. He had no dialogue this episode. Elise? Why is she here? Will she be the 3rd body to fall in Caludia's apartment? That was Claudia's slutiest outfit? Please Claudia! Just go away. I'm tired of her playing the victim card. What is Tommy waiting for to get Claudia? This is the perfect time to strike, now Walter is gone. Tommy's arrogance to Mirkovic got those unsuspecting people at the Crimson Projects burned, wounded or killed. Tommy is reckless. CBI has atrocious security. No one down the block to warn of 3 black SUVs speeding down, make sure they are ready for battle and protect the grill and burgers? Big Smurf was wrong using that guy as a shield? Poor guy was listening to his music, unaware bullets are flying and then gets two bullets thanks to Big Smurf. So, all those people are there with guns to shoot at Serbs and couldn't stop Jernard last week when he stole the two bricks from Manny. Again, CBI has terrible security. Mireya got her driver's licenses recently. Now she wants to lease a car. How did this progress so fast. Is there another personality of Mireya we haven't seen yet? Miguel states: "her career is what she does for him here". All we see her do is inject him. That is some career. But it seems to suggest she is in the Cartel business. Then she ignores grandma's request to help Miguel, as if Mireya is the boss. Now Tommy has professed his love for her, I am now convinced Mireya is bad news. Is there a reason Miguel or another member of his crew can't apply the shot? In a previous episode, when Miguel had Jenard and threaten to take out his eye, Mireya arrived and dropped the needle and gloves on the counter and left. So, Miguel must have applied the shot. This episode, Miguel is sweaty and helpless. Shanti slapping Jenard was funny! Were that the drugs talking to Jenard in the form of Shanti???? Step your pussy up!!! Anyway, Shanti got Jernard back on his feet and started his demise in one episode. Impressive! Well done, Shanti!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For a moment, I thought Vic was going to kill himself when he was talking about truly being free. Holly and got her hair done in the afterlife. Ghost of Keshia was too busy haunting Tasha to make an appearance??!! Were we told who called Tommy that he had to leave the hospital in rush? I guess it's about Kate or Dmac! I hope the agent wrote in his notes: Tommy drove through a STOP sign.
At least, she was thoughtful and told him to buy protection with what was left of the money after buying her the Newports.
He was better off not seeing her that night. He wore that yellow shirt and outfit for a few days. I doubt he showered. His abduction spared her from the stench. He knows she is part of Treason. Maybe doesn't know the romantic involvement. If Mireya had introduced him to Miguel earlier, maybe Miguel would have been nice and struck just one hand. I think Jenard knows Miguel is diabetic. Some way that will play in Miguel's downfall. He did. As dysfunctional as Kate is, you never heard Ghost say a bad word against her or has Tommy ever got physical with her. Tommy could have abandoned/never communicated with her when he got grown and moved out. So, his upbringing couldn't have been that bad as he is portraying it. I don't think Tommy had father figure. Could Big Red be afraid of the Fog. He must have watched "The Fog" or "The Mist" on the plane ride from Dublin and gotten spooked. Walter was sitting in the perfect place right behind the window for a sniper. Just sayin!!!!! Jenard arrived wearing Gucci. No fear on his part. Manny must be secured with her position to let two bricks get away and not fear the consequences. Whoever is in charge of that crew must be an "Understanding/Loving" boss. If this was Miguel's crew, "tongues" would be taken. Taking out the trash in a barrel. No curiosity from the front desk. Front desk Guard: Let me hold the door for you! I guess Vic could use excuse: Now Walter is gone, he has taken over the family business and now wants to work with CBI. Anyway, this is the beginning of Vic's end. Jenard will go along for a while, but he will be back to his jealous ways. I just wonder who will be with him. He can't do it alone. Too bad Kate! Your efforts to go to group therapy and regain their trust was all for nothing. Sorry. I thought you talking Show Timeline.
Not a year. When this season started, they said it was two days since her death. I guess it's been a month where they are now. Rejoining Diamond, I doubt Jenard will ever trust or like working with Tommy. The rest of his crew and maybe Shanti will turn on him.
"He Gone" should have the title of the episode instead of "Crown Vic". See ya and good riddance Walter. Also, See ya Paulie, Big Sid, Kendall's career (can't use those hands for a while), Dumbass Doyle, Mr. Mighty Big Red Apocalypse. One Flynn down. Two more to go!!! All we get with Bennigan's plot is "He is a dirty cop....CPD won't be looking for Him". That was just wrapped up in one line. Couldn't bother show us what Diamond did with the body. Dirty cop or not CPD will be looking for him and they want their police car back. I got nervous for Jenard. When he got into the car, I thought he was going to drop his head in the White Boy's lap to pay for the drugs. Whew, it was just for the necklace. That "White Boy" junkie looked a little like Tommy. Manny gets robbed for the drugs and chain by Jenard and doesn't bother run out after he leaves to alert the rest to get him. I'm sure they were all strapped. Jenard shouldn't have gotten out alive. I knew this show was cruel. No way "10 day sober Kate" was going to be clean for a season. She kept coke in drawer all that time and never got the urge. It should have been flushed down the toilet during her sober period. The Coke said: "Hello Kate! We meet again." Not sure why Tommy and JP couldn't be honest with her and say he was alive and not give the impression they killed him. They didn't have to mention he killed a cop. Just say he was sent to "Great Shores" to get away from the streets. How would Kate mess that up? Isn't JP wrong when he said "Kate didn't raise them". Kate did have Tommy in Queens. What's with Power having sons kill their fathers. What was the point of shooting up the diner? Couldn't they just send out flyers or make a statement on TikTok to announce their new affiliation? Tommy got his car back. Someone in Chicago does fast work getting the bullets out. DMac wore that yellow shirt for two days. So, he was going to see Genesis, not showered and didn't get the line and fade she requested. No way she can give him another shot after this. Tseng wanted 10 more minutes with Vic. He wasn't getting anywhere. Why is Kilo wearing an "Inmate" ID badge in his cell as if we didn't know? So, Dr. Kendall has been dating Mireya all that time and never meet Miguel. I guess the relationship wasn't real to her if she didn't introduce him to her family. Mireya is bad news. She tried to get Tommy killed by a train and now she got Kendall's hands broken. Mireya is worried about life being short and breaks up with Kendall. As if, now being with Tommy is going to be good for her health. Doyle wants a celebration fuck and the job wasn't done. He is considered to be Dublin's finest??!!! Claudia is nasty! She wore that same dress and never cleaned up after being with Doyle. This is the second time Claudia murdered someone in her apartment, who is she paying to get rid of bodies??? This is the second time Shanti had to ask Jenard if he is on drugs. I thought she had her ears to the streets. Everyone else knows he is high on the supply. The hit on Walter was moved up a half hour due to the fog. That night looked perfectly clear. Who gave Doyle/Big Red bad weather information? The show couldn't afford a "Fog Machine"? And shouldn't "fog" be their ally as they are sneaking up on Walter? Paulie went out loyal to Walter. Came over and apologized for his fuck up. You had your chance to get away Paulie! Did JP forget the times DMac came by to shoot up his bar. Now he is blaming Tommy for his behavior. Dmac was already screwed up. Also, it was JP's fault for not hiding the gun in a safe place and not leaving it in the drawer. Big Red the Great Assassin had to make enough big noise to alert Walter that the Fools are here. The Four Horsemen and the Apocalypse didn't represent Ireland well. Who is next to be sent to embarrassed themselves. When Walter was getting the guns, he left first, and Vic and Paulie had a talk. Then we see Vic and Paulie walk outside and later Walter grand appearance. Was Walter in the house taking a dump or finishing his meal and drink during the shooting or calling his lawyer to take out Caludia and Vic from his will? I hope Vic erased the security footage of him shooting Walter. Stacy found out about Walter's death the next day by getting a text and reading the news. With her high-ranking position, she should have known that night.
Well! Shanti is putting extra time in the gym ready to knock out Jenard if has to come to it. Just saying! It may be harder soon to make money when they are mixing baby powder in the product. Jenard can't afford to take on the Serbs, Miguel, Tommy and the others that left Treason. It's a no win for him. Word is going to spread; he is losing or has already lost his grip.
I see. So, Jernard has a heart in there. Shanti did warn him what will happen if his crew found out. I don't think so. The streak of all Tommy's love interests/Liliana dying has to stop. I think there is something more to be reveled about Mireya. I saw her peek in the review mirror after crossing the tracks. Not sure if it was about the cops or just seeing the train. If it was about the cops, she has great foresight to make sure the Feds didn't follow them to the zoo and witness/take pics of Tommy and the Rojas member go into the restroom. She just may be Tommy's lucky charm.
Yes. She lied about seeing Vic kill Colin. She didn't do Tommy any favors by mentioning "there was another white guy there" and "Fat Tony" (Colin's Bodyguard) to Bobby Difranco and Stacy Marks to bring in and question about Tommy's involvement. She didn't need to mention Tony to them. Now Tony will have to lie or die. When the knife dropped, Tommy could have knocked the kid out and leave the restroom. Nope, he stabs him in both kidneys (the kid could have been an organ donor), gutted him and then went on to see Mireya as if nothing happened. He was out in the public; the kid would not have attacked him. Tommy and Mireya could have kept walking. Bragging about killing Lil K didn't help Jenard. Once people start complaining about his bad "baby powder" product, it's over for Treason. He will have no choice but to run back to Diamond. I wonder if she is just keeping an eye on Tommy for her brother.
I think he likes her for more than that. He wouldn't have confessed to shooting Lil K after she told him it would be a wrong move. Jenard is too fucked up on drugs to play mind games now. He can't go to Diamond anymore, so she is the only one he can talk too. We should have had a scene of DiFranco going to Grandma to deliver the news. Writers messed this up with the dialogue that came later. Maybe get rid of the "Tommy going to zoo and killing a guy there" scene. DiFranco is a "By the Book" cop. He isn't like the other corrupt/shady ones in the Power Universe. I think Det. Burke in Kanan is not corrupt too. The Task Force is formed, there shouldn't be any motivation about Grandma to get them moving. They will catch someone, of course it won't be Tommy. She changed quick. Surprised he didn't give her a tour of the basement right then and told Leon to wait in the car. I guess her intent was to make sure Diamond is giving boxing lessons for "free" because paying for comics books and sneakers are expensive. They will come up with some other form of payment. Also, where does the C.O. fit in with Diamond? I thought they were a couple. Yes. He was going to get a cut. But that is no quick job with his hair. So what time was the movie date? Midnight? Diamond and Tommy met Bennigan at around 10 PM and D-Mac showed up at that time. He was useless. I think they wanted to give him a sendoff, so the "Six" fans can finally stop asking his whereabouts. Bennigan was being paid by Vic last season, not sure why he couldn't get money from him. His death could tie in with the Task Force investigation. Let's hope the Diamond's PO makes a surprise visit as they are trying to hide the body. Walter and Claudia are the most annoying. I hope this season is their last. At least, we see the Tejadas doing something. We never see the Flynns out making money. I might be impressed if Walter is killed next week. I still get Gloria and Claudia mixed up. Alicia is from Season 1, Episode 3. She was partying too hard, did a lot of drugs with drug dealer Colin. Tommy and Vic arrived to do a drug deal but it went wrong as Colin was high and crazy. Then they and Fat Tony (Colin's bodyguard) helped her get out of Colin's apartment and Vic killed Colin. But she never witnessed Vic shooting Colin as she was taken away in the freight elevator. I think the writers retconned this part to make it seem she witnessed Vic shoot him. This part didn't make sense. Why bother have the one guy say Lil K is dead after seeing the news on his phone. Seems they never knew he was gone until that moment. Greyskull should have already pieced it together when he said he was with Lil K at the time Jenard call for a ride and grandma asked him earlier where is Lil K (but she had already Identified the body earlier???!!). They lost me.
Thanks. Since the last season, I always get their names mixed up.
In the beginning, Difranco told the other agents, Grandma didn't talk when she had to ID Lil K's body. Later, we hear from Grey Skull Grandma is asking "Where is Lil K" and then they find out on the internet he was found murdered. Why is Grandma asking if she already knows he is dead?!! Unbelievable the inconsistency with this plot in this episode. Now Grandma is afraid to talking to the police after she was talking really spicy to Jenard last week about his cauliflower ear. Now she has full load of cauliflower and toll house cookies in her mouth to keep quiet. Did Grandma get her SUV back??!!!!! So, Grey Skull was with Lil K when Jenard called for the ride and didn't bother go him and keep an eye on Jenard? Now he wants to spin the block to find his killer or hurt some innocent people. He should take some blame for Lil K's death. "I'm Treason...this is my movie....I'm the star". LOL! I'm surprised the rest of them didn't leave Treason after hearing those pathetic words. Only in the Power Universe, the grade crossing gates are not already down as the train approaches for Mireya to easily speed by. Rojas' solider just happens to see Tommy at the zoo and decides it was a good time to attack him without checking in and ignore his date. I'm sure he had gotten the word to stay away from CBI. I think his date is still waiting for him to come out the bathroom after so many hours standing by the fence. I'm impressed Tommy recognized the tattoo to know it was Rojas' gang. It's not confirmed if Kendall is Mireya's boyfriend but hearing his name makes Tommy very upset. Doesn't sound like Kendall will be around much longer. Tommy turned down getting action with Mireya for Seamus business??!! Priorities for him! Mireya wasn't his kryptonite that night. How can Mireya easily find Tommy's address and the FBI/DEA/CPD can't find him to know when he eats and shits. Does anyone in law enforcement want to arrest him? Why did Doyle have to open his mouth about Paulie? He couldn't tell from the conversation with Paulie the money exchange was on the hush and word should not get back to Walter. Or maybe that was Doyle's plan to cause friction. Why did Gianna have to bust in the barber shop and demand from the crowd "Who is Diamond????". Her son Leon is right there and could have pointed him out quickly. Last week, Leon was tough talking at the Gun Violence rally and now he looks like a weakling in front of his mother. Leon looked so nervous as he sensed his mom was on the prowl to be Dickmitized. I guess we'll be seeing her in the basement soon. All those people in Diamonds barbershop and Diamand and the other barber are not cutting any hair. Just one guy in the back. DMac's talking "he will never get caught slipping again" as the gun is far away tucked in his bag. DMac doesn't have super speed to get it if something happens. That was embarrassing to Dmac when Genesis' friend told her he is a loser and DMac just stood there with a goofy look/grin. Was Dmac going to cut off his dreads for Genesis? Is that why he went to Diamond's barber shop? So DMac ghosted Genesis when he was young and now don't show up to the movies. How many chances is she going to give him? Genesis looked a little like Effie?? See ya Bennigan. You had to be greedy and ask for $25k more. Now your sister is really screwed as there will be no more money coming. So Bennigan is the last of the first season's loose ends to get rid of. It seems like the show hated what they started with Dahlia, the chemist, and Bennigan. Alicia is saved by Tommy and Vic and she rats them out to protect herself and her boyfriend. Some gratitude! Damn! Walter turned Gloria's bar into a strip club in "her honor". He couldn't bother build private rooms in the back for girls to give head or other naughty business. Walter is complaining about money issues but has enough to renovate Gloria's bar. Jenard is now mixing baby powder and taking hits right in front of his crew. For all Paulie earns, he doesn't live in a better neighborhood. Drunk Walter can't even say hello to his sister-in-law. Now Walter is firing Paulie and Gloria Claudia is making deals with/lying to the Serbs, Gloria Claudia and Vic are scheming to undermine their father. These Flynns are reckless. Please let them go away soon! I don't care if it's the Serbs or Tommy to do it. They have to go! Tommy doesn't come off as a NY Mets fan. Tommy seems more like a Yankees fan. Diamond talking to Leon about nonverbal clues and didn't use that knowledge to stay away from CBI business or stay away from Tommy. "Maybe if I cut out your left eye, you will see right". I'm shocked Jernard didn't get Miguel's obvious sense of humor. Jenard owes Mireya some Ya Ya's Tacos for saving him.
Yes. No. She is new. Keep this lawyer away from Tommy or she may end up like Proctor. I am not sure if that was her boyfriend. She could be playing/sleeping around and maybe a red flag to Tommy. I wouldn't be surprised if Miguel wants her to get close to Tommy in order to get intel. A few episodes back, he told Tommy he has "eyes" everywhere. It doesn't. Rojas had the CBI prison operation raided/shut down before the lawyer arrived. As soon as Briggs revealed to be the CO on Diamond's team, Rojas should have not caved in and had her removed. All those other COs could have handled her easily. It's Kate we are talking about. Did you see that ugly cake she made? Can't expect her to buy the right ice cream after being "10 days sober"! LOL It was "Liquid Nitrogen" not dry ice. I had to look up a YouTube video. It's real how it was portrayed.
Tommy was hoping she still had Dahlia on her lips!
Tommy is unhinged/angry after getting shot at. Diamond determines he will go and talk to Jenard, Tommy quickly says "No! He will go and be diplomatic" and Diamond is OK with that plan?!!! Diamond just goes back home and gets back into bed with CO Briggs. Tommy could have gone over there and shot Jenard or gotten himself killed. He just took Tommy's word the meeting will go well. Diamond is not thinking straight!!!! When Diamond got back in bed and told the CO Briggs he wanted move drugs in the prison, I was hoping PO Reeves jumped out of the closet or from the other end of the bed covers to say "I got you N***a! You are going back to prison"! How well does Diamond know her to trust her. Diamond is not thinking straight!!!! I don't get Tommy telling everyone he will kill the person that killed Liliana. If something does happen to Claudia, everyone will suspect it was Tommy and a war with the Flynns will start. Why does Tommy need 100% proof it was her anyway?? He has gone on murderous rampages for less. He might as well get rid of all the Flynns. The ball is in grandma's court now. Lil K/Wendell is dead. Now she needs to go to the police and point out Jernard's cauliflower ear. At least, Latisha Palmer got some justice. See ya Lil K/Wendell. Next time, when Jenard calls at night for ride.......... Don't take his call. Tell him grandma got the car and go back to sleep. He came strapped and still failed. Got choked out! Why didn't DiFranco tell Grandma Wendell killed a little girl to add more pressure to her to tell his whereabouts. Can Jernard finish the entire Toll house cookies and not put the bitten pieces back on the plate! So annoying! Instead of Jenard ditching Grandma's car, he goes to buy drugs and passes out. I hope Jenard wakes up to find he was robbed, and the car gone. Then he has to call Shanti for a ride. Last episode, DiFranco called Stacy to tell her she will get her Task Force and now he is pissed he is assigned to it. Why is joining this task force going to hurt his career? Or at least, he can provide his intel to her from home. Did he really need to be on the task force. DiFranco claims he can find Latisha's killer in 5 minutes. So why do they need a Task Force. SuperCOP is here! Oh No!!!!! DiFranco needs 5 more minutes and a day as he needs to find hard evidence Lil K was shooter. Now we find out DeFranco and Stacy are married, and she has hopes to be mayor. Diamond knows a shady lawyer! Was she "dickmitized" too?? I liked "10 days sober", "Ally" Kate this episode but we know this show is cruel, and Kate will have a disastrous end. No redemption tales in this Universe! That was a funny scene of Kate pulling out the notebook to read those few words. Kate's mother told her "how hard it will be on their lives to raise JP because he was black" but Kate's mother stayed and raised him with JP's father. So how hard was it? JP had no Ill will towards his grandma. That was one ugly looking cake Kate was frosting. What name and ID is Tommy using to rent vehicles? Tommy is eating Ice cream and in a next scene he went out to get Chinese food. The tube of Balck Raspberry ice cream wasn't enough for the night? The Irish Courier is standing on a dark street wearing a dress shirt and pants carrying a briefcase of drugs. Sure! That doesn't look suspicious at all!!!!! Will the other barber get anyone to sit in his chair? Has he cut any hair yet? He is not earning his stay! Did the PO get free cut from Diamond? First, he insults him by having him pee in a cup during busy time and now gets a free haircut. His time may be coming to an end soon as he will start snooping around the basement. Tommy giving "driving" lessons now. "You want to ride me tomorrow? With me Tomorrow?" Tommy knew what he was typing in the first message. There was no mistake. After seeing what Miguel would do to traitors, he still wants to get with Mireya??!!!????!!! Jenard is the one that needs driving lessons. How he let the Serbs drive around him in that closed in formation to make him stop was inexcusable. Lousy driver. Rojas has CO's on his payroll, and he can't have them eliminate CO Briggs? Have could have her fired or reassigned to another prison or set up for bringing drugs in. Miguel can't remember Tommy was in his place when the drop was announced. Last week, Miguel never noticed there were no bullet holes in the ski masks from the dead Serbs. Never questioned how they got shot in the head and put their ski mask on with no blood on the outside. Miguel has terrible instincts. Hearing of an CPD/FBI/DEA Task Force means nothing to Tommy "Fuckin" Eagan! So, Walter and Vic know Tommy leaked the ingredients to Dahlia. Does Claudia know this? Does she feel any guilt for killing the chemist who told her the truth she didn't do it? No security detail for the security detail? So far, Tommy has killed two of Walter men and there is no pay back from Walter for them? So much for Walter saying he protects his people. Diamond wanted so bad to tell the young "Stop the Violence" activist Leon to get a "gun" to protect himself. The irony! He has to settle to teach him boxing! I get the feeling one of DMac, Claudia and Jenard will not survive this season. No apology from DMac for shooting up his bar? Who is the "Unknown" calling Diamond? Is this another girl? Last season, Diamond had no deep backstory. It seems the writers are making up for lost time this season. So far, Vic's plan messing with Daddy's money is working. How long will it take for Walter to figure it out. How could they be so sure all the drugs were taken from the popcorn bag. What if the fool accidently ingested a bag thinking it was popcorn?
Did the show get new writers? They dropped Bennigan, quickly got rid of the chemist and Dahlia plot. Does Walter Flynn still have an illness? Can't keep Kate away from booger sugar! She'll be back! Whenever the Serbs or Russians do a drive by, it never goes right for them.
Yes. It was Jenard's guy (Lil K) who he told to stay away from Tommy. I doubt Stacy would pull that.
Tommy is a wanted man and faked his death. I don't understand why the FBI/DEA can't apprehend him immediately. Get him, make him take a plea deal about his connection with CBI/Cartel or face a long prison sentence. This plot makes no sense. Tommy is indestructible. Uncle showed Dmac how to handle a gunshot wound. Tommy gets a bullet and is back on his feet in minutes. DMac is on bed rest and gets an infection! Of course, Tommy getting shot was just an excuse to get Mireya and him a scene together. Does Tommy or someone need to get shot or require medical attention in order for him to get close to her? At least the writers threw in the "290" plot to make it appear not too obvious. The Serbs continue to be a useless group. I believe 5 Serbs got killed this episode. 3 from the failed drive by and 2 at the warehouse. Why get out of the SUV for the drive by and the car. It's a "Drive by" .... Drive, shoot and speed away. Damn! SMH! Not sure why the Serbs wanted to hit Miguel. And more confused why Che doesn't want retaliation. Miguel thinks Tommy is "valuable" and of course Tommy rewards Miguel saving him by robbing him later. Last week, Miguel appeared to be some big-time boss. This episode, we find out he is way down on the pecking order. His Mom and Che from the Estrada Cartel owns his ass. "Chicken Wing ain't no snitch" but he made sure to play that Saxaphone real loud to get the lieutenant's attention to come over with the necessary cash to provide a little information about the status of CBI in view where people can see them. The store owner doesn't have a key to open the door in his own shop? Instead of watching the customer scratching off the ticket he should have been paying attention Vic popping open the bottle and drinking and the two going in the back room. That guy probably gets robbed every week. My Goodness! The dialogue between the girl and Vic was so cringe. Adult films had better dialogue. Dropping the "Flynn" name gets Vic tased. He should have been shot when he reached to his back pocket. Claudia's "dry stuff" must not be that good if she put on Doyle and he still wouldn't give her all the intel she wanted. Claudia is now mad at her father for giving the pill work to Vic. If she was smart, she shouldn't have killed the Chemist and they could have devised a new plan with Dahlia. She put herself in this position. Shanti always has money ready in an envelope for Jenard. She has blind faith in Jenard. He will let her down. Jenard owes everybody. I think he owes me money! What an inconsiderate CO to try and tempt Diamond with coke, she should know he has to stay clean. Is the basement in his shop the only place they can bang? Why bother show Lil K and others doing target practice and when the opportunity comes, the fool can't hit Tommy eating a sandwich in his car. Keep practicing!!!!!!!!!! I'm impressed Tommy never dropped the sandwich as he sped away. The lieutenant tells Agent Stacy he can't do anything for a Task Force and at the end tells her she will get it after not speaking to the Superintendent.
The show is back. Still pissed they killed off Liliana. I had forgotten most of the events that happened last season. So, two days after Liliana's death, Tommy doesn't have a funeral for her? At least we got The Jedi Ghost of Liliana to make sure Tommy stay on course with his Dark Side ways. Kate and Tommy are in Chicago. When does this timeline fit in the events that happened in Book 2's season finale with Tariq and Tasha in NYC?? Not sure why Tommy thought it would be the best move to let everyone know how to make Daliah in order to ruin Claudia. That should have been the last resort. Dahliah could have made Tommy big money. Last season, Tommy had to do a lot to get the chemicals/components in order to make Dahlia. This episode, the instructions are leaked and in a minute everyone on the street has the ability to produce the bootleg. Unreal! Of course! Claudia is irrational and just assumes it was the chemist that leaked it and kills her. Some businesswomen is Claudia. My least favorite character. Hope she is done this season. Is Garcia's warehouse adjacent to his home? Instead of having Tommy wait outside, he is told to wait in his living room. Not a smart move letting some unknown person in your personal space. But it was just in order for Tommy to meet his newest pursuit/conquest Mireya. Who is trying to play hard to get. They'll be in bed soon. Didn't Tommy get Gloria in the first episode, last season. Tommy is slipping! With Tommy's history with women, Mireya should get far away from Tommy. When she got on the bus, she should have told the bus driver to take her to Oregon or somewhere until they get out of fuel. Garcia still has a TV from the 80s? Wasn't Kate watching over her grandson? How did it get so bad that he had to be rushed to the hospital. I guess they went by car to the hospital, not call for an ambulance and had to wait. If they had called for an ambulance, he would have gotten medical attention at home. Seem the scene was just an excuse for Tommy to see Mireya, nothing more. Finally! The very inept FBI finds out Tommy Egan is still alive. Took them long enough! They couldn't read the license plate or run a facial scan last season??!! Nope, they send an agent to take prints of his car. How did they know where Tommy was located that day anyway? This girl with Genard looks like Juke. Chewy didn't last long. That was some display of loyalty to Diamond. He jumped quickly to Jenard's side. Does Diamond know who his people are? He just got out of jail. How can he trust anyone, except Tommy. Tommy shoots Chewy in front of graffiti on the wall that says "Stop the Violence". The next person to be eliminated is the guy that kissed Mireya. So professional in the workplace! How dare he thinks he can block Tommy! What is Vic's plan for revenge on his father? I thought he was going to make a move on him at the apartment. Parole Officer Tyrone Reeves talked really tough, but we know he won't survive this season. Once he shows up unannounced to see Diamond, it' over for him! Tommy yells "Fuck" loudly and ducks as his plan to take out Walter in broad daylight failed. Please scream it a little louder Tommy so the folks in the next town can hear you! Then Tommy says "fuck" in a low voice as if he just realized the error he made!
Diana still had a chance to say she didn't know and Dru would have had to go along with it. I didn't see what Obi was doing during the shooting. He could/should have popped Noma. I can see this is where Diana gets Rebecca involved to find out Brayden's whereabouts. She better keep one eye open sharing a room with Diana. If the Weston's are smart, they need to have Diana kicked out the dorm. Obi has to know Brayden isn't a shooter. Why place a call to him thinking he would come through. Jenny was the biggest threat to the RICO case and she delivered! If Tameika and Saxe can be fired, why not Jenny? How many chances can she get? I hear Michael Ealy will be on the show next season as a NYPD detective leading elite drug task force. Let's see if he can get better results than Jenny, Blanca and Whitman. You are right. They flip flop so much.!!!!! I hope so. I got a funny feeling the next time we see Lauren, she will be in law enforcement. I too feel Noma's daughter will be introduced next season. Two women are not enough for Tariq!!!!!! Yup. 2-Bit tips the balance to Tariq's and Brayden's favor in this war. He is the integral piece. LOL
The writers must have thought they were so clever with this one. "High Fives" all around!!!!!!! Tasha has been sitting in a Witness Cabin/ house for a long time and once she gets a little freedom, her first action is to pull off a drive by without knowing much about Monet. They met briefly in the cemetary with no issues. I could see Tasha going there to talk about Tariq but shooting doesn't seem to be Tasha's style. I am not sure what Tariq told her to try to resolve matters in the way. Diana is off to college and she had to ask Monet's permission to transfer. It was. I got the feeling Brayden let them in. Not crooked but creepy to me. I always got the vibe she was going to make a move on Tasha in the shower or alone in her cell. Looking back on that scene, is the guard on Monet's payroll or Cane's? The guard left the door open so Effie can be attacked. So, is she the one the left the phone to warn Effie that Monet is after her or another guard? That warning on the phone came from Cane. It doesn't make sense, just let Effie be attacked with no warning. LOL. It's too bad we never got the true weight of Lucas' and Brayden's relationship. That could leave a scare on him for a long time. Brayden! Finish the Rubic's cube for Lucas. I think it's separate. We will see it come to plan in "Power - Book 13 - Yaz the Real St. Patrick". Yaz will reclaim "Truth".