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Everything posted by mxc90

  1. Tariq believes Tasha was the "mastermind" behind Ghost's and Tommy's organization, Ghost messed it all up and he is smarter than Ghost???!!!! My goodness! The more Salim appears, the more I don't trust him. Does Lorenzo believe allowing himself to be beaten and letting Cane boss him around is part of some long run plan to protect his family. Right now, I don't see it. Diana and Dru didn't bother ask him how his face was bruise or who did it? How many times do we need to see "Grinder" messages to Dru???!!! We got it after the 4th time. Please stop! I noticed Obi (Noma's right hand) didn't show any pictures to Effie. The killing of the other 3 is her motivation. It suggests the show still have not decided on a backstory for her character. Trying to keep her mysterious. Isn't Brayden banned from campus? He just shows up at Stanfield anytime he wants. Campus security is terrible. In Brayden's confession to being a dealer, wouldn't he have told the police about the roof lockers? Makes no sense why they are still there. Whitman is in the running for "the dumbest law enforcement officer" out of all Power shows. This guy tries to bully Monet every time and he has no clue to try different tactics. Then makes an ass of himself to Blanca and Jenny. Whitman has all these pictures, times of missing people seen around Monet's bar, and he can't build a case just from that? Even if Davis was 21 at the time and didn't know better, his family still didn't have to sign that deal for Theo. I guess they couldn't afford a top-notch lawyer. "You got a mouth on you....and you are not going anywhere near his ass". That line didn't sound right from Davis. Uncle Frank is Lorenzo's brother. You would think the families would have been dealing together a long time ago. They act like they just met. Cane had to ask which one voted "No". They were standing not too far from him to overhear the conversation. And if he finds out, is he going to give the guy an ass whipping? Once again, in this "Big Rich Town", what a coincidence Gordo (Sp) is the one Dru is connected to on the dating website. Why is the elimination of one Russian dealer the grounds to find a new connect? They should be able to deal with the next Russian in line. I hope that wasn't Brayden's car left at the murder scene. It would be so easy for the NYPD to track him. But (for some reason) word immediately spread on the street the shooter was black and no mention of a second person. Tariq: "Can I ask you a question?" RSJ: "You just did." Of course, RSJ has to take time to talk to Tariq. Because he's The Great Tariq!!!! Of course, Lord Tariq knows Italian. Not sure when he had time to practice. I don't think the Russians gave chase. Tariq could have saved money and gone to McDonald's. Now with this brief meeting of the brilliant Tariq and "the soon to be ripped off by Tariq" RSJ, is next season setting up for Tariq to sell drugs globally. Wonderful! RSJ should have been more nervous and in awe of Tariq's presence. Uncle Weston, Brayden and Tariq arrived by helicopter!!!!!???? From the dialogue of Keke seeing Brayden and Tariq there, it seems Keke arrived by cab or subway. I'm curious of her level at Weston Holdings where she can tell the uncle what he should do as far as clients/business. When did it become public knowledge Monet is Zeke's mother? Did Diana talk to TMZ? Those cups don't look reliable to hold drugs. Seems easy for it to fall out the bottom. Damn! Tariq really wanted that internship with Tate, he lashed out at Brushaudria. She did put him in his place. What was Jenny's and Blanca's plan by going to Tate? He didn't seem rattled by their questions and didn't react foolishly. Tate took Brayden's big "contribution" and immediately puts Blanca and Jenny on his tail. A true politician. "Get your ass down here White Boy" and Brayden knew exactly where to go from that non-descriptive text. Impressive. Was Cane hiding under one of the rocks as Brayden walked by to sit on the bench? He snuck up behind him really quick. So far, the show repeats Cane telling Brayden "he killed Lauren". Are they setting up Cane will find out she is alive and kill Brayden or maybe Brayden will have to overcome his fear and kill someone. Didn't Brayden kill a shop owner last season when he was with Cane? What happened to Redman that the role of Theo was recast? Saxe is going to get caught soon if he keeps calling Monet.
  2. I don't trust him. There are dirty levels he still can sink to. True.
  3. You're right it is "CoursePerfect". I would still think someone is watching out for a new app to pop up. She would be wise to not launch it.
  4. The app said "Course Correct". She thinks the NYPD and the Feds aren't monitoring. At least come up with a new name. Looking back, it doesn't make sense. I can't come up with a reasonable answer to this. It all hinged on Dru getting beat up (with no police intervention), the guard saying bald head guy to Cane, and the necklace. It all had to be perfect coincidences.
  5. I guess Jenny was desperate to get Blanca involved that she mentioned "CI". She has to know Davis is not going to voluntarily give Saxe any valuable information. SHe got lucky Davis was careless to leave his phone in the office. And when did Saxe meet Monet to hear voice well enough to know it was her that answered. And it will get back to Davis that Saxe made the call when Monet tells Davis he "called" her that night. He will know it was Saxe and not the night cleaning crew. LOL. I am rooting for the kid get paid from a massive lawsuit. Brayden is writing big checks this episode. He had to pay Tate and he must have paid the IT guy to tamper with the computer. All this to get Tariq an internship. Seems she reports to Uncle Weston. Not sure why she would hang with the others at a strip club. I think there were two women briefly seen when Tariq arrived for his first day but there were no other women in any scenes at the office. I would have put in a few months and then leave that place. I have a feeling Uncle Weston and Brayden's brother would be brought in. They may have connections in other buildings and will be dealers (and eventually take the fall when it goes bad). I guess Brayden could figure it out Nick's list by reading the list of employees going to his classes. Tariq and Brayden already had business cards printed.
  6. I agree. The dialogue to fill in the pieces didn't make sense. Also, who did Lauren's parents bury? She supposedly died by drowning not by being burnt to a crisp in a fire and was unrecognizable. So they had to have seen "a body". These writers pulled that one out their asses. Easy information to pass to the cops when they investigated. With all the cameras in the area at the airport and on the streets, Lorenzo should have been easily caught. Looking back, he was expecting Cane to solve it and then pin it on the guy. Monet seemed to have bought it. He just didn't anticipate Cane knowing about the ring/necklace was in the box. Isn't Cane playing a dumb game too. The longer he holds that secret and if Monet finds out it was Lorenzo, she will be mad at Cane for keeping it from her just for blackmail purposes. At the end, was Effie going to launch her new version of "Course Correct" but held off. I'm sure Tariq and Brayden will find out and there will be a problem with the 3.
  7. Tariq is now talking about "Family is so important"? The same Tariq that killed his father and scared to save his sister from getting shot??!! My Goodness! Not sure why Brayden is eager to tell Tariq about Lauren. Effie is not the CI and Jenny was taking about Saxe. I still don't trust Effie. She seems to be playing some long game on Tariq. Special "FU" to the dog walker! You had to be quick and call 911. Couldn't mind your business. Effie just had to pick the shallowest pond so the car couldn't submerge and drown Lauren. Isn't Effie's fingerprints all over the that car she pushed in the water. So, the local police can be quick enough to get to the pond and rescue Lauren before drowning but they aren't that fast enough to go notify Lauren's parents she was in an accident and in the hospital before Jenny can arrive with her lies? Doesn't make sense! Jenny is evil to let Lauren's parents/family think she is dead. Did the "Alt Right" shirt and torch come from Weston's collection? Brayden had those props handy really quick to place in Chad's desk. Oh. C'mon. Now Keke is involved with Brayden that fast?? And she knows the secret spots in the building? It suggests that wasn't her first interlude there. Keke must need the money real bad if she despises most of (if not all) the people there. She was at the strip club and tossed away her drink in disgust when no one was looking. Was the strip club on the 18th floor of the Weston building? Noma's guard that threatened to kill Tariq, I'm rooting for him, but he will eventually fail and be killed. He is trying too hard to be menacing. Does Everret even look like an NBA player? He looks more like a towel boy for a college team. They couldn't hire a taller, more athletic looking actor. He was drafted by an NBA team, and you see this him with no entourage or anyone sweating him on campus. So odd. Everret won't have a long NBA career. Tariq is talking like he his poor and disadvantaged but seems to be updated on the latest fashion every week. When did Brayden get to be so calculated? He got Tate to hire Brushaundria so Tariq had no other choice but to go to intern at Weston Holdings? I can see Tate making a move on Brushaundria and it won't end well for him. Is Effie that highbrow that she can't bother deal with Rutgers or Seton Hall or even Montclair State???? Why is Whitman showing his hand that fast to Monet? Was he expecting Monet to confess at that time. He is asking to be killed!!!! She won't forget that busted mirror now. The more Jenny and Blanca gets close, it seems one of them will die. Lorenzo is a terrible mastermind when " Broken Clock" Cane was right this time to find out what he did and is now owned by him! Lorenzo is a worthless character! I guess Monet thinks she got Zeke's killer and it's over. So far, we only see Monet watching Court shows. Wonder what is the purpose of this. Didn't take Tariq long to abandon his "Strong" conviction to not bring the product to Weston Holdings. One look at the coke heads and his juices are flowing to get the drugs there and take over Nick's territory. Poor Nick the trainer. Not in good enough shape to roll away fast enough from the oncoming truck. Nick is a good citizen to not jaywalk and wait for a light to turn green before crossing and it got him killed.
  8. That opening scene was eye rolling. So, Noma followed him from the auction event to the jeweler so he can put the diamond on a ring (must have been days/week for the job to get done), followed him as he went home with the ring but waited until he proposed to put on her finger. They could have robbed him anytime without any bloodshed. She has serious intel to know he was going to propose that night. Until this episode, I never bothered to remember his name. I was hoping Weston security tossed him out the window. Makes no sense how he got in. Poor Carrie. With the disrespect she is getting, her body may still be in the apartment. LOL. Big Ass Head. If not Effie, the other person that could be a CI is that corny clown sitting next to Diana at the memorial. Not sure why Diana let him sit next to her. She could have told him there are other seats available elsewhere. Be gone! Wouldn't Brayden be in more trouble when Lauren told Jenny he pointed a gun at her? Also, why is Jenny hiding Lauren being alive from the other cop and Saxe? They better have a good explanation for this plot. Not holding my breath though. No Quitting!
  9. Good Grief! It's back with some serious B.S.! Now we have Noma's arrival. She couldn't take the ring at gun point like a normal thief. Just cut off the hand and they shot the two anyway. Her introduction was to show how she is ruthless and violent, yet she is easily talked out of killing Tariq, Cane and Brayden. The 3 had the well-unrehearsed "Please don't kill me" speech ready and executed to perfection. Unreal! They didn't even sweat or soil their pants. When did Dante tell Noma he was going to propose to her, and that specific ring was hers? She tracked it down in 3 months. If she is that good at tracking, Monet should hire her to find Zeke's killer. To hell with Lame Lorenzo and Tariq tasked with this. Dante had the entire season 2 to propose her and give her the ring yet he was chasing Monet around like a puppy. Noma didn't see his lying/cheating ways??!!! C'mon Writers!!!!!!!! Of course, Lauren is alive. Never bought in to that car accident story. Not sure with all this secrecy for Lauren. What exactly does she know about Tariq's business? Absolutely Nothing! So, I guess, Effie is the CI Jenny was talking about??!!! I don't think she was talking about Saxe. Or maybe Effie didn't stick around to confirm Lauren's death. Blanca and Jenny are the new "super team" to try and take down Tariq. Good luck! They will fail like Wil E Coyote! Good Luck trying the change Zeke's perception. Let the Gas lighting begin! BTW Zeke never had an NBA career. Sneaky Tariq made Zeke's memorial about him during his speech. With all the flashbacks, I thought he was going to confess to all his transgressions. See ya Bash. After 3 months, why did he feel the need to act now. He wasn't on the NYPD or Government's radar. But Tariq was his only money source after a breakup with Stern? Bash should have gotten a job at Starbucks to get money before getting involved with Tariq. He knew Tariq was bad news yet felt the dumb need to extort the bastard. And now caught a knife to gut. Stern was right to dump this clown. Did the Ghost of Ghost possess Bash with those words to Tariq that got Tariq angry to stab? There has to be cameras seeing Cane pass Brayden a gun right outside the Apartment or hotel. Where did they dump the body? I guess Stansfield hated Carrie. Jabari and Zeke got memorials. She got nothing. Why is Tariq still at Stanfield if most of the people want him gone for his association with Brayden and the belief he killed Zeke? Makes no sense. Tariq acted surprised to hear this from Dean Wong. So, he never felt the "side eyes" for 3 months when walking on campus? There were no protests or demands for him to go. I guess the school was "quietly" telling him the leave by not giving him a room. Spineless Dean Wong can't kick him out after Tate pulled the race card on him. I'm surprised people are still enrolled at Stanfield since Tariq arrived. So far, the deaths since Tariq arrived: Jabri, Carrie, Zeke, "Lauren" and the hitter killed at the pool. St. John's, Rutgers or a Community College should have seen an increase in transfers. 3 months and Diana was still living in the house? I would have thought Monet had kicked her out the night of the confession. Now Diana is magically enrolled in Stanfield and paired with Brayden's sister. The "female Tariq and Brayden" will run a scam on campus. No doubt. Another class/topic in the same room (can't afford another set). With almost the same students. Effie, Diana and Tariq just happen to be in the same class! My goodness. It's hard to hear about "No Freedom" and Tariq gets away with murder every time. Earlier, Cane try to tell Effie: Tariq is not letting her get involved. Then we see the 3 taking a tour of Dante's drugs. Effie should have turned to Cane and say, "I thought I was out?" Are all the guns Dante had in the penthouse still there? I had to laugh when Cane said "Tejadas do their Due Diligence". I was surprised Tate remembered he had a date with him by the way he was looking so hard at his "old friend". Good job by Tate "containing" himself sitting behind Lil' Mo. So, by the end of the season, I expect Lorenzo, Effie, Noma, maybe Jenny and "Weston Holdings" should meet their demise/destruction. Yes. Weston Holdings! Tariq and Brayden will burn it with help from unsuspecting Keke (who will be revealed to hate her employers and coke using co-workers).
  10. There was a scene in Power 1 where Kanan told Ghost and Tommy he visited his mother. This was before the idea of Book 3, so Raq should survive the series. I say "should" cause you never know these writers could Retconn her fate. Or he visited her grave. The note wasn't signed. I guess it was from the realtor. Certainly not from Lou! Weird how they made her from a sympathetic to an asshole character so quick.
  11. Yup. I guess she couldn't entice him to help kill Sal. Which makes it more curious why Raq didn't make sure Sal was killed at the Bowling Alley. Could have finished it in New Jersey and don't spill any blood in Queens. Makes no sense how she elevated to a big player now. If she has all this juice, she could have kicked Raq out the corner store the moment her husband was killed. I understand he doesn't want to believe Juke. But him already believing Howard about Burke without any real evidence, is a stretch. I could see if he had blamed Nicole's white friends from school before he believes Burke was involved. Yup. Tariq, Tommy and Ghost made some magical leaps in this universe. LOL It was nice for Unique's valet to help put on his fur coat so he could teleport in style! Famous is terrible! He will sample some of those drugs for sure! Ugh! A long wait. Raq will be reaching for the belt to get Kanan. Juke would have been there a while if Burke didn't intervene. I am sure if she had called Marvin, he would have easily understood and not be upset! I didn't see a "For Sale" sign. I had assumed she was leaving for good. I am sure her neighbors want her gone. Wasn't there a shooting at her house last season and Scrap beat up body dumped there?!
  12. Nice season finale when useless characters are gone! See ya Zisa, Worrell, Sam and Kenya! I don't think Marvin is dead. His talk with Juke made it seems like his time is up. But I think he will survive. What was Kenya going to say to Raq about Juke? She was doomed either way. Raq was already pissed and would unleash some fury on her. She is lucky she got the bullets. Should have stayed home and watch some of the "artful videos" provided by the church. No Kanan on Sal's hit list? He would have been the easiest to take out. Sorry to see Tony Danza's career has fallen so low that he has to be on this show. Raq knows Stefano Danza and goes to him. What was that conversation or what assurances did she get from it? Why is Sal going to Stefano Tony Danza now? Did he go to him when he missed killing Marvin and killed Renee? I'm sure Raq never purchased a fish tank. Sal fell for that trick. How is that "balance and Karma" working for Sal now? Raq wasted 3 cars to just go shoot up 3 guys outside a bowling alley. Sal should be the main target and take him out! Now Juliana (from running the corner store, watching her novellas, is the Queen pin?) is speaking at the table and her cousin Joaquin can't say a word. WTF?!!!! Didn't take long for Traymont to double cross Raq. He has joined Juliana and Sal on Raq's shit list! Did Nicole's father ever get real proof from Howard about Burke? Why was he so dead set Burke was dirty just on Howard's word? I guess I.A. will drop the case on her now after Juke's confession! Or will he cover for Juke and not tell the drugs came form her? When the hitters took out the 3 in the car at Raq's house, why didn't they go after Raq at that moment? The just went back to their cars to get soda and pizza and waited for Kenya to knock on her door to make their move!!!!!!! Sal hired some terrible people. Raq's building has terrible security. These mafia hitters made it all the way up and no one on the lower levels stopped them or called up to warn. Not sure which of Raq's security were worse. The fools in the building or the 3 fools in the car. A car left when Kenya arrived, were they security too? These Mafiosos are bursting in shooting everywhere quickly, and it had to be this one dipstick to slooowwwww walk up top Raq and took his sweet ass time to get his aim right. He delayed just enough for Unique to travel from New Jersey to Queens in 5 minutes to save Raq's ass. Unreal! So the scene of the man opening the door when Famous shot Kenny was for nothing. He didn't talk to the police. Poor Lou. Hearing his sister tell him "She Owns him", he was close to crying. I almost thought Lou was going to put hands on her after he she told him Scrap wasn't a snitch. The poor guy shot with Sam got no mention. For all we know he could have been a store manager for "Macy's" and fell on hard times. Burke just assumed the deaths were all about Sam. Hmmm. At the diner, Unique asked Raq if she has feelings for him and later, he saves her life at the water cooler I mean her shot up living room. Are they setting up a love connection or just a hook up? Unique already has a wife/girl/baby mama (or will she conveniently disappear). Famous thought Kanan suggest he sell his "ass" on the street. Famous sees a cop, grab the drugs and runs without warning Kanan. Some friend!!!! Zisa showed how much she cared about Cartier's death by lying to her parents and wanting to get back in the studio days later. Zisa's parents are concerned about her safety due to Cartier's murder and now she is dead. They are going to go nuts. I wonder if we will be meeting them next season. As they and the NYPD will try to tie Cartier's, Zisa's and Camacho's deaths to Lou and Raq's name is on the documents. This should be easy for the NYPD to solve. But they are inept on this show. Good job Lou not locking the front door so the mob can rush in. Didn't learn his lesson when the Jamaicans rushed in. Corey (BTW! Thanks for letting us know his name) got his ass whooped by Juke! Did the police call for an ambulance for Corey??!! Seems they just put Juke in the car and left. So when did Kenya decide to put Corey on Juke? He was eyeing her the moment he saw her. Did Kenya have doubts on Juke the first minute they met and came up with this plan? So if Juke had gone to bed with Corey, Kenya would be OK that her daughter is into boys and "easy and loose"??!!! "DAT" I think means Desk Appearance Ticket. Burke has some serious pull in the department to get Juke released but she doesn't have any friends there to warn her about I.A. investigating her? Also, Burke knows everyone that gets arrested in New York City? Curious why Juke never called Marvin or Raq to bail her out. Was Unique's vision to get out of the drug business and go into the killing New Jersey Mafia business. Too bad Worell will never see his dream. The biggest winners of this episode are KISS FM (Now they can finally stop playing Zisa's song, now that the fear of Lou shooting them is over) and Scrap's mother (Raq didn't pay her a visit after the revelation?) Burke can't chase Kanan? Was she wearing high heels? Kanan is not in good shape to run that far. Burke is lazy! I admit, I did cheer when Kanan knocked her on her ass! How is Raq going to sell her house with all those bullet holes. I feel bad for her neighbors! The movers showing up will be in for a big surprise. Next season will open with Raq holding her side, in pain and all she is concerned about is smacking Kanan over the head asking why he is stealing her drugs. No bullet wound is going to stop her from business and getting answers. Why is Raq nodding for "Southside" when she is packing and moving out of there? No rap! The show ends with "AC/DC". Strange times we are in!
  13. We are not falling for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was interesting. I'll miss his funny lines. Lou made sure he is a "Silent" partner now! Wonder if Zisa will be broken up. There was one "tip" he never gave Raq. Does Raq know anything about art? She will rely heavy on Traymont and maybe he will try to exploit her inexperience. And Marvin knew this about Sam and still spared him. It will come back to haunt him. Either by Raq finding out he is alive, or Sam will talk to Burke. Not good for Marvin. Once Sam mentioned Famous and Kanan (not by name), what more use is he to her? She can go on from there. Yeah. When he appears now, I get annoyed. He is not comedy relief anymore. He is a dumb murderer now.
  14. Did Sal's 2 assassins even get a bullet on Marvin? Not a scratch on him. Did Marvin use Renee as a shield?? Now the count is Sal is down 1 son, 2 men and Marvin is still walking. He should be down 2 more men for punishment not hitting Marvin. Marvin is the intended target, there were many times he could have been taken down this episode. He is driving a big red car. He is not hard to find. Damn. Even Unique is telling Sal he is stupid for going after Raq/Marvin for Rocco's fuck up! Seems the writers are trying to tell us this plot is stupid! Unique is now in 'No snitching" mode on Raq to Sal after all she has done to him? But he can tell him about the drug routes to steal? If she is out of the way, he can get back to running Queens. Makes no sense. Now Sal is worried about Queens being a "Hornet's Nest", so he has to be careful going after Raq? SMH! Later Sal sent 2 men to hit Raq or gather intel, but they ran away because 3 men were sitting in a car. They could have sprayed the car and hit the house quickly. The show makes up weak excuses why Sal can't take out Raq or anyone else in her group. Welcome back to the family Lou. Now the music business is all yours, but you are still going to rely on Raq for the money to keep it going. At the end, he still can't get out of her shadow. No Kenya this episode. So maybe her time is done on the show. See ya Cartier! Fool thought he "impressed" Raq long enough and now it was time for the sheets. You got careless and lazy. Now your business is hers. Such a waste of a character. He should have stayed around a little longer so we can see his operation. The way Raq was looking after Cartier's proposal before the scene ended, is it possible she did "give it up" to him to gain more intel in his business before she killed him??!! The building front doorman must have hated Cartier enough to not warn him danger is coming. Cartier must have slapped him once or twice. I hope Raq paid him well because the NYPD will probably make him the lead suspect in the investigation. I hope it was worth it to let Raq and Lou in. The cops will be all up in your business now. Did Raq and Lou have to shoot him in the elevator? Now they had to take that long ass walk down the stairs from the penthouse. Now Howard is Muslim? OK! Seems Kanan should have asked Howard about Raq's knowledge about if she knew Howard was the father weeks ago. Maybe the night he showed up at his house to spend the night. Marvin couldn't tell he was crying because he was wearing sunglasses. You know Marvin was serious to Juke, when didn't take a bite of that burger and fries. I like Raq and Juke's little talk. We don't have more of that. Curious Raq didn't tell Juke she bought a big house. Habib just let Sam walk out the store with the stolen goods and not run after him. He just called cops. Nicole's father is the biggest fool. Detective Howard comes to him about Detective Burke, and he can't tell he is being used to set her up? The crazy mom is right to divorce his clueless ass. Sam is talking about having an ID on Howard's shooter and all these cops are not bringing him to the detectives assigned to this case or even Howard who still works there?!!! Nope! Burke (who should not be involved) just happens to be there at the right time to get the news and she runs with it. Makes no sense. Sam is sitting in this big cell and is being released because they need cell space. There was plenty of room in the cell. Who were they bringing in? P Diddy's entourage? That one detective just casually tells Howard, Sam knows who shot him. What!!!!! Don't bury the lead sir! Howard's next move should have been to talk to Sam. The writing and direction are so bad with this plot! "Co Dumbo"! Good one! Marvin is turning a new side, didn't kill Sam, bought him new clothes, a bus ticket to Atlanta and gave him a stack of cash. At least Marvin could have gotten Sam a haircut and shave to complete his good deed. Nice words of encouragement to Sam from Marvin. Didn't last one block before Sam ignored it and got off the bus. With all that money, he may just OD on all the drugs he is going to buy. Seems Marvin gave him money just to buy his product or his competitors. Burke is in bed with Adina. Tells her she will not think about Howard and next we see Burke at the drug spot looking for Sam. Adina needs to work harder to tire her out and cloud her mind. Captain Baptiste knows Burke is being Investigated by IA and this clown doesn't sit her down to find out all the details on her mind when she knocked on his door? If he had brought her in and she told him it involved Howard's case, he told her last week to not be involved with this and the whole thing should have ended right there. And she should have been suspended for insubordination. Nah! Paperwork is more important to him, he just gives her some vague advice and don't mess with "rice". Good job! Captain Baptiste is the worst captain. He should be demoted. Why is Burke is so trusting of Sam when he refused to tell her anything after he was released? He just proved he wasn't reliable. Juke already pieced it together. Get moving Burke! Damn. I didn't realize Traymont had that processed hair. Well, no more beatings from Cartier. He should be happy. Raq will have different methods of torture for him. Famous: "I am not talking barter. I am just talking a little trade." Please go back to school Famous! For a moment, I thought Cartier was going to give Famous a beating in the studio. Famous has to be the biggest idiot "fisherman". Desperate times doesn't make him think straight. He shoots Freddy and still didn't run his pockets for money. He just runs away. Now the neighbor heard his name and will sure tell the police. And Burke will now want to talk to Famous. Oh! Famous saw the "daddy test" and the initials "M.H". I am sure Famous will conveniently confess this to her when he is arrested. What would Famous have done if Palomar answered the door? Poor Corrine is still living there.
  15. Didn't make any sense. Thank Renee for the breathing technique. Juke ran out the car to stop him. So, he finally listened for a change. When Burke finds out about Howard, what is she going to do with this information? She wasn't assigned this case. I doubt she will go to Captain Baptiste to tell him Howard impregnated an underage C.I. years ago. What a mess this storyline!!!!!!! Burke may be on the Greg Knox path! I understand Kanan too. I get the feeling he is going to find out she killed Scrappy. I can't see Marvin or Lou telling him, so Raq will mess up. That will push Kanan over the edge with her. I sense this isn't the last we see of Palomar.
  16. Seemed like a very short episode. Surprised Palomar didn't take off her lipstick, mess up her hair to look ugly, put on some sweats and started coughing when Kanan arrived to make him lose attraction. Even Raq should know Kanan is going to run back to her for "more", she should have had words about it with him that day. Now she took away his "toy" and Kanan is upset. Palomar admitted to knowing Kanan was Raq's son from the start. So she did her homework on them quickly before she and her daughter went over to Famous' apartment to warn about the loud music and knew Kanan was going to open the door to make eyes on him? Makes sense to me! At first, I thought Juke was dreaming about going to Kenya's apartment. Nope! These writers could have put in some build up before we arrived at this cult scene?!!! At least show us Kenya saw Juke with girl last episode. Nothing! Juke was on a date with a boy last episode. It's like these writers had to rush and couldn't wait to have the scene of Juke getting hit repeatedly and forced to watch porn. So bad this writing. So much for that brainwashing working on Juke! Only made Juke know they ain't shit, burn her new clothes and get her cornrows back!!!!!!!!! I can understand Sal is upset his son is dead, but Marco did get the job done killing Toni. What happens afterwards is on him. Sal shouldn't blame Marvin for his fuck up and demand him to be dead. Sal is talking about the universe and karma and all this while he didn't hear the universe tell him he killed the right guy in the hospital and leave Marvin alone. How did Dominic get all the way from the suburbs, the roof top and then to the city hospital? Marco had the keys to the car. Lou doesn't know the basics and empty Crown's pockets before tossing him in the river. Zisa is psycho by laughing when Lou put the gun in the guy's mouth. She will be Lou's downfall. Is the song that bad that it couldn't have been played a few times to shut up Lou and Zisa. Play it at some off time when the least amount of people can hear it. Cartier took care of the Jamaicans?? Would have been nice to have seen that go down. You know something bad was going to happen to Marvin once he and Juke showed hints of reconnecting and then he and Renee started to get together. I am sure those two fools missed their intended target and hit only Renee. Marvin and Renee never got in the sheets. I'm impressed and shocked the writers resisted! If Marvin is alive and didn't get hit, then Marvin did the right thing going to inexperienced Marco because Sal "supposedly professional hitters" can't get the job done. Is Raq equipped to go to war with the Mafia? Unique doesn't have anything less flamboyant in his closet to wear to a wake?! Scrappy's mom is going to Kanan to talk to Raq. Why can't she have gone herself? She's making these threats to Kanan that she "will do something" if Raq doesn't. By all means. Go ahead and tear the streets up. What is stopping you? Why isn't Raq inviting Juke over to see the house? She can't live with them? Slowly Raq is going to take over Cartier's empire. Fool thinks he is smart but can't see it. Kanan has a letter of who is his real father in his bag all this time and never read it? So all this time he was going to Howard's place, he wasn't sure if he was his father? Huh!!!!! It was reveled Howard showed up to Nicole's father place and told him Burke is involved in Nicole's death, messing with underage girls and giving them drugs. And a serious complaint like that wasn't brought to people higher than Captain Baptiste because we were told Nicole's parents has friends in high places. Burke should have been suspended for this immediately. Makes no sense. Burke gets scolded and she still goes to see Raq at the supermarket. She is so determined to solve this. Too bad she can't realize Howard is garbage and not worth the efforts!!!!!! Howard has food in his fridge. He didn't want to waste it on Kanan and just gave him burnt toast.
  17. I agree about her. Can't wait to see how Raq handles her next week. Now we have Howard taking advantage of underage Raq. Cartier is dumb to reveal the workings of his operation to her. He brags too much. I wonder how Raq would feel about Lou killing Crown. I understand Crown is not family or a part of Raq's business, but it would be telling her how Lou is unraveling in a business he loves and he can't be trusted to make good decisions in her business now.
  18. Yes. He said it when the met at The Unisphere.
  19. They claimed Scrap had this big gambling addiction. So his mom could have moved the game to place where Scrap wouldn't find it. I think these writers have a plan to where plots will end but have no clue how on the means to get there. When Crown met with Raq at her house he could have asked for a loan then. Even the Jamaican guy saying Lindy's name out loud and real clear for all to hear was eye rolling. Made no sense. At least show other detectives on the case, so Burke can find out if there are any leads. It seems like the NYPD don't care about Howard and Burke is the only trying to find the truth. I think it was fear he would talk to Burke about taking Kanan out of town that night. When Howard told Raq he is a problem, she thought he had to get taken out. Yup. So far, we haven't heard her stance. Just the pastor's teachings. Is there a chance she could accept Juke? The show could be leading us a certain way and may come up with a switch. IDK. True. I think he knows it was Juke but was trying to see which way she walked asking Howard. He does appear to be a little lost at times though. But why bother ask, he can call or see Juke later.
  20. Weird episode! Scrap wasn't a CI but it was his mother. So why was Scrap (doing most of the talking) in the same room with her at the Precinct? Made no sense. When did Juliana get a makeover and a seat at the table? If she is/was so upset with Unique's taken her hostage and coming over she could have had her cousin handle it long time ago by having Unique killed. I doubt Raq would have said a word. I need to see who was playing the Jamaican because his accent seemed way over the top. All this time Crown owed money to the Jamaicans!!? And now they are coming to collect. Seems the writers just made these guys up last week. Crown never acted like a guy who was desperate for money. Is Palomar in "Seduction Mode" 24/7? She just happened to know Kanan was coming over at that time, wearing that revealing outfit and had Anita Baker on? Palomar: "I am a woman. First and Foremost.." Kanan: "For real?" Palomar shakes her head in confirmation. Corrine walks in and she has no shame or embarrassment. From Corrine's reaction, seems it wasn't the first time she has done this. Palomar: "Every girl goes through this..." Sure! Every girl's mother sleeps with their boyfriends. It's the rite of passage!!!! Could we have had a scene of Corrine and Raq meeting before Corrine runs to Raq about her mother. Just seems odd that Raq the first person she runs to. Not her father, friend or a relative. See ya Stupid Marco! Don't know why you couldn't find a more reliable hitter to go with you. Once I saw that big nose fool, I figured the job wasn't going to go right. How far did the guy run? Marco had the keys to car. He didn't go back to get it. See ya Toni! You have done your last faked orgasm and took your last hit of coke. If only the cops done their job to take you out of the back door and not let Marvin see you. You may be alive today! So far, the NYPD has gotten Scrap and Toni killed due to incompetence! Who is next? Toni's boyfriend/husband was screaming for help as if other people live in his house. I guess Marvin's anger management class didn't work too well that he couldn't leave Toni alone. Now he brought unexpected heat on the mafia and to Unique. The class worked well on the Joe, he took Marvin's jokes on his baldness well and didn't get angry. At least, Renee can rest easy knowing she reached one person. Goofy Renee sliding her number to Marvin. The woman is thirsty, and that small cup in her hand wasn't going to quench it. Raq is devious. She provokes Cartier to give Traymont a beating. Then later she goes to him to deal behind Cartier's back. Let me guess, Abraham (who was spying for Traymont in the restaurant) is going to make a move on Julianna to get information. Now it's revealed Howard slept with underage Raq. I am starting to get tired of this character. I hope he gets taken down. Was Howard's case assigned to Burke or is she just nosy? Funny! Burke and the other cop are sitting in room worrying about secrecy and they can't bother look behind them to see the other cop eavesdropping. I can see Howard setting up Burke to get kicked out of the NYPD. I don't think he will kill her. If he did kill her, Adina knows the details too. Howard sees Scrap's mother upset and didn't sense Raq had anything to do with his disappearance. "Oh! My Bad Raq! I gave you wrong information". So nonchalant of him with that admission. That look on Raq's face, I thought she was going to shoot Howard. That was the first time, Raq gave the "I Really Fucked Up" look. Maybe, Scrap's death was one of reasons that was one of the reasons Raq spared Symphony. Also, she told Juliana to not let emotions get in the way of pulling a trigger. I hope this is the last we see Symphony. Lou can never find a hotel room. He is always banging in the studio. And why can't he ever lock the front door so there won't be any interruptions. People just stroll into the place at any time. I can see Lou not surviving this season. Now he is taking Raq's money, taking beatings for Crown's dealings and now letting Cartier worm his way into his label. His downfall is almost complete. Where did Lou hide Crown's body? And he had enough money and time to replace all the broken equipment and furniture that fast? Zisa is a sociopath, Lou is threatened and after they leave, all she wants is Lou to get it back up and finish the job on her. Pastor was laying it on thick with all these orders, mandates and commandments of who to not have sexual relations with as if he had done a few on the list himself. I wouldn't be surprised if there's an upcoming scene exposing him to be shady with skeletons. Now Juke has to "fake it" as Kenya has that eye on her. I got a feeling Corey is going to be the one tell on her. Does Corey have any other look? Every time the camera is on him it's just a lustful look of him going up and down on Juke. I wonder what favors Juke might ask of Nicole's father down the line. What was Juke going tell Nicole's father before he cut her off? Nicole's father should have divorced a long time ago. Good for him! Burke pulling over Symphony and asking those questions made no sense. It's early in the morning and determined Burke is going over evidence probably sitting next to half eaten, smelly, moldy Chinese food. From 50's opening monologue, he couldn't just say "Ripple Effect"?
  21. Freddy was the one who held the gun robbing Kanan and Famous. He received the beating from Kanan. Were there any previous scenes of Kenya mentioning Marvin and their history? I can't go by Raq or Juke to determine how Kenya will react to Marvin. She hasn't seen him in 16 years. Once Raq told Marvin Kenya was back in town, he went straight to anger. That could have been the person Kenya remembers when whe left. If she had insisted on not buzzing him in and held a conversation through the speaker, I wouldn't have been surprised.
  22. I think he is strictly on Nique's side. Him telling on Nique was just the get Raq to get him to contact Bosseli. Seems he just want to get back at her for talking to the police. But she is not talking anymore, so he just holding a grudge. Only Renee can save Toni now! Breathe in, Breathe out, Marvin! Burke was just showing up to work and stumbled on Kanan and Howard being there. That was just a coincidence she caught them. I had to re-listen; over the cop radio it said something about an assault at the apartment. I guess the old man called them. That one cop came out with a night stick in hand, I thought Famous was going to get a beating. It was funny. I laughed so loud! The line " do you want the other hand?" cracked me up! Did Cartier give him a $10 or $20 for his hurt cheek? So insulting! LOL. That haircut was atrocious. I always wanted to call him Al B. Sure. At least I'm sure he is dead. Hope Zisa doesn't break a nail moving his body. How is Lou going to explain this to the cops and the complete wreckage in the studio. At this rate, Zisa is never going to get heard on the radio. Lou is crumbling! He can never make it on his own. He is always going to be in the streets working for Raq. After the guy left, I thought Kenya was going to follow and ask "did you two use to date?". She is going to find out about Juke soon. I guess he won't cooperate to tell the cops Kanan and Famous beat him up. He would have to confess to robbing them earlier. So no charges should come on Famous. Yeah. He woke up stupid too. He didn't think violence was a two way street. Karma!
  23. After telling Raq Nique has a connect with the Italians and he is loyal, Raq could have easily followed to ask Worell how they knew where to hit the shipments and why he wasn't beaten. What a dumb plan played Nique. Worrell could have been killed that night. Now Nique is creating doubt with Raq on Lou about killing Worrell. I am sure Worrell isn't pleased to hear why Unique seems disappointed with Lou's aim. Raq looked unprepared that Bosselli wants Nique to run operations in New Jersey. She should have seen that coming a mile away. Bosselli's "Pips" joke was funny. The Italians arrived at Coney Island playing "Spanish Rap" music? No Frank Sinatra in the tape deck? Was it me seeing things or was Cartier walking like a penguin when he was with Raq? After the slap, Cartier's guy got the painting moved to his car real fast. Why did he go to him in the first place if the effort was so easy? I feel Cartier planned to slap the guy and give him a tongue lashing in front of Raq to impress her. Burke is a Giants fan (I like her). Raq and Marvin should have had that conversation months ago about him putting hands on Juke and to never ever do it again. Freddy is dumb enough show his face and rob Kanan and Famous. Wonder if it was a setup from the guys in the apartment. Freddy had not thought of retribution when they know where he lives? The mom just hands Kanan a gun and a kiss. She just met himThis woman is terrible! Kanan might get her in bed before he gets the daughter. Raq's ex-soldier from Jersey didn't hold back expressing himself to her and Nique. Lucky Raq didn't cap him. Not even severance pay from Raq. I'm guessing the old man called the cops on Kanan and Famous?! Props to him. He had no fear they would go after him after they get out. They know the apartment he lives in. What did Howard do to get Famous released? And those cops never took the cash? It would be easy to take. Famous can't say, they took my drug money? The whole Famous arrest didn't make sense. It seems to be just a plot contrivance to get a Howard and Kanan conversation outside and for Burke to see them together. Also, Raq didn't foresee Kanan running to Howard after she turned him down to help Famous. Well At least, Famous went to jail so he has "Street cred" for his rhymes. Grandma said, "God gave men dicks to play with while the woman worked!'? Grandma was tripping! Zisa's song is not on the radio now?! Crown's private chat with the Guy form KISS FM didn't persuade him to put her on? Any more Aliyah looks they can pull off this episode with Zisa? That's twice Crown couldn't see a punch coming from Lou! Change your glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya Crown! You were playing with fire for a long time and now you got burnt! Where was Crown's gun now? Didn't learn his lesson to always have it on him after the first punch from Lou? Fool even turned his back to him. So stupid! Too bad Crown had to die wearing that ugly ass shirt! So, was it planned to kill Crown or did Lou lose his temper? Zisa walked in as if they had a conversation to do this. Most innocent people would have hidden and silently duck out hoping Lou wouldn't see them and be his next victim. Is Burke doing all this spying on her free time? She doesn't have a boat load of "real" cases to solve in her precinct? Howard wasn't assigned to her. Of course, how convenient one of the Italians live in Scarsdale for Lou Marvin to get to Toni. Juke got curves! Kenya let Marvin in quickly, so she had no fear of him. Marvin is talking about the business to the group and all Renee got out of it was Marvin holding back on cursing! Seriously! Marvin held back because "it wasn't the appropriate forum" was her professional analysis????? She has to know the court sent Marvin to her for because he is involved in dirty business, so she is helping him be a better drug dealer. Then it ends with Renee giggling like a schoolgirl, praising Marvin. The cokehead old man arrested peeping Kanan is going to talk to the police and bring trouble to the apartments.
  24. Sorry. Typo. I meant she shouldn't meet with Marvin.
  25. Not the same cop. That was a different cop car in Toni's neighborhood. I think she lives in a different town. I am in the less than average group and would be on the run. Also, wasn't she dumb to admit to being a hooker? She could have said she and Howard are just friends. Now Burke could have put Howard in jeopardy if another cop asked Burke who is this woman in the interrogation room (Oh! It's Howard's hooker! Captain). I could be wrong; I think Marvin's lawyer said she was living upstate NY. Marvin is some bloodhound finding people. Yup! Made no sense. Raq should have spotted them in her rearview mirror a long time ago. Renee should shouldn't meet with Marvin outside the group. I'd rather see those two hookup than have Toni come back. Not sure what her purpose is now on the show. I thought she was done. If she is not going to talk to the police, he should just leave her alone and live her life. His talk to Renee was the best part of his scenes this week.
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