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Everything posted by Stan39

  1. According to Reddit Will and Kyra went to the Hideaway last week. I guess it was part of the Monday P+ episode you have to pay for. It actually seems like everything up to the recoupling was in last night’s show, in more explicit detail. Not sure why they didn’t even mention the hideaway from last week and included it now.
  2. “I don’t like to hurt people, that’s why I usually just ghost them.” Welcome to dating in the 21st century 😔
  3. Thanks for this. I don’t have P+ but I followed along on Reddit last night and it was hilarious trying to figure out what was happening based on comments. Kind of sucks that they put relevant episodes behind a paywall but I get why CBS is doing this. But it’s kind of like trying to watch a movie where every fourth scene is cut out and you have to pay extra to go into another room to watch and then come back.
  4. I didn’t like that, but we also heard Aimee say she needs to be treated like a queen so that she can treat her man like a king, and I’m not a fan of that, either.
  5. It’s possible Cash has always had a big ego and we just misjudged her from the beginning. It would be interesting to go back and rewatch earlier episodes after the season to see if there are clues to people’s personalities, but this show isn’t supposed to be that deep. At this point we’d expect the fan favorite to settle down and focus on someone, but she’d barely recoupled with Isaiah before falling for Wes. I can understand where he’s coming from. Everyone has been calling him out as being shady, but he was the new guy figuring out the house dynamics/game and it could look like Cash played him to stay in the house. She not only didn’t hear what he was saying but seemed pretty cold about his feelings. Which is something she’s done with other people when confronted. Good lord, why would anyone tell Shannon anything? At first, I thought maybe Will was the virgin because he was one of about two guys that seemed to frown when the secret was revealed (Korey was the other I think). Now I think maybe he just thought the whole topic was untoward and not something everyone should be joking/gossiping about. The humidity was NOT good for Olivia tonight. Between her hair and makeup she was looking pretty rough. I was surprised Slade had her in his top 3 from the start and that she moved up, but maybe there’s something there in person. I can see them recoupling but can’t really see them having a Will/Kyra or Shannon/Josh kind of relationship. Olivia is just too reserved and standoff-ish which makes me wonder how she ever got cast for the show. I think it’s funny so many see Wes as the good, genuine guy. To me he’s pure ego. Harvard football player, he definitely thinks he’s better than all the other guys (and probably all the girls). I don’t think he’s genuine, I think he’s smart and used to getting what he wants. I don’t think he’s a player, but I think he’s definitely selfish.
  6. Agree with all of this, which is interesting because this show was so confusing I’m not sure any of it made sense. Aimee was upset Jeremy says they were just friends. Jeremy “rectifies” the situation by confronting Aimee, then telling Florita he never said it, then says he has “platonic relationship with all the girls, like friends”? I swear these people don’t understand English. Anyway, almost immediately he’s now into Florita, and during the make out challenge neither Aimee or Jeremy choose each other as people either want to be with, but they both look extremely happy for each other? I’m guessing a producer got in Aimee’s ear to stop lying around moping all the time, because she was like a totally different person once she got a text. Olivia continues to blame the other guys for her not putting in any effort. She finally got her tall white guy with Slade so she should be happy. Though she couldn’t resist taking a dig at him at first either by saying he was what she normally goes for but too tall. Good grief, woman, you’re not Megan Fox or Natalie Portman. Not every guy wants you so maybe loosen up your standards a little bit. It’s interesting now that Cinco and Trina are paired up they’re getting less screen time and now maybe Cash isn’t the blessed saint everyone thinks she is. I saw the convo with Isaiah as, “I’m interested in getting to know both you and Wes, but you need to put all your eggs in my basket.” I think she’s getting a little cocky and has been manipulative and continues to be. I see her getting burned because I think Wes goes for Aimee, so she better not screw things up with Isaiah too much. Poor Korey and Jovanny risk leaving the island. At least we should be close to a couple vote soon and I think Jeremy/Florita will be near the bottom. Even if people liked the couple they’d probably rank low as it’s usually a popularity contest for the women, and newer arrivals usually get fewer votes than original cast. But Kyra and Will get my vote, they seem the most genuine, mature, and not trying to stir up trouble.
  7. Olivia talking to Slade about the other guys was complete gibberish. Something about because she and Javonny care so much about each other they should see other people, because that’s what people do who care about each other? And her “scaring off all the guys” because she’s looking for something serious? I’m pretty sure she’s the one who hasn’t given any of the guys a chance. I’d say most of the guys take this more seriously than she does. It’s just frustrating that she blames other people and puts others down to explain her bad behaviour.
  8. Lol. Olivia is so not into Jovanny no matter how nice he is to her. I think she only likes white guys. Jeremy is the only guy she’s barely expressed interest in.
  9. All good points. We always forget the producer effect here, too. I’m sure Isaiah was coached to tell multiple women the same thing. It’s also why we’ll get some episodes where relatively strong couples have second thoughts RIGHT before a recoupling ceremony, only to end up choosing each other again. And Cash is still great, but this doesn’t need to turn into the Cashay Show. Isaiah telling 3-4 women the same thing shouldn’t have turned into a Poor Cash Party, it should have been (if anything) something all the women dealt with.
  10. Just watched the Drop. Other than the audio quality, it’s so much better than the over produced show where everyone acts like they’re on adderall. They seem more like normal people. I think if I was on the show, I’d be a jerk every time Cinco says, “You know what I’m saying?” By answering, “No. I have no idea what you’re saying. You’re too complex and deep for me to keep up with you.” Lol. I know it’s filler words like “like” and “um” but it bugs me.
  11. I honestly don’t think he’s that into Trina, he just knows he isn’t into Cash and also knows he needs to be in a relationship to stay. I guess he could have just broken up with Cash and been single, people have done that before. My guess is he figured he’d try with Trina a bit and see where that goes. I wonder how many of these people would actually each other the time of day if they met in the real world surrounded by other people.
  12. Do Olivia and Jovanny think if they just keep choosing each other they’ll fool the public into thinking they’re a couple and keep them around? We know Olivia is dull and isn’t trying with any of the guys but how is Jovanny not even talking to the new girls? Three new, beautiful, very different women entered the villa and he’s one of the few single guys and he doesn’t even seem to care? I guess he’ll only try if he gets a date? Maybe he and Olivia just decided to treat this like a vacation until they get booted. I’m surprised the producers are doing something just to shake them up, but I guess they don’t care as long as they have the other storylines.
  13. Well, that may be the closest the show has ever come to being drama-free for a whole hour. I realize there’s still Cinco drama, but Cash moving on to Isaiah and Isaiah seeming like a genuine guy was a great outcome. Shannon and Josh didn’t blow up. Korey and Florita are good together. I’m sure things will get messed up eventually, but this group seems (mostly) more mature than previous seasons. At least, there are enough mature, sane people being reasonable to keep the immature people from ruining things with “drama”. We’ll see how long this holds up.
  14. Loved Korey getting all three dates and glad he’s connected with Florita. She seems into him, too so hopefully they’ll be good together. Javonney should do whatever makes him comfortable, but that earring isn’t doing him any favors. It’s distracting and without it I think more women would just see him as the fun laid back guy. It comes across as peacocking, which is sort of pointless when you’re on a dating show and everybody gets a chance to talk to everyone. I’m kind of surprised Trina and Cash seem ok just letting Cinco make whatever decision he wants to make. In some ways they’re being mature (at least how Cash and Trina are acting toward each other now) in other ways you’d think at least one of them would be turned off by the flip flopping. I guess the added pressure of needing to be in a couple adds to it.
  15. Lol, I think you could say the same about Aimee. She seems nice and all, but doesn’t have much personality. Her biggest conversation topic is being vegan which isn’t a personality trait. I don’t think she’s looking for depth, either. She said she wants gestures, him bringing her tea, treating her like a queen, and him giving “effort”. Nothing wrong with wanting the other person to show interest, but I don’t really think she offers anything back. Both she and Shannon just seem selfish and that they want stuff for themselves but don’t want to give anything back. She’s also the one who talked about being on private jets and apparently her IG profile is full of her with cars and jets. So that’s clouding my judgment. I’m probably also bringing baggage to the show since I’ve watched waaay too many seasons of this show. Every year there are guys who start cooking for their girl, bringing her coffee, making romantic gestures, and have dates where the guys cook (poorly) for the women. Yet I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen any woman actually make a nice gesture to a man. Maybe Moira last season make some food for the guys? It just seems like since the UK show it’s been set up that the men are responsible for the relationship (either they screw it up or prove their worth) while the women are along for the ride and either “win” the good guy or get heartbroken by a “player”. Kyra is a great example. Will seems like a great guy and we’ve seen him go out of his way to make her breakfast and be thoughtful. It would be great if Kyra made some similar gesture that she’s considerate of him. (Edit: I haven’t watched last night’s episode so I have no idea if any of the women did anything to change my theory.)
  16. The funniest part about this is that most of Shannon’s “looks” are fake. Fake hair, fake lips, fake boobs, tons of makeup… I guess the one good thing about this is maybe Isaiah will pick her and she’ll stop using Josh as her personal punching bag. Josh is like (Connor?) from last season, who just couldn’t pull himself away from a toxic situation. The way Shannon belittles him and degrades him to his face and behind his back is really off putting. And if Isiah picks Shannon and she pulls that with him he seems level headed enough to walk away. Speaking of red flags, Aimee demanding Jeremy work harder for her is a major turn off. I get that Jeremy is kind of dull, but telling someone they need to put in more work courting you when, by all appearances, you yourself aren’t doing any work is a big turnoff. If Aimee was doing any of the things she’s asking from Jeremy it would be one thing, but I feel like she sees herself as a prize to be won. The whole “King and Queen” thing is dumb. Fairytales don’t exist, real relationships come from two equals treating each other well, enjoying each other’s company and being best friends. CBS seems to have done something interesting this season. Most seasons there’s a heavy tilt toward the “OG” group, the people who were first in the tend to stay longer and it becomes a show about new people trying to break things up. This was part of why last season sucked, because most of the new people they brought in were lame and even though the couples weren’t great there wasn’t much push to break up. So far the people being brought in are actually worth pursuing (Will, Cinco, Isiah, even Aimee is more interesting than most of the other girls). I wonder how much longer Olivia, Korey, and some of the others stick around who haven’t really connected with anyone (though I’m surprised Kyra and Will seem so strong). I think the show is at its best when it’s unpredictable and things shake up.
  17. Agree with all of this. All three of these women pursued other men and didn’t give a second thought to the guy they were with. I doubt poor Korey ever heard from Kyra while she was going for Will. Trina obviously wanted Cinco and Jeremy knew it, so as soon as she came back and lied about being happy Cinco didn’t pick her I think Jeremy was cool with giving things a shot, but I don’t think he ever believed she was all that into him. The whole “Trina and Jeremy relationship” was just Trina talking to other people. She even admitted Jeremy put her in the friendzone, but then later said she was confused? She just wanted the attention and to be the victim. Shannon is a bad person. She’s selfish, manipulative, and narcissistic. Not only is she pretending she never looked Will’s way, but she’s never done or said anything nice to anyone else this whole time. She only cares about herself and how things look. Didn’t care for the, “The boys should make us breakfast” comment. What has she done for anyone? Josh is too dumb and dopey, but he needs to run from her. She’ll never be happy and she’ll constantly tear him down and make him feel bad.
  18. Jeremy is so not into Trina. It’s kind of funny, he’s doing a lot of the stuff women do (bad body language, not initiating things, giving verbal signals about pulling back) and Trina is just seeing and hearing what she wants and blowing past all the signals (like a lot of guys do). I felt so bad on their date when she moved in to share their drinks. He clearly wanted to move his straw into hers and share that way and got creeped out staring at the large glob of red lipstick on her straw then thought how she’d do the same to his. It’s just gross putting your lips on someone else’s lipstick stain, especially if you’re not into the person. Hopefully the new woman will move to him but it looks like she’s into Josh (who has his own issues with Shannon). They need to do a better job casting this show. Ask the contestants what their types are and cast to those types. The season is so much more interesting when everyone is physically attracted to each other. People may think it’s superficial, but there’s just no spark with these people. I’d much rather watch a bunch of horny hot people make out with each other then realize they aren’t really that compatible than watch a lot of “respectful” people sit around the pool waiting for someone they like to walk through the door. Yes, Trina grabbed his penis and she said he was large. They didn’t have sex, just made out, and I’m guessing she reached down at some point and grabbed it. Why it’s ok for her to share that on National TV but whatever.
  19. Alex had his mouth wired shut (the best episodes of the show) after getting into a bar fight with some random guy at a bar. So when we hear the story we only get it from Alex’s perspective, which I imagine is highly suspect. He’s also been pretty verbally aggressive and I think had a history of bar fights. Amanda beat the crap out of Chloe, but everyone sided with Amanda and Chloe ended up apologizing to Amanda, so that’s odd. I think Chloe started it, but she must have done something awful for her to apologize for getting beaten up? Then there’s that creepy a-hole Alex’ cousin? Forget his name, the deadbeat who got into fights and knocked over girls. He lived off his grandmothers money and basically sucked at everything. MTV has a horrible history with dealing with this stuff. The Real World went several seasons where they basically encouraged women to assault men without repercussion. Plus all the misogyny from the Challenges. They could easily set boundaries and guidelines prior to filming but they don’t. I get the feeling MTV doesn’t care about any of this and will let anything go, unless they get public backlash in which case they’ll make a knee jerk reaction.
  20. I thought last year’s quarantine season was the dregs but this season is the absolute nadir. It’s like the show went out of its way to cast unattractive people. I always assume reality shows avoid casting models/actors (I mean, LA alone is full of beautiful people looking to be famous) is because they think it will be off-putting to the audience. But I’m not sure what they were thinking with this cast as these aren’t exactly “average Americans” either. I miss the old Uk seasons when they casted actually human beings. Did Olivia actually say she’s looking for someone to take the constant attention off of her? That she’s tired of always being the center of attention entertaining everyone? She has less personality than anyone else. I guess most of them seem nice for right now. I don’t see any chemistry with any of them (much like last season). Josh is horny for Shannon, but that’s not much to build on. Christian and Cash pretty much friend-zoned each other in their first conversation. Jeremy doesn’t really seem to be into anyone, he just seems like a nice person who smiles a lot. Can’t remember the names of the last couple (the petite woman and the heavily tatted/earring guy), but she seems like she’s this season’s Moira. She’s just going to jump from one guy to the next like a puppy that’s overwhelmed by a room full of toys.
  21. Ayrton Senna is one of the best and most famous Formula 1 drivers. I’m guessing Arie named that one. Lux? Might be a lame abbreviation for luxury or luxurious or some dumb thing.
  22. Surprised they don’t bring back Carly and Amanda to make this the worst cast ever.
  23. I don’t know the situation, but Maddison might have legal rights to some family money/assets that are worth protecting in a prenup. Or it may just be a lame plot device to give her a story. 🤷‍♂️
  24. It seems odd to me. The same thing happened with this year’s Love Island. I would think at this point in time there would be an endless supply of young, horny, famewhores wanting to: leave the house, be on TV, hook up with other hot young people, but instead the casts have been fugly duds. There must be some reason I’m missing.
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