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Everything posted by Stan39

  1. Yeah, the whole, “Everybody loves me so you’re only here because of me” is just so condescending and demeaning. I can’t even imagine saying that to somebody. To demean another person (someone who’s been nice to you) and speak so highly of yourself is just gross. I don’t care if America is voting that way, you don’t need to actually be the one to say anything to the guy.
  2. I didn’t watch Laid Bare, but saw this and others on the post confirmed it. Cash can eff off. There’s some debate if she was joking or serious, but it’s pretty straightforward that Charlie didn’t find it funny and was turned off, to which Cash did nothing to apologize. Nobody needs to be this arrogant or self absorbed.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/million-dollar-listing-stars-josh-185257016.html So I guess Josh will get an offer at $6, come back at $9, sell for $7 and gloat about what a great agent he is. Lol.
  4. I didn’t read the article but I’d assume she’d postpone her wedding so that MTV could film it and front part/all of the cost.
  5. It’s odd, on Leslie’s IG she was asked why she didn’t pursue Korey once they were in the villa. She said they were at different places, that she did the partying/hookup lifestyle and was now looking to settle down. I don’t know who/what to believe but it kind of made Korey out to just want to party and hookup with girls. Which seems odd given what we’ve seen of him.
  6. I gave up watching because the OG crowd is insufferable and lame, but wish I could just watch the new women because y’all seem to like them. I think Alanna is roommates with a friend of mine, so happy to see she’s getting positive feedback.
  7. In the past people have said islanders give control of their SM to somebody else when they go on the show. My guess is that when they take pics in the villa there’s a way to send that through an intermediary to SM accounts. It’s a way to promote the show when you think about it. But I don’t think contestants have access and can read/see what people say. On the other hand, for some reason the show lets incoming bombshells watch the show up to a point, so they know who gets airtime/favorable edits. I think last season they brought in new islanders who would ask about couples, not knowing that a vote/recoupling just sent someone home.
  8. As much as people talk about the $100K prize, it’s really not the main draw for people signing up for the show (TV, exposure, followers). I’d get rid of the grand “prize” since most of these shows end up hating the contestants anyway. Implement some policy that after three recouplings with the same person and three recouplings without staying with someone you have to recouple. CBS’s mistake is thinking the audience is overly invested in the original cast, while we get tired of them more often and would prefer new people and new dynamics to people like Trina, Olivia, and Korey just hanging around not really trying.
  9. The US version lacks the time to really push people out of their comfort zones. The brilliance of the UK version is all the votes, recouplings, MORE DATES, eliminations based on different voting systems. For whatever reason, the cast just don’t interact with many different people. They didn’t even do the Twitter challenge or send compromising pics to each side during Casa Amor. Somehow CBS took a relatively simple, dumb concept and made it dumber and simpler.
  10. Haha, your comment about the guys not stealing Olivia was good. I get what people are saying about not stirring things up after toasting, but I think Leslie and Genny have legitimate issues that should be resolved (sadly, I think it will involve one or both of them apologizing then leaving so Shannon feels even more righteous). But Trina crying that she felt like an outsider again, while the girls are literally ostracising Leslie and Genny was a bit off. And Shannon needs to get over other girls kissing Josh in challenges. It’s beyond tired and old at this point.
  11. So Shannon and Josh are just the smug obnoxious high school bully couple that think they’re better than everyone else? Can’t stand any of the original cast and wish they would just throw them all out and start with new people. They’re just going to gang up on new people and shoot them down. Charlie is even really welcome, he’s just in the background being ignored by everyone.
  12. Ugh, so after everything we’re pretty much back where we started? The same toxic couples are still toxic couples only now they’re all smug and obnoxious. Just like last season, they need an option to vote for, “Nobody wins because everybody sucks.” I feel bad that Cash is using Charlie, but she says as much to his face so maybe he just figures being her backup option is enough to get on TV or whatever. I wish Leslie had committed to Korey (I realize they’re more friends) but nobody wants or needs to see a burgeoning Olivia/Korey relationship. Olivia sucks. Literally. Her presence has prevented other more interesting people from being on the show and pursuing connections. I don’t get why she’s there and now she’s dragging Korey into it. Shannon really is the worst. Who believes her fight with Genny was something they mutually did wrong (probably completely minor) but that Genny forgave Shannon while Shannon was completely petty and spiteful? Cash is so self absorbed, dramatic, and obnoxious. It’s going to send the wrong message when she wins. I don’t know what to think of the guys anymore. Most don’t seem like they want to be there. I wish Will picked Flo not because I don’t like Kyra but because it would have been interesting. Will/Kyra, Cinco/Cash/or whatever, Shannon/Josh as strong couples with Jeremy/Genny and Korey/Olivia as new couples? Really? That’s entertaining???
  13. You’re probably right, but I’ve never understood deciding to cheat or breakup with someone because you think they’re going to do it first. Admittedly, Shannon and Josh are not role models for anyone, but the way Shannon justifies her decisions, “Well, I don’t want to cheat but since Josh will probably cheat I’ll do it, too” or “I should cheat to be fair” or “even” is just dumb. Do what makes you happy and take ownership of your decisions. If Shannon cheats it’s not Josh’s fault, it’s what Shannon wants to do.
  14. Technically Jeremy and Olivia and Cash and Korey are couples, but they all know their partner is finding someone else so they basically HAVE to recouple. I guess, technically someone like Olivia could remain single while expecting Jeremy to recouple, because single people aren’t immediately kicked out upon return. But it wouldn’t do much good. There won’t be another opportunity for them to interact with five new people, so if Olivia doesn’t pick anyone she might as well just leave. The odds of her meeting someone are slim to none.
  15. Not sure if you meant it this way, but Cinco can’t pick Cash. He either picks someone new or goes back alone and if Trina is single they remain a couple. But maybe you meant that he’d go back to Trina but break up with her for Cash?
  16. Opinions in CA? Flo is gorgeous! But doesn’t seem to have much personality. Leslie is my favorite (I’m biased though) but she’s stunning and has a chill personality (she also didn’t participate in scrubbing Kyra’s message). Genny has some nice…assets. I hope she’s nervous and settles down because she doesn’t do herself many favors when she talks. The other women seem nice but not much airtime. I was surprised after the initial excitement that the guys didn’t pull more women to talk. Unless they each are pretty confident with the one girl they spoke to. The new men seem dull and odd. Everything is stiff and forced with the women. I think it’s the dynamics of the situation. The new women can be super forward and aggressive and the guys will pretty much go along with it, but I think the new guys are worried about being too aggressive and are looking for the women to let them know they can open up. All the women want guys who will pursue them but the guys are probably uncomfortable and don’t know where things stand. Or they just suck. Olivia needs to go. I don’t understand what CBS thinks she brings to this show where they keep her around but don’t do anything with her. She’s dull and most guys aren’t like Javonny where they’ll put in a ton of effort with zero reciprocity, especially if there are other, nicer, more fun women to talk to.
  17. Everyone on Reddit bashes the guys for not pursuing Cash and calling them racist, but they haven’t noticed that Cash is the one dismissing most of these guys. Maybe she just only dates a specific type? Agree with all your points. I said on another thread, when the new women came in the men asked them about themselves. When the guys came in Cash asked them which women they were interested in. She even said she just wanted guys to pursue her and be there for her, and that she also wants Cinco. Cash just likes attention, I’m not sure if she actually cares about other people when she’s in a relationship.
  18. It’s too early to tell, but not a lot of chemistry between any of them. Isabel seems interested in Korey because she knows he’s popular. I don’t think Will is interested, but he wasn’t going to stop that kiss and embarrass Flo. Jeremy and Genny might have a connection, they both seem ditzy and just rely on their looks. Josh going after Flo was hilarious because I’m guessing he’s too short for her. Surprised Cinco is the only one who’s pursued Leslie. As for the women, after Shannon’s initial excitement her talking to the guys gave her the, “I’ve made a horrible mistake” look and she’s running back to Josh. The guys just don’t have any personalities. Kyra is blocking everyone. Trina is politely not interested. Olivia isn’t interested in any of the guys and they’re not into her (how has she lasted this long again???) I guess Cash is interested in two of the guys, but mainly she just seems interested in attention. Thought it was interesting that the men asked the new women about themselves when they met but Cash’s first question to the guys was which women they liked. She even commented that she just wanted guys to want her and pursue her, but she also wants Cinco.
  19. What I don’t understand is after all the sh*t people like Josh and Trina and Jeremy got for going after people and kissing people and potentially breaking up relationships that were much more nascent than the ones we have now, now every time somebody asks if they should try to blow up a relationship the whole villa seems super excited for them to do it. “Yeah! That’s a great idea! You should totally do that! I think you two would be perfect together!” I realize it’s a TV show so it’s all for effect, it just seems like the tone of the show changed drastically in the last few days compared to what was going on earlier.
  20. This was the first episode where this whole triangle seemed staged. The women describing Cinco just doesn’t line up with anything we’ve seen (granted, the same could be said about Jeremy). When Cash was on the couch describing everything, Cinco just sat there smiling not really saying anything. And Trina is overly emotional but Cinco can’t seem to commit to ease her one way or the other. It just seems like the two women are acting out this triangle for a storyline, while Cinco just has to sit there and mumble at both before he can get back to hanging out with the other guys (which it seems like what he wants to do). I honestly don’t see his “amazing” connection with either woman even though they all talk about it so much. Just bring on CA. Not because I care about these couples breaking up, but I’m hoping the new people will have more interesting personalities than this cast. And I know Leslie, so I’m excited to see her on TV and what she gets up to. Lol.
  21. I guess they saved Olivia because she’s Cash’s best friend? It seems like the two of them get together just to convince each other to stir stuff up. I don’t understand how earlier people got judged poorly for pursuing fledging relationships and seeing if their was a spark, to full on the girls encouraging each other to try breaking up couples with no remorse or feelings for the women in those relationships? It feels like a new show now. The Cash/Trina/Cinco triangle seems completely contrived, because we only ever hear the three of them talking about each other without actually, you know, showing us any of it. If Cash and Cinco had this incredible bond everyone apparently acknowledges then you’d think one of the 27 cameras filming them 24/7 might actually pick that up? Cash describing Cinco’s relationship with women was just dumb. As she prattled on and on about whatever delusion is in her head, he just sat there smiling. She’s completely projecting her feelings onto him and he’s just sitting there like a rock not contradicting her, which isn’t actually the same as confirming anything. I think women just feel comfortable with him, but he doesn’t actually reciprocate what the women see in him.
  22. The fact Olivia stayed because of Operation Heart Attack and that Olivia high-fived to Operation Heart Attack with Cash suggests this whole thing isn’t that serious. She basically just sat in the corner like a lump of coal for two weeks throwing shade at Javonny, but then when she comes up with a grade school approach to randomly trying to break up the strongest couple in the villa the boys are really impressed with that? Jeremy? Ugh. I guess. Maybe the women see something in him they’re still not showing. This show’s obsession with the OG people is probably it’s biggest fault. I get that maybe that’s the premise, but even producers admit they cast expecting certain stuff to happen then are surprised. Sometimes they screw up casting and get some duds originally and some cool people later on. The show shouldn’t so heavily favor people who just happen to show up early. I wonder if Aimee and Wes weren’t really into each other. I assumed they weren’t shown much because they became a boring couple like Kyra/Will and Cinco/Trina. But maybe we only saw a few shots of them hanging out where reality is they just withdrew from everybody? We didn’t even see a lot of their answers in the couples challenge. For the life of me I can’t imagine how neither was saved if they had the kind of relationship we thought they did.
  23. Wait, so the women have to reveal intimate information like, “What are your parents names?” But the guys are supposed to reveal how many people they’ve slept with and who they want to cheat with? That doesn’t seem fair.
  24. I’ve got an untested theory that Cash and Jovanny struggling has less to do with their appearances and more to do with their personalities. I think people get hung up on complimenting both on their personalities more than their looks, and figuring that’s the issue, but you can like someone’s personality and not be attracted to it. I think both do a poor job of matching other people’s energy (Cash is usually really energetic and bubbly or else stoic and almost cold. Jovanny is always WAY over the top with Olivia.). They both miss those moments to dial things down, be relaxed, and let small sparks go. I think about Aimee and Wes’ date, there were moments when they were both leaning back, there was a pause in the conversation, they looked at each other, and just smiled. They didn’t say anything they just both shared in the moment. I think you need that stuff. sometimes just reaching over and briefly squeezing your partners hand means more than a five minute conversation on where your heads at while both of you sit up right and emotionless. There are studies that say we respond more to body language than words people say. So I can totally see the guys enjoy talking with Cash about stuff but not feeling any attraction. Similarly, Olivia (who has a lot of her own issues) thinks J is funny and fun but you can tell sometimes she’s physically pushing herself away from him when he talks about her being an Amazonian Goddess.
  25. I think Isaiah got a bad wrap. If we disregard what Shannon said (which is reasonable) I think we saw a guy enter the villa not really sure how to play the game or interact with people more established. Not excusing what he said or his behavior, but I think he really liked Aimee but coupled up with Cash because it was easier. And it seemed like he completely changed his demeanor once Wes came in. There were a lot of deer in the headlight looks on his face as he talked to Aimee and Cash. I think he ended up just defeated and lost. Probably best he left, to be honest. And I’m not even a fan. I just think if people are cheering him leaving because they don’t like players, then they’re sleeping on Wes (not so much here, but Reddit loves the guy). Wes just oozes cockiness and smugness to me. The way he talked about Aimee before their chat sounded so calculating and manipulative. Maybe he’ll stay committed to Aimee (she is pretty great), but I just don’t get a good feeling about the guy. On a separate note, this season is so much better than S1 or S2! It has something for everyone. Seemingly genuine connections/couples, messy pairings, an interesting cast. It’s as close to the original seasons as I’ve seen in awhile. So kudos to the producers. (Though I’m still not sure about the weird release they’re doing)
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