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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. One of my friends doesn’t like coffee or chocolate! I’m like what is wrong with you lol. 

    So with her I’m always having vanilla everything. I don’t like vanilla ice cream plain. It needs stuff inside lol.

    • Love 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Thorkim said:


    Sophia has no neck. 

    2 hours ago, Thorkim said:


    Sophia has no neck. 

    • Love 3
  3. 58 minutes ago, becca3891 said:

    He's unfortunate looking, but I'm uncomfortable snarking about it. And truly, there are some amazing people out there who don't look too great. (I am NOT talking about David R here!) I'd be jealous of your acquaintance under the right circumstances - if he's intelligent, kind, and has a sense of humor.

    This is her 3 rd fiancé in 3 years.  Hope this one marries her...

    she wants to get married because her parents don’t want to support her and she refuses to work , ( she’s in her late 20’s).

    so yeah...

    and he has none of the qualities you want in a mate.

    • Love 9
  4. 4 hours ago, Marigold said:

    @Jynnan tonnix

    I'm sorry about your mom.  The spine is so rough. 

    My mom had ovarian cancer and it metastasized to the spine  She lost mobility...it was not a good scenario at all.  She passed away shortly after that. (this is why I worry about Arwen). 

    @Happyfatchick   love the pictures!


    My home reno/paint/reorganization continues.  I've been to Home Depot 4xs this weekend. 


    I read each post and am praying for you guys.  

    I’m so sorry your mom passed away.  Doesn’t get easier at all...

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