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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 17 hours ago, zoomama said:

    yep - i am at the almost very end!

    hmmm, about wyatt. well he is ok sitting in his chair playing video games. then he gets in bed and rests a while and back and forth. he coughs much more when up and about the house . so no, i dont really think its a good decision to make him go to school this week.  i am concerned tho about him not starting with everyone else though, because of him moving here at thanksgiving last year, starting mid year as a 'new kid' and never really fitting in was a huge issue last year. we had all (teachers and counselors too) kinda held the hope that starting this year with all his classmates at the same time would be better for his mindset. but i cannot control his health so i will probably approach the school and ask to let him start next week, hoping that his coughing will lessen enough to NOT be a total nuisance for the teacher.

    I hope Wyatt gets healthy soon.  

    • Love 5
  2. Hey Jill here is some exciting news for you... 

    Go to school for a trade. Get a job and support your kids.

    Dereck will never work full time to support your family. Never.

    I see her relying on the grandparents for $ or winding up on public assistance.

    • Love 18
  3. 40 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

    It’s my BD today.  The last in the 50’s... I’m OLD!!!  FB is alight with birthday wishes and I’m going to lunch with just my 3 offspring.  It’s rare I get to be with JUST them, and I’m REALLY so excited about that!!!  And my daughter came and stole my car earlier (I didn’t even notice it was gone!) and WASHED it!!!  I’m having anGREAT day so far!!!

    Happy birthday!

    • Love 4
  4. 7 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Around here, and perhaps near you, hospitals and churches offer groups, if you’d be interested instead of individual. They are at no cost. Funeral homes in your area can also make suggestions.

    I’m not interested in spilling my guts in public/ crying like a baby.  I was given a bunch of info at the hospital.

    • Love 1
  5. Mike is so hot. Total silver fox. 

    Leah needs to lay off the lip fillers. She can barely talk.

    i bet Miscavige and Cruise watched it together.

    shelly is probably alive in a Scientology jail somewhere.  Miscavige doesn’t have kids with Shelly right?




  6. On 8/2/2018 at 7:45 PM, toodywoody said:

    WTF. Oh look at me, someone take my picture. Does every fucking picture have to be staged. Does she always have to have someone and a camera around?

    Cake tasting, it is a fucking cake for a 1 year old. JC I swear she thinks she is a Kardashian or something AND stop with pulling Lux's hair up, fucking cut it and this kid has a serious resting bitch face all the time, but look at both parents, Chris is resting douche face and Kail is resting whale face.

    I think she thinks she looks like Mariah Carey. 

    • Love 6
  7. On 1/18/2017 at 10:40 AM, diana said:

    Question about COS celebs on twitter and other social media... I'm not up on all the celebs in this cult and if they are on social media, but if they are, do they not get some fan tweets speaking of the DM abuse and the Sea Org horrors, etc? And begging them to get out? I guess I can answer my own question that they probably just look away and stay deep in their mindset. But I would think eventually they might have to take a hard look at this.

    I don’t think the celebs post on social media. Most likely it’s their assistant. I wouldn’t be surprised to know that the celebs are only allowed to use the phone in front of their handler. 


    Dont buy buy this story 



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