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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 6 minutes ago, AngelinaMaria said:

    Jill looks really pretty in that photo.

    I'm sure this has been mentioned and I missed it, but how long will Derick be wearing braces??   I swear Derrick has been wearing braces for years and years now.

    He’s like Sue Heck from tv show the middle. She wore braces for the entire show, 7 seasons or so.

    • Love 8
  2. 2 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

    I came back to gripe because I got a text from the same friend who bailed on dog sitting when we were on vacay.  I had to share.  We’ve been friends since good Lord, FOREVER!   And ever, amen.  

    She (along with her sister and daughter) had long ago agreed to serve at the reception after my daughters wedding.  For money, not for free.  She doesn’t have much income so I always take care her that way when I need extra hands.  And I always pay her very well.  We were talking about other things, but I reminded her of its fast approach and asked if she’d ever gotten hard commitments from sister or daughter.

    Oh yeah, she says, I meant to tell you - I have a dog sitting job that weekend I committed to and really need to keep.  

    I’m trying to take care of deets like this before I come home with my new hardware in my leg ... and truthfully, I’m not even angry.  But my eyes DID stick at the top when I understood she was standing up yet another commitment to ME for a dog sitting gig - when she blew me off on that same thing before.  

    Lesson learned.  

    I wouldn’t ask her to do jobs for you anymore. 

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  3. Lost my phone on the bus tonight...

    long story short a nice lady found it and told me where she hid it. 

    I found my phone. I am so happy that she gave it back to me.

    thanks there are still nice people in nyc. 

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