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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. I just watched the finale. 

    Suki should have wind with big John. Seriously who is her hubby?

    happy bill got killed off he was annoying.

    eric is hotness in a bottle.

    saras fate is horrible. I figured she’d live in a lab or something.

  2. The spelling Jaxon makes me stabby and at first I thought it was Jason.

    9 minutes ago, MamaMax said:

    OK, I don't mean to insult anyone here, in case you all like it, but I HATE it when people come up with YouNique spellings of names. And I double hate it when the made up spelling involves unnecessary X's,  Z's and Q's.


    His name is Jackson. Just spell it normal and spare him a life of correcting people.

    You mean Xzavier right?

    • Love 15
  3. 33 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    I googled poodle rescue groups near me and a couple came up - in my area there is a good selection of poodles of various sizes and ages looking for a forever home.  So maybe google?

    https://www.adoptapet.com/dog-adoption/search/50/miles/11219?is_family_specific=1&family_id=94&family_name=Poodle (Standard)


    34 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:


    Does:       Eternally Loved, Missed and Remembered



    I don’t know what to write

    • Love 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Marigold said:

    I didn't think there were any poodles who were homeless.   They are so expensive, I figured that no one ever lets them go!  That's a good idea, though.  I will look around.  I would take an adult dog.  Not too enamored with puppies, to be honest. 

    How's the new cat doing?   I have a entire herd (?) of cats living in my backyard, under a big shed, next to the huge woods.  We haven counted 10 but I think there might be more. One looks pregnant!  I don't know one thing about cats but I feed them in the cold months.  I don't even know what wild cats eat but I figure the winter might get hard for them so I put out some cat chow on a paper plate. Right now, they look really fat to me so they must have found a food source in the woods, I guess. 


    @galaxychaser  How are you?  I was thinking of you with the fire in your building.  

    Huh in my neighborhood there are a ton of feral cats. 2 ladies feed them. You are nice to do that.

    Off topic I need opinions. Does this look okay for my moms headstone 

    eternally loved missed remembered

    im only allowed 40 characters spaces included. 

    • Love 7
  5. 5 hours ago, Marigold said:

    I didn't think there were any poodles who were homeless.   They are so expensive, I figured that no one ever lets them go!  That's a good idea, though.  I will look around.  I would take an adult dog.  Not too enamored with puppies, to be honest. 

    How's the new cat doing?   I have a entire herd (?) of cats living in my backyard, under a big shed, next to the huge woods.  We haven counted 10 but I think there might be more. One looks pregnant!  I don't know one thing about cats but I feed them in the cold months.  I don't even know what wild cats eat but I figure the winter might get hard for them so I put out some cat chow on a paper plate. Right now, they look really fat to me so they must have found a food source in the woods, I guess. 


    @galaxychaser  How are you?  I was thinking of you with the fire in your building.  

    Petrified of living there. But due to current rents I cannot afford to move anywhere. Honestly I can’t even afford a room. $1000 for a room is not on my budget.

    • Love 2
  6. 24 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Eek. I’ve heard of many people in NY who have problems due to absentee landlords as well as slum ones (not saying that you live in a slum. It’s more of how the landlord doesn’t do any upkeep so that eventually the building becomes dangerous and unsuitable.). I’m really sorry that you have to deal with this and I know that apts in the metro area can be quite pricey. I’ll pray for you. Do you have a good smoke alarm? A carbon monoxide one? Also consider a fire ladder for your window. They costs may save your life. 

    I have a fire escape I live on the top floor. At least this time I have no water damage. Just horrible smoke that burned my throat. I’m in the library trying not to freak out and wind up in the mental ward...

    this is very very old building and the landlord does the bare minimum. 

    5 minutes ago, Marigold said:

     Small world!  I work in Brooklyn.

    What the heck is going on?  building in poor repair?  Landlords often don't treat their tenants with respect. 

    The fire captain said the insulation caught on fire over the same apartment the second time. The apartment is next to mine. And this time there was also a fire over a second apartment down the hall. It’s electrical fire both times. I assume it’s due to cheap insulation and the hot hot summer.

    the landlord in my opinion is cutting corners.

    i feel bad for all the tenants from top to bottom floors that got severe water damage. The very attractive firemen did their job though.

    • Love 9
  7. No the fires were on the roof of my building due to insulation/electric wires burning. I live in Brooklyn, ny. No wildfires here it’s nothing but concrete everywhere.

    and I live alone so that sucks.

    basically the same reason for both fires.

    im going to let my cousins know if I die in a fire they better sue the landlord.

    • Love 8
  8. 18 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

    Today is a sad day for me.  My 9-year-old calico cat had to be put down. Her photo is next to my name.  It was sort of unexpected; she had been having bad digestive issues for a while, and I had a sonogram done last week.  It showed an enlarged spleen, and she was put on antibiotics and and restricted diet, but I still had liquid poop all over my house.  Just sleeping in my lap would make me have to change my clothes.  I know she was not feeling well, so, after a discussion with the vet, I had her put down.  She went easily and peacefully, but I'm still very sad.  She was  absolutely the smartest cat I have had ever had, and she loved everybody.  She was a special girl, and a lot of people will miss her.  My other cat, who is NOT smart, was crying when I came home, so I'm sure she knows the score.  I guess I will be at the shelter one day next week.

    I’m so sorry.

    • Love 2
  9. So around 7:30 am I had firefighters wake me up. Second fire on the roof in 2 diff spots. 

    Last fire was 8/31/14 and now 4 years later again. I’m really really scared to live here. But I cannot afford to move anywhere. I’m crying and shaking.

    in case I stop posting here know that I died. 

    27 minutes ago, zoomama said:

    someone said something similar earlier this week but i have already instructed my computer-savvy children to at least go here and fb to let everyone know when the Lord takes me home. no sense is just disappearing and no one knowing why.  i suppose i should also explain my genealogy sites to someone someday that may have an interest in the future.  another thought i wanted to share....i write a blog with the hope that i can share my thoughts and experiences with my grandchildren even after i am gone.  so what i do each year, in january, is upload it to a blog-book making site, order a hard copy to be mailed here and then it sits on my desk shelf waiting for the day when one of them is interested enough to read it.  i include photos and fun memories but i also share my real feelings on things too. i would have LOVED something similar from my mother or grandmothers. so, there's that....

    Wonderful idea for the future generations to have! I so wish my mom kept a journal or even a recipe book. But she did not. It makes me sad that I won’t be able to cook like her.

    • Love 6
  10. 4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Hummus Recipe

    Sep 3, 2018 | Recipes | 0 

    This hummus recipe is another one of our favorites!  I’ve adapted it from our friend’s cookbook (The Two Sisters Cookbook). It’s pretty simple, super tasty & cheap!


    Makes about 2 cups

    1/4 cup lemon juice

    1/4 cup olive oil

    1/4 cup water

    1 garlic clove

    1 T. cumin

    1 tsp. salt

    1/4 tsp. pepper

    1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper

    2 (15.5oz) cans chickpeas/garbanzo beans, drained

    Combine everything EXCEPT chickpeas in blender. Blend for 10 seconds. Add drained chickpeas and blend until smooth.

    Hummus is delicious when served as a spread on tortillas or bagels, or it can be used as a dip with pretzels, vegetables or chips.


    Yay a new recipe! 

    I don’t like hummus...

    • Love 2
  11. Unusual names

    Duff is the son of Lara Spencer 


    twins named martrez and martrell 

    4 hours ago, MunichNark said:

    No cupcakes here, but I did make an apple cake. Take a slice:-)

    Well, bearing in mind that our climate is not ususally extreme, the past few summers have been getting longer and hotter every year. We go from some sort of winter to summer within a day. There is no longer a springtime.

    Munich's very humid as well, which makes temperatures above 25 degrees (Celsius) very hard to bear. We now routinely get temps over 35 plus degrees - my office went up to 33 recently which is just 2 degrees below the legal limit of where your employer has to send you home. Plus, we dont have or do aircon. And I live on the top floor.......

    I know quite  a few of you live in very hot climates, but I'm not used to it and Im very much a "20 degrees is just fine, thanks" person, so I loathe summers now.

    Wait there is no a/c in Germany? Not even in hotels? 

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