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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 18 hours ago, Zella said:

    A few years ago, the small rural public library I work at got an unsolicited shipment of Scientology material. It was a huge box, full of Scientology books and a weirdly worded letter, informing us that they wanted to donate these books to us. It was never quite clear who sent it. Anyway, we read through some of the material and realized that we would never get any work done if we kept those books around because it had serious rabbit hole potential. Have no idea what our library director at the time did with the material, but the box wasn't there the next day. 

    It was Tom Cruise lol. 

    Seriously I think by the time the church is done with him he will be broke. 

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  2. On 7/10/2018 at 10:22 PM, Loves2Dance said:

    That may or may not have been her doctor. When I had my eldest, the hospital had doctor teams and you got whoever was on call. I saw the same OB for my entire pregnancy, but I was delivered by her team doctor because she was off. With my younger, I had the same person the entire time from start to delivery. It really depends on how the hospital is set up. 

    That is the nastiest of nastiest I have ever seen....no shoes, in a hospital? I hope they bleached themselves afterwards. 

    Did you see Derek’s nasty mold armpit pics? I doubt he even showered that week after the hospital. He’s filthy and nasty.

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  3. 31 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Re: The Times Square location...That's the "church" that Leah Remini attended as a kid. 

    eta: Her book is a must-read. It got me rolling down the rabbit hole.

    I want to read it. I will see if the library has it. I’m starting to see that most of the earnings go to them. So how much $ is there left in the celebrity accounts? Do the celebrities even have access to their $?

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  4. On 9/19/2017 at 11:02 PM, juliet73 said:

    I just watched a show on Discovery ID about the life and murder of Elli Perkins. In a nutshell, she and her husband were hardcore Scientologists. They had 2 kids and the whole family practiced Scientology. The son had a lot of mental issues as he got older. He got arrested when he was in his 20's and was court ordered to a psych ward because he was delusional, etc. The pdoc diagnosised him with paranoid schizophrenia and says he needs to be medicated. Of course the parents say no and that Scientology and a regime of vitamins will cure him, etc. Short time later, the son tries to kill himself unsuccessfully, so he kills the mom because she's the devil, etc. He was found not guilty due to mental illness. He will spend the rest of his life in an institution. Very sad and disturbing. Google her or try to catch the show on Discovery. 


    I just watched it. So sad for everyone. I hope Jeremy gets the treatment he needs and stays locked up .

  5. 45 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Well after all this chat I took one for the team and went to CFA and got their Cobb salad for dinner. I could only eat half. It was ok but a little too salty for my taste. Still, I do have the other half for lunch tomorrow so cost wise it was reasonable for something that I didn’t have to make. Why is fast food always so salty...to add taste? 

    To give you high blood pressure which will kill you.

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  6. 46 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

    Ketchup?!? Does she not know tomatoe paste exists?

    That stew looks exactly like the Rachel Ray Nutrish doggie stew I treat my little Scooter Pie to on special occasions.  This pic is actual dog food folks.


    The dog food looks more appetizing!

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