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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. On 6/6/2018 at 10:05 AM, Mindthinkr said:

    For sleep has anyone tried a tea made by Celestial Seasonings called Sleepy Time? 

    I drink it regularly. It does help a little. I also take ambien regularly. Insomnia sucks. 

    My mom used to take valerian root to sleep. I never tried it.

    • Love 2
  2. On 6/10/2018 at 5:14 PM, AngelaHunter said:

    Am I living in the past? I never saw the case of Foxy Brown vs. her long-time live-in boyfriend, "Rockey" Seales. I admit I don't know what she's suing him for. Foxy hasn't worked for 10 years because she's too disabled,(she squints) but happily she managed to save enough from her SSI and money her daughter "had gaven her" to take a cruise, for which she is not too disabled. She cared for her daughter's three or four kids. Thank goodness her total disability doesn't preclude her from doing that, and that her daughter has so much disposable income she can chip in for mom's cruise. Grandma never got a government cent for the babysitting of her grandchildren. Okay, sure. Work that system! Rockey is in a wheelchair because - I don't know. Some long explanation about a birth defect or whatever. Foxy, GTFO! Rockey gets back his curio cabinet. Case over. 

    Ugh, those three dopey, immature silly boys (actually grown men chronologically but mentally babies) suing for rent? They're going places. None of them has an  education, they work sometimes at menial jobs which they regularly lose, thus the eviction,  and they can't speak proper English. The future is theirs! Plaintiff is suing def for a judgement against him(plaintiff) for the rent none of them paid. Well, he doesn't have that judgement with him! Duh! It's at home in Sacramento. Why would he need that? Again I say: You women who choose to be cougars? Are you kidding us? Go away, children, and stop bothering the adults.

    She watched 3 grandkids. 2 of them 1 year old twins. She is not that disabled. And going on a cruise. Milk the taxpayers girl.

    • Love 5
  3. 33 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

    JimBlob...his gut and man boobs have the same circumference....made you look....

    Jess is trying to hide her baby bump with stringy hair and slumping and wearing one of Bin's t shirts.....

    He is such a dream boat. 

    He can nurse several grandsons with those knockers. 

    Yes you made me look lol. 

    • Love 7
  4. I’m in nyc. 

    Poor cate is so big she can’t fit in the booth. Sitting sideways. 


    New thread title ideas: 

    cate and ( quasidilla) 

    tyler the single dad 

    cate, Tyler, Carly and nova who

    cate, Tyler and 7 pound quesadilla 

    • Love 3
  5. 3 hours ago, HooHooHoo said:

    I am having surgery in a couple of weeks and need some soft, flowy dresses that will be comfortable and easy to put on/off. A brief search on Amazon came up with  tshirt/swing dresses with a modesty panel (lace type thing) attached. What???  This isn’t a Duggar only thing???  I would attach a link, but I am inept.  



    for plus size ladies

    Or this very comfy



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  6. 19 minutes ago, Kazu said:

    Isaac was not cute. lol  It seems the tables have turned. Isaac became one cute kid while his mother turned into an ogre.

    Shrek is more attractive than kale

    • Love 4
  7. On 6/9/2018 at 1:58 PM, SPLAIN said:


    Could "Basic Bitch with a Starbuck Drink" be a contender for a thread title? If so, add it please @druzy.

    Her wardrobe is pretty basic on her. It would be pretty cute on the right person. See, that is when the person makes the clothes, not the other way around. It is just a reminder of what she has done to her body. Why didn't she just leave her body alone? She was fine before.

    In one way, I am glad and happy to see a young female enjoy traveling and seeing the world on her own. I wish many young people could enjoy such travels.

    I try and tell young girls any chance I can to enjoy their life, hold off on any serious relationships, don't get pregnant, get an education and/or establish yourself in a job or career, and when you can and if you can afford to, travel the world.

    I think the title should be

    basic hulk with a Starbucks drink  

    • Love 8
  8. Thread suggestions 


    Leah, let me exploit my babies one more time

    leah, you aren’t as hot as you think you are

    leah, pilsies is all I care about

    leah, I’m 26 but looks can be deceiving 

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