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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 1 hour ago, druzy said:

    At least she took a bath.  

    5 hours ago, druzy said:
    Silly me. If you pose with your husband in a spaceship and post it on social media you are not getting a divorce.
    She figured out how to use those filters. 

    Tyler’s clothes match the walls.


    cates shoes are gorgeous. 

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  2. Barry is now 21. In the pilot Barry wants a car so he's 16. Season 5 just ended so he's 21. Erica should be 22 or older and she just finished her first year at college (actually she dropped out).


    The writers must think the viewer me is stupid. So tired of these kids being in high school for years (that 70's show comes to mind).  Make them graduate on time.  Erica should have graduated in season 2 and Barry in season 3 at most.


    Didn't see the season finale so I don't know if Barry graduated high school yet. 

    • Love 1
  3. 5 hours ago, ginger90 said:


    51 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

    Some of the skinnier mothers get to sell waist “trainers” and diet drinks. She gets a donut deal. lol. 

    Let’s hope Cait shared them with Nova. But probably not. 

    • Love 6
  4. 17 hours ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

    So it looks MTV cut ties with David and fired him.

    "David Eason's personal comments do not reflect the views of MTV," a network spokesperson said in a statement to E! News. "With six weeks left of production on Teen Mom 2, effective immediately, we are ending our relationship with him."

    What that means for Jenelle...I hope she's fucking gone, too. Promote Barb!

    Also laughing at Jenelle's statement. I have to laugh or otherwise I'd cry at the ignorance and sadness I feel for all kids under their care.

    "David didn't understand how offensive people would get or how Twitter even works. Now that he realizes his voice is very strong within media/tabloids he has deactivated his account. He agrees he will keep his comments to himself from now on," she said. "David doesn't hate people from the LGBT community. My old manager was gay and used to be one of me and Davids close friends. We attended Farrah [Abraham]'s birthday in Miami with a lot of LGBT people there and he didn't act in any type of way. We went had a good time and left. We are sorry for the comments that were made."

    good. and the bubby david had all the chances to keep his job. way to go, you lost the easiest $ you can make. now he will just steal all of the jennells $.

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