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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 1 hour ago, Triple P said:

    Well this is pretty complicated because there are several decisions to make before beginning the process. I should probably make a flow chart, but this will have to do for now. Also this is a long held TripleP family recipe, so don't share outside of this forum. Thnx.

    First figure out why you want to boil water?

    > to cook something or make a warm beverage like tea (that is also super complicated, I will have to ask my momma to post her recipe.)

    >what am I going to cook?

    >how many servings do I need to make?

    >do I need a small pot, a large pot or a pan (momma always used a pan to make poched eggs (my brother (Billy Bob's) favorite)...I know you need boiling water for that)

    Anyways, find a pot. It might be in a cupboard or a pot rack (hangs from the ceiling). I like Le Crueset (anyone else know about these?) but any old pot will do.

    Dump the cold water in the pot.

    Put the pot on a burner (round thingy) on the stove.

    Figure out which knob goes with the burner you put the pot on.

    Turn it to "Hi". (If you have a gas stove, you'll need to ask someone else how to use that. I once tried to use one, but the water never boiled, the house just started to smell funny! Lol)

    Wait for water to boil, but remember, a watched pot never boils, so you should leave the room and come back and check on it in about 30 minutes.

    The water will get very hot and bubbly. Wa-la boiled water!

    (C) TripleP

    I can also use boiling water for birthing babies and disinfecting my medical thingys. Yay.

    • Love 14
  2. I’m done with Facebook. People are so mean and cruel. 

    I made a comment stating that the kids name should have been spelled traditionally. (Think Trystiin vs. Tristan). And I wish him luck in the future.

    i was called troll, told that they prayed I would get assaulted and die etc. and those were the “nice” comments.

    im canceling Facebook today. 

  3. On 6/29/2018 at 9:37 PM, Heathen said:

    She's probably stirred up desires in Derelict that he can't righteously fulfill. Isn't that how fundies characterize thinking someone is hot? So Derelict thinks Jazz is hot and he can't do anything about it. 

    Perhaps Derek once met a trans woman who he thought was attractive. He did go to college and traveled... maybe Derek thinks that makes him gay . 

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  4. 5 hours ago, louannems said:

    I admit to being an ice cream snob.  In my Western Washington area, ice cream still being sold in cardboard rectangular boxes is the absolute cheapest available.  Gag. For many years, better ice cream has been packed in cardboard 12-16 serve tubs.  And, of course, the best stuff comes in pints!

    The cheapest ice cream is just pumped full of air and chemicals.

    Pints are the best. My favorites blueberry gelato and anything coffee.

    jackson is so small for his age.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Albanyguy said:

    I'm astonished that they haven't set up the GoFundMe for Timothy's tuition yet. I can't believe that Jill and David either can or will simply pay for it out of their own pocket. They must be counting on their mad grifting skillz to see them through. They've probably already worked out an arrangement with some Fundie family for Tim to work for them in exchange for free room and board. As for his tuition, they probably don't have to actually cut a check to the school for a month or so yet (assuming his first semester starts in September) and they're telling themselves "The Lord will provide". Maybe they have a donor in mind that they're working on to underwrite at least the first semester. Or maybe they're planning that when they get out there, they'll make an impassioned pitch to the school to waive the tuition in exchange for the invaluable free publicity that Jill will give them on her website (after all, who could turn a deal like that down?). My guess is that they'll string the school along with a lot of Jesus-y promises and sneak Tim through at least part of the first semester before he's kicked out for non-payment. Then they'll bring him back home and come up with some bullshit story to explain what happened. Or, who knows, they just might be able to get some suckers to actually donate enough to keep him there, although the poor response to Nurie's recent plea could suggest that they're losing their touch.

    Mad gifting skillz should be the title for their own thread!

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