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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 3 hours ago, popcornchicken said:

    I tuned in late today, but I caught this sage advice from a fee-male litigant:

    ”Don’t trust nobody in jail.”

    ”Don’t date nobody in jail.”

    that lady gave $1500 to a guy she barely knew . He was hot. 

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  2. I think everyone should get fired.  Replace everyone with 16 or 17 year old teen moms

    At 25 they are too old to be on this show.  

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  3. 21 hours ago, Maharincess said:

    I can say this now because now he's cute, but Isaac was one of the ugliest babies I've ever seen in my life. He was just so strange looking. I still don't think he looks like either Karl or Jo. Vivi is adorable. It must kill Karl that Jo has a little girl, you know she's not done having kids yet because she can't stand Jo and Vee having something she doesn't have. 

    I wonder how many kids she'll end up having. Hopefully she'll have a set of twins at some point because that's the only way any of her kids will have the same dad. 

    Maury had quite a few shows where twins had different dads.  

    The kids look cute dressed up for Halloween. 

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