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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. ha i was right tylynn or tyra or kater or kayler is on its way.

    nova needs bangs her forehead is huge.

    watch cate dump this kid and go off on her mental retreat. what is she depressed over she got $ and healthy kids and she is health ish.

    grow up cate and ty ty.

    • Love 9
  2. 40 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

    I think it is going to make her self worth fall even farther and then there’s a good chance of depression. She needs a hobby stat. Find a quilting group. Volunteer at a hospital...nah! Scratch that. I forgot about how she’d know more than the doctors and wouldn’t be able to follow orders. There are many things that she could go out and do but she probably feels that her biggest duty is to prevent her husband from straying. Go work at the college cafeteria. It could result in free lunches. My question is who is taking care of the kids while she’s monitoring his classes? 

    Jessa and when she can't probably Jana.

    Jana is smart for not marrying, oh wait she is practically married to her parents and doing all the parenting etc in that house.

    • Love 8
  3. On 9/8/2018 at 10:08 PM, psychoticstate said:

    So I began watching True Blood back during its initial run and stopped at the end of season 2 or beginning of season 3.  Just rewatched those seasons and the remaining ones.  Watched this episode today.

    I'm not sure what I feel or what to say.  I suppose the mainstreaming of New Blood interjected nicely with the "new blood" of how the show ended versus the True Blood of the beginning.  However . . . I don't understand how Sookie being married and pregnant is her end game.  When Bill mentioned how she was around children, I was waiting for a follow up or a puzzled look because how is Sookie around children?  Do we know?  Has she ever indicated a desire to have a family of her own?  Or even marry?   And if that was the case, why in all that is holy did the writers kill off Alcide?  What was the point of that??   It certainly wasn't so that Sookie could question what she truly wants out of life or grieve because she seemed to do neither.  (Of course it feels like no one on this show grieves for more than about 60 seconds before they're sexing it up with a  new or not so new person.) 

    Jason and Brigitte felt forced.  We were introduced to Brigitte like 5 minutes ago and as Hoyt's girlfriend.  I really thought the show was going to have Jason end up with Jessica and I was okay with that.  Both of them admitted there was love there and their relationship together was possibly the easiest and most uncomplicated either had.  So then Jessica gets giddy over Hoyt again?  And tells him their true story and they end up getting married a day after he feels he met her?  And we don't know Brigitte and all (other than the fact that she has terrible judgment on what to wear to catch a plane from Louisiana to Alaska) but I felt terrible that she was supposed to be sitting in Jason's house while the rest of them went to Hoyt's wedding??  Really? 

    I don't feel bad at all for what happened to Sarah because she brought it on herself.  She spent years sucking people dry with her neediness and evilness, using religion as an excuse for being an asshole.  So now that she's spending the rest of her days being sucked dry, okay.  As far as why she wouldn't escape as others have mentioned, don't forget that Eric glamored her to believe that everyone in the world was after her to harm her and only he and Pam were her friends.  As far as the secret of her being chained up in Fangtasia's basement goes, yeah, that was a bit plot hole because that would surely get out.

    I hated how Bill ended.  While I thought he was an absolute dick during Billith (whoever coined that is awesome), I don't see why he would think he needs to be dead for Sookie to move on.  She moved on, to a degree, with Eric.  She moved on with Alcide.  Could Bill not move elsewhere?  Did he have to be in Bon Temps?   And while I liked Sookie with Eric, Bill should have been her end game.   I haven't read the books so I don't know how those end but as far as the show goes, it always seemed like it would circle around to Sookie with Bill.  I think her attraction for him started, not because she was a danger whore, but because here was one person on the face of the earth that she couldn't hear.  He gave her peace and calm (at least at first.)  For a telepath, that must have been a huge draw.  So Bill definitely rewrote history and tried to simplify the attraction, which was not the case.  If Sookie was just a fangbanger, she would have found someone before Bill as the vampires had been out of the coffin for several years. 

    I'm so glad that Eric and Pam survived as, with Jessica, they were the best part of the show.  I don't believe for a minute that Eric or Pam would do infomercials.  Please.  And Eric would certainly never do them in beige slacks and a slight twang.  WTF?  

    So Sam stayed with Nicole and had another child.  Surprising.   Adilyn aged 18 years in 2 weeks' time but after 4 years, she looks exactly the same?  And still warm and fuzzy with Wade?   And Arlene is still with Keith?  I'm guessing now that New Blood is available, they can do more than dance.  Glad to see Willa - - the writers really just dropped her character until the very end.  I mean, where did she even go after Reverend Daniels rescinded the offer to enter their home?   I almost expected to see Alcide's father and his girlfriend sitting at the Thanksgiving table since Sookie apparently had everyone else there.   Having zero scenes with Lafayette was a waste.

    Disappointed.  It felt disjointed and dragged out.  If the writers weren't going to have Sookie end up with Bill, I'd rather have seen her alone.  Kind of frustrating that every single person is paired off, as if a happy ending cannot be attained unless you are part of a couple.  

    I’m done reading the last book. It’s nothing like the show. In the books...









    Arlene died.

    alcide, bill survived.

    jason is a were panther 

    sookie winds up with Sam.

    reverend newlin is never a vampire 

    • Love 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, bythelake said:

    I had a similar experience. On a quiet day in L&D,I was helping out on the post-partum unit by handing out the birth certificate forms. An 18 yr old mother told me she liked the name Carolina. I agreed that it was a pretty name,  but then she added that she might name the baby after the father. When I asked his name she said Rocky, and she would call the baby Rockalina.

    I ran to the nurses station for reinforcements and several of us went back to her room to try to convince her to name the baby any name other than Rockalina. She said she’d talk it over with her boyfriend when he came to visit.

    Rockalina is about 20 yrs. old now.( I hope she doesn’t read this forum).

    OMG she probably goes by Lina or Rocky.

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