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Everything posted by Meedis

  1. I do like how he's managed to stay under the radar for the most part. I'm annoyed that it's getting harder now to find the new episodes available online. Keep getting teasers on the YT only to find out they're fake links or taken down by WeTV. ETA: WeTV has the eppys on their site. I was able to watch the premiere finally since it requires no login. Hopefully the other ones eventually won't require a login. So interesting to see Towanda is an understudy for Porsha Williams of all folks. Wasn't Towanda rumored to be dating Porsha's ex at one time? Small world.
  2. So cool seeing Mary Cherry (Leslie Grossman) back on TV as well as Marla Gibbs. With that said my favorite part of the episode was the serving of plates debate and how Marla's character shut that debate down with why she made a plate for her husband. So poignant.
  3. I concur that the series could've been shorter than 10 episodes. The whole thing could've been avoided if Jablonski tried to get the kid help instead of listening to his fellow dirty cops. But in a post Ferguson world I could see from the cops point of view how they felt it was better to cover up the crime rather than be caught and not even consider that Brenton could be saved. Mr. Butler totally overplayed their hand to dirty cop Diangelo thinking he'd be charged with being an accessory. No doubt Diangelo played into Jablonski's daddy issues and figured he would take the fall even though he was telling him to 'save himself'. That of course wound up being a good move for Jablonski since unfortunately he merely got a slap on the wrist...and will probably serve much less than a year's time.
  4. I'm just finally catching up on the rest of the season and I was totally freaking out too that Emma would be caught in Romero's crossfires. Thank goodness she had already left.
  5. Toni and Birdman appear to be engaged and other family drama to be explored on the new season of BFV. I'll never get Toni's attraction to him (money maybe...LOL) but whatever....LOL. https://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2018/02/20/Braxton-shows-her-engagement-ring-from-Birdman-in-Family-Values-trailer/9731519128724/
  6. I'm just rewatching Season 1's Angels In Chains and noticed a big blooper. After the Angels get arrested and go through the shower scene, their hair is all drenched up and flattened. The next day they all have their regular permed styles back. I doubt a prison would have their hair product needs....LOL.
  7. I binged watched 5 out of 8 episodes. I have to say I'm loving the reboot and I definitely could identify with AJ in terms of coming out of the closet. My story wasn't quite the same but I could relate to the feelings felt when you're about to reveal a part of yourself to your family (even if they already know which was in my case and I suspect the stepmom knew already too). I also resonated with Karamo and his feelings regarding being pulled over by the cops as a black man (assuming that wasn't all staged). I myself was pulled over last Thanksgiving for going 35 in a 25 and I was all kinds of shaking when the officer came over. It was to the point that he made me get out of the car to search me first and then the car for drugs. At least I got off after he couldn't find anything (though I was flashing back to Angels in Chains where the shady cops planted drugs to make an arrest...crazy I know...LOL). After I explained to the officer my fear of cops due to different events, he let me know that he wasn't one of the bad ones and he shook my hand which actually helped calm me. Whew...that was more than I thought I'd reveal. So anyway if I had to rank the episodes I've seen so far. 1) Episode 4- AJ 2) Episode 1- Tom 3) Episode 3- Nascar Guy 4) Episode 5 - Devout Christian 5) Episode 2 - Sasquatch (I really couldn't get into his case at all though it was nice learning about Indian customs.) I will say while I'm okay with the cast (though Johnathan is wayyy over the top), I think it would be nice to add a less stereotypical gay guy in the mix. A bearish guy would actually be great. Someone along the ranks of an Al Borland from Tool Time. Or perhaps someone like Chris Stout-Hazard (http://www.rogerandchris.com/). Chris would definitely shake things up though I do like Bobby (the guy that Chris would replace if he came on instead).
  8. And to think poor Shiza didn't want the guinea pig and it somehow solved her impending murder. Also how convenient for her car not to start when trying to get away from Mia (I don't recall Mia doctoring the car).
  9. Heh not unheard of though....thinking of the actors on 90210....Stacey Dash during her Clueless days...Bianca Lawson on PLL who was in her mid-30's playing a teen. I guess they could've picked a better older actress who could marginally pass for 15 if they didn't want an actual 15 yo.
  10. Every time I looked at her I was thinking she and Bradley Cooper could totally be brother and sister.
  11. Technically "Alex" is an occasional guest on the show...only she's playing Grace's frenemy Janet. LOL
  12. Yeah I wasn't getting Jeff's moral high ground either. Hopefully in Season 3 Carly will point out to him his character flaws. I loved Season 2 a lot. Highlights for me: - Grace definitely was the highlight with her incessant chatter...she'd annoy me in real life though. - Definitely knew Jenny was up to no good. - I hope those crazy kids David and Marcy can work through their relationship issues even though the relationship itself is borderline creepy despite how charming David comes off. - I knew Kat's baby wasn't going to live. - I knew Traveler 0001 was going to figure out the psychiatrist was compromised since she didn't use the "bugger" phone he requested and he'd be suspicious that she would change her mind about seeing him. It was interesting that Trevor's parents were spared from being kidnapped though I imagine they'd really find it difficult to believe Trevor isn't really their son.
  13. Oh wow....I think the original Nola Darling made an appearance this episode. So cool.
  14. Heh I'm not a fan of the nose ring either. But I like the actress so far and of the three men Greer really played his role over the top enough to get me chuckling. I'm loving the music so far and co-sign on the cohesiveness of the "Between The Sheets" scenes. I thought the server who gave the one girl a "revised" martini may have secretly added a little something extra to it that wouldn't be palatable. His little play of his goatee got me suspicious. But I guess nothing came of it. I rewatched the original on Netflix so I could compare and contrast. It's good they stayed true to most of the original story and look forward to seeing the changes now that it's a series. It'd actually be cool if there were cameos of actors from the original movie especially the original "Nola Darling". I"m in for the rest of the season.
  15. Debra was the one that held out initially from the revival. So that could be playing into her not getting into her character. Her heart may not be in it. Then again it has been 11 years...maybe she's changed her characterization from back then... LOL.
  16. Katelyn Nacon ("Enid") plays one of three angsty teens on a Pretty Little Liars inspired Netflix series called T@GGED.
  17. Heh...the Youtube police already got to the links.....or they have long ads asking you to click to questionable sites. Oh well. :-)
  18. Thanks Maharincess. That should've been my first search.
  19. I hope they eventually release the series on Hulu or Netflix. I don't have CABLE and unfortunately can't watch anything past episode 3. Uggh.
  20. And Reggie of course is oblivious to it all.
  21. It was definitely a stellar episode and yeah Joelle was doing a bang up job of downplaying her feelings for Reggie. It became more apparent in her interactions with Gabe and then Gabe figuring it all out. The rest of the posse were funny as well.
  22. One positive is how Lionel being gay was not a big deal to the other characters like it would've been years back. Nice to see some progress has been made. My partner is an 8th grade school teacher and he too has noted how the gay students aren't being ostracized like we wouldn't been in our time. Yay on progress.
  23. Coco is officially my favorite character of the series. It was nice to see her background story and see how her upbringing shaped who she is today.
  24. So sad that the N-word debate is still happening. Then again there's still a lot that hasn't changed so there will always be debates. Pretty predictable what would happen once the campus popos became involved but what a riveting scene. Kudos to all the actors especially Reggie. I'm really loving this series. I was trying not to binge watch but it's hard not to. I only have two more to go.
  25. Part II of the Get Down has been released on Netflix. Looks to be 5 new episodes.
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